Poetry Contest

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Poetry Contest

Poetry Contest

Well, we haven't had one of these in a while, have we? Time for a new one, I say! Welcome, resident poets!

The rules are pretty simple. I am the first judge. I will give you a theme, and you must write a poem relating to the theme. Be creative with your interpretations! I will then judge the entries by a set date, and the winner will then be the next judge, and set the next theme. And so on, and so forth. 

The first theme will be... *dramatic drumroll*

Stars! Whether you chose to write about the kind of stars you wish on, or the kind that take the stage, I will be eagerly awaiting your sparkly, shiny, beautiful poems. Have them in by... Saturday, March 18. Two weeks. Sound fair? 

I hope to see your poems soon!

~Booksy <3 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(March 4, 2017 - 8:58 pm)

congrats pangolin! your poem was really good!

submitted by Moon Wolf, age still, A Celestial Sky
(July 18, 2024 - 4:50 pm)


submitted by Jaybells, Lost in the Underworld
(July 18, 2024 - 9:41 pm)

wow, thank you so much, BB! i was not expecting that - everyone else's poems were spectacular <33 (and BB - i always really appreciate how much detail always goes into your feedback - it's always so thoughtful and constructive <33) also thank you to everyone who commented on my poem - i've been so short on time this week and didn't have a chance to reply, but i really appreciate your compliments and critique!

the next theme will be wings and i'll judge august 3rd. i can't wait to see all your poems <33

Oh, what a lovely theme!


submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(July 19, 2024 - 7:24 pm)

not all of them, just the ones i got done. Honorable mentions aren't ranked, so if you're not on here it just means I didn't get to you yet :D

also pangolin - i'm going to have far too much fun with your theme :P 

Peppermint - amazing as always! It’s very well-crafted and I can’t find any technical flaws (if technical isn’t a word for poetry forgive me). The simplicity is part of the appeal. I love the songbird part at the end in particular, and “twisted imitation of forest”. To be honest i can’t really find anything to critique. Good job :P 

KatanaLuna - the first thing that strikes you is how vivid your imagery is and how strong the words you choose are. I also like the way the first and third stanzas echo each other. The main thing i’d work on is making it flow in a way that’s easier to understand. For instance, I struggled a bit to understand how all of the images are connected. It seems like it might kind of be a call and response thing, like a countermelody; the first thing is one image, and the second one is an opposite (that’s how i read it at least). I think sticking to that or some other convention (another example would be a positive image and then a negative image, or two things that both have the same color) might make it easier to understand? Still, honestly the imagery pulls it through. Great entry :) 

AvaraStar - It’s impressive how much of a story you managed to get out of something without actually stating anything. I’m going to be a bit more picky since you said critique was welcome. The first thing that comes to mind is that stanza breaks could bring out the different voices or images. I also think that a bit more imagery or details could bring the story to life just a bit more; maybe not enough to even add many words, just to hint at something more. It could be a metaphor/simile (the difference really does not matter) or a detail from the character, how the events made them feel. It was a great poem though! 

submitted by more judging, Blackfooted Bobcat
(July 20, 2024 - 1:51 pm)

@pangolin, congrats!!! Your poem was amazing!!!! And congratulations to everyone else too, all your poems were spectacular, as always!! Ty @Bobcat for putting so much effort into judging and feedback---please take as much time as you need! :)

submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(July 20, 2024 - 8:22 pm)

tysm BB!!!!!

submitted by Ka
(July 22, 2024 - 11:20 am)

Ty for judging, @BB! @pangolin, congrats - your poetry is always astounding <3 And I love the prompt!! I have no idea if this poem is good or bad or anything else, but here goes~


i long to sweep and soar on swallow wings

to have a heart that does not fear the heights,

to trust my weight on slicing blurs that bear me higher,

knowing that they will not let me fall--

knowing that i will not let myself fall--

i long to glide and curve on swallow wings

because swallows are swift and stronger than other birds,

their hearts are fearless within their graceful bodies,

they take to flight with daring, knowing that they are light enough to,

even with all the heaviness of strength--

but with all the lightness of the absence of fear--

i long to leave the ground on swallow wings

because my view of earth is limited,

i do not let myself run because i'm earthbound and it feels dangerous,

but with the freedom of wings i could let go--

even if flight might be another imprisonment--

i long to fly on swallow wings,

even if i wouldn't fly high,

even if i'm higher up with my feet on the ground--

but that's not the point, is it?

submitted by Amethyst, parchment by candlelight
(July 22, 2024 - 4:23 pm)

Wrote all this last night, wasn't sure if I should post, decided to wait until the next day to decide, anddd... forgot about it :P well, sorta. I'm here now! :) but yeah I'm good now... I mean, just... don't think about next year... right? Or think optimistically!! Yay!




my window is cloudy
and however hard I try
I can't see past the haze
to reality 
so I think I'll just live in the clouds instead
of trying harder to live
in the present
it's easier this way
and I don't want to buy
that new window cleaner
that pollutes the water and air
and harms the environment 
I'll take my own wings
and fly away
to dance on clouds
while everyone else
toils on the concrete streets
of reality 
and tell myself that it's easier
to breathe behind fog
and laugh behind smoke
and soar where I'll never have to touch ground again
a             t
g              i
v                 y
is nonexistent ^
my window is cloudy
so I'll just live
in my daydreams instead
and float like a carefree feather on the wind~
(when the storm comes
I'll toss and turn
but I'll be okay 
with a smile on my face)
(or is it just
an upside-down 
I've been flipped so many times
I can't tell the difference
my window is cloudy
and I make shapes in the fog
and I get lost in the scribbles
and I live here now
on the glass
and the breath of life
disperses the clouds
into nonexistence.
I fall back to Earth with a thud. 
Are nice
To think about
But they weren't made
For people
Like us.
I'm a mess rn :/ idk. Not really, but sorta. But not really. I'm open to feedback, ofc. Anyways. I was wondering if anyone caught the uhh... not really double entendre, but sorta? That wasn't intentional, but I think it's really cool, and it coincidentally also really hits home. I kinda took the poem into that ending because of that (the double entendre-ish thing) actually. It feels more true too? :/ also I might've strayed from the theme... I kinda just like... handed the horse the reigns. If that's a saying? It should be. Anyways this post seems devoid of enthusiasm. I don't feel enthusiastic for some reason. Even though I was at the start of this poem. Okiee, byee!! Good night!! ':)
submitted by CelineBurning Bright, ThePoet’sLand
(July 22, 2024 - 10:52 pm)

I really like this poem! it captures the mood really well, and feels both wistful and sad but also accepting? anyway it hits home and I especially love the lines "or is it just / an upside-down frown / I've been flipped so many times / I can't tell the difference / anymore" and the ending. 

submitted by Woodwind@Celine
(July 25, 2024 - 5:50 pm)

And since I doubt that's coming through... screenshots

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, reflections in rivers
(July 22, 2024 - 10:54 pm)
submitted by CelineBB :)
(July 22, 2024 - 10:54 pm)
submitted by CelineBB, Gumdrop Land
(July 22, 2024 - 10:55 pm)
submitted by CelineBB, rushing rivers
(July 22, 2024 - 10:56 pm)
submitted by CelineBurning Bright, Gravity Falls
(July 22, 2024 - 11:00 pm)

Soft blue feathers against the clear sky

You fall down

Like a stray leaf drifting, then footsteps

Crush wings

They lock you away in a bird cage, made

Of frozen tears that have never trickled down -

They were too numb to fall

The shock of thunder and flash of lightning

Like a glorious taste of the sun

That disappears like a mirage, reaching danger-filled

Icy claws

The sweet birdsong that you sang -

It woke the world up and told them all

To hunt you

To destroy you

Now you sing mind-numbing jingles and

Repeat words that they tell you to

The withered tree that once grew

Abundant fruit is now

A skeleton, dried of any chance, yet

They rumor that it will grow again

But when it does, chaos will fall

Midnight is approaching

Fire rains down, and earthquakes

Shake the ground

But they still will not let you go

Wars and turmoil, and numb tears

Will never fall

But they still will not let you go

Midnight strikes

And still, they will not let you go

Clouds part and lightning strikes

Thunder rumbles, like a memory

Hours past, and finally

Morning arrives and with grandeur,

The sun comes out and melts the winter

Spring has returned

Even when your prison has melted away

You still hesitate

To step outside into the spring sunshine

You once believed that it was safe outside

Until they locked you away

You once believed that you could fly

Until they took your wings

You once believed that you could hope

Until they crushed your dreams

Yet your wings still form

From ticking time

Freedom from days, feathers from months,

Knowing your grief from winter will never leave,

You still form hope,

Hope from years

Fragile as they are, made of broken glass shards and tears

That have frozen numb, but will soon fall

And you step out from the shadows into the light

Blinding and glaring, and something new -

The relief and calm after a storm

You fly

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(July 22, 2024 - 11:04 pm)