Make A Friend

Chatterbox: In This Month's Issue

Make A Friend

Make A Friend


I know somebody already did this but I missed the cutoff and decided to make another:



Fave animal:

Fave color:

Fave book:

Fave Movie: 

Where they want to visit:

I'll be casting somewhere around June 1st and making groups 


submitted by Foxyshoko, age 14, Japan
(May 8, 2024 - 6:08 pm)

i hope your exams go well!! and oh no you remember me XD i'm kind of nothing like i was. idk if you remember me being a gender but i'm very much nonbinary; i just didn't know queer people existed before i came on here. now i'm obsessed with ballet. I'm watching The Sleeping Beauty right now. Songbird Fairy dance!! Anna Rose O'Sullivan. She's amazing :D and this dance in particular - she really feels like a bird hopping around on the forest floor. i can't choose a favorite, but maybe Cinderella or Swan Lake or Coppelia (which is kind of funny because Swan Lake is a tragedy, Cinderella starts out pretty dark but slowly gets more magical, and Coppelia is just full-on comedic fun). i still really like cats, but possibly my favorite animals are sharks or deep sea animals now. or swans. or rats, because there are so many rats and mice in ballet??? frogs and amphibians in general are very cool. I like salamanders and toads :P ummm yeah. oh and i'm doing a ski lodge so that's pretty cool! (It's on Inkwell, Library of the Stars, but you don't have to check if out. That being said i'll be opening up a few more spots in a bit so if you'd like to do that sort of thing you could check it out, but no pressure of course. there's a lot of other cool ski lodges too) ummm and oh! Kyngdom is being revived! it's really fun so if you want to do some RPing i'd suggest you check it out. other CB news... you can always help with MCUs if you want, since they're mostly collaborations now but i don't remember when that started so you might know that. 

also your picturings on Ultimate Picturings are so pretty! the way you do the coloring is very pretty, and your style is very peaceful (idk if that's the right word).

that's all i can think of but yeah good luck with the exams!

submitted by Bobcat@woolly
(May 22, 2024 - 12:48 pm)

discovering that queer people exist on chatterbox is so real the same thing happened to me lol. ur interest in ballet is so interesting! i know next to nothing about ballet at the moment but now i want to check those out! i love frogs right now too haha frogs are the best!!! 

ur ski lodge sounds so interesting! i will definitely check it out :) i love that mcus are collaborative now thats really cool. i forget who used to do them but it was very much an independent thing, i love that it's shared now.

exams are going pretty well so far, i finished my AP tests and i only have a few finals left. as of today i have my precalc final after this and im a bit terrified but it should be fine.

what uou said about my picturings is so sweet, thank you! it's been fun to get back into art even though right now i am pretty behind on them oops.


submitted by woolly @ bobcat, age 16, somewhere
(May 28, 2024 - 10:54 am)

if you want i could reserve you a spot in the ski lodge :D

if you want to check out ballet I think you can get Royal Opera House Stream for not very much for like 6 weeks, but after that it gets VERY expensive. Sadly that doesn't have the best Nutcracker though *sobs* That one's Marcelino Sambe and Anna Rose O'Sullivan as Nutcracker and Clara and they're amazing. Plus Vadim Muntagirov and Marianela Nuñez as Sugar Plum Fairy and Cavalier!! anyway the Swan Lakes aren't the best musically, though as a ballet they're pretty good (Paris Opera House Nureyev 2006 Swan Lake is the most different possible thing, it's SO DIFFERENT. It feels like a completely different ballet. Honestly I might prefer it overall (Siegfried isn't as good as the ROH 2018 (i think) one, but the music is played better, Odette/Odile is amazing, and the choreography tends to fit the phrasing of the music better) but there's a lot of good stuff in ROH too...). By which I mean the music isn't played as well as it could be. TCHAIKOVSKY DESERVES BETTER. and sometimes it undermimes Vadim Muntagirov's masterful dancing when it's that one, which is awful. There's this whole dance that's so well-done but then the music is just like... you know you can add accents, right violins??? as a violinist and violist i am hurt. usually ROH orchestra is really good. but yes. anyway. If you do want to look into that I might suggest starting with Cinderella (unless you have a strange hatred for Prokofiev or something, because it's very Prokofiev-y). Fumi Kaneko as Fairy Godmother is the best thing ever, and the Jester is amazing, Marianela Nuñez is at her best, Vadim Muntagirov is Vadim Muntagirov, the music is played well, the Stepsisters are the most hilarious things ever, all of it's amazing.

good luck on the exams! i think a lot of people are doing exams right now, it seems really stressful

also I think the CB has gotten much more queer friendly since I joined too (though that could also jsut be that i had no idea what people were talking about when I joined, I didn't even know what gay or lesbian or bi meant or anything). A lot of people here are queer, and people are very accepting in general, and it's amazing

what are your favorite kind of frogs/toads? or amphibians in general. amphibians are really cool. this makes me think of how in Hawai'i they have geckos everywhere and there's so cute and a lot of them are friendly and you can hold them and stuff, but my grandma is terrified of them XD off topic but i wrote it why not keep it in

submitted by Bobcat@woolly, age the stars, (+pumpkin), ~Cinderella~
(May 29, 2024 - 9:16 am)

Um, Ik this sounds weird but areAmberFox, KatanaLuna, June_Bug_830, FoxyShoko, and Isake Matinu all the same person? Or siblings or something? They all just seem very similar and it’s a little hard to believe that they are all on here and they’re all friends? I’m prob just being weird here but yeah I’m confused...

submitted by WildWolf
(May 18, 2024 - 10:20 pm)

You might get a little confused.......

Amberfox and I are twins.

I am Foxyshoko (for personal reasons)

June_Bug_830 and Isake are the same people.

Junebug is my real friend in real life. (I introduced her to chatterbox)

Sorry....a lot of connections. But no, we are not all the same people. Amberfox is only Amberfox. Isake and Junebug are the same people, and I'm also Foxyshoko, but I COULD NOT be more than one person. I struggle being two!!! Also, you will usually only see KatanaLuna. Foxyshoko is for special occcasions only. 

submitted by KatanaLuna, age immortal
(May 19, 2024 - 2:34 pm)

uh...yeah. its not just you lol. im a little confused for sure. @all of you, it's not necessarily against the rules to have multiples names, but its gets really confusing haha.


submitted by @wildwolf, anastasia
(May 19, 2024 - 5:37 pm)

Ya, especially when it's on a make a friend thread bc then u might end up chatting with yourself lol...

Addie says /nbdxo/ you're right Addie it's no big deal I just wanted to let ppl know. 

submitted by WildWolf
(May 27, 2024 - 9:53 am)

I'm so excitedddd

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(May 20, 2024 - 3:40 pm)

I am too! I can group myself, right??? I honestly don't know many people here. I've been here for about a month.

And I posted something back in March, I guess. 

submitted by KatanaLuna, age immortal
(May 21, 2024 - 5:30 am)

Deadline is in 10 days!

submitted by Foxyshoko
(May 22, 2024 - 10:31 am)

I’ve changed my mind. For favorite movie, I like Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

Evergreen says +evbok+ 

submitted by Sempreverde
(May 22, 2024 - 11:41 pm)
submitted by SempreTOP
(May 27, 2024 - 12:21 am)

all this hayao mizaki is making me crave the movies......

even though i'm a devoted booktrovert (sort of like an introvert, prefers the company of books to MOST people who are not undoutably close to them) 

submitted by KatanaLuna
(May 29, 2024 - 3:30 pm)

Is it OK with everyone to have groups of 4???? 

Ask me for specific requests for groups.


CAPTCHA says urrkk urk??? 

submitted by KatanaLuna/Foxyshoko
(May 29, 2024 - 3:40 pm)

Groups of 4 might be a little big, but I personally have no problem with it. Groups of 3 are fine as well.

submitted by Sempreverde
(May 30, 2024 - 2:05 am)