Chatterbox: Pudding's Place



(Subject not going through....Third time's the charm...??)

Art stuff thread starting...NOW!  If you draw stuff, you can post it here! I draw in a sort of anime/manga/toon style, but if you don't, don't let that stop you from posting your stuff!  I would love to see other people's art so post away!  They can be OCs, fan art, or just random stuff.  You can use any media, including digital, like I do!  Just to let you chatterboxers know, I started this thread so we can share our tricks of the trade with each other.  Feel free to: ask questions about how to draw certain things, post techniques, share art, and mostly HAVE FUN!  If you draw your OCs, feel free to share information about them such as their names and that sort of thing.  Same goes for fan art since not all of us know where these characters are from.  You don't have to be polished with your art.  I myself am just a beginner at anime/manga/toon.  I'm not good at hands so if any of my hands looks particularly cruddy, you know why.  I also struggle sometimes with feet so same goes for that.  If any of you know how to draw a particularly good hand or foot, feel free to share your trick for it.

Going to post a picture of my OC, Tuxedo, if this post goes through okay.

submitted by Lap R., age BA-BLAM!, Middle of Nowhere
(April 13, 2016 - 12:41 pm)

Wow I love your art style!

submitted by Moon Wolf@zoba, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(August 15, 2024 - 3:54 pm)

TYSM! It's rlly funny cuz I have different artstyles for each character I make. lol

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(August 16, 2024 - 9:47 am)

I love this!!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(August 16, 2024 - 9:42 am)


submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(August 17, 2024 - 2:21 pm)

I painted my phone case with some jellyfish today!  If anyone is curious, they're a box jellyfish (dark blue), a sea nettle (light blue) and a moon jellyfish (purple)!

submitted by Sterling, age they/them, the deep blue sea
(August 15, 2024 - 5:30 pm)
submitted by forgot to attatch, the pic smh
(August 15, 2024 - 8:41 pm)

ahh that's so pReTtY~ that's amazing how you painted the jellies too!! And the bubbles and the seafloor... it all looks so natural!

submitted by Celine@Sterling, phone case Sea
(August 16, 2024 - 9:44 am)

I love what you did zoba! And the highlights in your eyes are just chef's kiss! I just finished my own art project, and I finished watching clone wars so it goes hand in hand. Also If you want to see the meaning of the flowers I chose you could look at the Star Wars thread. ;3

submitted by Tea’n’Tacos, age 16 cycles , Pabu
(August 15, 2024 - 9:24 pm)


submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(August 16, 2024 - 9:19 am)

That's amazing!!! I don't think I ever commented(?), but I always love your art sooo much!!!

submitted by Celine@T’n’T
(August 16, 2024 - 9:46 am)

TY guys! It made my day when I saw this earlier! I really enjoyed playing around with textures and colors. And @ Sterling, I love the colors you chose! They are my favorite colors so I'm a little biased. Lol. ;)

submitted by ☆Tea'n'Tacos☆, age 16 cycles, Pabu
(August 16, 2024 - 3:49 pm)

Kinda sorta maybe drew my "football"-playing camp counselor

[CAPTCHA said I am um! So real lol] 

Please use only last initial at the bottom right of the art, then you may resubmit it.


submitted by Zeta L
(August 18, 2024 - 8:54 am)

[@Admin, Zeta Lupi is not my real name; it is that of a star in the constellation Lupus.]

submitted by Zeta Lupi, some brain, still floof
(August 19, 2024 - 7:28 am)

oh wow!

submitted by zoba_tea, age 5 epochs, A galaxy far, far away...
(August 19, 2024 - 10:00 am)

Oh. My. Gandalf-- that's so well done!! It gives off a very specific vibe somehow, and it's incredibly realistic, and my gosh :00 You're an amazing artist.

submitted by Amethyst@Zeta Lupi, soccer! football!!!
(August 23, 2024 - 4:48 pm)