It's night. You'r

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

It's night. You'r

It's night. You're sitting in your bed, staring out the window, searching for something lost. But you can't remember what it is, or was. All you know is that it's out's important...and it was once yours.

Perhaps you never used it, perhaps you did--once, maybe twice. Or more. But for some strange reason, you can't remember if you did or didn't. Or what effect it had on you. Or...where it is now.

As you awoke from a particularly bland and boring dream, the memory that you were missing this...thing slid into your head. As you sat in a haze between asleep and awake, you stared outside, scouring the landscape that, for one fleeting moment, was no longer the familiar world you saw every day.

So here you are, staring outside, searching.

And then you finish waking up.

And here you are, trying to remember what you were just doing.

Hm, you think, smacking your dry lips. The covers rustle as you reach for your water glass, which sits by your lamp on your nightstand like it does every night. That's really wierd...I can't remember my dream. It seemed important--almost real. Your hand meets cold glass and you close your fingers around it. You bring it to your lips for a satisfying sip, but you realize that it's empty.

"Darn," you whisper. You'll have to get out of bed to fill it up--but it's really cold, and you don't have socks on.

Eh, it's no big deal. You'll fill it up.

Throwing the covers to the side, you haul yourself out of bed. With every footstep towards the kitchen all memory of strange dreams and searches leaves you, and by the time you return to your comfy nest of blankets with your full cup of water, the night seems almost normal. That is, until you glance outside the window.

Something moves across the front of the moon, which is full and shines right through the middle of your window, lighting up your comforter. What could it have been? It seemed familiar...And perhaps it's the fact that you're still half asleep, half awake that you can sense it, but a powerful force beats from it. Calling you. Presenting opportunities that you absolutely cannot miss.

Without any hesitation you get back out of bed, but before you can even leave your bedroom you notice a puddle of water near your nightstand.

So that's where all my water went, you realize. I must've knocked it over. Upon closer inspection you realize that there's writing on the carpet, glowing faintly yellow from under the patch of wetness.

The writing is so interesting you don't even realize how strange it is that the puddle isn't soaking into the carpet, or wonder how the words got there. In fact, the words don't even seem scary to you, despite their suspicious nature.

Hello, person! You are one of the lucky few CBers to be chosen to go on a nice, relaxing, beautiful vacation over Lake Lelillo! (Lay-LIH-loh) If you do indeed come, and we absolutely hope you do decide to, you will be given a free getaway from work, school, and empty water glasses! Here at Lake Lelillo, you will have all-day access to the lake itself, the fun attractions, the ice cream stands, the hot dog stands, the hamburger stands, the steak stands, the spagghetti stands, and any other stand marked with a silver star. (Which is all of them, so please don't forget!) Your rooms will be huge and most of them will even overlook the lake! They will of course be inside our one and only Luxury Lake House, which you will live in until your stay comes to a close. Remember this is all completely free, free free! Please pack your things, bring an AE and/or CAPTCHA if you'd like, and wait with them by the nearest stream at sunrise tomorrow morning. As we always say: All inlets lead to Lelillo!

~Your Soon-to-be Chaperones, 

Cassy and Lily of Lake Lelillo 

How you read all that small print was beyond you. Will you go? It certainly seems relaxing enough. The choice is yours to make.


I'll tell you all when the spots are closed, so join while you still can!

Please note that this is my second ski lodge, and it's kind of linked to my first. In a sense, it's the next part. I don't know if I should call it a part two, or what, but some things might reference the first ski lodge. Don't worry--I'm not going to make things super confusing. I'll explain things as I go--and I really need new CBers to join in. But I also need some CBers from my previous ski lodge to come. ('Course, they don't have to join if they don't want to; I'll understand.)

Here's another clue (if you didn't catch the others...) for the CBers who were in my first ski lodge, or read it, and wanted to be in this one:

What do you get when you cross a scorpion and a sloth?

Hehe, my alias isn't going to last the day. :D

submitted by Your Chaperones, Cassy and Lily
(January 1, 2017 - 11:51 am)

Wow. This is an excellent mystery.

I suspect Jayfeather and Elvina. But I'm really bad at solving mysteries, so they could be completely innocent.

submitted by Evergreen, Noctem in Terra
(June 27, 2018 - 8:59 pm)

Ah the suspense!

submitted by hotairballoon, Top
(June 28, 2018 - 7:28 pm)

I suspected Jayfeather a bit too, but if you think about it, he didn’t go with them on their first attempt to capture Cassy, and we know the murderer was in the first attempt, so that rules him out.

Another thing. Does Joan know who the murderer is? Or just the secrets surrounding them?

This is really good Micearenice, probably my favorite story on here!


submitted by Jwyn, age 13, The Realm of Creativity
(June 30, 2018 - 6:30 am)

HAB, can you re-post the "famous ski lodge with TON"? I think it's important, but computer has this glitch where if a word is too long, it gets cut off, so I can't click it because it wasn't "linked". (As in, it didn't show up in red and let me click on it to open it up). Admins, could you make sure it gets linked this time?


I'm sorry. I don't have the power to do that. I did just try to bring the ski lodge to the front of Pudding's Place, but that didn't work either.


submitted by @HAB, @Admins
(June 30, 2018 - 1:01 pm)

I’m not HAB, but I think this is the link:

submitted by Anonymous
(June 30, 2018 - 1:45 pm)

Yes, that's it. Ech. Reading through my old comments makes me die a little bit inside.

submitted by hotairballoon
(June 30, 2018 - 7:11 pm)


submitted by Top
(July 3, 2018 - 4:19 pm)


submitted by ToppingSuperhero, age AsOldAsTop, TheLandOfTops
(July 3, 2018 - 11:22 pm)

A bit of TOP! art.


submitted by TopJwyn!!!, age nt R.M.C., Wearing a Top! Hat
(July 8, 2018 - 7:28 pm)
submitted by Top!Top!Top!Top!Top!, age Topping!, Keep!On!Topping!Topping!
(July 9, 2018 - 11:54 am)

Lake Lelillo Top!! Micearenicenudgenudge!!

submitted by Jwyn Topping!!!!!!!!, age Top!, Wearing a Top! Hat
(July 13, 2018 - 10:48 am)

@Jwyn - [Replying to your comment from June 30] Do you want me to answer that question about Joan? (I will, if you want me to. :3) Also, thanks so much--that means a lot to me, Jwyn! I'm really glad you're enjoying the story, and I love hearing all your thoughts and theories about it.

And thank you for keeping this topped! :)

@Everyone - Sorry for dropping off without warning again. This stretch of the summer has been really busy for me--first camp, and then tomorrow, I leave again for another week. I just wanted to let you all know that the next installment is in the works, just making its way through slowly.

submitted by Micearenice
(July 13, 2018 - 8:34 pm)

Thanks Micearenice!

Yes please, if it’s not too confidential, and you’re very welcome! Writing like this deserves to stay up.

Take your time, but we’re all waiting with held breaths........ No pressure! 

Elli says auru

Almost a word! 

submitted by Jwyn, age 13, Topping!
(July 15, 2018 - 6:44 pm)
submitted by Jwyn Topping!!!!!!!!, age Top!, Wearing a Top! Hat
(July 19, 2018 - 7:50 am)
submitted by Topping Peacock
(July 22, 2018 - 2:19 pm)