Poetry Contest

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Poetry Contest

Poetry Contest

Well, we haven't had one of these in a while, have we? Time for a new one, I say! Welcome, resident poets!

The rules are pretty simple. I am the first judge. I will give you a theme, and you must write a poem relating to the theme. Be creative with your interpretations! I will then judge the entries by a set date, and the winner will then be the next judge, and set the next theme. And so on, and so forth. 

The first theme will be... *dramatic drumroll*

Stars! Whether you chose to write about the kind of stars you wish on, or the kind that take the stage, I will be eagerly awaiting your sparkly, shiny, beautiful poems. Have them in by... Saturday, March 18. Two weeks. Sound fair? 

I hope to see your poems soon!

~Booksy <3 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(March 4, 2017 - 8:58 pm)

Haha you're judging in my sister's birthday! This is a bit late to say this but congrats Silver and everyone else too! Your poems were all so good!

My life is like a tapestry

Woven together

So many colours

So many textures

Soft, happy thoughts

Rough, sad memories

Colourful music

Dark, dark nights

All woven together

So complicated,

so intricate,

you can never replicate it.

You and I may have similar threads

But many different ones too

No one's life is the same as anothers

We're all as unique as tapestries. 


submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(February 2, 2024 - 1:20 pm)

Love your poem! and haha, my B-day is also on the 12th!

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(February 4, 2024 - 9:10 am)

Raindrops falling on my he-e-eadd


w h y

did you do this to me,

I weaved you my only


out of summer golden memories,

and sweat and dirt,

dust and leaves,


raindrops falling on my he-e-eadd 


h o w

could you do this to me

all those hours at the loom

ripped to shreds; every thread

now I'm spiraling like sun-ray hair

slipping down down down

I'm made of water in the vast ocean


raindrops drowning out every word you say

raindrops pounding overhe-e-ead


i f

you would do this to me

Would I understand the sign to leave

could I

could I

could I abandon you to the


',’',‘' `',’','‘,`',`','‘,',`, ’',‘' 


raindrops- raindrops- covering our faces  

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age KTEEHDOWIP, ZOWTI;’”’“`„“
(February 5, 2024 - 10:29 am)

Life is a tapestry

Full of colors and shade

It starts with white thread

And with time, we weave in

Bright colors of our own


But through the years,

These vibrant colors fade

The threads unspool

And weaves fray

Each tapestry is different

For each and every one

Warm colors like the sun

Cool colors like the ocean waves

They swirl around

Create beauty 

In the unexpected; 

Everyone has a tapestry of life 

Woven with the threads of their past

But why, 

When I sit at my loom

Is mine monochrome?

Silver thread and spider silk

A tapestry barren and cold

Was my life an empty tale?

I cannot craft color in my weaves

I cannot bring life to my tapestry

Nor see the beauty of it 

So I shall not try

I am caught in a web

Of grays, silver, and white

It blinds me to the bright colors outside

Hard as I try,

I cannot weave color in my world

Of bleak, desolate, life

But I content myself

With my past hanging up on a wall

Full of bright colors and tales of mine

But as I sit here, at my loom

Needle and thread in hand

I think I’ll weave again

submitted by Luna, age the Stars
(February 7, 2024 - 3:43 pm)

Sorry, it's kind of long

submitted by Luna, age the Stars
(February 8, 2024 - 3:23 pm)


You're red

Dazzling, difficult, elusive, stunning, one to lead and not be led

You're white

Graceful, swift, beautiful, a beacon in the night

You're green

Uncertain, capable of power you're unsure of, running away with my dreams

You're golden

Incredible, phenomenal, full of trickery, human

You're black

Unstoppable, glorious, leaving and coming back

In this tapestry, you shine

Attacking, elegant, transformative, walking the line.

submitted by Amethyst
(February 11, 2024 - 11:21 am)
submitted by @pangolin, judging!
(February 12, 2024 - 10:10 am)

Will you post the results soon?

submitted by Luna, age the Stars
(February 12, 2024 - 1:50 pm)

happy birthday Hawkstar and WildWolf's sister :D

you all had such amazing poems!! i really enjoyed seeing how each person interpreted the theme. i really wanted to give you all first place - everyone's work was incredible <3

honorable mentions~

Hawkstar! oh my gosh this is awesome!! i love the imagery—it’s so beautiful and feels really peaceful too. i especially like the lines “your eyes as deep as the ocean below / just as soothing and crazed / just as gentle and fierce” and “shaking green leaves down / circling us like fairy blessings.” the alternating between italics is really cool, too, and definitely emphasizes the story you’re telling here. the ending is really impactful and kind of reminds me of like how all through history there were these famous trailblazing men, but they could only achieve all they did because of the woman working invisibly at home—idk if that’s your original intention, but i just thought it was really cool. but yes, it definitely has a very peaceful and elegant vibe, but it’s quietly very powerful and strong :D

Moon Wolf! ooh i love this!! this poem is powerful—you describe this wonderful idyllic scene, and then you say it’s only a tapestry unless someone makes it a reality, which, like Hawkstar said, is a message that really resonates with me. i especially love how nature is a major part of this sort of ideal world you’re describing, and the imagery and word choice you use is lovely and strong—my favorite lines are probably “Green leaves woven / Like hope, or / Longing” and “Not destroying / But appreciating / Respecting / This beauty that is / Nature.” it’s definitely very relevant for our times, and contains such a powerful call-to-action, and it’s written in such a beautiful way. nice job :D

WildWolf! oh my gosh, i love this!! i love how you used the imagery of a tapestry to illustrate the complexities and uniqueness of humans. i thought it was really cool how you chose to show this with kind of contradicting aspects—“soft, happy thoughts / rough, sad memories,” for instance; i feel like that really helps emphasize your point about how people are as wonderful and complex as a tapestry. your piece was wonderful!! nice work :D 

Luna! i don’t think this was too long!! it was the perfect length :D it’s so beautiful—i love the idea of everyone’s life being a tapestry, and their experiences are all threads in it, and the wording you use is really lovely—“They swirl around / Create beauty / In the unexpected” and “But why, / When I sit at my loom / Is mine monochrome? / Silver thread and spider silk / A tapestry barren and cold” might be my favorite lines. i feel like you did a really good job of describing the regret and sadness one might feel from a life not lived to the fullest, and i love the hopeful ending. the metaphor was great and you executed it really well! :D

third place~

Amethyst! whoa i love this!! the repetitions/repeated line structure are so cool, and it’s really impactful. i love the word choice—it’s so precise and lovely! i thought it was really cool how you used a lot of contrasting words to paint a picture of the person you’re describing—it really illustrates how this person (or your perception of them, perhaps?) has changed over time. and the last lines really hammer home the idea of the complexities and contradictions of humans. i also loved the rhymes! i can never rhyme in my poetry, but yours seems so natural and adds a lot of rhythm to the poem! it’s really interesting concept and executed very well—it really stuck with me after i read it. :D

second place~

Woodwind! whoa, this is so good! <3 the imagery and emotion in this piece is absolutely incredible, and as someone who’s possibly on the aroace spectrum myself, it really hits hard. i really love how you took the idea of the red thread of fate—a myth that’s always fascinated me—and spun it into something sad but very powerful. the imagery is incredible—i love how you kept going back to the concept of the red thread of fate with lines like “I guess that cheap red yarn frayed and snapped, and / became a jagged spiderweb of lies, and / fragmented fractal futures.” idrk what i’m saying anymore, but yeah this was just really well done!! :D

first place~

CelineBurning Bright! ooh this is awesome, i love it!! it’s so cool how you’re playing with spacing and punctuation here—it’s really unique and almost reminiscent of e. e. cummings—not exactly, but definitely a similar sort of unconventional style there. the imagery is also wonderful—i love the lines “out of summer golden memories, / and sweat and dirt, / dust and leaves” and “now I’m spiraling like sun-ray hair / slipping down down down.” the repetition with “raindrops” is so cool too. and the themes of doing so much for a person but not getting anything in return, but still not being able to leave them (this my interpretation, at least?) is also so relatable, and you tell it beautifully. congrats, you’re the next judge! :D

submitted by pangolin, judging :D, age she/they, the school cafeteria lol
(February 12, 2024 - 12:14 pm)

Thank you for the praise, pangolin! I'm glad you liked it :) those are probably my favorite lines as well. And thanks for the birthday wishing!!

Congratulations, Celine!!!! You had a wonderful poem, you deserved it!! 

submitted by Hawkstar, age ARMY-ing, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
(February 12, 2024 - 2:15 pm)

Congratulations @celine!!! Your poem was amazing. And ty @pangolin for the kind comments.

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(February 12, 2024 - 3:01 pm)

Thank you so much for third place! And for your comments, they're always so insightful and helpful :D Congratulations to everyone - all the poetry was beautiful (as always, lol).

submitted by Amethyst
(February 12, 2024 - 5:20 pm)
submitted by @Celine, age You won!!!, Congrats!!
(February 12, 2024 - 6:30 pm)

Oh... wow. I was not expecting to win... at all XD. Sorry for the late response. Everyone's entries were so wonderful!! :DD And thank you @pangolin for all the helpful judging-thingies, it was all actually really enjoyable to read (and ofc for 1st too, truly such an honor :0)! Umm… for the prompt. Oh! What about wisp? :)

submitted by Celine gtg thx :)
(February 13, 2024 - 10:27 am)

Ooh, nice prompt! I'll post mine later :)

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(February 13, 2024 - 7:16 pm)