Writing+Art Contest!   

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Writing+Art Contest!   

Writing+Art Contest!       

Credit to Rose bud for the original idea (felt the need to do that)

I was digging through Pudding's Place when I found Rose bud's "Writing/Art Contest!" and thought it was a really good idea! So, I'm gonna make one.

http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/puddingsplace/node/263703?page=... (Link to the original contest)

Here's how it works:

1. sign up as either an artist or an author.

2. on the 10th (or possibly sooner, whatever) I will assign each CBer a partner. There will be one author and one artist in each group.

3. There will be groups of two rounds. The groups will be judged on both partners' abilities. In the first semi-round, the author will post a short story. (Try to keep the stories under 1000 words) Then, the artist will draw a picture from the story. For the second semi-round, the partners will switch, with the artist posting a picture first, and the author writing a story for the picture.


You can request other CBers as your partner.

We won't start until we have perfect two-person teams.

I will periodically post lists of all the authors, artists, and requested teams that we have. 

Well, that's it! I'll post anything I've forgotten later, and make sure to ask me if you have any questions. 

submitted by Wreeboo, age Immortal, Castle Araluen
(March 6, 2021 - 10:49 pm)

okay yes i did write about magic winged people.


also there's not enough of the storyline as i'd like, because i might've gone over the 1000 word limit? i was at 2000 words before i realized how much i had and started editing,,

i think this is okay! if you want a description of how i picture kaya and qynn, let me know :D

(kaya is pronounced kay-AH and qynn is pronounced like quinn btw)

is 960 words too much...? i think that's the least i can do lol

im just going to post it now...

Wings Of Hope (by dreamiing the sleep-deprived child) 

I’m dumped in a sad little pile in the main courtyard.

How disappointing.

Why can't I just prank people without getting in trouble? I think, opening my eyes to see the fake sky above me, the faded paint chipping away in places and showing the dark gray stone underneath. 

I roll over, stretching out my crumpled wings, and sigh.

We live encased in rock, afraid to show our faces;

Not a world I'd like to stay in, it's time to make some changes…

I smile as the voice falters and then stops as Qynn notices me.

"New song?" I ask, still lying on my back.

"Y-Yeah..." Qynn rustles around, and I assume they're putting away their song notebooks.

"Don't be shy, Qynn, you know I love your music." I say, sitting up. Qynn is over on the opposite of the yard, and their dark auburn hair covering their face and not letting me see their adorable, freckle-dotted face. 

Wait, no. I didn't think that. THAT'S NOT ALLOWED, KAYA.

I suck in a deep breath and let it out quietly as Qynn finishes packing up their stuff and comes over. 

"Are y-you okay?" Qynn asks, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah! Totally! Wanna go flying?" I say, knowing that will distract them. 

"Kaya... St-Stop avoiding m-my question." Qynn demands.

I love it when Qynn is mad at me. Their face gets all scrunched up and their freckles are so cute-



I shake my head to clear it and force a lilting grin onto my face, turning towards Qynn.

"Yeees, Qynnie?" I tease. They scowl at the nickname and yank me up.

“Do you want to go flying?” I repeat.

"Y-Yes, but o-only if you tell me what's w-wrong." Qynn says, the scowl easing off and showing hints of their brilliant, freckled smile that fills all of my thoughts...

STOP, I tell myself, gritting my teeth so hard they make a grinding noise.

"Oh n-no, Kaya, d-did I ma-make you mad? I-I'm s-sorry..." Qynn looks down and their dark green eyes shimmer with unshed tears. I chide myself for being so silly and hurridly pull them around to face me, my hand on their shoulders and my fingers almost touching their pale, peach-colored wings. 

"It wasn't you Qynn, I just got taken to the Great Leader's chamber again, and maybe I kinda sorta was being rude to him? Like, not much at all, but-"


"I know, Qynn, it's just that maybe I thought... Someone needs to put him in his place, right? Take down all the awful rules like... the one about..." I trail off and push back the pink that’s clamoring for space on my cheeks.

"About what?" Qynn prompts, but I don't give them an answer.

"Let's go, okay? I'm tired of these too-close stone ceilings," I say, allowing a bit of my contained anger to enter my voice, letting Qynn know to drop the discussion.

"O-Okay, we can go." Qynn starts to walk and I fall in step alongside them, letting my wings push me further with every step so that we're going faster than normal, and it's only a matter of time before Qynn stops in front of a tiny air vent and lets me do my thing.

My thing, by the way, involves a lot of hand waving and white glowy stuff that completely surrounds the grate, making it swell in size and then pop off the wall, letting Qynn and I slip through, out into the wide-open world where everything is SO MUCH BRIGHTER and A WHOLE LOT BETTER than the cramped stone tunnels.

"Okay, so... Cloud layer?" I ask. Qynn nods and unfurls their wings fully, the long, thin feathers ranging in shades of the lightest peach around the middles to the deep maroon on the inside curve, and a splash of orange-white feathers on the outside rim, catching the light and making my eyes latch on and never ever ever let go. 

Qynn is hovering now, and their hand lowers for me, so I tear my reluctant eyes away from Qynn's beautiful wings and open my own.

As always, Qynn gasps when they see the galaxy of sunset-streaked feathers, whorls of color forming serene clouds that seem trapped inside my wings. 

My wings are so weird because of my magic, which happens to be the magic of the evening sun. I don't even know how I can control it, or why I even got it- when there's like, literally nobody else in the entire world that shares my power.

Qynn's hand is warm in mine, and we spin slowly as we rise up, up, the only sound a faint whooshing as our wings beat the air and my super loud heartbeat. I swear it's so loud that HALF THE FREAKING CONTINENT can hear it.

Qynn lets go of my hand (sadly) and I push back with my wings, finding a familiar wind current and using it to propel myself through the air. 

Old, fear-soaked worries creep into my mind, but I beat them back, because right now I will NOT think about the bad things, instead just have fun flying with Qynn.

With beautiful, perfect, amazing Qynn.

And I don't even let my mental voice try and argue with those thoughts. 

Qynn smiles and I know that one day, even if we're down there in the winding warren of tunnels that I reluctantly call home, I will tell them. I will.

Just like one day I'll stand up and change things- preferably with Qynn by my side- and my people can be truly happy.

All it will take is time.

And I'm willing to wait.


yeah thats it xD

im SUPER excited to see your drawing!! 

submitted by dreamiing@quill, lost
(March 11, 2021 - 5:13 pm)

I LOVE THIS, it's so cute!! Your writing captures so much emotion, I was immediately hooked and invested in the characters. If you want to tell me how you picture them that would be great! I'm so excited to draw them.

submitted by Quill@dreamiing
(March 12, 2021 - 2:50 pm)

Thank you! 

Kaya in my mind has vibrant, shoulder-length brown hair streaked with ashy blonde and dull ginger, hot chocolate- colored skin (darker than tan but not too dark), and she's tall with cobalt eyes and a thin scar wrapping around her right wrist. She's probably wearing tight gray pants with tons of hidden pockets, a long-sleeved tunic in a shade of red, and laced-up sandals made with thick leather straps. Her wings are shaped like eagle wings and swirled with sunset colors. (the rest of the desc. is in the story)

Qynn, to me, has very pale skin and dark auburn hair cut in a jagged style, stopping just around their chin. Androgynsous build, average height, soft jade-green eyes and a ton of freckles. They're most likely wearing a flowy yellow tank top that shows off their tanned shoulders and short gray leggings that end around their knees. Barefoot and their wings are peach (read story for the rest of the desc.)

You can change anything you want about these appearances because that's just how I picture them. I'm so excited to see your drawing uwu

submitted by dreamiing@quill, lost
(March 13, 2021 - 12:25 pm)

Hi! You got any ideas for what to write about? I'll go ahead and say (this doesn't need to affect your writing, but just a note) I'm best at drawing foxes, trees, and nature things. In other words, not really many man-made things that would be in a house, and I'm not great at humans, at least I think, but I've never really tried some of those things so you can write about whatever you feel like!

submitted by Fallen Leaf@Moondrop
(March 11, 2021 - 6:09 pm)


When the Rain Comes

“Class? Class!” The teacher tried and failed to get the class’s attention. The children were all whispering to each other in frenzied excitement. It was going to rain! For the first time in a decade! Some of the children had been alive last time it rained, but none of them remembered it. The age of the children in this class ranged from eight to twelve. Only two children had been born the year that the last rain had come, and one of them was Odessa. Odessa was a rose in a field of poppies. Her hair color and eye color had never changed and her best subject was history, a subject that none of the other children in her class liked or knew anything about. 

“Odessa!”someone whispered behind her. Odessa  turned around. Her best friend, Winifred Meyers, was smiling at her. Odessa shuddered at the sight of Winnie’s shining black eyes.  The scientists were going insane because they knew something was going on, but they didn't know what. When a child was around the age of six or seven, their hair started to turn murky brown and then they would get sick and their eyes would sting and they would moan and then when it all stopped, their eyes would be completely black. Odessa remembered with guilt that when it had happened to Winnie, she had completely ignored her. 

 “Yeah?” Odessa whispered back to the almost nine year old. 

 “I’m so excited, aren't you?”

“Of course I am! What d’ya wanna do when it does rain?”

“I dunno, swim? Play soccer?”

“Class!” the teacher shouted. All of the children became silent and looked up at her. 

“When class is over, you may talk and whisper excitedly all you like, but we still have twenty minutes and I don't want to keep you over. Now, as you all know, we won't be having school for the next week, and for the three months that follow we will be having half days.”

No one but Lucy Daniels was listening. They were either staring at the clock, counting down the seconds, the minutes until class was over or staring out of the glass at which the school bubble had been made. All of the buildings were built with glass. Inside of any building, walls and doors were made of whatever the owners wanted it to be made of.  All of the main buildings, like the school, the hospital, the shop that sold everything, and the entrance to the underground. There were two parts to the underground. There was the prison and then there was the Cool and Calm down space  where every person had to go every day.  The Cool and Calm down space (capitalize)?) was basically the catacombs of  the city. To get cool, you had to put on a special coat that covered your entire body. This was essential. If one part of your body was exposed, you could die. Once you were sure that you were covered head to toe in the coat, you had to lie down on a bench. The bench looked as if it were made of stone, but was extremely soft and comfortable. Then you press a button and a flap in the ceiling will open and cool water sprinkles down on you. This is dangerous because to make the water cool the scientists have to put chemicals into it. Many of the scientists' lives were lost while trying to make life work in the hot temperatures. Whenever you went for a Cool and Calm down session you would have a moment of silence for them.

All of a sudden a student began to shout. “Is it happening? Is it?” Everyone turned their attention to the window while the teacher sighed as the room became a loud house again. 

“It’s raining! It’s raining!” the children shouted. They tumbled over each other toward the door, which was bolted shut. They sent the smallest child, a skinny eight year old named Michael to get the key from the teacher. She refused to give him the key and stalked over to the door. The children became silent and watched, their black eyes getting wider and wider as they watched her unlock all of the bolts one by one and swing open the door. The minute the door opened the children cried out in delight and ran out into the fields. Winnifred came up to Odessa, a wide smile on her face, and they spun her around and around. Odessa couldn't help to give a shout of laughter. Smiling, she looked at her friend's face and what she saw frightened her. Winnie whimpered and let go of Odessa’s hands and sank to the floor, her hands on her eyes.

“Ow!” she murmured.

“Winnie!” Odessa ran to her friend. “What's the matter?”

She glanced around and saw that all the other children were acting the same way. When Winnie looked up her eyes were blue and her hair was brown. The same thing was happening to the other children. She gasped. Could it be that the rain activated the colors of her eyes and hair? 


That night, Odessa lay in bed listening to the rain patter on the glass. She couldn’t sleep. All she could think about was that the children who had never been exposed to rain had eyes and hair that changed when they were younger. But Odessa was confused. She had been born in the same year that the rain had last fallen, but she had been born months after it had stopped raining. She had never been exposed to rain. How come she had the same color of eyes and hair that she had been born with. There was one explanation, and when she realized it, she gasped. She was from the past!

submitted by Cranberry, age 13, Pantala
(March 11, 2021 - 8:32 pm)

Ok, here's the sketch for the illustration. Anything I should change?

submitted by Win@Cranberry, age Classified, Midtown
(March 12, 2021 - 1:57 pm)

I love it! I dont think you need to change anything!

submitted by Cranberry, age 13, Pantala
(March 12, 2021 - 5:34 pm)

Clarification: this isn’t finished, it’s just the sketch for planning purposes

submitted by Agent Winter , age Classified, Enceladus
(March 12, 2021 - 6:18 pm)

Oh, I'm well aware. Its quite good. though. I'm excited to see the final version!

submitted by Cranberry@Win, age 13, Pantala
(March 13, 2021 - 10:29 am)

Is this all right?

submitted by Win@Cranberry, age Classified, EDZ
(March 14, 2021 - 3:19 pm)

I LOVE THIS SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its more than alright, Agent Winter! Its fantastic! 

submitted by Cranberry@Win
(March 28, 2021 - 2:48 pm)

Awesome! Glad you like it!

submitted by Win@Cranberry , age Classified, Enceladus
(March 28, 2021 - 4:00 pm)

Hi, Sage Wolf! There are a few things I could submit- there's the short story for Camp Juniper that I'm almost finished with (the prompt was to write about a swim meet and mine turned into more of a sad dead girl story) and the one I will soon start writing for Leo's writing contest on Inkwell, where the theme is music. I could also just write something completely different! Whichever one you'd prefer me to submit is fine. I'm excited to be your partner! :)

submitted by LS@Sage Wolf
(March 11, 2021 - 10:57 pm)

Wow, these are all really good options! I think the sad dead girl/swim meet one sounds really interesting - maybe that one if you haven't already started another?

submitted by @Luna-Starr, it’s TSW again
(March 13, 2021 - 7:39 am)

Are you still doing this?  I'm rather stumped for story ideas and it would be great if you could toss out some to see if they catch my imagination.

submitted by @Ferocious Dragon?, - Peregrine
(March 12, 2021 - 10:17 am)