Kyngdom Survival Guide

Beginner Thread For

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

Beginner Thread For

Beginner Thread For New Kyngdomers or Those Who Want a Slightly More Relaxed Roleplay To Participate In

By relaxed, I really just mean a thread that doesn't directly alter the main plot.

Here's a link to Hazel's Kyngdom Academy thread, if you have any questions:

Anyways, let's introduce a segment of story, hmm?


The Grasplands, located in Southeastern Kyngdom, were once a peaceful land, where people of all nations came to visit and enjoy the warm climate. But ever since the war, the Grasplands have been altered. And not in a good way.

Nations bordering Kyngdom began to take advantage of its weakness. They began to seep into the boundaries, seeking to take some of the land.

However, Catastrophe didn't want other nations meddling in his war. He began to bomb the area. The other nations left, leaving the Graspland to view him as their savior.

Ever since, the Nobyls (wealthy families that used to rule Kyngdom) have been replaced with Catastrophe's soldiers. He has begun to recruit people living in the Grasplands.

But he's not the only army in town. 

The Resistance has been hiding in the alleyways and basements of towns in the Grasplands, seeking to recruit those who do not agree with Catastrophe's motives. 

What side will you join? Or will you join any at all?


Remember, post your charrie sheet on the Who's Here? thread, which is located on the homepage. 

Happy roleplaying!  

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(November 23, 2019 - 3:32 pm)
submitted by Correct!
(January 31, 2020 - 7:03 pm)


I storm back to what I know is the next-nearest Resistance base, furious I could let this happen. I was mad before, but know I'm boiling with rage. And it all leads back to Dar'sava. Of course it does. It always does. Augh. I hate... that I can't hate him. He's so hate-able, and yet I can't seem to dislike him as a perosn at all. It sucks. I could hate on just about anybody if I wanted to. But.

Once I arrive and get passed R'oko's surprise and the others' greetings, I head for Dar'sava and don;t even try to be civil, or subtle. "Gimme," I demand shortly.

I see a flash of aged yellow paper clutched in his hands. My arms shoot out unconsiously. He swipes his hand away and holds it behind his back. "Tell me first."

I ball my hands into fists. I knew it would come to this. "Owena Rayvin. Name of a dead girl. She- was all I had. And know that's all I have of her. So gimme." I reach out once again, and catch him off-guard, snatching it away and stuffing it into my pocket.

"Great," I say, "Now, I can finally go-"

Before I can finish, the door swings open, and a Sanukan girl and a racoon anthro who look a little older than me are standing at the door.

A few pistols are drawn as all of us say, in unison, "Who are you?"  

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(February 6, 2020 - 9:12 pm)


Weapons are whipped out and pointed at us, and all the members in the room say, "Who are you?"

I playfully twirl my own pistol, a Sanukan laser pistol. A well-crafted weapon, if I do say so myself. "Well, that clarifies that you're the Resistance, then. Thought maybe you'd be a little harder to find, but oh well, this is nice."

"If you're one of Catastrophe's soldiers, be prepared to die," A cat-boy hisses. I laugh .

"We aren't Catastrophe's soldiers," Kimi says, "We're Sanukans."

"Y'know?" I say. "The ones who launched the only successful attack on Jokull, something the Resistance has failed to do."

"So you're not enemies. But then why are you here?" Someone else says. 

"You've been sending envoys to Sanukaville, to ask us about an alliance. So that's what we're here to discuss," I reply.

A coyote anthro steps up. "Alright. Kirah, Dar'sava, Jasper, and Smoke, come with me. I trust you enough to help me make  a good decision on this."



submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(February 7, 2020 - 6:56 am)
submitted by Top!
(February 9, 2020 - 3:33 pm)
submitted by Top!
(February 12, 2020 - 7:05 pm)


R'oko stands up authoratively. "Alright. Kirah, Dar'sava, Jasper, and Smoke, come with me. I trust you enough to help me make  a good decision on this."

I sigh loudly and begin to protest. "Oh, come on! I need to go back! I can't just disappear from Catastrophe's army, that'd be way to obvious!"

"You can make it look like you were one of those soldiers in the group we fired at," Dar'sava suggests.

"How? They'd never find a body," I say, "Plus, what if I wasn't in that unit, or regiment? That wouldn't make sense."

"Dar'sava's right, Kirah. We need you here," R'oko says. I throw my hands up in frustration. 

"Fine! Fine. If my cover's blown, it'll be your fault when I become a prisoner of war." I give up and follow R'oko, with the Sanukan and the raccoon anthro following behind us. I'm not quite sure what I think of them yet.

The seven of us settle at a table, Dar'sava somehow ending up next to me. I scoot my chair away from him slightly, just enough to be noticable. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(February 13, 2020 - 12:35 pm)


The meeting is tense but efficient, and Davina and R'oko do most of the talking. We discuss a Sanukan alliance and a potential infiltration of a Black Skull base. R'oko has been in the Grasplands the longest, so he has the most information to offer. Even that is not a lot.

R'oko doesn't feel comfortable extending an alliance without contacting some higher-ups, which he promises to do after the meeting. In the meantime, we discuss the matter of the Black Skull. 

"It's not often you meet someone who's heard that name," R'oko says slowly. "We know they're around here somehwere, but our knowledge on their exact location isn't...even close to what it needs to be for what you're suggesting."

"We know that their members are wealthy individuals," Davina points out. "Do you have any of those in the Grasplands?"

R'oko's snout crinkles thoughtfully. "It's a good thought," R'oko confesses. "You can certainly start by trying to squeeze information from any potential contacts,'s messy business, because when they find out you're looking for them, they're going to come for you."

Davina nods.

"I can make a list of people suspected of being part of the black market," R'oko continues, seeing we are serious. "And the Resistance has wealthy contacts too--so arranging a 'meeting' shouldn't be too hard."


submitted by Hazel C.
(February 25, 2020 - 6:55 pm)


"The Sanukans have a list of suspects as well. If we could arrange for you and a group of your soldiers to meet with us and General Hviti at the Sanukan's Grasplands HQ, that would be excellent," I reply. R'oko pauses.

"I think we should be able to do that. But, once again, I'll need to contact some higher-ups," R'oko finally says. I notice that the Resistance soldiers with him haven't said anything. Either they're shy, or they're just here as R'oko's bodyguards. 

"Fine," I reply. "But I'm pretty sure it's obvious the Resistance wants an alliance. You people are the ones who starting sending envoys to Sanukaville."

R'oko shrugs. "You're right, but General Mina doesn't like it when we don't discuss things with her first." 

"Hmm. Well, try to get a reply as soon as possible. We'll be waiting," I say. With that, we end our meeting. It didn't go bad, but... I suppose I thought the Resistance was slightly more willing to fight back. They seem more like a ragtag group of teens than an actual rebellion. Which is...worrying, to say the least.

Kimi and I sneak out through a back door to avoid being spotted. Catastrophe's soldiers are patrolling the streets, guns in hand. Clearly, they're getting pretty serious about removing the Resistance from the Grasplands. 

"Well, that was MUCH less exciting than I'd hoped for," Kimi says suddenly. We reach the ATV and begin to get in.

"Yeah," I agree. "I thought the Resistance army, y'know?" I turn the key in the ignition, and the ATV growls to life.

"I think they're more organized outside of the Grasplands. But they seem kinda weak around here. I mean, I was sort of expecting like, an underground mafia, which was a bit much--But still," Kimi says. She plops down in the seat and sighs.

"Well," I say, "The Black Skull will still be exciting."


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(March 15, 2020 - 2:43 pm)


"Hmm. Well, try to get a reply as soon as possible. We'll be waiting," says the Sanukan. And with that, the two end the meeting. 

"Well, I think that went pretty well," the cat, Cloud, states. I have to restrain myself pretty hard not to roll my eyes.

"They didn't seem very impressed with us," Jasper says.

"Are you kidding? It's like they thought we're not even fighting," I snarl. Maybe I'm just extra touchy right now, but I feel like those two weren't really our biggest fans.

"Still, we should get in contact with General Mina or some higher-ups in the Resistance. See if they can come to the Sanukan's Grasplands base," R'oko says.

"How should we do that?" Dar'sava asks. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(March 23, 2020 - 4:50 pm)


"How should we do that?"

"I have an idea, but I need to ask some of the other officials around here first. All of you, wait about ten minutes and I'll have a plan," R'oko says. He walks away.

"This is ridiculous. I need to get back," Kirah grumbles.

"Just say you were searching for a spot with some of those white flowers," Jasper suggests. "They'll probably believe it. Not many of the soldiers around here are exactly experienced."

"Yeah, they're mostly just young people who want to prove themselves," I add.

Before Kirah can grumble back a reply, R'oko returns. He's holding a small rectangle of metal. It looks like a large computer chip.

"On this chip is a message. Around here, we usually send messages through these, which we call ETLs, or electronically transmitted letters. Think e-mails, but on a chip instead," R'oko explains. "We have to send them via special "receivers" , which are designed to be very hard to hack into. That way Catastrophe can't tap into our messages and gain information.

"However, we don't have any ETL receivers at this base. The closest base with ETL receivers was the safehouse I ran in Linfield. But obviously, we can't go back there. That place is crawling with Catastrophe's men."

"So, then where do we go?"  The cat asks.

"The next closest is located in Omrakh, a sprawling city filled with Catastrophe loyalists. It will be dangerous, and we can only send two or three people there. One of our members has an ELT receiver hidden in their home. They go under the code name 'Mongoose'. They're a hacker, one of our finest."

"Do you...know what they look like?" I ask.

"I know they're female, and that they have 'personal reasons' for disliking Catastrophe. But that's about it--though I've heard rumors they're a SOCS experiment. Which I'm assuming there's not many SOCS experiments in a loyalist city like Omrakh."

"So, who's going?"

"Well, to help ensure you don't get caught, I also created a decoy ETL. One group will take the decoy and head to the town of Fairmeadow. The other group will take the real ETL and head to the city of Omrakh." R'oko pulls out an identical copy of the ETL.

"Smoke, Jasper, and I will take the decoy ETL. Kirah and Dar'sava, you'll take the real copy. Kirah, you're already disguised as a soldier of Catastrophe. What was your code name?"

"Ferox," She replies.

"Right. Dar'sava, you'll need to disguise yourself as well. Your code name will be... Pitalesharo."


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(March 24, 2020 - 10:57 am)

Really not sure how I managed to procrastinate on this response for so long when I have nothing to do. 


Well, look at that. Some good, quality time with my favorite person.
I don't even try to argue as Dar'sava and I climb into an ATV, him with the ETL in hand. I beat him there, so at least I get to drive. You know it won't be a comfortable ride for Mr. Pitalesharo over there. We drive in awkward silence for the most part, but that's better than talking, if you ask me. 
"Do you know where you're going?" he asks.
"Of course I do," I snap.
"Really? Cause you're driving like you don't."
"Yeah, I'm doing that to freak you out. It gives me satistaction."
"Why do you hate me so much?" he asks.
"Cause you're a stuck-up, nosy jerk with no respect for privacy," I respond.
"No, you hate me cause I'm nice to you."
I slam my foot down on the break. Dar'sava gets thrown forward and has to thrust his hands out to ensure he doesn't get thrown overboard.
"I will make you get out of this ATV, hand me the ETL and walk all the way to Omrakh if you say anything else to me. M'kay?" By now, we're out of the city, driving in fields by the light of the moon. Dropping him off here would be a pretty bad thing to happen to him.
Dar'sava raises his eveybrows. "Forever? Or just for right now?"
I drive in crazy zigzags, throwing him all around the ATV. Once he straightens, he says, "I don't seem to have been thrown out yet."
"Shut up and leave me alone." I can feel Dar'sava's smile more than I can see it, and I fight off a crazy grin of my own. 
What is wrong with me? 
submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(March 29, 2020 - 5:59 pm)


Kirah seems to be struggling to keep her face as emotionless as always. There's a glint of something in her eyes--joy, I think. Eventually, a small smile manages to get through.

She should smile more often.

"You don't seem to mind me talking," I say. 

"Didn't I say to shut up and leave me alone?"

"Well, yes, but you also said you were going to throw me out, and that didn't happen, so--"

Kirah suddenly drives the ATV in a crazy swerve. I grab onto the dashboard to prevent being thrown out.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I ask.

"Yes!" She exclaims, exasperated. I can't help but laugh. The tiny smile breaks through to her face again.

"Well, if I'm dead, who's going to drive you crazy then?"

"Hopefully nobody." She suddenly slows down, as we're nearing Omrakh. Tall, stone buildings rise above the ground, the moon spilling white light onto them. At the gate stand four guards, each armed with various weapons. 

"Get out your badge," I mutter. I pull out my own. It looks exactly like a real badge one of Catastrophe's soldiers would wear. It should be more than enough to convince the guards to let us through, but I'm starting to come up with a reason for us needing to get into Omrakh so late already.

One of the guards approaches the ATV. He sees our false uniforms. "Badges?"

Kirah and I both hold them up. The guard examines them for what seems like an unusually long time. Kirah shuffles her feet nervously. My ears are twitching.

The guard finally steps back. "Alright. You're good to go."


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(March 31, 2020 - 8:35 am)

Oh, my goodness. New Cogville was  C R A Z Y, and I'm so glad to be out of that mess. The citizens were getting ready for some kind of winter festival, and the waterways were all clogged up. It was the natural time to smuggle some goods, but that didn't make it pleasant.

It isn't this fresh breeze pouring down the vast Barrier River that makes the trip worth it, though. I have redeemed myself from the squabble at Mer! I have regained my fortune! I have found a mysterious and wealthy client who has paid me handsomely to embark on this deadly venture. (I have nothing to lose, because everything is extremely dangerous to me. It's one of the perks of being cursed.)

Deep in the belly of the Thunderbird lies half a ton of Kyngdom's finest hardwood. It is stacked so neatly that it would physically pain you to nudge a log out of place. Not that you could--the logs are very heavy and require a crane to lift out of the ship.

The logs are stacked in such a way that the stack's center is hollow. Within that hollow center is a chest of gold ingots. The gold inside the chest is stacked in such a way that their center is hollow. Inside that hollow center is a sealed safe, the contents of which are unknown to me.

Those are decoys. I know they are. They are distractions should my ship be hijacked. My employer would not have me shuttle their goods in such a cliche manner for such a hefty sum. I know the real wares are hidden somewhere else in this elaborate, puzzling shipment.

It's not my business to pry, though. The gold in the chest is one fifth of my final payment. I want to make sure I get the rest. All I've got to do is sail up the Barrier River to the coordinates scrawled on the inside of my hat, deliver the wood to an undisclosed person in exchange for another set of packages, and drop those packages off to another contact, to whom I will also deliver the safe inside the chest.


~Selena Evadere


So...her client is the Black Skull. I'm not sure what kind of goods she's smuggling, but the logs are actually hollow, weighted/lined with lead on the inside, and filled with cylinders of something valuable/illegal.

This at least gives us another angle to address the plot from. 

submitted by Captain Phantasma, Hazel C.
(April 6, 2020 - 3:52 pm)

Hmm, so I was thinking my new charrie could be one of the two contacts, but I'm not sure which.

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(April 9, 2020 - 2:38 pm) depends on if he'd rather transport some logs or some miscellaneous packages and a safe.

If he's the first contact and some Regularly Scheduled Drama occurs while Selena's dropping the logs off, it'll keep the second set of packages from delivery, possibly upsetting the Black Skull.

However, the second set of packages are less valuable, and in fact, it's possible they are actually explosives set to detonate the ship and/or the location they're headed for.

Or, the safe could contain a bomb that the second contact is supposed to use for something else. 

submitted by Hazel C.
(April 10, 2020 - 3:58 pm)