You open your
Chatterbox: Pudding's Place
You open your
You open your mailbox and pull out a flyer. It says: You are invited to spend a month on the cruise ship "The Cricket". Don't worry you are already coming. There is mini golf, a library, a pool, and a theater on board. Only 20 CBs, AEs, and CAPATCHAS can join. There will be no murders on this trip!
Your Captain
1.2.3 Go! Start joining and guessing who I am!
submitted by The Captain , "The Cricket"
(January 29, 2016 - 10:57 am)
(January 29, 2016 - 10:57 am)
I'm sorry. I am quitting this Ski Lodge. I do not mean to be offensive or rude, Captain, but I'm just not sure how well this is going. It's been nearly a week since you last posted. This is too much waiting; only one CBer has been killed off.
Please don't take this the wrong way.
(February 27, 2016 - 8:53 pm)
Are we going to continue this?
(March 12, 2016 - 3:54 pm)
Hi Captain!
I just wanted to let you know that this thread is a really great idea, and it would be awesome if you could continue it. If you can't, can you please let us know? All the Ski Lodges I join are dying. Tnof Dlob Eht Ni wats to see the world! Queen Lavender Agatha Louisia the 67th of Riverdale forgot her packages of dragonfruit eclairs onboard and is losing her mind. My new AE, Isadora Violetwood would love to join if you end up continuing the thread!
Sincerley, Bibliophile
P.S. I have absoulutely no idea why I'm writting this in a letter format...
(March 20, 2016 - 1:14 pm)