Kyngdom Survival Guide

Labyrinth Tunnels Code13


Labyrinth Tunnels Code13

Labyrinth Tunnels Code13

If you're new here, start at the first labyrinth post. All the labyrinth posts live on the Power of Claw page.

Wiseowl, Claaws, and Scarlet saved the day this time! "F-O-R-E-S-T" opened the door of the forest-looking room, and we've reached it: the thirteenth room.

Some people think the number thirteen brings bad luck, but I don't. Maybe it's because I like being contrary. I have this theory that if you believe the exact opposite of everyone around you, you might be wrong 90% of the time, but 10% of the time you'll be amazing. Anyway, I really like the numbers thirteen and four. (A lot of Sprocketvillians think four is unlucky.) 

The thirteenth room is less of a room and more of a cave. The walls are covered with all sorts of little holes. From what I know of caves, they probably go on for miles and miles. Thimble, Little Crow, and some other small creatures could explore them, but at this point in our journey, it might be best to stick together and focus on the next gate.  

That said...we're running out of food and water again. Who and Little Crow volunteered to leave the tunnels and fetch more, but I don't feel great about leaving those two alone again. I propose that some other flying creatures—maybe Wiseowl or Storm Windwhisperer?—go with them. 

Don't forget those green stones. And if anyone can find some chewy black licorice, I wouldn't complain at all.  


OK, I just had a minor shocked. The old badger just ran up to me, shouted "Seventeen will leave, nine left over," and enthusiastically scratched the letter "F" off the bark. 


He seems to be talking more and more, although half the time he seems to be talking to the walls themselves. I just watched him whispering to a dripping stalactite for almost fifteen minutes. When he was done, he just turned back to the little fire he had made to warm up another cup of tea. 

I doubt he was talking to himself. The strange voices in these tunnels really have been growing louder. For the most part they seem harmless, but sometimes I'll wake up and the tone of the persistent whispering chills me. I start to sweat. It never lasts long, though. 


Wait a second. This one seems damaged or something. A lot of these characters aren't in my Cypher. The combination lock is straightforward enough, at least. Any ideas?

submitted by Charlie W., Labyrinth Lands
(June 6, 2016 - 6:59 pm)

Oh me and storm are in a cave trapped.  And fighting off scelotens beasts in the dark.  Well its storm because I'm unconscious.  And I'm a girl;-)   I think it would be better to do the transport thing on the " further tunnel ex". Role play thread.  We need help! Skeloten monsters are scary.....

Just to let you know....... 

submitted by Windswift
(June 9, 2016 - 7:36 am)



Thank you for carefully monitoring all our posts and helping keep Kyngdom in control!

I really appreciate it!


submitted by MoonRacer
(June 13, 2016 - 7:28 pm)

I am soo dumb to get mind controlled by Jaaws, I think. Why was he stronger?

Then it hits me. Of course he's stronger, that is Jaaws' domain. We are all weaker in that blasted cave.

Crouching to not get hit by stacilites, I hurry next to Claaws. "Why that animal?" she is muttering. "What's wrong?" I ask, hoping it's not something major. 

Claaws quickly explain what's going on here. I listen only halfway, before butting in. "Claaws, Jaaws is stronger because it's his domain. Can't you sense that?" She nods. "Okay, possible scenario. Jaaws is sooo mad that he runs after us. We lead him out to one of the tunnels and fight him there, having a good chance of hurting or at least, damaging him somewhat. Then we focus on not getting mind-controlled." Claaws nods again."That might work," she says, but we still have to deal with Icy and Eli. "May I help?" I ask. Claaws gives her approval. I hurry over to Icy and Eli, who are glaring balefully at me. I wave my paws. A flash of white light engulfs them, rendering them limp and useless.

Cealani looks horrified. "Did you KILL them?" he nearly screams.

"No," I answer. "I've put them to a state where Jaaws can't see what they're doing or where we are. Icy and Eli can't hurt us either."

Cealani slowly nods. "I guess that's okay," he slowly says.

"Good," I answer. I head down the tunnel, following Claaws and Cealani. 

submitted by MoonRacer of Dragons
(June 8, 2016 - 8:18 pm)

Hm, like Scarlet said there are two H's and one O.









submitted by i3lackmagik
(June 8, 2016 - 3:34 pm)

Guys, Im very confused. What's happening? Anyway, from what Jaaws has said I will continue. 

I run. Faster and faster and faster. I fly past the gate and Cealani, who was waiting for me. "Did you-" I was out of earshot before he finished. But I could hear him flying behind me.

We escaped the other power for now. The side-affected power. Claaws remembered, way back when, the other side-affected Power. The one called Whist. It was a white owl who controlled mist and animals. Killing forests from within. Thanks to, Claaws sighed. That evil boy did one thing right in his day. And that was killing Whist. Would he...would he kill Jaaws for them? Claaws side-affected power. The side-affected power of destruction. Whist was easy to kill, Sylvia was the kindest most harmless power of them all. But Whist was still hard to find. And hard to kill. So what would killing Jaaws be like? And traking her?

Claaws stopped, painting. The other dragon was close behind. Little Crow had flown in the other direction. She dropped the two prisoners happily. She did it! She found them! "Eli! Icicle! PowerFriend." She said the last word more formally. Cealani bowed next to her, acknowliging the descendant of Celesti. 

Something was wrong. Eli shifted her sholuders...and lunged.

She scraped Claaws' arm and slid off, growling. Icicle was glowing blue and clutching her head. "Wh-" Cealani started.

"They're hypnotized." Claaws' spirits fell. "Jaaws is still here."

There was a rumbling and a slithering, scraping sound. Then, out of the ground erupted Eico. "There is no way to make that side-affected Power go away from their minds. She hast to release them. Or...."

"Or what?" Claaws growled.

"Lunee is the Power of Howl, but she is also the Power of Light. She could cure them of Jaaws."

Lunee. Lunee. Why Lunee?! "No. Never. There hast to be another way."

"If you ever want your Arctic fox apprentice back, this is your only solution."

Claaws sighed, glancing down to watch Eli rake her claws across her tail. "Fine."

Then we must find Lunee." 

submitted by Claaws
(June 8, 2016 - 3:50 pm)

(Psst, Claaws! Check your 'first war' RP and the myths and legends thread! Tell me what you think!)



Every scale wants me to say that to Claaws's face. She is more annoying than I could've imagined. I previously thought of her equal. Perhaps an ally I would later betray. But I now know that will never be so. We can never be near each other again. Revenge shall be mine. Nobody bests Jaaws. Claaws will learn that once I uncover the Brazen Goo and steal it and pour it all over her. The thought of revenge calms me somewhat.

Now, what to do with Elliot...The poor creature is under my control now, tsk tsk. Ahh, why don't I indulge myself? He can be my footservant!


The hypnotized [human?] follows me out of my cave and into another tunnel in the labrynth.

"I want you to find us a suitable home in the labrynth. Please refrain from being seen."

The boy nods. As he sets off, I hiss one more instruction to him. "Make it far away from the group."

I know he hears me, and I dismiss him. I have business to attend to near Charlie and his gang.

~ ~ ~

"Brazen Goo, Brazen Goo..." I mutter to myself. I am invisible, weaving amongst the chattering explorers like a cheetah among petrified gazelles. Choosing my prey.

I'm causing a bit of a ruckus as I travel through their camp. Many of those I pass by shoot annoyed glances at their neighbors. I whisper the words 'Brazen Goo' to every single animal. A few of them look like they recognize the words. I keep searching for a reaction. One of them has to have done something, or at least know something about the Brazen Goo... 

submitted by Jaaws
(June 8, 2016 - 6:15 pm)

I stumble down the hallway. Jaaw's control fights with my own instinct. Then, I pull myself together. Breaking into Jaaws' mind, I send a message: "So, you think you got me? Well, let me see..." 

Ripping my mind free, I ignore the tear in my mind, formed when I destroyed Jaaws mind control. Consciousness slipping, I pull out my blades. Running at Jaaws, I send the remaining fighters into a frenzy. Renewing the mental control, I speak into Jaaws' mind. Doing something I should not do, I blast the pain and anger directly into her mind. I try to break mind control as the dragon collapses, rolling back from collapsing rocks. Running back to the camp, I rally everyone who is not fighting. Then the pain in my own mind catches up with me as I collapse.

submitted by Elliot
(June 8, 2016 - 10:05 pm)



Mmm.... my head hurts. Where am I? Am I being....possessed? I feel like I'm watching my body  things it doesn't want to do...

submitted by @Everyone
(June 8, 2016 - 9:06 pm)

Hey everyone I'm going on a camping trip until Monday afternoon, I may post tomorrow morning if we don't leave early. I here by give everyone permission (not permission, a plead to write as Claaws while I'm gone) to write in Claaws's view until Monday, but write your own name in the name box and just do 


Ahaid of your writing. Sorry if this makes me sound powerful, or OP, it's just I'm not captured or anything and I don't want my charrie to miss anything. 

So be back on Monday, everyone have a good time, and don't destroy Kyndom while I'm gone! Bye all!

Noon the dragon pirate captcha says byto. Noon says bye two! :) Bye everyone!

submitted by Claaws
(June 9, 2016 - 12:08 am)

(@Elliot--I think all the fighters (Claaws, Icy, Eli, MoonDancer of Dragons, Little Crow) are gone by now, either let free, taken by the two dragons, or on their way to Lunee.)


The Elliot is attacking me!

I'm just exiting the camp of Charlie's group; I've just taken a right turn down a hidden tunnel and entered a cavern not far from the camp. And then I feel it. 

He wrenches his mind from mine. Or at least, he tries to. A terrible headache springs into my head, and I'm seeing spots of white light. Suddenly the human races into the cave, still fighting the mind control, doing a sort of two-steps-forwards, one-step-back gait as he resists me.

I can feel the force of his anger directed straight to my mind. Aaaah...It feels good. My muscles loosen up and I sway in a happy euphoria. For a few seconds, I retreat into a haze of oblivious happiness. The darkness surrounds my eyes. I almost fall asleep.

Then a sound cuts through my unconcsiousness and I shake my head to the real world. The little monster! Only my rage keeps me awake. He's forcing the medicine into my mind...Does he even know what he's doing? Our minds...must...un...connect...

But no, the enroaching human will have none of it. He unwittingly ties the connection together as he attempts telapathy. Evil...I

I am almost powerless against such a strong mind. All I can do is look imposing as he closes in on me. It is a fight of mental power now. A barrier of opposing forces surrounds each of us. Elliot can get no closer to me, and I no closer to him. I focus all I can to him. All the sinister, sickly-sweet thoughts I can. All the while I fight to stay awake.

Elliot staggers forwards. Blinding light explodes in my vision, and I stumble backwards. He's really getting tired now. I can feel his thoughts receeding from my mind. He's about to black out....But so am I...

He yells out loudly, panting as he falls to his knees. Does he know what he's just done? He's subdued Jaaws; subdued the monarchy of evil! He fully exits my head. I am free.

What...? I'm blinking quickly, shredding the stone walls to keep my body from shutting down. My thought process is growing hazy. What...Am I free? I can hardly register the thought. Jaaws can never be contained. But there I was, vulnerable. He must have a strong light in him. But he couldn't stand against me. There must've been something keeping him from killing me...

My vision blinks once, and I suddenly know. I can feel the rift, now that I know it's there. The Powers...They were once great friends in an untainted friendship. After Claaws deserted, the rest grew unsettled and they slowly changed from innocent to having a darker side. They are what keeps me immortal. Only they can kill me. Only the creators can destroy the creation. But Elliot and others have the power to subdue me. I must keep a check on entering strong minds. I flee the area, creating a strong distance between me and the body of Elliot. He should be waking up soon, and I want to be far far away. The Brazen Goo can wait. I need to hide.

submitted by Jaaws
(June 9, 2016 - 7:51 am)

I quickly do a transport, dissipating into white light. I blink my eyes twice and am rewarded with the sight of Elliot curled up. Crossing the cave in three strides, I instantly say a spell:" Naina!"

The cavern bursts into silvery light. Now that I can see, I instantly place a spell on this place, causing Jaaws to get burned if he tries to get in here. I see Elliot and the other fighters staring in astonishment. " Look, I need all of you to come with me. I need to assemble and heal all of you so we have a better chance of hurting Jaaws. I'll heal you first so you can trust me."                              

Bending down, I heal Elliot's wound, then the next, and so forth, until all are healed. Then I transport to take us all back to Claaws.


submitted by MoonRacer of Dr
(June 9, 2016 - 10:45 pm)

So who did you take? I'm sorry, I have no idea what's going on.

submitted by Trixie W., age 12, In the Tunnels
(June 10, 2016 - 3:26 pm)

Everyone I could find, which is all of the fighters. Sorry to be confusing!


submitted by MoonRacer of Dragons
(June 10, 2016 - 5:28 pm)


Charlie has sent us with Little Crow and Who to get more food.(Us=Storm+Wiseowl) I wonder if this is going to turn out OK. (Storm, should I create some action here or not?) But I sigh to myself as I realize that it might be good to get away from the group. I just hope things won't get worse as I'm gone. I morph into an owl. I know, I know. That is what has caused people to think I am a spy, but I am so not falling down a hole again. We head off. 

submitted by Wiseowl, age 11, Reader's Barn
(June 10, 2016 - 4:00 pm)


submitted by Storm windwhisperer
(June 10, 2016 - 4:48 pm)