Thunderstruck right outsi

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Thunderstruck right outsi

Thunderstruck right outside your window and you let out a gasp as you were dragged from your dreams. The rain was pounding on your window, and lighting lit up your room in quick, silver flashes. You reached over and grabbed your water from your bedside...only to find that it was empty. You licked your lips, debating, is it worth it to leave your warm bed for some water? Of course it was.
You padded through the house, your bare feet freezing on the tiled floor of the kitchen. The house was shaking from the force of the wind, picture frames shaking on the wall. Maybe you should seek some safety in the basement? No matter, the storm was already subsiding as you brought your glass to your lips. Cool, freshwater slid down your throat chilling you from the inside out.
And then something happened you’d never suspected. Your doorbell rang, in the middle of the night. During a crazy storm. Sleeping was no longer an option, so you walked to your front door and opened it. Sitting on the doorstep was a package. Curious, you took the package inside.
Sitting in your favorite reading chair, with a pair of scissors in your hand, you opened the package up. Inside, sitting on a pile of clothes, was a message. 
Dear Detective,
I am aware that you are retired, but I am hoping that your old outfit will bring you some interest in this case. My opal brooch has been stolen tonight and I hope that you can help figure out who did it. You will be pleased, or upset, to know that you will be having help in this case, as I have messaged the top seven detectives in the world. I know how much you detectives like your "Watsons", so you are able to bring with you ONE AE each. I will offer you a temporary home in my mansion, the Moonless Hunt. Please come soon.

   Sincerely yours, Madame Suspectum.
You held up your old outfit and grinned, a case was afoot. You had a feeling that this “Madame Suspectum” had more secrets hidden in her home than a stolen opal.
Yes, this is a ski lodge. I hope that you will agree to help Madame Suspectum with finding her brooch. Please bring only one of your AEs, the mansion only has room for 7 CBers and one companion for each of them. To ensure that your stay is as comfortable as it can be, please fill out this information sheet.
Gender (male/female): 
Packing List:
Your interests/ hobbies (at least 10 interesting things please!): 
High or low?
(Have your AEs fill out this sheet as well, but they should be asked if they prefer pie or cake to throw. Thank you, the Secretary)
Tomorrow you should look for a horse drawn carriage, this will take you to Moonless Hunt. 
Once again, thank you,
The Secretary
Any deaths, frights, scares, or loss of personal property is not Madame Suspectum's fault... or mine.
The Secretary  
submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(April 17, 2020 - 1:24 pm)

Oh, dynasty... That was very kind of you, you're sacrifice will always be remembered.

submitted by Majestic Mary, The secret passage
(July 7, 2020 - 9:19 pm)

NO! Don't let this thread die!

submitted by HunterTop, age TopTime, Down the Toppy Hole
(July 10, 2020 - 9:10 am)

Just casually topping this thread...

submitted by MajesTOP Mary
(July 10, 2020 - 3:03 pm)

Please top. Please?

submitted by HunterTop, age TopTime, Down the Toppy Hole
(July 11, 2020 - 2:17 pm)

The last few days have been really busy, so I'm taking a little break from posting. Hopefully when the weekend is over I'll have more time to write, but for now I'm explaining the wait and topping the thread.

So... TOP!  

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 11, 2020 - 2:30 pm)

Day Eight, Part Three

Sirfire and Mary, still out of breath from their run from the tunnels, burst into the kitchen; startling the other CBers.

“Whoa!” Cynthia said. “What happened? You all disappeared and have been gone for hours.”

“We… we found…” Sirfire gasped. “A secret tunnel in the library, it led to some sort of art office. Me, Mary, and Dynasty.” 

“So… where is Dynasty then?” Cerinthe asked. 

Mary and Sirfire share a sad look, “Dead.”

“How?” Night asked.

“Well… we kinda tripped a booby trap, which made the ceiling fall in. Dynasty shoved us out of the way… he saved our lives.” Mary explained, still in shock over what happened. 

“Oh my, that’s terrible!” Moonshine said. 

The CBers sat in silence for a few minutes, remembering Dynasty, before Cerinthe broke the silence.

“Hey… I’ve been going over our notes and… none of us asked Dolores for her story of what happened the night the opal was stolen.”

“Oh… you’re right!” Sirfire said. “We were too distracted eating the pies she made…” 

“Maybe we should try and find her then,” Olympia said. “Ask her what happened.”

“She can’t talk though…” Night sighed. “I’ll have to translate for her.” 

And then, suddenly as if a lightswitch was flicked, the sun went out. It was dark outside, with all their talking they never noticed the setting sun. 

“Oh… it’s nighttime.” Cynthia said, slowly. 

“You’re right…” Cerinthe whispered. “We should search for clues then…”

Nobody made a move to leave, now they knew why they didn’t leave the living room the other night. 

The mansion was decidedly creepy with no lights on. The pounding rain wasn’t helping things and the howling wind made it seem like ghosts were screaming right outside. They sat like that for ages it seemed like, each one trying to gather their courage to leave the warm, cozy kitchen. 

It was Olympia who noticed it first. From the table, where the blueprints were still laid out, she could see a small, blue glow.

“Hey guys… look at this.” she said, walking over to the blueprints.

Shining faintly in the kitchen light, were additions to the blueprints.

“Could someone turn the lights off?” Cerinthe asked.

Night got up and flipped the lights off, which made the glowing lines on the blueprint even more obvious.

They were the secret tunnels, each one snaking its way through the walls of the house, under the floors, even deep underground! It was all laid out in perfect light.

“Hey… look at this!” Moonshine said, pointing to a certain tunnel in the kitchen’s pantry.

“It’s an elevator, up to the third floor!” Moonshine said excitedly, “This must be how Henry got up to the third floor so quickly.” 

The CBers nodded, it made sense. This would help clear up the inconsistencies in the stories… at least a little.

“Wait… this means that they all know about the secret tunnels, even without a map.” Jade pointed out. “I wonder… do you think they all knew Madame Suspectum for ages before being invited over here.”

The CBers were silent… this would mean that some of the information on the guests' information sheets would be wrong.

“The Secretary typed those up for us.” Sirfire said. “Was she lying too… and if she was… what does it mean?” 

“Maybe… maybe she’s in on it too.” Cerinthe whispered. “She could’ve been the one who stole the brooch.” 

Thunder punctuated her words and then the lights went off in the mansion, again! When the lights snapped on someone was missing.

They spent the rest of the night trying to find Night Vision… but she was gone. It seemed the murder was stepping up their game.


RIP Night Vision

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 13, 2020 - 9:27 am)
submitted by top, age the Topper, topping
(July 14, 2020 - 9:49 am)


submitted by Top!
(July 15, 2020 - 9:14 pm)



submitted by top(The Secretary), age the Topper, topping
(July 16, 2020 - 4:34 pm)

Day Nine, Part One


The CBers had encountered a stone wall, a thick stone wall, that they were banging their heads on.

It seemed like they were trudging through mud, searching so very slowly for clues.

Clues that seemed not to exist. 

And what clues they had… useless! Vague messages and a few warning notes from the murder. It seemed like they were failing in their mission to find the opal brooch.

A mission that was slowly starting to loose their interest, why should they stay here when members of their party are slowly being picked off by a murder?

“Why don’t we just leave?” Mary asked, over breakfast.

“I don’t know…” Moonshine said slowly. 

“Why would you want to?” Olympia asked in surprise. “Isn’t this kinda fun? Just searching for clues, trying to find the murder and the brooch.”

“Well… is it worth it to stay when we have a murder after us?” Mary asked. “I just… I don’t want to lose anyone else.”

“You want to leave!?” a voice snapped from behind.

The CBers jumped up and turned around, to see the Secretary standing in the doorway.

“What a selfish idea.” she hissed. “Do you really want to leave? Give up on your mission? After so many of your party has died to discover more clues? What a waste of their sacrifice.” 

Mary blushed and looked down at her plate. 

“The Secretary is right!” Cynthia said loudly. “We can’t just give up! After all the sacrifices our friends have done to find more clues. I say we find out who stole the brooch and who the murder is!” 

“Yea!” Cerinthe said. “We can do this! We just need to find some more clues!” 

“Maybe… maybe we should be looking into who hired us.” Moonshine said softly. “What do we know about this Madame Suspectum?”

They paused… Moonshine was right. They know nothing about the mysterious person who hired them to find her brooch. They haven’t even seen her since they arrived at the mansion.

“Hey,” Jade said. “Secretary… what do you know about Madame Suspectum?” 

The Secretary snorted and said: “I’m sure you can figure it out. Heaven knows you’ve poked around in her private rooms often enough.”   

“Wait… private rooms?” Jade asked.

“Of course, why else would Madame Suspectum have secret passages if they don’t lead to her private rooms?” The Secretary asked. 

“Wait… how do you know we’ve been exploring the secret tunnels?” Sirfire asked, suspicious.

“You walk in and trip every booby trap we have!” the Secretary sighed. “I would be more surprised if we didn’t know.” 

“Now, enough chit chat.” the Secretary said sharply. “I have work to do.” 

And then she left, leaving the CBers mulling over her words. There was something quite suspicious about that secretary. 


Here we go! Finally, the next part is out. Sorry to keep you waiting.

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 17, 2020 - 10:28 am)

Oooooohhh, this is so good!!

submitted by Jade J.
(July 20, 2020 - 6:20 pm)

Oh wow, this is getting SpIcY! I think we should interview the secretary. She knows things. 


submitted by Majestic Mary, Lalalalalaa
(July 21, 2020 - 9:55 am)

GO TO THE TOP! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

submitted by top
(July 20, 2020 - 9:11 am)

Day Nine, Part 1.5


And so, with the pitter patter of rain hitting the windows and the side of the house, the CBers found themselves once again stuck in a mire of metaphorical mud. It seemed like wherever they turned, the clues they tried to find, always ended up leading them nowhere.

“How are we supposed to solve this mystery?!” Sirfire groaned. “It seems like it was specifically made to confuse us all.” 

“I know… how are we going to solve this thing?” Jade asked.

“We need to find Dolores and get her side of the story, she’s the only one we haven’t interviewed yet.” Cerinthe pointed out.

“But where are we going to find her?” Olympia asked. “I don’t suppose any of you know where her room is?” 

They all grew quiet as they thought about this, no one did know where Dolores was staying. As a matter of fact, they didn’t know where any of the other guests were being held. 

So, the only thing to do would be to open every single door in the mansion until they stumbled across Dolores’s room. 

The search lasted for hours, ages, eons! It only took thirty minutes for them to find Dolores in a greenhouse, one that they had somehow missed in all of their searching before. She watched them approach with a guarded look to her eyes. She was poking around in some empty plots of dirt, planting little seeds. 

The CBers watched her and then frowned.

“Uh… wasn’t Night the only person who was able to talk to her?” Cynthia pointed out.

“Oh, right.” Moonshine sighed. “Darn it! I guess we forgot about that.” 

“What are we going to do now?” Mary asked.

“I know sign language!” Jade said cheerfully. “Night taught it to me...before she died.”

“Oh, that’s great!” Mary exclaimed.

And so, our brave CBers walked up to Dolores to ask her what happened. And thanks to Jade’s amazing memory, they were able to get the story straight.

Sorry to leave you all on a cliffhanger! >;)
You'll have to wait until the next post comes out to see what happens next!  

submitted by The Secretary , age Infinite, Moonless Hunt Mansion
(July 22, 2020 - 7:18 pm)


submitted by top
(July 23, 2020 - 7:10 am)