Let's make a

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Let's make a

Let's make a story!

Hi! My name is AmberFox (She/Her) and I have been getting and posting in Cricket for a while. I have been gousting around ChatterBox for a month or so, but this is my first time posting. I love all books, mainly fantasy, like Komi Can't Communicate, Keeper of the Lost Cities, All Rick Riordan, Sisters Grimm, and Hunger Games, Etc, Etc. I love School, exspecialy writing and social studies, and I spend my free time reading, writing, playing piano, and playing soccer. I have 4 siblings, (I have a CB identical twin, KatanaLuna) and want to someday travel the world. 

Okay, enough about me, Let's play a game! The game is where someone starts a story, and everyone adds a paragrah or so to add on to it. There aren't many rules, exept that it has to make sense. You can write it in any style you'd like, and can also add yourself into it! Enjoy! 

(Also, please don't write anything but the story in this post, just so we can preserve the story chain, sorry.)

I'll start.

Once in a country where magic still lived, when dragons and monsters still romed the wild mountains, and explorers and adventurers traveld far and wide to the corner of the earth, there layed a small town nested in a vally, where the sun hit the hills at dusk, and rose at dawn. That particular morning was nothing extraordinary, the sun rose at dawn and crested the vally in sunlight, and evreywhere from the tips of the mountains to the deepest gorge was bathed in the golden light of the breaking dawn. 

submitted by AmberFox, age immortal
(May 20, 2024 - 3:02 pm)


submitted by AmberFox , age Infinity, the fox den
(June 11, 2024 - 5:57 pm)

Suddenly, Narian's eyes rolled back into her head, and she fell limp. Oh no! Nyx thought The after shock of big magic! I should have stopped her. Oh well, it's too late now. Nyx dragged herself and Narian's unconscious body into a nearby stall. "Phoenix?" Nyx turned to see where the voice was coming from. The voice, so familiar. And then she saw it. Him. The person she thought she would never see again. "Mayros." I thought you died. The fire. Dark magic.” Nyx buried her head in her hands. This was too much. 

Mayros smirked, the annoying face that she once hated. Once loved. “You haven't seen your boyfriend in a year, and this is all I get?”  “You were never my boyfriend, you jerk.” Nyx said through gritted teeth. “What happened to you? I….. we thought you, well, died on that night.” Mayros looked away and then, abruptly changing the subject, said. “What happened to Narian?” Nyx rolled her eyes. She knew that he was trying to hide something from her , but she also knew he wouldn’t give secrets away, even if it cost him his life. “Guards.It was probably your magic that alerted them, and now Narain's passed out, I took care of them though.” Mayros chuckled. “ That’s so like Narain. Though what can I say, my magic is powerful. So is yours, Nyx. That’s what the prophecy said. The two most powerful magi of the century. One of dark magic, one of light.” Suddenly his tone grew bitter. “You can see which one I am.” He said, running his finger along a long scar that ran from his ear to his chin. There then was a sudden commotion in the street. Guards. “ We are looking for two magic users, both girls. They can’t hide forever.” One of them said. Nyx recognized him as one of them that she had knocked out, and was pleased to see the bruises that turned his face scarlett. “Run!” shouted Mayros, and Nyx spared no time rushing her and the waking Narain though the city gates, closer to HQ.

submitted by Anonymous
(June 13, 2024 - 12:02 pm)

By midmorning, the sun had risen higher, and Nairan had awoke with it, which was a relief, because it was difficult to make much progress half carrying and half dragging her through the forest.

Mayros had not followed them, but she was too shocked at the news that he wasn't dead she didn't know what to feel about that. And why had he defended her and Nairan, when he knew she was powerful enough to replace him?

Did he still love her, after everything that had happened? 

Behind Nyx, Nairan stood up and brushed several pieces of dirt and moss off of her. "Where are we going?"

"Headquarters," said Nyx.  

"You can't be serious," Nairan said, stopping in front of her. "Didn't I tell you that something terrible is about to happen there?"

"Is it safer to walk an extra two miles to a castle with walls enchanted to keep the guards out, a portcullis, a moat, and other useful things, or stay in the middle of the forest waiting for the guards to find us?"

Nyx stepped around Nairan and kept walking. 

"Let me suggest another option," Nairan said, hurrying next to her. "How about we go find the map I told you about?"  

"Who has it?" Nyx asked. She wondered if it really was a good idea to walk to Headquarters. 


submitted by Lyric, age :D, writing
(June 14, 2024 - 2:31 pm)
submitted by Top
(August 1, 2024 - 6:08 pm)