Oregano and Elizabeth
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Oregano and Elizabeth
Oregano and Elizabeth M.'s thread! Can't wait to see what you two come up with!
submitted by Oregano/Elizabeth M.
(May 16, 2011 - 3:45 pm)
(May 16, 2011 - 3:45 pm)
Oregano and Elizabeth M.'s thread! Can't wait to see what you two come up with!
Hi Elizabeth! So what kind of thing would you like to write?
(May 16, 2011 - 7:22 pm)
(May 16, 2011 - 7:28 pm)
What happened to this thread??? I posted once and it disappeared from the top page! I think I'm a jinx for threads dying. :(
(May 17, 2011 - 6:16 am)
[[Spammy says rudr. I'm ruder than WHOM? WHO is ruder than me? No one.]]
(May 17, 2011 - 6:48 am)
Hi Oregano! So, what do you want it to be? We need: Genre, Characters, Setting, Plot...
We want to do a story, right?
(May 17, 2011 - 11:12 am)
Yes, I think that was what we both preferred.
How about if each of us comes up with a main character, kind of like a roleplay? Then we can make up secondary characters as we need them. As for genre, I would vote for fiction... I think that's what I'm best at, I have to make it up or else it doesn't make sense. Even that statement doesn't make sense. I didn't make it up!!!! Not sure about the setting, what do you think? Let's work out the plot together.
Here's my character:
Ida Sophie Moraly
age 12
Long brown hair. Blue eyes. Can't stand her glasses and uses contacts instead. Likes to read, write, and play the violin. Keeps a very secret diary that she leaves a certain hair on every time she leaves it, to make sure no one opens it. Has a sister, Polly, one year older, and a brother, Max, two years younger, and another sister, Gweneth, two years younger than Max. How's that for a family?
Depending on the setting we choose, though, the part about glasses/contacts and the violin may change. Based on the plot, we can choose our characters' personalities.
(May 17, 2011 - 1:36 pm)
I'll have to see about the setting. I don't know yet. Do we want modern fiction?
Natalie Williams
Age: 13
Chin length almost black hair, pointy nose and freckles, dark blue eyes, very tall
She lives with a foster family with her only true sibling: Luke. He's sixteen. Otherwise her foster family is made up of two caring people and their twin son and daughter. Natalie dances a lot and it makes her forget her many troubles.
(May 18, 2011 - 12:25 am)
Modern fiction sounds great! How about we set this... hmmm... what state did you live in before you moved to Germany? Oh, and your character sounds like she comes from a great story... makes me wonder what her troubles are... Natalie is one of my favorite names... did you know it means "little daughter?" I think.
(May 18, 2011 - 10:41 am)
Do you mean 12:25 am? Well, I was up 12:25 am/pm your time. It was about 7:25 am my time... I think the name Natalie is also really pretty! I didn't know that it meant that. I don't really know what her troubles could be... Family... I lived in Illinois. I won't give a direct location though. Not because of you, just protection! :) Do we want a mystery or something?
(May 18, 2011 - 12:56 pm)
It comes from the word "nata," which means daughter. Related words are nascor, nascī, natus sum (yes all that is one word), meaning to be born, and - oh, I can't think of any others. [Nativity, prenatal, from Admin] I really need to brush up on my vocabulary. :(
I would have said if she lives with two caring people her troubles aren't likely to be family, though her foster siblings might not be being nice to her and her brother... more likely she has school troubles?
OK, let's set this in... *jabs at a map of Illinois* Northeastern Illinois! :) We should make up a town, though. As in, say, Pride and Prejudice -- Lizzie and her family live in England, not too too far from London, but they are supposed to live near Meryton, and that is a made up town. Joytown? Kelpville? Zit City? I'm just doing what I always do when I can't come up with a name for a character. I hold the shift key and jab at the keyboard. The letter I come up with starts the name, and that usually lets me come up with one. In this case, it was the first word starting with the letter that I randomly chose, then pairing it with a common town name. Just my luck to come up with the worst possible letters :p. What do you think for the name?
We could do:
•Romance, though 12 and 13 seems rather young for a romance...
D, all of the above... how about a combination mystery and adventure? I mean, the extreme is that they're kidnapped by aliens... that's not very likely, though. Opinion??
Oh, and lastly... what's the relationship of these girls to each other? Best friends? Neighbors? Co-heroes? Sworn enemies brought together by an unusual circumstance?
(May 18, 2011 - 3:41 pm)
[Oh yes, Admin, thank you!! I was trying to think of Latin words, but I never came up with the English ones either!]
Spammy says ehnn. I think. I don't THINK it's ehnr, but I'm actually not too sure. Spammy, pleeease improve your penmanship.
OK, CB is telling me ehnn is wrong. Now he says xuiy.
(May 19, 2011 - 7:20 pm)
[[Spammy says ixar. Pixar? Elixir? Mixer? Oh, Spammy.]]
(May 20, 2011 - 6:37 am)
Sorry! Ok, I like Joytown or city. And I like the idea of mystery/adventure. You can always put a flirt in there but I mean not every book has to have romance! And should it be a murder mystery or kidnap or theft or...? I like the two getting together from interesting circumstances... (I had an idea) and then they get caught up in a mystery! What do you think?
(May 20, 2011 - 11:34 am)
I'm ten times as bad a correspondent. Don't feel bad.
Joytown... Joy City... hm. ;)Yeah, sure! I don't know about a murder... how about, say, kidnapping of ... hmmm... never mind. :) I guess we could do a kidnapping, but who?? A sibling or half-sibling, or a sibling of each, or something. Or theft. It can't really be both, because that might be hard to tie the two together... so... the question about theft is, what's stolen? Not a painting, because however awesome Chasing Vermeer is, that's outright plagiarism. I know Bank robbery is a little bit tough to have two kids as heroes of. Maybe both their homes were broken into while they were on vacation. Oh, what's your idea?????!
Oregano, I don't think using the general idea of a stolen painting would be plagiarism. Plagiarism has more to do with using another author's exact words. You could make the details very different.
(May 20, 2011 - 3:33 pm)
Hmmm... Ok, what if they're on this week school trip (somewhere) and the two have to do a project together. And they don't know and at first can't stand each other (for certain reasons that must be decided). Then some kid(s) is/are kidnapped because (insert idea). And the girls have to figure out why and where they are... Yes, a slightly cheesy idea... That's all my brain is full of though. :)
(May 22, 2011 - 2:59 am)