Book character SI!!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Book character SI!!!

Book character SI!!!

Any character from any book. Pretty self-explanatory.

Have fun, good luck, and don't forget to guess me! 

submitted by Ivypool, age ??? moons, ThunderClan territory
(January 6, 2018 - 2:55 pm)

I'm none of the CBers you guys guessed! 

submitted by Ivypool, age ??? moons, ThunderClan territory
(January 7, 2018 - 4:41 pm)

Hrm, Samwise Mcgee something (sorry, your name is so unique I can't remember it) are you Starseeker?


I think the last name is Gangee.


submitted by Agatha, age 16, Of Woods Beyond
(January 7, 2018 - 6:41 pm)

Close, Admins! @Agatha, nope, not 'er. Are you, perhaps, Chinchilla?

submitted by Samwise Gamgee
(January 8, 2018 - 8:26 am)

Nope! But are you Chinchilla? Or Vyolette?

submitted by Agatha@Samwise, age 16, Of Woods Beyond
(January 8, 2018 - 4:06 pm)

Neither of those, begging your pardon. But I believe you may be Vyolette. 

submitted by Samwise Gamgee, @Agatha
(January 9, 2018 - 10:07 am)

You got me. Its seems as though the ticket to finding me out is when I guess someone else as me! I really have to stop doing that.....XD (Agatha, my CAPTCHA {You see now why I chose my alias? ;)} says 'gymm'. You don't need to go the the gym, you overly-self conscious cat!)

submitted by Agatha/Vyolette
(January 9, 2018 - 1:43 pm)

Hey, Sam Gamgee, are you Kyoto? Bet ya can't get me!

submitted by Bobby P., Second Earth
(January 9, 2018 - 10:08 pm)

Hello, Bobby. May i make an observation? Oh well, I shan't wait for your reply. I have deduced that you are, in fact, coyotedomino. 

Yes, yes, I know, I am quite impressive. 


submitted by Sherlock Holmes, @Bobby P
(January 10, 2018 - 5:09 pm)

Oh always so confident, Sherlock dear! Are you coyotedomino? Possibly a Rose Bud? No? Then perhaps LilyPad? Oh my, what a FUN game! 

submitted by Moriarty@Sherlock
(January 11, 2018 - 8:30 pm)

Well, at least I have cause to be confident, unlike some people i could mention. 

Oh, Moriarty, you amuse me. As if you could ever figure out my true identity. I shall make a small query as to your identity. Are you perhaps Viola?

submitted by Sherlock Holmes
(January 12, 2018 - 2:31 pm)

Oh I know! Isn’t it dreadful? Someone at the Yard could use confidence, but with you degrading him often...Sherlock dear, just because he’s a dim-witted idiot doesn’t mean you can hurt his feelings (no, I’m not referring to Lestrade).

No, I’m not Viola?. C’mon, Sherlock! What happened to those powerful deduction skills?  

submitted by Moriarty
(January 13, 2018 - 4:40 pm)

Are you Leeli?

submitted by @Samwise, Agatha/Vyolette
(January 10, 2018 - 6:56 pm)

Oh, dear me! It seems you've guessed me. Just when I thought I'd lasted! Ah well. How did you know?

(You're right, part of how I guessed you was because you guessed if I was yourself, but I also remembered you had a CAPTCHA named Agatha ;) ) 

submitted by Samwise Gamgee, age Leeli, The Shire
(January 11, 2018 - 10:33 am)

"I know half of you half as much as i would like, and i like half of you half as much as you deserve.

XD best quote ever. 

submitted by Bilbo Bagginses, age 111, The Shire
(January 10, 2018 - 9:42 pm)

@Sam, are you Tuxedo Kitten? 

submitted by Ivypool, age ??? moons, ThunderClan Territory
(January 11, 2018 - 10:11 am)