Book character SI!!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Book character SI!!!

Book character SI!!!

Any character from any book. Pretty self-explanatory.

Have fun, good luck, and don't forget to guess me! 

submitted by Ivypool, age ??? moons, ThunderClan territory
(January 6, 2018 - 2:55 pm)

Revealing date is January 23rd. And are you Cockleburr? Brookeira? Storm Windwhisper? Rose bud? coyotedomino?

submitted by Ivypool@Sherlock
(January 19, 2018 - 12:43 pm)

Ohhhh wait a second... Something St. Owl said on her 3rd CBversary post has made me 85% sure I know who you are, Sherlock... Are you... St. Owl?

submitted by Ivypool, age Aspen, ThunderClan territory
(January 20, 2018 - 1:51 pm)

All of your deductions are, as you would put it, 100% inaccurate. 

submitted by Sherlock @Ivypool
(January 20, 2018 - 6:12 pm)

You don’t happen to be Viola??

submitted by @Sherlock
(January 21, 2018 - 9:19 am)

No, indeed I am not.

submitted by Sherlock Holmes
(January 22, 2018 - 9:08 am)

Not Viola? or Starseeker, my preciousss, good guessesss, good guessesss.

submitted by Gollum
(January 22, 2018 - 11:25 am)

Hello, strange being. Might I suggest an identity reveal, Jwyn?

submitted by Sherlock@Gollum
(January 22, 2018 - 2:02 pm)

Oh don’t be rude to my favourite detective, Jwyn. Wait, your name is Jwyn, right? Sorry, I’m so bad with names sometimes. 

submitted by Moriarty@Gollum
(January 22, 2018 - 2:03 pm)

Ack!! He's guesssed uss, my precioussss, he's guesssed usss. Lucky guessesesss my preciousss.

Hee, hee. Gollum is fun!!!! You got me, @Moriarty, how did you guess?. Are you Viola??    

submitted by Gollum, Also Known As Jwyn
(January 22, 2018 - 3:23 pm)

Sorry I meant Sherlock.

submitted by Gollum, Also Known As Jwyn
(January 22, 2018 - 4:23 pm)

@Moriarty, are you xp? Yeah, probably not. 

submitted by Gollum, Also Known As Jwyn
(January 22, 2018 - 4:46 pm)

All my favorite characters where taken so I picked one from the most recent book I read. @Sherlock- are you September? Ashlee? Shady? Cockleburr?

@Moriarty- are you St? September? Ashlee? Shady? Cockleburr? 

submitted by The Night Gardener
(January 22, 2018 - 8:36 pm)

I am, indeed, Sherlock Holmes, not any of the people you have mentioned.

submitted by Sherlock Holmes
(January 23, 2018 - 6:14 am)

Wait, someone other than me read The Night Gardener?! Did you read Jonathan Auxier's other books too?!

(Your post hasn't shown up yet but I can see someone under that name posted.) 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 14, the Wood, Omniverse
(January 22, 2018 - 9:20 pm)

Wait, someone other than me read The Night Gardener?! Did you read Jonathan Auxier's other books too?!

(Your post hasn't shown up yet but I can see someone under that name posted.) 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 14, the Wood, Omniverse
(January 22, 2018 - 9:20 pm)