Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

A Ski Lodge

You flop down onto your bed, exhausted from another long day of school. Is it really necessary for your teacher to assign you to write three essays this week? You have other stuff going on. Life. And you can’t afford to fail this class. Your academic success is hanging on a precipice, and one nudge will send it falling into an abyss so deep that it will never be found if it is lost.

The computer is open in front of you, the white, electronic pages of your word processor beckoning to you. You sit down at your desk.

And then you stand up again and go to the kitchen for a glass of water. You can’t work with a dry mouth. Then, once the water is drained, you grab an apple. It’s slightly withered, but you slice it and slowly eat. You glance over toward the counter where a digital clock squats, its red numbers blinking threateningly. 9:48. If your parents knew you were up this late on a school night, eating old apples, with three essays to write, they would go completely out of their minds.

But your parents aren’t here to boss you around at the moment, so who cares what they’d say? It’s not as if the essays were due tomorrow. At least, not all of them are. Just one.

The apple is gone, and you can no longer think of any stalling techniques. You are fighting a losing battle against yourself. It’s past ten at night, you have school tomorrow, and your teacher is expecting a nice, long essay from everyone’s favorite student.

You walk slowly back to your room and sit down at your desk. You type a few words, yawn, type a few more, open up a web browser, surf Wikipedia for a couple of minutes, yawn again. So far you have only twelve words.

You open up the CB. It’s late, you know, and no one will have posted a thing since you checked last, but maybe you can read an old ski lodge or two.

You click on Pudding’s Place, intending to look for Lake Lelilo or something, when a new thread catches your eye. A Ski Lodge, it says, in those red letters you know so well. You click on the link, and start to read.

“You flop down onto your bed, exhausted from another long day of school. Is it really necessary for your teacher to assign you to write three essays this week?”


You keep reading, watching your own movements of that night laid before you in second person, right up to this very moment.


I’ve got your attention now.

My dear CBer,

You are having trouble at school. You have unwritten essays, and you don’t know what to write.

That’s okay.

We are offering you the chance of a lifetime, the chance to fix everything. Come to Camp Juniper, where you have the chance to be freed from the bonds of school. You will no longer have to study late into the night in order to pass a test. You will no longer have to struggle for hours on end in order to write a good essay. In short, we are giving you a Get Out of Jail Free card. And, if you choose not to accept this card, you will be given a free college scholarship.

There will be competitions throughout the days of camp. Each camper will have the chance to earn juniper branches. Anyone who is able to weave their branches into a wreath by the end of the camp session will earn this freedom.

Sounds nice?

We thought so.

All you have to do is fill out this form. And be prepared to die.


CBer, AE, CAPTCHA, or CAPTCHAE? (Note: CAPTCHAs, and CAPTCHAEs are not allowed):



Companion(s) (up to 2 companions per person) (please fill out a sheet for them as well) (AEs only):


Personality in five words. (Any more or less and you will no longer have the privilege to eat popcorn):



Brains or Brawn?:

Envy or Empathy?: 

Reverie or Realism?:

Luggage, in order from most to least important:

Choose a number:

Choose a color:


We are excited to see you. And yes, we WILL see you.

Your obedient servants,

L. Reine & B. Ambrose

P.S. The popcorn is free, as well.

P.P.S. Please be prepared to participate fully, whatever this may mean.

P.P.P.S. Obviously, this is a ski lodge.

You read over the letter again. Is it worth it? You could die. . . but people always come back to life after a ski lodge. You could be a murderer. . . but who cares about that? It’s just a story. And how hard could it be to weave a few branches into a wreath?

Yes, you decide.

It’s definitely worth it.

And so, you fill out the form.

And then, you press submit.

submitted by Liberté and Basil, Camp Juniper
(October 31, 2020 - 8:09 pm)
submitted by New Part Out!
(February 16, 2021 - 11:16 am)
submitted by New Part Out! (top)
(February 17, 2021 - 10:30 am)

Hi y'all, I'm so sorry for not participating in the questions after each new part is posted, I'm like 99% gona from the CB. I'll still make sure to add my responses to the questions that Liberte & Basil send out after each part, but besides that I'm on hiatus.

@Liberte & Basil - Sorry for not responding to the questions, I've been gone for awhile. 

submitted by AutumnArtist(A.A), age 16
(February 17, 2021 - 1:52 pm)

That was literally one of the most accurate representations of me I've ever read on the website.

Good job, now behold, my entry, a homemade statue of a cow eating grass. 

submitted by Freak, age Immortal, The Circus
(February 17, 2021 - 4:19 pm)

...Where's the grass?

submitted by Sammy Everlast, age Immortal, The Everlasting Mansion
(February 18, 2021 - 12:14 pm)

The cow ate it.

submitted by Freak, age Immortal, The Circus
(February 18, 2021 - 4:05 pm)

Where's the cow?

("ovyus"... What's obvious?) 

submitted by Sammy Everlast, age Immortal, The Everlasting Mansion
(February 19, 2021 - 7:14 am)

Well, it's obvious that a hungry cow wouldn't hang around a place with no food,  S a m a n t h a .

submitted by Freak, age Immortal, The Circus
(February 19, 2021 - 8:23 pm)

...T o u c h é .

submitted by Sammy E, age Immortal, The Everlasting Mansion
(February 20, 2021 - 7:07 am)

Yesssss a new part! Amazing job, per usual!

Also, great job on potraying Freak! That's basically him doing... anything. XD

Poor Zacheroni's still trying to get a signal- I love how his role in this Ski Lodge is 'helicopter brother'-

I might submit a craft later... Thanks for this amazing story! It's become a great highlight of my Wednesday!

submitted by Sammy Everlast, age Immortal, The Everlasting Mansion
(February 17, 2021 - 4:44 pm)

Awesome! I'm really curious. No idea what's going on with all the songs, but I can't wait to find out!

Here's my entry! It's an origami crane. I would have made a bracelet, but alas, that would take too long.

Autumn says <dtraw.> Maybe she's right; I could've drawn something. 

submitted by Summer, age tau, Nowhere at all
(February 18, 2021 - 7:09 pm)
submitted by TOP, don't let this die!
(February 24, 2021 - 3:36 pm)

Thank you, dear TOP, for topping this thread. We have no intentions of letting this die. :)

submitted by Basil, Camp Juniper
(February 25, 2021 - 11:29 am)
Author's Note: I'm sorry this is a day late, I am very airheaded and like to procrastinate on things that I'm supposed to get done. Also, my internet decided to be annoying today because of some wind, so that's why I'm posting so late. Enjoy :D.
Day Four —Evening 
“Liberrrrrrrrrrrrrté. Wake up now, everything is okay.” I coax, shivering in my shirt.
We’ve been sitting here for about half an hour now, trying to wake her up. After I blacked, the campers ran back to get Snow and the other campers, and like she’s always wanted to do, she brought two pails of ice cold water to dump on us. I woke up instantly, cold to the bone. Snow hesitated on dumping the water on her aunt, so she left the last pail waiting, and instead we’re trying other methods. But I can’t just stand here anymore. 
“Just do it,” I say, nudging Snow’s shoulder. “If she’s mad, it’s my fault. But I’m cold. And we still have Felix’s funeral to attend.”
“About the funeral…” She starts. “We don’t have any more inventory for funerals. So… we have to figure something out for that poor boy.”
“Liberté and I will worry about that later. Just wake her up, please.”
“Okay, okay.”
Snow grabs the pail and hauls it over to where Liberté lays, her limbs twitching in fear, her eyelids fluttering. With struggle, she lifts the pail into her arms and lets the ice water spill over onto Liberté’s body, shocking her awake in a blubbery mess. She sits up and looks around wildly, confused at everything. 
“Where am I? Is someone dead? Am I dead? Why am I cold? Who are you? Why are you here?” Liberté rapid-fires, her eyes as wide as deer in headlights. Her face relaxes suddenly, and she eases back down into the damp grass. “Never mind. I figured it out.”
“Good for you. Also, we’re off schedule, so if you’d like to hurry, it will be in your favor.”
She jumps up with a single shiver and marches away at a pace so fast that she disappears out of the clearing and into the trees within a blink. I’m about to follow her when I’m distracted by someone clearing their throat.
“Hm? Who did that?”
“Are you just going to leave us here? Staring at Inari’s dead body?” Sterling asks.
“Oh, no, sorry. Um. Does anyone want to carry him?”
Silence. A bit of shuffling. Some stare at their shoes. Someone steps up. Nightfall.
“I’ll do it.” They say, their face stone cold. 
“Okay. Maybe take the stick out, though. It’ll be easier.”
I look away as Nightfall removes the weirdly smooth stick from Inari’s chest and discards it, and picks his limp body off the ground before gesturing for everyone to follow me out of the forest. 
“MY STICK. OH MY BLOODY STICK, THAT’S MY STICK. AHHHHH-” Luna-Starr shouts at levels that would seem like only a dog could hear. 
“Oh, Luna. Do you really want a stick covered in blood?” Ari says, fake kindness thick in her voice. 
“If she doesn’t take it, I want it.” Freak shouts.
“No one gets the stick. It will stay here. Luna, I’ll make you a new stick or I’ll buy you sand paper or whatever. But can we go? Please? Now?”
I don’t even wait for an answer from them before walking off towards the camp, hoping Snow can round them up and have them follow. All that’s on my mind is that I need to get out of these ice-soaked clothes. And so I make that priority.
The murderer glances over at Nightfall, carrying Inari’s limp body and shudder, which is obviously fake. They’re just following the actions of the others, to seem like they care. But the other idiotic campers won’t notice. So they’re safe. At least that’s what they think. 

Throwing Sammy off track was a wonderful idea, The murderer thinks to themselves. But there is someone else. Watching me. Giving pathetic attempts at saving the campers. 

They don’t know who this person is, or what their motives are. All they know is that person has to be dead. And they won’t stop killing until they can get rid of that person. 

A wave washes over the murderer. They begin to question themselves. What is it? Guilt? Sadness? Why did they kill Hot Coco? Why did they kill Masquerade, Felix, and Inari? Why do they want people to die? A small hum of music begins in their ears, taking control of their head. 

The murderer knows who is next. They begin to plan.
Nightfall keeps their face as bland as bread and butter. It’s all a façade, though. They want to scream. They want to shout. They want to rage. But no. Inari is— was their friend. Nightfall will stay calm for him.
It’s not so easy. 
Thoughts race through their head. Many of them with mal intents. I’ll kill the person who did this. No. Too brutal. I’ll go back in time and stop their existence. Not possible. And even if it was, they don’t even know who the murderer is. I’ll stay silent for the rest of camp. This was a better idea, but not very possible. After all, they were only four days into camp, though, it did not feel like only four days. It felt like weeks, maybe even months. Next option. 
There was no other option.
Nightfall decided they would carry on as usual. Inari would want that… right? What he doesn’t know won’t kill him, he’s already dead. This was the plan. They wouldn’t be fragile. Strong. Strong as an ox. It was the year of the ox. How perfect. 
Liberté and I stand at the front of the multi-purpose room, watching the campers leave. Yes, we just had a funeral for Felix, a poor AE who had gone too soon, but he wasn’t who was on my mind. The only thing I was thinking about was the horrific sight of Inari, his eyes rolled back into his head. 
“Snow told me that we don’t have any more resources for funerals. How sad.” Liberté says, breaking me out of my trance. 
“Right. But what should we do about it? We should at least give everyone one last hurrah before their burnt flesh is scattered into this dimension. I don’t want to be cruel.”
“What if we just… left them and then… every five days or so we just have an outdoor funeral with Miss Palenia Piper cooking something. That wouldn’t need any resources and we’d still be able to have the joy of sadness!”
“Sure. Why not. I mean, it’s something. We should tell the campers tomorrow, though. Let them spend the rest of the day off. They deserve it.”
“Of course.”
And with that, Liberté walks out of the room, leaving me with Felix’s empty urn, my thoughts, and the song Feels Like Summer by Childish Gambino ringing in my head.
Congratulations, Summer! Though I didn't explicity mention it, you have won the craft contest. Yay! *throws environmentally friendly confetti*
Dead: 4 (Hot Coco, Ydris "Masquerade" Dìomhaireachd, Felix, and Inari. May they rest in peace in the glory of Camp Juniper)
Alive: 16 
Suspects: dreamii, Kitty Cat, Sterling, and Icarus
Enemies of Snow: Zachary and dreamii.
Juniper Leader: Sammy and Summer (tied with two juniper branches)  
submitted by Basil, Camp Juniper
(February 24, 2021 - 8:15 pm)

I had better get a new stick. I know what's important around here. Stick is priority #1.

You balance plot and humar beautifully! Liberté is wonderful as always. The mysterious frizzy-haired person better watch out... I'm believing that the murderer is on their trail.

submitted by Luna-Starr, age 27 eons, Existential Ponderment
(February 25, 2021 - 9:10 pm)