Poetry Contest

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Poetry Contest

Poetry Contest

Well, we haven't had one of these in a while, have we? Time for a new one, I say! Welcome, resident poets!

The rules are pretty simple. I am the first judge. I will give you a theme, and you must write a poem relating to the theme. Be creative with your interpretations! I will then judge the entries by a set date, and the winner will then be the next judge, and set the next theme. And so on, and so forth. 

The first theme will be... *dramatic drumroll*

Stars! Whether you chose to write about the kind of stars you wish on, or the kind that take the stage, I will be eagerly awaiting your sparkly, shiny, beautiful poems. Have them in by... Saturday, March 18. Two weeks. Sound fair? 

I hope to see your poems soon!

~Booksy <3 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(March 4, 2017 - 8:58 pm)

wow, thank you so much! your feedback always means a lot, luna-starr. I appreciate how much thought you put into your judging! the next theme is fragile, and I will judge on june 2. looking forward to reading everyone's work <3

submitted by peppermint, new prompt!
(May 19, 2024 - 11:30 pm)

So much congratulations peppermint wow your poem was amazing!!!! Actually, everyone's poems were amazing!!!!!!!!! And tysm Luna-Starr for judging, it feels like you put so much time and effort into your feedback, and it means so much!!!! Also it's great seeing all your interpretations of all the poems and thank you bc you've sorta just changed my outlook on poetry that I've had forever that the best poems are the ones written quickly with all your feelings showing and no thoughts put onto the paper -- just emotion. I think you're right though that poems with deliberate word choice are so much more impactful because of that and stuff, so thank you for that insight. And also maybe analyzing isn't so bad if you do it the way you're doing, taking meanings and interpreting... :p so I'll stop complaining when we have to do it in school.

Btw @Amethyst been meaning to say, I love the location "parchment by candlelight" :D

submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(May 20, 2024 - 12:36 am)

Congrats Peppermint! Ty for judging Luna-Starr!

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 20, 2024 - 3:39 pm)

Omgosh thank you!!! Your feedback is so well-thought-out and deep, and I appreciate getting second place so much <3 Congratulations to peppermint - your poem was (as I said before) absolutely amazing - and to everyone else! All the poems were so good :D

And @Celine, tysm! :)

submitted by Amethyst, parchment by candlelight
(May 20, 2024 - 8:37 pm)

fragile flight/because nobody else will

I went to a natural history museum today

I found myself surrounded by the crude exclamations of high schoolers who couldn’t be bothered to read more than one plaque in ten

dunked in a dizzying spiral of people more concerned with overpriced plastic souveniers than culture or knowledge

amidst pristinely manufactured glass cages and the the animals inside


I watched the taxidermied creatures so unaware and frozen in death

and I hurt all the more because they couldn’t and I sat in the middle of a busy exhibit and I read all the signs and noticed all the overlooked thoughts and I hated the preoccupied unfeeling teenagers and overhyped consumerism

and I pondered cruelty

if only because nobody else will


I pitied the hollow pufferfish and the motionless coyote and the terrified hedgehog

but most of all the butterflies with their pinned wings outstretched so close to freedom

as if I could watch them burst from the display case to leave dizzying contrails of magic


and I knew I would save them if I could

if only because nobody else will

if I could I’d carefully unpin their fragile wings and smooth out the creases

and I’d remove them from the leering public and I’d breathe reverie back into them until they could fly and I’d spin a gossamer lifeline with the nearby spider’s silk and I’d build a wall of whale bones taken from that one exhibit on the first floor and I’d shelter them and protect them and I’d hope for them beyond medicore poetry with fake promises

and together we’d break free from cold metal chains and borrow strength from each other

we would soar into a sunrise tomorrow and suck the nectar of love

and we would remember

if only because nobody else will


so I stared at those butterflies in that display case and I cried because it's never been meant to be and I captured their tiny breakable souls on the camera app in my hard corporate phone and now hours later I try to memorialize them with harsh unfeeling words about our broken society

and I’m so sorry it’s not enough

but at least I tried and at I cared

if only because maybe someone else will read this and maybe

now somebody else will.

submitted by Woodwind
(May 21, 2024 - 10:06 pm)

this is gorgeous in like a heartbreaking way and... I want to do something but I don't know what and I know it won't help anyway but I still want to do something just for the sake of doing something. And even if this poem isn't a real life experience I'll hold a funeral for those butterflies?? I have a place in the backyard for bug funerals to be remembered <3

submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(May 22, 2024 - 1:49 pm)

thanks, Celine <3 it is real; I did in fact visit a natural history museum and look at taxidermy and pinned butterflies, although I probably wouldn't have thought as much about it if not for the prompt.

submitted by Woodwind
(May 22, 2024 - 6:32 pm)

Fragile like all those thousands of letters

That clogged my simple,badly painted mailbox

Filled with scrawling descriptions

Of hollow apologies and weak excuses

Just like our demolished love

Annihilated to shreds with my sharpest scissors-

The ones I wish I could cut my broken heart out with

Fragile like that fancy French mirror you once bought me-

Shattered in a single strike with that seashell you gave me

At that beach,somewhere,sometime.

The shards still lay nestled my desk because 

I can’t bear to let even a fragment 

Of what was once happiness leave me

Unlike how you had no regrets letting me go

Even before my world, my heart, and my life broke

Fragile like summer popsicles

The ones we used to eat together, hand in hand

Savoring every last drop of tangy sweetness

While we laughed the world around us away

But good things never last forever

Because those popsicles would slowly melt away 

In the fierce summer heat beating mercilessly down

Leaving only miniscule splatters in its wake

Just like how I melted slowly in your hands.

Leaving a shell of a broken girl in her broken world in your wake

Fragile like everlasting time

Seconds led to minutes, and minutes led to days

But it doesn't matter, because I could live for a thousand years

And always repeat that minute I’ve been forever stuck on,

That minute when time stopped

That minute when forever together turned into forevers-

Forevers of nightmares, of loneliness

A forever of calling your name even when you won’t come

Will never come.

Memories fade slowly…..

Even though my feelings for you won’t-and can’t.

Strong like me

You broke me, yes.

But anyone can break a girl who was already broken.

A girl whose world had already crumbled and fell at her feet.

A girl who's heart knew what was coming, even if her head tried to deny it.

A girl who is suffocating even though her lungs combust with air

A girl who is dying even though her heart beats valiantly strong

A girl whose eyes are slowly closing even though she’s wide awake

A girl who you poisoned from the inside.

A girl who would still give anything to kiss the same lips that now relentlessly torture her with words that slash out like serrated knives and sting with all the electricity of acid.

Memories fade,hearts break, but sadness is eternal.

Hands might heal,head might not

Heart won’t

Maybe I’m just naive

Or I spend too much time on wishing for the days when my biggest worries

Was if I could somehow get your attention

I might be broken or strong

But I know-

What makes you the most happy and lifts you up,what makes you feel the most love, kills you the hardest and forces you to plummet to the abyss of vengeance and sadness.

Just like you.

submitted by KatanaLuna
(May 22, 2024 - 4:30 pm)


the moment when you

curl up with a new book and

don't know if the world will be yours

something that becomes another escape

another memory or

if something equally cruel will shatter

this one moment


nestling a seed into a fold of dirt

a promise of life

scattering raindrops over

it and whispering

i love you and hoping it to

life, that the promise is



a fluttering heartbeat of

time between two equally powerful

forces when a being is wavering between them

and it isn't going to

win back but

maybe somehow it conquers the

odds and wins through


realizing something that should have been

obvious all along but never was

until this

second that can never

come again but it doesn't have to

because it's

already changed your life


the shattering of

crystal dreams with a sound of broken

shards hitting the unsteady floor

a sound of broken

shards piercing your heart with

a sound of impossibility and

the knowledge that

the fractals are irreplaceable and you'll

never piece them together again


but overpowering and maybe


submitted by Amethyst, parchment by candlelight
(May 27, 2024 - 4:54 pm)

My friend wrote me the other day

And asked me how I was doing

And I replied that I was

Doing okay, because

I've never said anything else.


My mom tucked me in yesterday night

And asked how was my day

And I said that it was

Good, because all my days

Have always been consistent.


I wondered to myself,

This morning, laying in bed, staring at

The ceiling as if it was sky, wondering if I was really

Fine, and I reassured myself that

I can handle anything that comes my way, that I'm strong, that I

Am fine... 


So why do I always feel so broken?




i think i'm


just one step away from the cliff edge

one step from breaking


i think i'm

fragile; i can see it now

all the precious glass lies i held in my hands;

but i stumbled on a rock

and they shattered, leaving

blood in their place -- oh

i think i'm fragile and i keep holding on to

the clouds in the blue sky

the sky that is just plaster ceiling


i think i'm


but maybe if i keep telling myself that i'm not,

it will come true--

maybe if i keep patching my broken up with

tape and glue, it'll finally





My dad called me the other day

And asked me how I was doing,

And I said I was

Doing okay, because

How could I be anything else? 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age all1poem:), not my best, but eh :/
(May 28, 2024 - 2:52 am)

Edited version, please judge off of this one, and also yes, it's all one poem :)


My friend wrote me the other day

And asked me how I was doing

And I replied that I was

Doing okay, because

I've never said anything else.


My mom tucked me in yesterday night

And asked how was my day

And I said that it was

Good, because all my days

Have always been consistent.


I wondered to myself,

This morning, laying in bed, staring at

The ceiling as if it were sky, wondering if I was really

Fine, and I reassured myself that

I can handle anything that comes my way, that I'm strong, that I

Am fine... 


So why do I always feel so broken?




i think i'm


just one step away from the cliff edge

one step from breaking


i think i'm

fragile; i can see it now

all the precious glass lies i held in my hands;

but i stumbled on a rock

and they shattered, leaving

blood in their place -- oh

i think i'm fragile and i keep holding on to

the clouds in the blue sky

the sky that is just plaster ceiling


i think i'm


but maybe if i keep telling myself that i'm not,

it will come true--

maybe if i keep patching my broken up with

tape and glue, it'll finally





My dad called me the other day

And asked me how I was,

And I said I was

Okay, because

How could I be anything else?

submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(May 28, 2024 - 10:38 am)


torn buttterfly wings.





a piece of shredded paper.

blank and useless.

dull and plian.



a shard broken glass,






on  the outside.

on the inside,

a glimmer of a person,

trying to be seen.


The person that is

tired of being overlooked.

tired of being judged,

tired of being mistreated,

tired of this evil world and its wicked ways.


But mostly,

tired of being tired,

tired of being ashamed

for who they are.

tired of hiding



Who says fragile is weak?



the butterfly 

with mended wings, 

stuggiling to fly,


but getting up.

Seeing freedom.



the delicate parts

of the torn paper,


Glued together

to make a collage.




the shard of splinterd glass.

piced together.

whole again.

not perfect,





Ugly, delicate, weak.

Failing, not enough.

unfixable. inperfect.



Broken but beautiful. 

Trying, helping.

Falling, but getting back


learning, growing.


Fragile is broken and beautiful.


Fragile is enough.  










submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, the fox den
(May 28, 2024 - 6:54 pm)

Next could you do a contest on war/pain? Thanks! I love these contests. 

I'll pass your request on to the editors.


submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, the fox den
(May 28, 2024 - 7:00 pm)

Love it sis!

submitted by KatanaLuna
(May 28, 2024 - 7:40 pm)
Sorry, this is another one. You don't have to include it in the contest, it was justfun to write.



What is fragile?

It's what they call me.




What is fragile?


Is it the person they see?






Or is it the person inside?

weak bones,

bad muscles.

broken body.


Or is it the person hiding, deep down there,


the one who cares,

who laughs, and sings.

Who cries and dances in the summer rain?



Fragile is what they call me,

but does fragile define me, 

does a word say what I can think

or what I can

or can't


Or is fragile

the me


submitted by AmberFox, age Infinity, the fox den
(May 29, 2024 - 4:03 pm)