Kyngdom Survival Guide

Beginner Thread For

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

Beginner Thread For

Beginner Thread For New Kyngdomers or Those Who Want a Slightly More Relaxed Roleplay To Participate In

By relaxed, I really just mean a thread that doesn't directly alter the main plot.

Here's a link to Hazel's Kyngdom Academy thread, if you have any questions:

Anyways, let's introduce a segment of story, hmm?


The Grasplands, located in Southeastern Kyngdom, were once a peaceful land, where people of all nations came to visit and enjoy the warm climate. But ever since the war, the Grasplands have been altered. And not in a good way.

Nations bordering Kyngdom began to take advantage of its weakness. They began to seep into the boundaries, seeking to take some of the land.

However, Catastrophe didn't want other nations meddling in his war. He began to bomb the area. The other nations left, leaving the Graspland to view him as their savior.

Ever since, the Nobyls (wealthy families that used to rule Kyngdom) have been replaced with Catastrophe's soldiers. He has begun to recruit people living in the Grasplands.

But he's not the only army in town. 

The Resistance has been hiding in the alleyways and basements of towns in the Grasplands, seeking to recruit those who do not agree with Catastrophe's motives. 

What side will you join? Or will you join any at all?


Remember, post your charrie sheet on the Who's Here? thread, which is located on the homepage. 

Happy roleplaying!  

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(November 23, 2019 - 3:32 pm)

Kyngdom is very dead right now...

submitted by Hunter/Ayearth, age ???, Kyngdom
(January 13, 2020 - 9:59 am)

It's not too bad, Hunter. There just aren't many of us around.

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(January 13, 2020 - 12:03 pm)

We CANNOT let Kyngdom get so inactive, if we want the Power of Howl to be quicker than Power of Hoof!

submitted by Hi?, It's Quiet Again
(January 15, 2020 - 3:42 pm)

Yeah, and the main storyline is going slowly. We need more people to post on the nocturnal group thread!

submitted by Dusk S., age ????, ????
(January 15, 2020 - 5:51 pm)
submitted by Hello?
(January 19, 2020 - 4:13 pm)


I storm back to the barracks, hoping no-one will see the battle-worn, suspicious-looking homo avian walking around in the middle of the night. I shake my curls away from my eyes and continue fast-walking through the deserted streets, one hand lingering near my belt in case anyone decides to give me any trouble, friend or foe. I just don't care at this point. I'm tired and fuming mad and just. Done. With it all. Because no matter how hard I try, I always end up wanting to care about Dar'sava and never minding when he shows that he cares about me. But I can't let him mean something to me; I know how it'll end up. Growing together just to get torn apart isn't something I'd like to do to myself- to him. He doesn't deserve the heartbreak that comes with loving me, like the the night following the day. 

I stuff my hands into my pockets. Just avoid him, then, I tell myself. If he tries to---

Panic washes over me, waves crashing on a rock. My note is gone. Wen's note. That's all I have of her- of anyone I used to love. That note means nothing more than the world to me.

Spinning around wildly, I think about where I last remeber having the note. Did it fall out of my pocket during the skirmich with the soldiers? No--- when I was walking back from trying to convince Jira on our side, I remember feeling it in my pocket... so that means...


Claaws! The one person I don't want to talk to has Wen's note. I guess I'll just have to catch up with them at the safehouse. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(January 19, 2020 - 5:53 pm)

I have no idea how long the bunker's been here, but- no wait, let me back up. Those of the group that choose to follow me seem nervous, but as I leave them farther and deeper into the grasslands, they seem to relax, knowing that the wild is the domain of the animals. Finally, we come to a massive tree, limbs reaching into the sky. Finally, as I tap the tree, muttering something to myself as I circle it. Eniyan breaks the silence.

"So... Is this new "Safehouse" a treehouse or something?"

"Gimme a minute," I growl back, before pacing about twenty feet away and scrawling a design in the coarse, dry dirt.Blue light flares for a second before the illusion disappears. where there was ground a second ago, now there is a massive staircase leading down into the ground... To the bunker, where my sister waits, most likely sharpening her swords... Or cleaning her guns. Or perhaps smithing a set of bronse axes. Who knows?

submitted by Catsquill
(January 19, 2020 - 10:41 pm)


A staircase opens up in the ground. Cadao is astonished by the display of magic.

"Head in," the cat-boy instructs us. "Follow the light through the trails. My sister is in there."

"You coming with us?" Eniyan wonders suspiciously.

Our guide indicates the dirt. "I've got to close this behind you. But yes."

The sound of cackling hyenas drifts across the still, warm night. Eyes glint in the giant tree above us. Bats flit across the stars and moon. So very peaceful...

I wonder if we'll be trapped underground, with the cat-boy as our only way out. 

We head down the staircase, which winds between rocks and the tree's sprawling root system. The walls turn from packed dirt to harrowed stone, and soon we pop out in a bunker nestled in a cave. I can tell it's old, but recently occupied. The floor is smooth; it is well lit; there are racks of weapons in this first room and there are also a few adjoining corridors that I can't see down. 

Bright orange light beams from the hall to our right, accompanied by the clanging of hammers. The cat-boy pops out at the bottom of the stairs just then and leads us into the forge room.

submitted by Hazel C.
(January 20, 2020 - 8:41 am)


Navigating the street market ended up being too difficult in an ATV--but we didn't want it getting stolen--so we drove to the other side of the town (it doesn't hurt getting to know the place, after all), where the buildings and people were more spread out. We stopped at a small diner to grab a snack, and I bought a newspaper to read while we ate.

"Terrorists incinerate Terou's oldest tavern - Seven dead, eighteen wounded - Suspects still at large." I flick my ears forward in curiosity, skimming the article. "Yesterday afternoon, a group of rebel terrorists set fire to one of Terou's oldest taverns. Their purpose was to assassinate the soldiers of the Great Army located within." I scrunch my brow. "Yikes. Does that seem violent, or what?"

The waitress can't help but overhear. "I know, it's horrible!" she cuts in as she walks by. "The attacks are getting worse, I think, and closer to the capitol. The suspects are described at the bottom of the article. There's a big reward to anyone who finds them--so please keep your eyes out! Lives depend on getting the rebels out of the Grasplands."

We nod somberly as the waitress leaves and turn to the list at the end of the article.

"A young woman with a name relating to fire - looks to be about seventeen - short in stature, brown hair, amber eyes, carrying a satchel that likely contains weaponry.

"Jasper Coxen Khansman - brown hair, crooked teeth, looks to be in his early twenties.

"An upright coyote with pale fur - looks to be in his twenties. Large ears and good posture. Medium to deep voice.

"There may be others travelling with them. $400 reward to anyone who can bring them in to law enforcement, preferrably alive-- Terou?" I wonder.

Davina shakes her head. "They're not in Terou anymore, for sure." She pulls out our map. "It's only a few miles away from here, though. The next town over."

submitted by Hazel C.
(January 20, 2020 - 9:11 am)


"Hmm. Are they here?" Kimi wonders. 

"Possibly," I say. "Biashara is a pretty big city, for Graspland standards. There's a lot of places for them to hide here."

"I bet they'll be staying away from restaurants and taverns for a while though," Kimi remarks ruefully.

The waitress comes back. Kimi gets the fried grub-and-leaf salad, while I get some eggrolls filled with assorted meats and vegetables. 

She writes down our orders and then pauses, spotting our Sanukan badges. "Hey, you two are traders, aren't you?"

"Yes, that's right," I reply. "Why?"

"Oh, well, they say that the terrorists have been attacking Sanukan caravans. So be careful!" She then scurries off.

"Terrorists? Wasn't it Cat-" I cut Kimi off with a nod. "And I think Catastrophe is who burnt down that tavern, too." I tell her.

~ ~~

I'll do a post from Eniyan's POV soon. 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(January 20, 2020 - 10:49 am)


I don't trust the cat-boy, and I really don't like the idea of being trapped underground in a tree with him. My hands are on my silenced pistols at all times. 

He leads Ember, Cadao, and I into the forge room. The sounds of a hammer come from within.

Inside is a female cat -like demihuman, very similar to the cat-boy who took us here. 

"Welcome," the boy says, "To my humble abode. This is Kira, and I'm Griffe." Kira looks up from the axe she's making to wave at us. 

"I'm Ember, and this is Cadao," Ember says, gesturing to herself and the kid. 

"Eniyan." I add. Kira nods. "Nice to meet you all."

"Right. Now--" Griffe is suddenly interrupted by Ember.

"Eniyan! Your tracker, we need to remove it!" 

"Tracker! Why do you have a tracker?" Kira asks.

"We don't have time to explain that right now. Ember, where's your scanner thing?" I ask.


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(January 20, 2020 - 12:30 pm)


The fire in Kira's forge feels so good and relaxing. I would love nothing more than to morph into my cat form and get some rest by the fires--but then I remember.

"Eniyan! Your tracker, we need to remove it!" I exclaim, feeling my features flush with panic. We can't have the soldiers finding this place too!

Eniyan urges me to find my scanner. I fling my bag to the floor and follow suit, crouching down to rifle hastily through its contents. The scanner is all the way at the bottom. It's out of its case and the screen is cracked from the day's panic. I smack it a few times and it boots up--thank goodness!

"Eniyan, go lean against that wall. Or sit down on that crate over there. Whichever you prefer. Do you have any idea where it might be?"

"I'd have removed it by now if I did," he replies, sitting slowly down on the crate.

"If I can remove it intact, we can attach it to an animal to throw the soldiers off our track. Actually, we have to do that. So..."

I break off and yank my surgical kit out of its little pocket in my bag. To my surprise, there's a bullet hole in the plastic. My bag must've been shot in the crossfire earlier tonight. Thankfully, the only thing ruined was the spool of thread.

I toss the kit to the floor by the crate and approach Eniyan with my scanner. I switch it to the correct mode and begin sweeping it around his head, neck, shoulders, and arms. The process is painstakingly slow, or maybe it only feels that way to me. Griffe explains the situation to Kira while I work.

Finally, the scanner beeps when I reach the top of Eniyan's left arm. "Aha." A refined search reveals it to be a few milimeters beneath the soft skin of his under-arm.

"Okay, I'm going to make this fast, Eniyan. Just a quick slit and I'll yank it right out."

I mark the spot with my fingernail, grab my scalpel, make a tiny incision, and plunge my tweezers into the slit.

A second later, the microchip is out of Eniyan and in my hands. It's smaller than a grain of rice. I wrap it in some gauze for now and offer Eniyan a bandage. He probably prefers to bind his own wound.

" it going to be possible for someone to find an animal to transfer this to?"


submitted by Hazel C.
(January 22, 2020 - 8:01 pm)

"Pssh." I say, with a laugh, "An animal? Easy." I run out of the room for a second and return holding a large racoon. "Alright, Rocket, I've got a mission for you."

The racoon snarls something at me that I translate to something along the lines of: "I can (Censored) do it, you (censored) idiot!"

I hand the racoon the microchip, and he darts away, towards the surface.

"Alright, now that that's dealt with."

submitted by Griffe
(January 23, 2020 - 11:16 pm)
submitted by Top?
(January 22, 2020 - 4:56 pm)

Gahh! Im so sorry I just fell off of the face of the earth! Im still here! Correct me if Im wrong, Jasper, Roko and Smoke are heading to... a safehouse? 

submitted by Jasper K.
(January 31, 2020 - 3:24 pm)