The Hunger Games

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games Movie

They released a teaser trailer on the MTV VMAs on Sunday night and it was... short. Gah! They only show Katniss and there's a voice-over of Gale who I thought at first was Peeta but then I read shtuff and found out it was actually Gale...

Anynozzle, they also have Rue's four-note whistle at the end and it. Sounds. Awesome. I know that seems like a lot to say for only four notes, but still. I'm so excited! And I really want to see Katniss chariot-costume (from both Games), her jeweled interview dress, her wedding dress, Effie, Cinna, Gale, Peeta, and all the Capitol people. Oh, and the Hob, District 12, the Capitol itself and the Arena! You guys?

submitted by Olive
(August 30, 2011 - 6:57 pm)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that that's the one. I was crying *sniffs*. I am now in an official state of depression until I find something exciting. (Like a Percy Jackson RP, another Percy Jackson RP, a dragon RP, and a RR. HMmm... I've already found all of that)

But I'm still depressed after watching that video. *Sighs*

submitted by SC, age 13, crying
(September 7, 2011 - 7:38 pm)

@SC: Thanks! I hope the actors are good.


My sister was playing a pretend game with me the other day, and she said something about a gift in a parachute dropping from the air. I doubt she had any idea that this would make me cry as hard as it did. :'(

submitted by Alexandra, age 12-18, Panem
(September 6, 2011 - 7:16 pm)

Well I found most of the cast on IMDb.

I really do not think they did a good job an casting whatsoever. Why did they pick a singer to play Cinna? And he doesn't look anything like he was described. I think the only person who looks like their character is the person who plays Glimmer.

Is the person who plays Katniss wearing a wig for the movie? 

submitted by Lizzy, age 14, Texas
(September 6, 2011 - 5:52 pm)

@Lizzy: Katniss dyed her hair dark brown and Peeta dyed his hair dirty blond (because he'd look weird with platinum blond).

Lenny Kravitz- Cinna- was in the movie Precious and apparently played one of those shoulder-to-cry-on people (like Cinna) very well. And Cinna wasn't really described much in the book except for close-cropped brown hair and gold eyeliner I think. :) 

submitted by Olive
(September 7, 2011 - 2:38 pm)

Well I wish she had dyed it a lot darker because it looks red brown to me. And I wish someone smaller could have played Katniss. I always imagined her as being no more then 5'2" at the most, and her being small is a major part of her character and it's referred to so much. I know, that is a lot of complaints, but if you are going to make a movie it seems like you should try your best to make the characters seem real.

submitted by Lizzy, age 14, Texas
(September 7, 2011 - 9:13 pm)

I'M 5'2"! And I have black hair! And am pretty skinny! I CAN BE KATNISS!

I kid, I kid. I couldn't act to save my life... 

Anyways, the general amount of good actors who auditioned that are small, are fourteen-ish. And even though Katniss is sixteen, her personality's more twenty-ish. So... yeah. And the person who plays Katniss got an Oscar nomination fyi, in case you're worried about acting abilities. Yeah... :)

submitted by Olive
(September 8, 2011 - 3:01 pm)

I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! I absolutely loooove the Hunger Games!!!!!! Has anyone read Catching Fire and Mockinjay? They're both REALLY GOOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooo super excited for the movie!!!!!!!

submitted by ZB ☮
(September 10, 2011 - 11:02 pm)

Yeah, the boy who's playing Cato was in Race to Witch Mountain, and he was really good in that, so I'm not worried about that. Looks wise, he looks more like a Cato than a Peeta. Though I can tottaaaally wait for the part at the end when it's just the three of them left. I hope that they don't make it too gross. I get queesy at the sight of blood.


The trailer was pretty good, I thought that the voice was Peeta's, then I realized that it was Gale's from the Justice Building. The portrayed the arena pretty good, it looks pretty well made.


Oh, and another thing, a really good site to look up the movie is imdb. It's a com website, btw.  There, you can find the trailer, pictures, who's playing what and a history of the other things that they've been in.

submitted by ZB ☮
(September 11, 2011 - 10:31 am)

re: End scene with three: OMGSH I REALLY WANT TO SEE THAT SCENE IN ALL IT'S GROSSYNESS! ...but the movie's rated PG-13 so it probably won't be too gross. It might not even be gross at all. :)

And re: Catching Fire and Mockingjay: I READ THEM! I've read the whole series three times. *sigh* THG isn't really the type of series you can reread instantly, like Harry Potter. But whatever!

re: Arena: Yeah, the arena looked pretty coolio, so I'm pretty excited to see the Capitol! (and Caesar Flickerman. Did I mention him already? :P) Oh! And I've seen some pictures of District 12. It looks pretty good, but a lot different from my head!canon. 

submitted by Olive
(September 12, 2011 - 8:17 pm)