Amy G. and

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Amy G. and

Amy G. and Princess P.'s Thread!!!!!!


This is our thread, Amy G.!! So...should we do a story? An RR? An RP? What are your ideas???

submitted by Princess P.
(May 17, 2011 - 4:42 pm)

Admin!!! We're on at the same time!!!!!!

Oops, now this thread is going to go to the bottom. Oh, well. I'll just top it again later! :-)

submitted by Princess P.
(May 17, 2011 - 5:01 pm)

TOP please!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Princess P.
(May 17, 2011 - 5:25 pm)

Do you like mythology?  What do you think about mythical tales?  Just an idea.  Hmmmmmmmmm................*puts thinking cap on*

submitted by Amy G., age 14, PA
(May 18, 2011 - 5:46 pm)

If you don't mind my ignorance, what are those?? :-)

submitted by Princess P.
(May 19, 2011 - 9:22 am)

Sorry, what I meant was mythology--like making up a fantasy country and telling its ancient history.  What are your ideas?

submitted by Amy G., age 14, PA
(May 21, 2011 - 10:46 am)

We can do mythical fiction. We could make up a country like Narnia! :-)

submitted by Princess P.
(May 22, 2011 - 4:06 pm)

TOP TOP TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by TOPPER
(May 22, 2011 - 7:06 pm)

Sounds good!  Without further ado, if you don't mind:


"Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in a far, far away land, there lived a..."

Kay interrupted, "Um, I could just read a fairy tale to get that.  Professor, I thought you were going to tell me a real history!"  A passing librarian gave her a glare at her raised voice.

The Professor sighed.  He looked like a tiny, dusty figure from ancient history, with his crooked spectacles perched on his long nose, jutting brow and tufts of wild white hair standing up on his head.  His eyes behind the glasses, electric blue, looked tired as he shuffled his note papers.

"My dear girl," he said in his rusty, creaking voice, "Would you like to hear this history or not?"

"All right...go on," she said reluctantly.  Kay had spent precious time tracking down the Professor, the only historian of fantasy lands that she could find. 

" I was saying," he continued, "This land that I know of, is called Mirror Land.  It was founded a long time ago, and it is a very far away place.  In it there lived a princess..."

"Well, really!"  Kay exclaimed.

"Well, really, what do you expect?  It's a fantasy land, after all," replied the Professor edgily.  He slammed his notes down on the table.  A librarian coughed in his direction and he lowered his voice. 

"If you really want this history," he continued, "I think the best way to learn history is to experience history."

"What in the world do you mean?" said Kay.

"Not in this world...follow me." he said mysteriously.  He stood up.  "You can leave your stuff here; we won't be long," he added as Kay started to pick up her backpack.

The Professor walked over to the side of the library, to a door that said EMPLOYEES ONLY and NO SMOKING.

"No way, I'm not going in there, you crazy old man, it says EMPLOYEES ONLY!" Kay burst out.

His eyebrows lowered.  "What disrespect they have in this land."

"Talk about disrespect!" she said.

The Professor replied, "Look closer."

Suddenly the letters blurred and shifted.  Now it said ENTRANCE ONLY and NO DRAGONS. 

He opened the door and a blast of hot air whipped Kay's face.  He stepped through and as he did so his clothes changed to long robes.  The professor adjusted his spectacles, which had managed to stay on his nose, and beckoned to her. 

Kay took a deep breath.  If the world was going crazy, I might as well go crazy with it, she thought, and stepped into the hot wind.  Immediately she was standing on top of an enormous sand dune in the fierce sun.  She felt remarkably cool despite this and noticed that she was wearing robes similar to the ones the Professor was wearing.

"Welcome to Mirrorland!" he said...


submitted by Amy G., age 14, PA
(May 24, 2011 - 6:21 pm)

I liked how you started it! And just to clear things up a bit, we are going to do an RR, right?

Before I post, I thought we should discuss some things. What do you think Mirrorland should be like? Should it be covered in mirrors? Or should it be a country that has an underground city made of mirrors? Do you have any other ideas?

submitted by Princess P.
(May 25, 2011 - 10:41 am)

What do you think Princess P??


I think it sounds really good!!

submitted by Amy G., age 14, PA
(May 25, 2011 - 1:42 pm)

This is annoying.  Someone is pretending to be me...again.  Please do not do that.  I am absolutely certain I did not post the above comment.


Well, I went ahead and made Mirrorland a desert, but we can change that.  Maybe it is only a mirror image of the real Mirrorland.  Sorry, I assumed we were writing an RR without asking you.  We can start over if you like.  Another idea is that in Mirrorland you can travel through mirrors.



submitted by Amy G.-THE REAL ONE!, age 14, PA
(May 25, 2011 - 5:47 pm)

I am a little bit confused. So you posted the first post about the RR, but not the comment on my post? And I'm really sorry that someone's pretending to be you. I promise it is not me. I would never do that. And anyways, why would I just write back to myself??? Smile

No, that's fine that we're doing an RR. I was actually thinking about making it an RR. This story would probably be best as a round robin anyways.

Ooooh, I like the idea of traveling through mirrors! Maybe we could make Mirrorland like an entrance to different countries. So there are different mirrors in Mirrorland, and each of them lead to a different "country". What do you think? It doesn't really matter to me.

submitted by Princess P.
(May 25, 2011 - 8:18 pm)

Oops, I didn't mean that I thought you were pretending to be me, I was talking to the person who wrote that comment saying they were me.  Like you said, of course you wouldn't write back to yourself!


The idea of Mirrorland as a kind of entrance point for all countries sounds pretty cool!  How about Mirrorland doesn't have a fixed shape, it just changes depending on who is there?  So for just Kay and the Professor it was a desert.


And, characters.  I just kinda created Kay and the Professor out of the blue.  Should we make a profile for Kay?  (Saying who exactly she is and more about her.)


For example.

Name:  Kay (what's her last name?)

Age:  (how about twelve?)




submitted by Amy G., age 14, PA
(May 27, 2011 - 3:36 pm)

The setting sounds good to me! Are we going to have the story about Mirrorland or about a different land in which Mirrorland is just the crossing point?

For the characters...

Name: Kay Fischer (is that a good last name?? I'm open to any better ideas that you have)

Age: 12

Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, a few freckles sprinkled over her face, average sized...any others?

History: Parents died in a car accident when she was little, no known siblings, ended up in an orphanage, spends most of her time at the library studying and you have any other ideas?


Do you want to make up her personality and any other parts of the profile? Feel free to add on to my ideas, too!

submitted by Princess P.
(May 31, 2011 - 8:55 am)

Can we take out the 'c' in 'Fischer'?  Because with the 'c' in her name that would almost make her a relative of mine!


I'm not really sure what land the story is about, but how about we make it up as we go?  Or before you write stories, do you normally have an outline?  I'm fine with either way.


Personality:  I would say kind of grumpy and unfriendly most of the time, withdrawn but not really quiet, and I wouldn't say that she studies a lot in the library, just reads fantasy books.  She is obsessed with other worlds and believes that her parents came from another world. 

submitted by Amy G., age 14, Pa (and Ma)
(May 31, 2011 - 5:48 pm)