Chatterbox: Pudding's Place


"COME BACK!!!" You cry tearfully as the dog wrenches his leash out of your hands. "COME BACK!!!" You yell again, soon realizing it's futile to yell any longer. That was your friend's uncle's friend's daughter's dog, and she had entrusted you complete care of him. You'd better start looking for him, then. As you call through the streets, you see a brown streak cross the road and head right for you! It's Marty! Except... what's that in his mouth?! It's the neighbor's cat! No, wait, it's just a cat-shaped note. Grabbing it, you unfurl it to see that it says,

Hello, person! You have been selected to come to our private farm for a relaxing, looong getaway from home. Don't bother signing in, just show up! Max visitors is 24; we'll close the gates when the quota is met. Pack your CAPTCHAs and AEs; we don't want to be bored, now do we? Just pack a few items, and your dog will show you the way! 


               Abigail V., Vacation Manager of the Resort Farm

P.S. We aren't responsible for any deaths, injuries, ect.


Uh-oh. You've heard of these before. Do you want to risk it? It certainly sounds relaxing, so it may be worth it... 



submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(November 30, 2015 - 8:36 am)


submitted by Topsy Owly
(May 21, 2016 - 5:00 pm)


submitted by Top
(May 21, 2016 - 7:05 am)


submitted by HAVOC
(May 21, 2016 - 5:25 pm)

Bravo, Mice!!

This is really amazing, great writing! I loved it!  

submitted by Megan H/ September
(May 21, 2016 - 11:35 pm)

Thank you!

submitted by Micearenice
(May 22, 2016 - 7:45 am)
Over two hours, they all learned in lots of very tiring exercises how to: Use their weapons correctly, use spears, swords, bows and arrows, and many more weapons; fight a larger opponent, a smaller opponent, a group of opponents, sneak, improvise with anything in their hands, defend, roll, dodge, and a whole lot more. By the time they were done, they were sweaty messes, and ready for a nap. The CAPTCHAs weren't too tired, because they'd only been shooting slingshots. The farmer didn't think they'd enjoy battle practice too much, but he gave them some work so they wouldn't feel left out.
"YEEEESS!!!" Spyro shouted when he was finished with his sequence of fighting maneuvers. "Who knew? I had no idea. Like, how could anyone know a person could get this stiff?"
"Hmph. Hmmmmmmmmmph." Gwen couldn't voice her annoyance loud enough.
"All right! Good job, everyone! I'm so proud of you," the farmer's assistant gushed as she opened the door for them to go inside and get a drink and a snack.
"I've got a special drink for everyone that will make your tired bones get back to work," the farmer said as he brought up the rear. He closed the door behind him. The CBers moaned.
He disappeared into his room and returned after a few short minutes with a tray of styrofoam cups of pink, iced water. The CBers, having already consumed a cup and a half of liquid each, reluctantly gulped their pink, lemony beverage. Almost instantly they felt like they'd just been slapped awake. They felt more refreshed than ever, and almost eager to continue their training. They were no longer hungry, sore, tired, out of breath, or anything of the sort.
After a five minute rest, they reluctantly returned to the training area to continue their hard work. The farmer's assistant set up a cooler of the magical drink for the CBers to go to when they felt thirsty.
The farmer lined them up around the circular platform and he sat down in his chair.
"Okay," he said. "It's time to show me what you learned, to stuff it all in your head and keep it there. I want you to come onto the stage as I call you and I'll test you. Over the Rainbow, show me what you've learned!"
OtR climbed onto the stage. The sweltering sun brought beads of sweat up from the back of her neck. She gulped, and hoped that she would not embarass herself in front of all her staring friends. "Okay, show me your weapon and tell me a little bit about it," the farmer prompted.
"My weapon is a longbow and it was carved by a guy from the mideval ages." Over the Rainbow advertised the designs etched into the wood by slowly turning the bow round in her hands.
"Excellent. You'll soon become as comfortable with your bow as you are with your shoes," the farmer said happily. "Now, shoot one of the dummies over there."
OtR took aim, and using the swipe-your-cheek trick she'd learned earlier, shot a wooden circle used for bow practice. Sure, it hit the outer ring, but at least she'd hit it!
"Good job!" The farmer complimented. "Now, I hope everybody knows that we won't be using these weapons to kill. I'm just teaching you how to use them to give you a character building experience. Literally," he said under his breath. No one heard the last part, but they felt disappointed that all this was pretty much for nothing.
He tested OtR for a little while longer, then continued. Twenty minutes passed, and the farmer finished his assesment of every CBer. Then he told them that they'd be doing some more training: Mock missions.
Over the next hour-long session, they went out to the field and practiced taking orders, sneaking around, being fast, and improvising. They also did a lot more, but they didn't wish to recall the terrible, exhausting moments until they had had a cup of the lemony magic water, which the farmer had called mirabile.
That had concluded their physical training for the day. But, as with all people who get their hopes up too fast, they were informed that that was not the end to their busy day. It was precisely four o'clock, and the CBers got to begin Spyro's favorite task--training animals.
They went inside, and the farmer walked them through the back of the house and into the dining room. He scooted the table aside, and unlocked the cellar doors. The CBers, and AEs entered the dark basement, which they'd never before been in.
When the farmer's assistant and the farmer reached the bottom of the steps, they turned on the light. The CBers could see that they were packed in a small stone square--one that had four doorless openings on each side. A pull-down staircase was what they had just come down--but it was rapidly ascending as the farmer pushed it back up into the ceiling of the cellar.
"Do we finally get to train animals?" Spyro asked excitedly.
"Mmhmm," the farmer's assistant answered. She led the way through the door directly in front of them--and into a long corridor with three doors at the end of it. (One straight ahead, one on the right, and one on the left.) An out-of-place decorative table with a potted plant on it flanked the wall by one of the doors. "I keep meaning to get rid of that," the assistant sighed. "Mr. Farmer here has no sense of good decoration."
The farmer spluttered indignantly. His assistant ignored him and opened the door on the left side of the hall. Quiet squawks and screeches greeted them. The CBers entered the room and saw that it was rather large, well lit, painted yellow with wood floors, had a sink and a...fridge?, and on the far side there were cages of birds. The middle of the room was full of stands, perches, treat holders, and lots of other stuff. In all, the room resembled a small gym. A small, cozy gym.
"Awesome," Mortifero said. She was noticing the magical windows that shed extra light into the bird-training area, and upon closer inspection she noticed that they made the room seem like it was a cabin on a rocky cliff. She could practically feel the icy winds cutting through her hoodie.
"So, for this training session, I will train you on how to train animals. It's easy, really, but you need to know a few things. For instance; never let a large parrot get above your eye level. It will think it's more dominant than you, and become bossy," the farmer said. He explained how certain parrots responded to treats or cuddles better, showed them different types of magical birds, taught about the temperament of different species, and lastly, different training techniques. Finally he granted them permission to begin training the birds. But not after a few more instructions: "You will teach your birds a trick that you will draw out of a hat. Then, after you get a feel for training animals, we will discuss in our next meeting good tricks for battle and training. And...I don't expect your animals to learn immediately how to do their trick; one day isn't enough time for a lesson to sink in, but I just want you to get a feel for training an animal. You know, a knack of sorts. We'll start the real  training tomorrow; well, you  will. I will be working on them today, and even when you're not helping, the animals will be going through intense training."
The farmer's assistant handed out birds while the farmer answered questions. Each and every CBer and AE wore long leather gloves and goggles, for safety purposes. (The CAPTCHAs were, to their dismay, sent off for a nap.)
It took about ten minutes to get settled before the actual training to begin. So much preparation! The CBers and AEs drew a trick out of a hat to train their bird to do. They chose out a training utensil accordingly.
Spyro ended up with a cockatoo. He, amongst others, had drawn out the trick 'turn a circle'. Those who had gotten that trick were sorted out on the floor, where their birds had the most room to turn around. Much to his surprise, he found that it was extremely easy to train an animal! It felt strange to him, being responsible did. But he sort of liked having his own area of expertise, so he didn't goof off like he normally would. (Or like the other AEs were doing.)
"Spyro, how's it going?" The farmer asked while making his rounds and checking on his students.
"Um--good. Turn around," Spyro instructed his bird. It turned around immediately, and Spyro clicked his claw against the floor to show that it had done a good job.
"Wow, impressive! He already responds to click training. Spyro, that is truly an impressive feat, to train a bird to respond to clicking and  voice command in just thirty minutes! I'd like you to help the others train their animals, if you wouldn't mind."
"Oh, okay," Spyro said.
"You can keep the bird, if you want to," the farmer told him.
"Oh, thanks! I'll name him General Firecracker."
Spyro continued to show the others the best way to offer a treat, along with other stuff. He was surprised by how much he knew about animals. And he was surprised at how easy the animals seemed around him. The CBers seemed impresssed, too. In fact, all the animals had been trained by six thirty. The farmer was pleased and impressed with the speed at which the birds learned. He helped put all the birds back into their cages (except for General Firecracker, who was to be left with Spyro), and led the way upstairs for the CBers to eat dinner and relax.
submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(May 22, 2016 - 7:48 am)

Farmer's Assistant: I just want you to know that this story is a amazing. You have not written a ski-lodge, you have created a world.

submitted by OtR
(May 22, 2016 - 7:33 pm)


submitted by Top!
(May 26, 2016 - 7:22 pm)


I am fangirling over this more than I did over Percy Jackson!!!!

OK, maybe not as much as Percy Jackson, but I LOVE THIS!!! 

submitted by Joss
(May 29, 2016 - 9:22 pm)


PS Cappy says yomi. What are you eating??

submitted by Joss, age 13, ME
(May 30, 2016 - 6:06 am)

Really?!?! Wow, wow, wow!!! I am so glad you like it, OtR and Joss! XD I can't thank you guys enough for continuing to stick with this ski lodge. (Psst! Do you have any suggestions for books you might want to visit or characters you might want to meet?)

submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(June 1, 2016 - 8:47 am)

I'd like to visit Emily Windsnap!

submitted by Joss
(June 4, 2016 - 8:41 am)


(How about The Hobbit / LotR?) 

submitted by hotairballoon
(June 3, 2016 - 7:08 am)


submitted by SaturTOP!, age TopTopTop, It's Saturday; I'm toppin
(June 4, 2016 - 7:01 am)
submitted by Topsarenice, age TopTopTop, Topping
(June 4, 2016 - 7:02 am)