Where I'm From
Chatterbox: Pudding's Place
Where I'm From
Where I'm From poems. Have y'all ever heard of the Where I'm From poems? You basically use yourself or a fictional character (like I did) and fill out and then expand upon a template, then make it into a poem. You can find the templates online. I like to fill them out while I'm forming a poem out of it, but I guess you can fill it out and then write. It's a great little prompt and very fun, especially if you're building a character! Here's one I wrote (it's just a rough draft) about what my life would have been like if I lived on the farmland I do now a long time ago. It's mostly fictional, although everything originates from true experiences or stories I've heard from my grandparents over the years.
Untitled poem (if I lived here like 50 years ago)
I am from the yellow bags of chicken scratch
sagging against the barbed-wire fence
from finest quality American Seed
and baskets fresh from the factory down the road
I am from the overgrown, sprawling, dug-up
barns and feilds
I am from the nutgrass, clinging to the last instant,
the wild honeysuckle edging the woods
like yellow tape, furrowed sand
soft under years of work,
the leafy cucumber plants
reaching out for redemption
the delicate squash flowers
bending over wet earth
I am from arrow-head expeditions
and dirty fingernails
I am from the smell of unnecessary
spindly trees we burn every fall
and bare feet;
lost shoes
calloused skin
from “pick before the sun is up” and
“don’t forget to latch the door”
I am from the Church bells, clear
in the hazy dawn at 8:30 in the mornings
I’m from old land there used to be more of,
pickled okra and the stink of vinegar and
soft figs layered with sugar and
cooking in a watched pot
from the farm my brother worked
since he was 14, the preserves we sealed
in scalding water, and the piles of peas
we sorted and shelled while watching TV
I am from the photos on the bookshelf,
unfinished scrapbooks, and Christmas tree
ornaments we hung on higher branches every year.
LOL! Rosy says fgit! I think she means Figwit!
(June 7, 2017 - 3:11 pm)
Wow, all of your poems are absolutely spectacular! Rose Bud, I love how yours is kind of old timey, but its so beautiful and souds so real!
Now I'm going to try. Here goes nothing:
I am from salty waves,
From Coppertone sunscreen and my Yamaha flute
I am from the beach and the sand that gets everywhere
(In my hair and between my toes,
rinsed off by the cool outdoor shower)
I am from the large grassy front yard,
Where we've played countless games of catch and capture the flag
I'm from the Christmas and Thanksgiving celebrations
with my wonderful cheerful family
From my amazing Mommy and Daddy
And the generations of ancestors that came before me
I'm from skiing every winter weekend
and going out to dinner for special birthday meals
From "Go play outside first"
and "Leave your brother alone"
I'm from 2 religions and no religion,
and never going to church on Sunday morning
I'm from Italy
and my great grandma's immigration to give my grandma, and then my mom, and then me a better life.
From pasta and chicken cacciatore
and Saturday morning pancakes
From the first time I held my baby brother in my arms at two years old
The day my mom tore her ACL skiing and I sat with her trying not to cry
In big bins in the basement closet are the Christmas ornaments
decorated with special memories from years and years of our lives.
(June 18, 2017 - 8:12 pm)
Now that I think about it, there's a lot that I left out of mine. My dog, my best friend, s'mores, art, writing, playing softball, and lots of other stuff. To fit my whole life into a poem I'd need much bigger template!
(June 18, 2017 - 8:27 pm)
I am from a book in my arms, sweet-smelling and oh-so-interesting,
From Royal USA Bb Clarinet Reeds and InkJoy pens.
I am from the neighborhood where kids play, full of trees and plants and sunshine.
I am from trees, their cool shade and the beautiful sunlight filtering through them.
I’m from eating fruit and loving to read,
From Lily and Jeff.
I’m from caring too much and exaggerating,
From “I love you, little one” and “Sweet dreams.”
I’m from no formal religion, but not atheist.
I’m from Danbury, Connecticut and I’m Chinese,
Watermelon, white rice.
From the time my dad lost his job in the recession,
The little money my mom had when she went to university in America.
The photos on on our computers,
(sorry to be blunt--this is modern times)
I am from the Digital Age,
And so are you.
(June 19, 2017 - 7:45 pm)
Ok, so I saw this and gave it a try. It's not very good, but.... I feel like it kind of captures our family in a way. We live out in the middle of nowhere, and both my parents are pianists, so we have a bit of a weird situation XD Ok, here goes.
I am from the soft comfort of a blue sky
That cups gently over our bubble of woods and fields.
From crisp pages and soft music,
From the red-clayed garden out front,
That has slowly turned darker over years.
I am from the quiet of isolation,
From the peacefulness of solitude,
From the reality of distance.
I am from the dahlias that spread their petals,
Soft and pink, sweet and many layered,
From the tall, golden broomsedge
That snowed its seeds down on us when we played,
From the garden of herbs out front,
Their strong sweetness mixing with the heat of the Georgia summer.
I am from the rich smells and sounds and scents
Of rich jazz and thick curry,
Of evenings spent reading Tolkien on the porch,
Of the victories and defeats of games played with family.
I am from curiosity and sarcasm,
From far-away family friendship,
And close-to-home family bonds.
From “Go read a book”
And from “Stop reading and go outside”.
I am from settling down in red theater chairs and watching
Our pastor speak in front of castles and dragons and forests.
From warm Sunday nights spent wishing for air conditioning in a second story youth room.
From watching actors play pretend on showdays
Where toddlers play pretend on Sundays.
I am from the piano that sits by itself,
Its keys holding music from all of us,
From dad’s practiced fingers and mom’s patient teaching,
From me and my siblings pounding out melodies,
The black and white keys that bind us together.
(June 20, 2017 - 12:14 pm)
Wow that was amazing Autumn Leaves!
(June 20, 2017 - 2:39 pm)
Aw, thanks Dragonrider! I really loved yours too! You evoked it really beautifully :D
(June 22, 2017 - 7:45 am)
I had to do one of these in ELA class once. It was really fun!
(June 22, 2017 - 5:03 pm)