Kyngdom Survival Guide

The Resistance

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The Resistance

The Resistance

submitted by Admin
(April 11, 2017 - 11:01 am)

I quickly get to the base and patch up Connie. Trill had done most of it with her magic glove things, but she still needed proper care before it got infected. 

Going around, looking for anyone else that was hurt, I see looks of bewilderment on everyone's face. I'm not a soldier, I'm a doctor, but even then, I'm more of an army doctor.

And I think they'll be a lot more blood to come.  

submitted by Quill
(April 25, 2017 - 7:48 am)

You want my knowledge of the banks. They havn't done anything wring for months. You can let it go now. Or do you want to lure Elliot into an actual war with his enemies? 

Oh! What on earth? No? You want to lure him back here, starting a war? You would do this?

I have no choice, I guess.

submitted by Poe Allen
(April 25, 2017 - 9:20 am)

That was directed at Omnipononi and Archa

submitted by Gared
(April 25, 2017 - 9:30 am)

Within the hour, I find myself operating on Connie. Trill did patch her wound up, which I am grateful for, but the poison started to infect her wound from the inside, so I have to open it back on and start again.

I give Connie some anesthetic, but it's not like she'll need it. She's out.

After hours of surgery (which everything actually damaged her internally more than first though *adds that to doctor's log*), I finally finish up, and some Resistance members help me move her bed to a small white room. 

I wash off and take off my mask, cap, and gown, as I walk out to her friends. 

"She'll be fine," I smile. "She'll be out, but she'll be fine."

I can't afford malpractice. Besides, she's a friend.

They sigh in relief, and I smile once more before heading back to the Resistance room where everyone is recovering.

While I patch Ronan's head, Trill helps in closing a scar and then wrapping up Icy's arm.

I go around the room again and continue to look for those who could use the help. 

submitted by Quill
(April 25, 2017 - 1:23 pm)

"What's going on here? Why is everything ringing? The alarms and all- I got a message- the Elvish Resistance-"

No one is here to answer my questions anymore. I sigh. I guess I'll just have to figure this out ofr myself.

What did the blond girl- Icy? -say? Something about a Map Room? I'm an artist. I'm good with maps. I make my way down the corridor, hoping to find some information.  

submitted by Autumn, age 14, The Resistance
(April 26, 2017 - 5:16 am)

Anyone see the Red Alert thread? 

submitted by Icy
(April 27, 2017 - 3:45 pm)

I saw it. I'll comment on it so I can top it later.

submitted by Hazel
(April 27, 2017 - 6:56 pm)

"Ah dear, it seems I have missed out on . . . something," I say as I survey the damage. "At least we now know that Omponi and Archai are two backstabbers?" I say non-helpfully. "Whatever, I got a degree in medicine, let me see whoever is injured," I grumble. A blonde girl, Icy, I assume, directs me to a white room. "There's nothing I can do for her except suggest giving her vitamin pills. She's already half-cured," I say. The doctors blew out a sigh of relief they'd been holding when I said that I couldn't do anything for her. I step out of the hospital and barge into the command center. "Since crisis is over, may I join?" I ask, "I have no records whatsoever but I do have light powers. Where d'you think my surname came from? I'll be content with a regular soldier, strategist, or something higher of rank. Anything is fine with me. I can even become a spy in Catastrophe's camp. It won't be that hard since most of my mother's line served him." "Meet me in Conference Room B," another girl says. She's the one with ice powers. Opposites. Interesting.

submitted by Audacissimus Sol, age Ageless, Kyngdom
(April 27, 2017 - 9:53 pm)

I knock on the door at the Resistance HQ. I am holding a large kit of first aid supplies to donate since I think we'll all need it. No one answers. I find that the door is, strangely, unlocked, and I walk inside. I do not try to hide my silver wings since I know that the Resistance accepts Homo Avians.

It is mostly silent. All the alarms are turned off now. As I walk around, searching for someone, I find the desk that Sprocket was working at. However, I don't linger too long there. I know what happened here. I know about Omniponi and Archa. I was too late to help. So, I am trying to make it up by supplying whatever medical supplies they may need. Well, if I can find the room they are all in.

Eventually, I find out that they are in the Map Room. Quickly, I fly inside. And it's not exactly a pleasant surprise when I see them.

A young girl, who I assume is Connie, is passed out. Icy, Ronan, and some others are there as well. They begin to stare at me quizzically. I guess they don't recognize me.

"Er, hi," I say nervously. "I know this is kind of a bad time, but..." I pause for a moment, then continue with more confidence. "My name is Anethia Pur Lavi. I am from a Nobyl family, and I am a Homo Avian. I wish to join the Resistance."

There is silence. I then realize why I actually came up here in the first place. "I'm sorry," I say. "I know what I just said was pathetic. I'm going to help you."

Icy smiles. "It's fine. We could use a lot of help just now." She looks at my kit. "What's that?"

"One of my family's finest First Aid Kits," I answer. "I want to donate it to the Resistance. It appears that it could be of some use here."

They all smile now. "That's great," Ronan says. "Thanks." 

I open the First Aid Kit. I carefully apply a medicine to Connie, then give her a mask. "The powder—or whatever it was—could still be around. That's what made her pass out, right?"

They nod. "Okay. In that case, she doesn't need any more of it." I then put my supplies back in the First Aid Kit, other than the mask. "I think that's good for now." I smile at them all, then hand the First Aid Kit to Ronan.

"Thank you so much," Icy says. I nod in return.

"So, may I join?" I ask. Ronan nods. "I think you deserve it," he says.

I smile so much my heart might burst. "Thank you," I say. 


I am sorry if this was overpowering in any way. Is it okay if I join?



submitted by Anethia
(April 28, 2017 - 5:10 pm)

Connie blinked, squeezing her eyes shut again at the sliver of bright, white light. Standing around her were Quill, Icy, Ronan, Nebula, and some other people she didn't recognize. She wasn't sure exactly why she was in so much pain or why her head throbbed uncontrollably until she remembered and sat up with a jolt.

"Block off the Map Room! You can't let anyone inside -- if they inhale any powder -- we have to tell everyone --" As she tried to leap out of the bed, everyone pushed her down again.

"Shhh," Quill reassured her. "It's fine, we've made sure no one has gone in."

Connie felt awful, sick to her stomach but also weak and strange. She wanted to get up and fight... she wished she hadn't gotten hurt. Stupid Connie, why did she have to mess up? If she hadn't tripped, she could have avoided the dagger...

"So far, everything is going okay. The wound was a little infected, but thanks to Anethia here's magic first aid kit, we managed to heal it. However, it did require a number of stitches, and it may be difficult to walk for a few weeks. However, your wings are fine, so as long as someone's there to catch you, you can fly." Quill filled her in.

"Yes! Someone get David, I'm going to fly right now!" Connie was overjoyed.

"Oh, don't worry," Icy grinned. "He's already here."  Someone stepped back, revealing David asleep in a cahir. They poked him and he leaped up, looking around.

"Connie!" He ran over and hugged her. 

submitted by Connie A., age 14, Resistance Base
(April 28, 2017 - 11:42 pm)

Ummm... Hey guys. How are you? I...I have a couple questions. Would I still be welcome here? If I wanted to come back? Because I do. I miss you all. And I'm sorry. I abandoned you without warning, without a single word. What kind of sister am I? No good one. 


Of course, you are welcome, Rae.


submitted by Rae
(April 29, 2017 - 1:51 pm)

Oh my goodness Rae I have missed you so much. I definitely want you back, and don't you dare say you aren't wanted. We are making these new human automatons, so you can help me with that if you want!

submitted by Sprocket
(April 29, 2017 - 11:03 pm)

Thank you so much, Sprocket and Admin! I would love to help you with automatons. What are they for? I don't really know anything about...well, anything anymore. I felt like I wanted a break, maybe a day or two, and then... It turned into weeks. Months. I'm sorry. Anyway, the past will stay where it is! Hello, Kyngdom!

submitted by Rae
(April 30, 2017 - 9:29 am)

Still waiting in the conference room. Getting really bored.

submitted by Audacissimus Sol, age Ageless, Kyngdom
(April 30, 2017 - 8:36 am)

Well, I'm not in charge of the Resistance, but seeing as you got bored of us so tried to join Catastrophe, SOCS, and the Black Skull, not to mention repeatedly calling yourself a backstabber, you might need some more investigation before you can join. If you can prove that you're helpful by actually being on the lookout like I asked instead of waiting in the conference room, then maybe you could earn a place in the Resistance. I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but one of us is badly hurt and another has been captured, not to mention confusion at the ball and the possible death of Lilly. No one said you still beeeded to be waiting. Maybe you should ask Shadow for something to do; I would give it to you, but since I'm unable to walk and in constant pain, that's not really possible.

submitted by Connie A., age 14, Resistance Base
(April 30, 2017 - 3:37 pm)