You open your

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You open your

You open your mailbox and pull out a flyer.  It says:  You are invited to spend a month on the cruise ship "The Cricket". Don't worry you are already coming.  There is mini golf, a library, a pool, and a theater on board. Only 20 CBs, AEs, and CAPATCHAS can join. There will be no murders on this trip! 

Your Captain  

1.2.3 Go! Start joining and guessing who I am! 

submitted by The Captain , "The Cricket"
(January 29, 2016 - 10:57 am)

Ohh I love These!!!! I'm packing these things:

Ellie, my toy elephant

a jounal

Holly my CAPCHA



Who said that!

I did.

Where are you?!?

Right here. Look down. 

What!? I look down to see my shadow slide up against the wall.

Were! What!

I see your surprised. I'm your new AE. Shadow. 

Where have you been!

I've always been here. Waching, waiting, for the right moment. *Evil laughf* I see you when you...

That's enough! Shadow, don't scare her! 

Wait! Wo back up! Rosemary! You knew that it was there! All this time and you didn't tell me!

I'm NOT AN IT. My name is Shadow! Not IT. 

Well, Shadow would of given you nightmares if I told you. So I didn't, but I would of! 

Great. I'm taking Shadow and Rosemary, AND Holly. Sorry Captain (are you Elvina) about taking so many people! 

Don't  worry Rosemary will be staying RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!! * Speaks a strange word, and Rosemary is taken away on the back of a night mare.* 


I would say sorry, but I'm not! *Evil Laughf*

Ok I'm taking



a jounal 

and Me.

This is going to be an evental week!  

Holly says "ycrn" Yarn, I guese I'm taking Holly's yarn too.  




submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Pluto
(January 29, 2016 - 12:53 pm)

So here's who's coming so far:




Hey Moonfrost, my general rule about  number of AEs and CAPTCHAS will be one each per person.  And I'm not Elvina.

Please others join! I don't mind if you're in other ski lodges. 

submitted by The Captain , "The Cricket"
(January 30, 2016 - 8:55 pm)

I'm coming! There's a theater and a library in board! I can practice for drama AND finish reading my current book series. What to pack...

-Cress (there's been a lot of Lunar chronicles stuff going around lately. I actually started reading them recently and they are SO GOOD.)

-a box of Lemonades

-a bunch of movies

-my guitar (even though I am practically incapable of playing chords because of my tragically short fingers, though, granted, it's my fourth week)

-a hairbrush

-a tablet and earbuds


Also, maybe you all should just give up on the no-murders thing. Nobody is going to believe you. We are CBers! We are not fooled by lies OR when prices say $19.99 (plus shipping and handling) when they really just mean $20 (plus shipping and handling).

submitted by Sydney C., age 13, The Pridelands
(January 30, 2016 - 10:03 pm)

l'm coming!

l'm bringing curiousity, insomnia, thick Latin textbooks, and a pillow.

And are you  Bibliophile?

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Forever, Dusty Places
(January 30, 2016 - 10:47 pm)

Sounds cool! I'll come!

Toto the CAPTCHA will come too, but a certain Princess Icicle won't, because I'm sure she'd destroy the theater!

Speaking of which, there is a theater!!!! And a library!

I'm not going to pack anything except for a book and a few changes of clothes (hopefully their's a washing machine on board!) 

submitted by Over the Rainbow
(January 31, 2016 - 7:51 am)

I'll come aboard! Btw, are you Curio?


I am the Novelist, a new CBer. I will bring my iPad, my duct tape crafts kit, my chargers, and a copy of my book which is trying to get published.



submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(January 31, 2016 - 8:26 am)

I'm coming!!!! I will pack: 

*My computer

*A couple robots

*A lifetime supply of Marzepan

*A solar battery

*Some supersupersupersuper fuzzy pajamas

*A travel notebook

*A swimsuit, just in case we go swimming

My AE, Emerald.

My AE, Ultron.

Hey, you two! Stop it! Besides, I can only bring one AE.

*Both look at each other, slow smiles spreading across their faces* 

That is NOT an excuse for you to fight!

Too Late... Killer Bunnies Unite!!!!

Wait wait wait WAIT!!! I'll just bring...Emerald. 

You always take her. I'm going this time.

But she's...calmer... *I watch helplessly as Emerald's bunnies attempt to consume Ultron's computer.*

Too bad, Emerald! That has a secure password. And it relies on my fingerprint and voice identification and-

Fine. I'll take you, Ultron. Though this is probably the worst decision of my life... 


Byte says yazp. Grasp? Yes? Ya? Well, I'm glad you are coming. 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(January 31, 2016 - 8:34 am)

I'm coming!  I'm bringing,



My iPod with Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, and a preorder on Stars Above on it(Yay Lunartics!) 

A backpack full of books


submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(January 31, 2016 - 9:15 am)

So this is who's coming.






Sydney C.

Over the Rainbow



Shadow Dragon

I think that's everyone. Tell me if you're missed. And I'm not Biblophile or Curio. 

submitted by The Captain , "The Cricket"
(January 31, 2016 - 11:49 am)

Oops sorry. I forgot also that The Novelist and Ultron are coming too.

submitted by The Captain, "The Cricket"
(January 31, 2016 - 11:51 am)

I also forgot Byte and Pet. Sorry.

submitted by The Captain , "The Cricket"
(January 31, 2016 - 11:54 am)

I'm coming, and bringing:





Anti-poison kit

Cell phone with Atlantis Hospital on speed-dial

Waterproof backpack to keep it all in


submitted by Aquina W., age 13, Atlantis
(January 31, 2016 - 12:41 pm)

Can I come? I would bring my CAPATCHA Queen Lavender Agatha Louisia the 67th of Riverdale. You can write her name as Lavender to make it shorter, if you'd like.

What! I’ve never been treated with such disrespect! Of course you must call me by my full royal name! Add a Her Royal Highness and it would be even better! People these days!

That's her, of course. What if we just called you Queen Lavender?

Completely improper! 

But a lot more convient! Isn't your job to serve the people?

Fine. HRH Queen L?

Why not. So can we join, Captain?  

It is a luxury cruise, right?

Maybe. I'm sure it will be fun. 

submitted by Bibilophile, age 12, Chicago,IL
(January 31, 2016 - 3:02 pm)


Umm.... I had no idea how to start this, so hi sounds good. Can I join? Wait-OHMYGOSH I JUST READ THROUGH THE FLYER AND THERE IS A THEATRE!!!!! PERFORMING IN FRONT OF OTHER CBERS, HERE I COME!! OK I'm done now. But I would really like to join. And also, can Gwen come? In case you didn't know, she's my grumpy AE. She's also very depressed. And rude. And-

OK, I think they get the point. It's inconceivable that you would complain about me!

You use that word too much. I think it does not mean what you think it means.

Also, can my CAPTCHA Cappy come too? Cappy is an adorable, fluffy, loving cat!

submitted by Joss, age 13, ME
(January 31, 2016 - 5:33 pm)

Please save me a spot!

Yay, I've never participated in a Ski Lodge before!

So excited!

I am bringing my CAPTCHA, Micna (mcna). She's an owl.

submitted by Owlgirl AKA Elena O., age 12, Texas
(January 31, 2016 - 7:55 pm)