Oregano and Elizabeth

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Oregano and Elizabeth

Oregano and Elizabeth M.'s thread! Can't wait to see what you two come up with!

submitted by Oregano/Elizabeth M.
(May 16, 2011 - 3:45 pm)

No, that's not a cheesy idea... after all, we are just brainstorming.  That's a good starting place!!  So... where are they going? (Sorry, I don't know where a school trip might go for a week.  Camping?)

So then a few more questions have to be answered... why would the kids be kidnapped??  So of course one reason is that the kidnappers are basically pornmongers (please pardon the bluntness), which is (happily) rather unlikely in real life.  A more plausibe reason is that the kids are rich ( let's say they're twins) and they're being held for ransom.  The grownups are scared to go after them in case the kidnappers harm the kids, but the heroines do.  But then, why do the heroines?  Friends?  Maybe a teacher (or two) tell the kids to try for it, because kids often can do things grownups can't.  Then, why would the teachers tell the kids to do that??   Unless, of course, the teachers are the kidnappers, and want Ida and Natalie as well!!!!  That works!  So, tentative idea, tell me what you think:


Ida and Natalie and their grade go on (UNDETERMINED) school trip with (UNDETERMINED NUMBER OF TEACHERS - five?  four?  three?) teachers.  Rich twins are kidnapped/disappear.  Ransom note is found.  Two (?) teachers tell Ida and Natalie to try and find them.  Teachers are kidnappers.  Ida and Natalie are kidnapped by evil teacher kidnappers upon finding twins, and escape with twins.  Ida and Natalie tip the police off, and evil teachers are arrested.  The end.


Hm.  But why in that case wouldn't the teachers just hold everyone else hostage?  Too conspicuous, maybe.  Αre the teachers part or a crime/kidnapping ring?  Or are they freelancing kidnappers?  


And as to Ida and Natalie disliking each other... let's see... they're school rivals... they're rivals in romance...  they're rivals in popularity... D, all of the above.  Hmph.  Family rivalry.  Something to do with the daeth of Natalie's parents - i.e., Ida's family was suspected and acquitted (rightfully), but Natalie hates her anyway?  Or they both struck each other as unpleasant from their first meeting, and never bothered to know each other better, even though neither one is that unpleasant.


Sorry about that.  That was long.  I await your feedback!!!!!

Spammy says pxvk.  Pxvk?

submitted by Oregano, age 13, theloveseatgardenspi
(May 22, 2011 - 9:38 am)

Whoa! Great! 

Ok, when I was in fifth we stayed at this youth hostile for a week or so. It could be somewhere in the mountains or near the beach/lake. Camping sounds cool but I don't know if that would be a great idea with a class of seventh (??) graders. 

There should be four teachers with them. Two classes are combined together (if that's OK).

I like the idea of kidnappers kidnapping the two. The victims should be twins (boy boy, girl girl, boy girl?) and rich. They possess something that the teachers (along with some other people) want and by kidnapping them and hiding them (UNDETERMINED PLACE) they think that their parents will give them the wanted item.

Ida and Natalie have to do a project together and while they're working on it they find some clue connecting with the kidnap. They don't mean to get caught up in it but they do and also become friends while on the mission.

On the disliking each other: Maybe, it could be some school popularity along with the death thing. And if I understood right, Ida's family isn't accused? That seems good. Does Ida come from a rich family?

On words I didn't understand (sorry!):

Yes, that was about it... I didn't write as much as you... Oh well! XD 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany:12 in 1 Day
(May 23, 2011 - 10:42 am)

Sure, four teachers and two classes combined sounds good... Ida and Natalie may not be in the same class then, that's nice, so they don't know each other so well.  The twins then don't have to be twins, they could be brother and sister a year apart, like Dutch twins.  So then, say, they're rich, so they're held for ransom - Oh, and I thought boy/girl would be good, since we don't have many boy characters yet, but we don't want it to be interpreted as anything like a romance.

Hm.  What kind of project do you think?  How about everyone gets paired up with someone to do (UNDETERMINED PROJECT) and Ida  and Natalie are together, and the brother and sister are together.  So they're going off looking all around the hostile (was that a misspelling?  what did you mean?) and don't come back.  Then Ida and Natalie are walking around the next day and find something suspicious.  Say they're studying the architecture of the building, just off the top of my head.  In that case it could be like an ancient church, say, so they aren't studying the building they're staying in.  Hm.  Ancient church.  Northwestern Illinois? (Oh, Oregano.)  Any better ideas?


Hm... Ida doesn't have to come from a rich family.  She could though.  Or Natalie.  Any ideas for naming the twins?


So.  So much for pouring out my brain onto the page.  It's 6:35 here on the East Coast and my brain is half dead :(

submitted by Oregano, age 13, theloveseatgardenspi
(May 23, 2011 - 5:35 pm)

That's a good point, Admin.  A stolen painting wouldn't be plagiarism; copying the way the kids find out about it probably would (I mean, they have dreams about it, so that's pretty distinctive).  But they could read about it in the newspaper, or hear about it from their parents, or teachers, or whatever.  So it could certainly be a painting.


I can't see your post, Elizabeth M., so I'll finish the post... Spammy says edxr.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, theloveseatgardenspi
(May 22, 2011 - 6:43 am)

That sounds really good... Neither of us have to be from rich families...

I think they should travel somewhere else for the trip.

The Aztecs were somewhere in the south, right? Or the indians? It's a trip for history class (Okay?) and they have to make a report and present it to the class when they get back. Their job could be to study the architecture and say how it's made (better idea?). 

The twins' names could be: Ariana and Trevor. What were you thinking of?

Maybe the first scene could be boarding the bus? Do we want to write in third person with both of them, first person like in an RP or kind of diary entries or... And do we want present or past tense? 


submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12!!!!!!!!, Germany: B-DAY YAY!!
(May 24, 2011 - 8:55 am)

Sounds great!!!  I like the Aztecs idea... the Mayans were in the south too, but I think they mostly built pyramids.  I like Ariana and Trevor.  :)

Boarding the bus... great!  Though if they're going from northwestern Illinois to Mexico, they're more likely to fly, I would think... whoa, poor school, imagine paying for fifty or a hundred airline tickets :P

I like present tense myself, and have written in it so often that I find it hard to write in anything else :/ *hits self on head MUST STOP ENDING EVERY PARAGRAPH WITH PSEUDO-EMOTICON!!!!!!!! argh >:(*

How about like an RP, so each of us gets to choose... present or past.  Then it would have to be first person, though.  Or one of us could do first person and present (MEEEE!!), like an RP, and the other, third person and past, like an RR... take your pick! *NO PSEUDO-EMOTICON!!  YESSS!!! :D oh argh...*

Happy birthday!  You're twelve... (Spammy says wkoa, by which I assume he means "Whoa!") twelve is the largest possible one-syllable number!!


[From Admin RE bus to Mexico: I attended an American Friends summer work camp one year in Northern Maine. One of the other campers was a girl from Mexico City who did not speak English and came all the way from Mexico City to northern Maine on a Greyhound bus. She told us, through an interpreter, that the only thing she knew how to order at the rest stops was "cheese sandwich," so that's all she had to eat for however many days the trip took!


submitted by Oregano, age 13, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
(May 24, 2011 - 10:07 am)

Wow... nothing but cheese sandwiches... good thing she wasn't lactose intolerant!!  Not a very balanced meal though...


And I don't know if they were grilled sometimes or just cold cheese and bread. Maybe some of both for variety.


submitted by Oregano, age 13, my life
(May 24, 2011 - 7:23 pm)

Oh, and... I didn't respond to this part... the background might be...

Natalie's parents died - let's say, car crash.  We can say it was due to some other drunk driver.  Ida's parents were at the scene, and maybe their car was a little beat up, too.  So they were suspected of having caused it, but not accused (no charges were brought) and it was totally the drunk driver's fault.   But Natalie holds a grudge anyway, for no real reason.  What do you think?

submitted by Oregano, age 13, living my life
(May 25, 2011 - 7:49 am)

Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes! :) (I keep writing eleven in the age box...) 

I love the crash idea. Perfect way for Natalie to hold a grudge! :)

I just looked up the Aztecs. They were a tribe located in Central Mexico but there are tribes related to them in southwestern USA. What do you think? Should the kids go to Mexico? Or should they be visiting a tribe in southwestern USA (Arizona?) that has some Aztec ruins?

The plane ticket has to be paid by students. This is like a huge school trip though... I guess it does make more sense to fly! :)

I normally write in past tense but would it be okay if I challenged myself with present tense, too? I love our idea!

And I had an earlier question: What does i.e. stand for? 


Elizabeth, i.e. stands for the Latin id est, which means "that is." I ate the whole casserole, i.e. the lasagna. (Sorry, it's near suppertime and that's the first example that popped into my head!


submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12!!!!!!!!, Germany
(May 25, 2011 - 11:26 am)

Ah ha.  In that case it had better be the southwestern US idea.  If they leave the country it's WAY more bother for the school, and all the kids have to get passports, and so on.


Sounds great!!  You want to start?



Spammy says cprz.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, dreaming of fabric
(May 26, 2011 - 6:41 am)

Oui! Sure!

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12!!!!!!!!, Germany
(May 26, 2011 - 10:28 am)

If you were waiting for me to respond... here it is... so... unless you were composing a start in another window... in which case... sorry.  :)

submitted by Oregano, age 13, dreaming of fabric
(May 26, 2011 - 7:34 pm)

Who should start?

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(May 27, 2011 - 11:10 am)

Oh!  Well, when I said "You want to start?" I meant did you want to start, but if you didn't want to, I can...

submitted by Oregano, age 13, wantingtodoNaNoWriMo
(May 27, 2011 - 5:40 pm)

Umm... I don't care... :)

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(May 29, 2011 - 1:44 pm)