Kyngdom Survival Guide

*A Travel Guide

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Power of Hoof

*A Travel Guide

*A Travel Guide to Northwest Kyngdom That is Totally Not Top Secret and Has Nothing to Do with Anything Important

So you want to take a trip to Northwest Kyngdom? Wonderful! Pack your bags, grow an extra layer of fur, and hop onto the Badger Express, the high-speed badger-drawn train that will carry you northward.

Travel tip: The Badger Express has a wonderful dining car that serves a creamy, piping-hot soup called Pinesüppe: root vegetables simmered for hours with pine needles and topped off with a rich drizzle of sap.

Once you disembark, take a moment to notice how your breath turns into an intricately-patterned fog in the air. There is a magic to northwest Kyngdom that no one can explain--almost everything here, no matter how dangerous, is aesthetically pleasing. Gaze at the fields of soft, untouched snow, the evergreens glimmering with icicles so elaborate that you would have sworn they were carved by artists, and the aurora borealis that dance through the sky like omens of a better life. This is the home of Regina, the Silver Reindeer, who is…just your average reindeer!

Travel tip: Pack light but warm! Bring lots of high-protein snacks--we recommend grubs! Regina is the guardian of Hoof!

Though Regina looks so noble so as to be unapproachable, she is actually very friendly, and loves showing newcomers around her land. She lives in a mansion (nobody said reindeer weren’t materialistic!) that she named Jökull, the Old Norse word for ice. It is a place of good cheer, where the super-sweet juice of the local Winter Black Cherry flows year-round (delicious over ice or warmed up!). Zephyra loves to spend her holidays here.

Travel tip: Examine Regina closely when she walks. Three of her feet are shod in beautiful mother-of-pearl horseshoes that glimmer when she walks, but the fourth bears only a rusty horseshoe. Look closely at that horseshoe. I think you know what it is. Don’t you?

Regina will warn you about the forest of blue juniper trees that look so appealing and smell like Christmas on a platter. This is the Decoy Forest, and its pull is strong. When you walk through it--which you should never do--you will see what you want to see. Lost loves will cry out to you from the trees. Your mother, as a teenager, may appear, begging you to be her friend. Ignore them all. Have another mug of Winter Black Cherry cider. Enjoy your stay.

Travel tip: The pull of the Decoy Forest? B.I.G. feels it, too. When Cornelia Hornshaw stares into the Forest, she sees an image of the Fourth Power. But she still doesn’t know where it’s located. She’s heading there now, though. Will anybody stop her?

submitted by FAFA Intelligence, Bog & Burrow Inn
(January 4, 2017 - 12:58 pm)

I ship Ellia. :3

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 12, 2017 - 9:45 pm)

Um, there is a 900-year age difference, so I don't.

submitted by Gared
(January 12, 2017 - 10:58 pm)

~Master Yala

The humans, far below, wander aimlessly around the smoking, destroyed, train, like so many fall leaves, lost in a cold winter wind. Some of them, at least, have sense and are helping the more seriously hurt. But none are what I'm really looking for.

"None of them are the Chosen," I growl, exasperated. Nova and Zjier nod in agreement.

"But as long as the Chosen are not with Catastrophe, what could go wrong?" Zjier says lightly

"You'd be surprised." I hear Nova mutter. I smile. Even the humans alone can change the tide of the war. Probably even more than we think they can. 

"Should we pay them a visit?" Zgier says suddenly. I snap out of my thoughts to look at him (her or him?). He (or she) is staring down at the humans again. 

"What for?" Nova asks, surprised, her tone clearly implying that the humans can be of absolutely no use in the present situation.

"They might help us," I reply, ready to argue

"But we don't know who they are," she insists

"But-" I start to answer angrily,

"No," Zjier interrupts, "No, Nova's right, there's an evil, at least a past evil, among one of them."

I look at them. Their expressions are firm. I sigh. Sometimes I feel like Nova doesn't understand that even we need help. I turn back to the cliff edge, resigned. I watch the humans a bit more before closing my eyes and letting the emotions wash over me. Down there... something dark.... something hidden away, but just as deep and scarring as when it first appeared...

I open my eyes and slowly nod.

"Alright. We won't go down there," I turn to stare at Nova, "But someday we'll have too. If we want to save the Crown we must have other allies." She doesn't say anything, but I know she agrees. And the Crown must not be found.... Catastrophe must not get it. Or Kyngdom will again become a dark, tortured land.






submitted by Arra W.
(January 12, 2017 - 3:15 pm)

"Oh," I say, accepting the stone. "Thank you."

I was surprised by his gift. It was difficult to get used to the fact that now he didn't want to kill me. Though, I didn' want to admit it, I had already forgave him.

Suddenly someone calls for help. Trillian and I look up, but Elliot puts his hands up.

"Don't worry, I got this." He flies off, leaving me and Trillian.

"Don't you think its kinda weird that now he has wings?" I ask.

"Yeah, must be some vampire thing. Maybe you could do it."

I laugh. "I doubt it. Remeber, I am just a baby compared to him. I guess you could say I'm a newbie vampire."

She laughs. "Still, gives you something to think about."

Soon Elliot comes back, his red wings beating the fire into a frenzy.

"What powers do I have as a vampire?" I ask, surprising him and myself. 

submitted by Sprocket
(January 12, 2017 - 7:31 pm)

Um, none without training. I mean, you can bite people and all that stuff, and feed off of life energy, but you only get powers from training.

submitted by Elliot
(January 12, 2017 - 8:57 pm)

(Zjier's a boy XD)

"I would agree with Yala, Zjier," I respond. "It is wisest to stick together. The three of us with all of our powers combined are stronger than being alone."

Yala nods in agreement, but Zjier still has a skeptical look in his eyes. 

"We would find the Chosen easier," Yala offers.

Zjier thinks but smiles and nods. "True."

"Shift to dogs," I say.

"What kind of dog?" Zjier asks.

"Does it matter?" Yala ask with exasperation.

Oh littermates. They love each other but also don't always get along.

"Huskies?" Zjier asks.

We nod and shift automatically. Then we begin our descent down the hill, Zjier on my right and Yala on my left.

We approach the humans and...vampires. Interesting. They seem to be talking amongst themselves, and they all huddle around a fire.

I nod at Zjier and Yala, and we step into the light.

A couple gasp, and one gives us the, "Aw, so cute!"

I nod slightly and we change to our true form, three wolves.

"Who are you," Zjier asks. "And what are you doing here?" 

submitted by Master Nova
(January 12, 2017 - 9:47 pm)

You are not in a position to ask questions. Who are you?

submitted by Elliot
(January 12, 2017 - 10:59 pm)

It's time. They'll all hate me. But I have no other choice. It's a plan that they cannot know of.

I take out my gun and point it at all of them.

"Mina, what are you doing?" Shadow asks. She gives me a confused look and that smirk that I've seen so many times.

I take a deep breath and fire at her feet. She leaps back and pulls out a knife from her boot. Of course. The smallest weapon she would use on me. She doesn't want to hurt me yet.

"Is this a joke?" Icy asks with an edge in her voice. Anwen nods and stands beside her, looking slightly frightened.

I quickly scan Icy. Judging by her body size, if I shot her to the left near the stomach but in the part with the most muscle and would heal quickly. They would give her immediate medical attention. I need them to think I'm serious so they won't help me.

I'm sorry Icy. 

I pull the trigger and the bullet impacts Icy within a millisecond.

There's a brief moment of shock before Icy tumbles back and Shadow screams at me. Anwen launches for me, but I dodge back and she lands face-first in the snow.

I shake my head and run through the snow to Catastrophe's ship that agreed to meet me.

As I climb on board, a couple of soldiers salute. "Welcome back, General Courageux," one of them says.

I wave them off and head to the situation deck as the ship flies off. I look back one last time, and Shadow's screams still linger in my ears. 

submitted by Mina
(January 12, 2017 - 10:32 pm)

"Oh my Claaws," I say, running towards Icy, "I'd say that was completely out of charcter, but-"

I start to heal her wounds, but without my powers it's rather difficult, and I'm reduced to doing it the old fashioned way. Anweanspronts over to us.

"Is your friend always that dangerous?" she asks

"Only on weekdays."

submitted by shadow, age 13
(January 13, 2017 - 5:39 am)

"A higher being than you," Zjier replies. 

The man looks taken aback but regains himself. "That cannot be determined. I am Elliot, former king of Sailhaven, advocate and member of the Resistance, and Highborne."

"And we are The Three, guardians of the Crown of Frostwood, chosen by the powers themselves, and ancient beings that exsited even before you, oh high and honorable Elliot," Zjier replies.

There's a silence.

"Anybody can be like that these days," a girl finally mutters.

I step slightly in front of Zjier before he can react.

"Not anybody, dear," I reply. "We are all unique, and we did exsist even before 'anybody,' could be 'like that.'"

Yala nods. "I do believe you are those of the Resistance, then?"

"I feel as though we already established that," Elliot replies.

No Yala, I communicate. Do not react to his remarks.

Yala's fur lowers down and she shifts her paws in the snow. "Yes. Well. Where are the others?" 

submitted by Master Nova
(January 12, 2017 - 11:57 pm)

I see the bullet whizzing through the air, my heart stops as I see it going on a path straight for Icy. Shadow screams, and without thinking, I lunge at Mina. She dodges my blind attack, and I fall face-first into the snow. I immediately get up, shaking the cold off. I watch Mina run, wondering why someone my sister and her friends trust would do something like that. Reality comes back to me and I sprint over to the others. Shadow is bent over Icy, trying to do something like heal her, and I ask "Is your friend always this dangerous?"

"Only on weekdays."

Under less dire circumstances I would have been inclined to laugh, but considering the urgency of Shadow's tone and Icy's situation, I held my peace. I stood watching Shadow for what seemed like an eternity, but what was only really a few minutes. Why, why, why? Why would this happen? Why would she do it? The questions kept running through my head. Suddenly, Shadow whips her head around. "You should go get help." She says. The idea either just occurred to her, or she realized that she can't help Icy. "She needs real medical attention, and quick. I'll stay and keep her warm. Just please, find someone fast." She says with more urgency and fear in her voice than before. A pang of panic shoots through my spine as I realize I might be holding my twin's life in my hands. I sprint as fast as my legs will allow toward where I think civilization might be. I look back at Icy and Shadow, just specks on the horizon now, before continuing, angry tears falling to the ground as the wind whips my golden hair aside.  

submitted by Anwen
(January 13, 2017 - 11:03 am)

Oh, are Anwen and Icy identical twins?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 13, 2017 - 10:09 pm)


submitted by Anwen
(January 14, 2017 - 8:45 am)

Well, fancy Three, give me three reasons why I shouldn't count you as more spys of Catastrophe?

submitted by Elliot
(January 13, 2017 - 11:19 am)

I am worn out from running. But I can't stop.

Finally I run into a clearing.

Icy! Shadow! Anwen! Mi-wait, where's Mina? Why is Icy bleeding? 

I run straight towards them.

I finally have reason to stop.

Ronan Septimus Damocles.

Born December 2 12 BDC.

Who I am is no longer the mystery.

How I am is. 


submitted by Ronan S. Damocles
(January 13, 2017 - 12:36 pm)