Let's make a

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Let's make a

Let's make a story!

Hi! My name is AmberFox (She/Her) and I have been getting and posting in Cricket for a while. I have been gousting around ChatterBox for a month or so, but this is my first time posting. I love all books, mainly fantasy, like Komi Can't Communicate, Keeper of the Lost Cities, All Rick Riordan, Sisters Grimm, and Hunger Games, Etc, Etc. I love School, exspecialy writing and social studies, and I spend my free time reading, writing, playing piano, and playing soccer. I have 4 siblings, (I have a CB identical twin, KatanaLuna) and want to someday travel the world. 

Okay, enough about me, Let's play a game! The game is where someone starts a story, and everyone adds a paragrah or so to add on to it. There aren't many rules, exept that it has to make sense. You can write it in any style you'd like, and can also add yourself into it! Enjoy! 

(Also, please don't write anything but the story in this post, just so we can preserve the story chain, sorry.)

I'll start.

Once in a country where magic still lived, when dragons and monsters still romed the wild mountains, and explorers and adventurers traveld far and wide to the corner of the earth, there layed a small town nested in a vally, where the sun hit the hills at dusk, and rose at dawn. That particular morning was nothing extraordinary, the sun rose at dawn and crested the vally in sunlight, and evreywhere from the tips of the mountains to the deepest gorge was bathed in the golden light of the breaking dawn. 

submitted by AmberFox, age immortal
(May 20, 2024 - 3:02 pm)

A small, winding river tumbled over rocks near the town, and the soft, musical sound of water was the only noise in the ethereal scene of dawn. A girl with long dark hair stood nearby silently, watching the world as the first bird of the morning began to sing. 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 22, 2024 - 11:02 am)
submitted by top
(May 23, 2024 - 1:23 pm)

The girl stood there. Watching. Waiting. Fianally, she darted across the street, into the marketplace, carefull not to show the back of her neck. Everyday was like this. She was a wanderer, an orphan, and secretly, a magic user. She touched the back of her neck, where a symbol of moon and an arrow layed, the symbol that had branded her for her entire life. The symbol of magic. Forbidden magic.

submitted by KatanaLuna, age *Infinity*
(May 23, 2024 - 1:51 pm)

She was afraid. She remembered a time that she hadn't been afraid, when the world was still rose-colored to her eyes--

When she hadn't known her magic. Or more specifically, when the world hadn't known her magic.

She still remembered the metallic touch of fingers on the back of her neck, the way those fingers had jerked when they put two and two together and saw who she was. Who they thought she was, at least. The way she'd wrapped her hair around her neck, shoved the fingers away, desperately trying to hide. She'd never felt a need to hide before,.

Except that now it was too late. 


Sorry, is this too long? I think I got carried away.


submitted by Lyric, age :D, Jellyfish
(May 23, 2024 - 7:14 pm)

She ducked around a corner as footsteps echoed through the marketplace and watched as a patrol marched by. If they’d seen her, they would have taken her away with the rest of the forbidden mages. Creeping around the other side, the girl startled as a cheerful shriek rang out behind her.  

submitted by Sempreverde
(May 26, 2024 - 9:03 am)

It"s perfect, Thanks. ;)

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity
(May 26, 2024 - 1:54 pm)

Just a little top, wondering how many people are here? (I think this story has potential to be very gripping and interesting) 


submitted by Top, age :D, Jellyfish
(May 29, 2024 - 4:41 pm)

I’m here! 

(for now) 

submitted by Sempreverde
(May 30, 2024 - 2:06 am)

same, including the for now

Nya says <awipb> Ok...new sentiment over peanut butter. Interesting. How about some jAm with that? 

submitted by Lyric, age :D, writing in Mandarin
(May 30, 2024 - 7:14 pm)

She spun around, instinctively readying for action. Action of whatever sort. But her wariness turned to incredulity as she saw another girl headed toward her, looking happy and with a bouncy step that she couldn't misplace. "...Nairan?" she exclaimed. One of the group of friends she'd had before she'd found her magic, the girls who'd been like sisters to her. "What are you doing here?" She'd never thought she'd see Nairan again. Not after everything that had happened.

submitted by Amethyst, daffodils at sunrise
(May 31, 2024 - 8:05 pm)

"Adventure, of course!" Nairan replied. Her tone became slightly more serious as she added, "We had to flee the Royal guards." The Royal family hated magic because it was powerful, and so they often sent guards after them. 

"I thought you fled to the Blue Woods," she said. "The guards never go there, do they?" 

"Now they do," Nairan responded. In a lighter tone, she said, "So. Have you practiced your magic at all?" 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(May 31, 2024 - 10:50 pm)

"Only the basics." The girl replied. "The guards were hot on my tail, and I think they saw me talking to the birds." Narian laughed. "Pheonix, you have the most powerful magic out of all of us, and yet you barley practice." Pheonix rolled her eyes," It's Nyx, she said, and I have been practiceing, and i'm also just naturally talented." Narian suddenly grew serious, "I just recived news," she said in a grave tone, " It's from the Arcincrew Castle, (The magi's headquaters) I don't the details, but something bad is about to happen." Suddenly, a pair of gaurds appeered. " hey, youre not supposed to be here!" One of them said. Uhh ohh, this looks like trouble!

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 4, 2024 - 7:47 am)

Nyx's hands went cold, and the moon and arrow engraved onto her skin burned with heat, the way it always did when she needed it.

But she couldn't use magic. The whole reason they were in this mess was because Nairan had wanted to talk of magic, and Nyx hadn't wanted to stop her.

Be careful, she told herself.  

"We don't want trouble," she said, stepping forward. "We're not here for that."






submitted by Lyric, age :D, Jellyfish
(June 4, 2024 - 5:48 pm)

The guards seemed to ignore her and said, "Little, girls are you all alone?" When he said that, Narian's eyes turned black and waves of shadows radiated from her hands. "I'm....not....a.....little....girl." she shouted, her voiced laced with unhuman voices, and with that, the gaurds lunged at her. "She's a magic user!" One of them said, " Call for backup!" suddenly, The big gaurd with a  buzz cut, took a blow to Narian's head, and she fell unconces. "Oh no, you just didn't!" Said Nyx, she raised her arms and with the power of a thousand lightning bolts, electricity shot from her hards to the gaurds, stunning them. Then Nyx rused over to Narian, who was just opening her eyes. "Did you....kill them?" She asked sleepily. "No, the effects were temorary, you know I don't kill people."  Seh said. "BUt they'll wake up soon, Lets go." Narain rose to her feet. "Next time I'll try not to lose control." NYx replied, " It's OK, but hopefully there won't be a next time." The two girls held hands and ran.  

submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, thefoxden
(June 5, 2024 - 5:41 pm)

Nyx bent over, panting as the two girls rested in a hidden alleyway. "Is there anywhere that's safe?" she asked tiredly.

Nairan gave a sympathetic glance and replied, "I don't know anymore. Each time we find some safe place, it doesn't last. The guards are everywhere these days. But I might know this one person who has a map to all the safe places left..." 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost in the Taiwan metro
(June 11, 2024 - 10:30 pm)