Make A Friend

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Make A Friend

Make A Friend


I know somebody already did this but I missed the cutoff and decided to make another:



Fave animal:

Fave color:

Fave book:

Fave Movie: 

Where they want to visit:

I'll be casting somewhere around June 1st and making groups 


submitted by Foxyshoko, age 14, Japan
(May 8, 2024 - 6:08 pm)

I think groups of four are a little too big, maybe groups of three?

submitted by WildWolf
(May 30, 2024 - 10:33 pm)

Sure! I just felt like ONLY two people woukd have been AWKWARD. I don't know. This is my first time making one of these. Can I assign myself to a group????

submitted by KatanaLuna/Foxyshoko
(May 31, 2024 - 5:31 am)

Lots of group chats have only two people! And since you entered, Ig yeah you can assign yourself to a group!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(May 31, 2024 - 12:47 pm)

You could try three

submitted by Sempreverde
(June 1, 2024 - 1:02 am)

So yeah, I'lll probably make groups of 3.

If anyone has any specific requests, or they have already been in a group with someone, please let me know.  

submitted by KatanaLuna, age *immortal*
(June 1, 2024 - 6:58 am)

sorry this was so late. i was really busy yesterday.if you have any comments or complaints about your groups, please notify me. i dont know who was with each other previously unless yyou tell me, sorry. groups were chosen because of similar intrests.




Cloud Bunny

Moon Wolf





Cocoa Cat




submitted by KatanaLuna
(June 2, 2024 - 6:53 am)

Hi, thanks for doing this! I just wanted to let you know that I have had a group chat with Amity before. :)

submitted by WildWolf
(June 2, 2024 - 9:49 am)

@GloomyBear and KatanaLuna, I’ll make the chat thread in DtE. Does anyone want a specific name? Otherwise I’ll think of one. 

submitted by Sempreverde
(June 2, 2024 - 1:19 pm)

Thank you for making this! (I've technically been on a chat with Cloud Bunny before, but it's fine!) @parody and @cloud bunny, do you want to make the thread or should I? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(June 2, 2024 - 7:42 pm)

i'm so sorry! you even told me! *face palms* i can change it if you want...although it would be hard. sorry x100000000000000000000000000000000000

submitted by KatanaLuna, age *immortal*
(June 2, 2024 - 2:40 pm)

Its Okay! It would be great if you could change it but it’s fine if that’s too hard :)

submitted by WildWolf
(June 2, 2024 - 7:17 pm)

I was thinking that since WildWolf has already had a chat with Amity, and Moon Wolf with Cloud Bunny, you could switch those two.

submitted by Sempreverde
(June 3, 2024 - 5:24 am)

okay! you gutys can switch if you want! sorry for the bad planning. did you make the group yet, Sempreverde or GloomyBear? where?

submitted by KatanaLuna
(June 3, 2024 - 9:57 am)

I’m going to make the group. In an earlier post, I asked if anyone wanted a specific group name. How do you guys feel about the Supernova Group?

submitted by Sempreverde
(June 3, 2024 - 1:04 pm)

That's cool!

submitted by GloomyBear
(June 3, 2024 - 3:37 pm)