New RP In
Chatterbox: Inkwell
New RP In
New RP
In the tradition of ZNZ (and probably many others), I'm starting a new RP thread, open to all! Create a character for yourself and put yourself in the story! I'm a fan of magic and medieval times, so that's where this story is set. My only request is that we don't add modern things like cell phones or laser beams... or spaceships. Right! Off we go!
"Dreg, I'm telling you, this is a bad idea!" Thresh hissed at his twin. Dreg of course paid him no mind.
"You remember your line, right?" asked Dreg, his eyes glinting with anticipation. That was the only visible difference between the two--their eyes. Both had long blond hair kept perpetually back in a ponytail, tanned skin, crooked grins that tended to make the opposite sex giggle, and perfectly straight, white teeth to go with. Dreg had blue eyes the color of the summer sky. Thresh, on the other hand, had red. Girls would fawn over Dreg until the cows came home, but one glance at Thresh and they would stare at him as if he were a new species of stinging insect. He'd learned to live with it--by sixteen he really hadn't been given a choice--but he'd be a liar if he said it didn't bother him. Dreg was the only one who looked at him like a normal person.
Which is why he usually went along with whatever his brother said, even if it was clearly a bad idea. Like right now.
"Yeah, but really... you're seriously going to go through with--"
"Thresh, please!" Dreg fixed him with a calm, blue stare. "This is going to work. I promise. And we'll be able to feed the girls for a month!"
Thresh pictured their three little sisters back at their house--hut, really; pictured how skinny they were and how resigned even little Terra had become to their tragic state of poverty. No five year-old deserved to starve to death. That made up Thresh's mind.
"Okay," he said, squaring his shoulders, "let's do this. Please make sure my head stays on my shoulders if something goes wrong."
Dreg grinned his crooked grin. "Nothing will go wrong, brother," he promised. "In three hours we will be feasting on roast pheasant!"
(June 25, 2010 - 11:48 pm)
(September 9, 2010 - 3:21 pm)
"Where........ is.............. she?!?!?!?!?" I ran through branches, and stumbled over holes and stumps, and things I didn't want to think about. "Mel, wait!!!!" But I didn't care what Dreg thought. All I wanted was to find Clo. I jumped over a small creek, and a crash behind me told me that Dreg hadn't seen it. Terra's crying made turn, to run back, but I caught something out of the corner of my eye. A clearing. As I stepped it to it, my blood ran cold. I recognized this place. It was one I had first seen seven years ago, before Terra was born, when Father had sold the package to the mysterious man. I had been spying, back before I had learned the magyke. The result was a harsh whipping. But the last time I had seen the clearing was five years ago, when Terra was just a week old.
The last time I had seen this place, it was the night my parents died.
(September 11, 2010 - 8:06 am)
Ok... Here goes a twist in the plotline. If it doesn't work... we don't have to use it.
//Rosalia Èpine//
I had been hiding out in the Baron's Mansion.for two days now, constantly invisible. Now, it was night, I was no longer invisible, and I was heading too the place where Thresh Stonegate slept. I crept into his room and poked him. He didn't stir. I slapped his cheek. He jerked awake.
"I didn't do it! Whatever it was it wasn't me!" he said.
"Istarical," I whispered back.
He stared at me in awe. It was the French accent. I was used to people staring at me as though I was from a different planet.
"Vell, get dressed, ve don't ave all night!"
I stepped out while he changed, but as soon as he finished ,I grabbed his arm and dragged him along to the Baronesses apartments. I fetched Clo Stonegate in a similar manner and we streaked down the hall. As we reached the front door they stopped.
"Wh-where are we going?" stammered Thresh.
"To pick up ze rest ov your vamily." I explained.
"You mean, you don't work for the Baron?" asked Clo, shocked.
"Ov course not, I vork for la rébellion(Admin, call this the rebbelion if you can't post in french.)."
He sounded confused, which was confusing.
"You do not Know ov ze rebbelion?" I asked.
"Uh... should we?" she quiried.
I gaped, "Don't you know 'oo you are?!"
(September 11, 2010 - 10:57 am)
Cool. Great job. I'm glad to have you in the RP.
(September 11, 2010 - 5:57 pm)
I LOVE the french!
(September 12, 2010 - 1:13 pm)
I was wondering, can I do two points of view???? I'd really like to do some from Dreg's, if that's okay.
(September 12, 2010 - 4:05 pm)
Few things before I start:
1. GO Clair. I LOOOOOOVED your post. And I'm glad to have you back!
2. I'd be okay with you doing a post from Dreg's POV. And since I created him, I guess that's all the okay you need. Go for it! (And actually, I'm going to leave to you to decide which of the twins is the oldest... I don't think I've mentioned anything yet. I think it's going to matter after my post...)
3. Kat- kinda of a sharp turn, but whatever. I'll roll with it! Off we go!
"Don't you know 'oo you are?"
Thresh stared at the girl as though she was from another planet. Again. Did he know who he was? Of course he did. He was a poor orphan responsible for helping his poor siblings survive the next year. Who did she think he was? It was strange though, that the girl had taken Clo too. The fact that she knew the two of them were related was impressive in its own right, since Thresh and Dreg looked exactly as their father had, while Clo and Noreen resembled their mother. They definitely didn't look related. This girl evidently knew something about them then.
"But I have to tell the Baron," he protested quietly as the girl dragged him to the front door. "No. Wait. I can't leave yet--I still have ten days left in our agreement! I made a deal with the Baron!"
The girl scoffed. "A deal! Mon dieu! You eediot! Ze Baron de Ganforth eez a bad man! He eez trying to keep zat imposter on ze throne! Ve vant to put ze rightful king zere instead! Ve are patriots!"
Thresh glanced at Clo, who simply shrugged at him. "Great," said Thresh to the girl, "you're patriots. What does that have to do with us? You know if the Baron catches us, it could go very badly for us all. Especially with me looking like this."
Thresh hadn't known why he was being woken up in the middle of the night so he had dressed in the costume of the Scarlet Sorceror. The girl waved a dismissive hand.
"Pshah!" she said. "Eet eez no bozzer. But we must go to your seeblings now. I--"
"No!" Thresh said loudly and the noise echoed dangerously off the walls of the Baron's main hall. He lowered his voice. "No! I can't let Mel see me like this! And you haven't told me why you need us yet anyway! I refuse to move another inch until you explain yourself!"
The girl sighed impatiently. "You stupid boy. Did your parents never tell you 'oo your grandfazzur was?" She took their blank looks as a No. "Your frandfazzur was the brozzer of ze last king. Eizzer you or your tvin, Dreg, is the rightful king of zis land. And ze Baron knows this. Vy do you think he's taken such an interest in you?"
(September 13, 2010 - 7:57 pm)
@Tempest: Yay! and Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(September 14, 2010 - 5:31 pm)
"La rébellion az been vatching you, trying to decide ef you vould make a good king, and your acts ov kindnezz to your ziblingz prove zat you vill. I am Rosalia Èpine. I'm conzidered an outcazt because I am vone of ze last Français. La rébellion vound me and trained me in ze magiques. I run errands, but c'est za first time I av gone on such an important errand. Ze fate of ze country lies vith you- and you are coming vith me now."
I swept off into the night; they followed. Thresh still looked taken aback, but he came anyway. As we walked, I snapped my fingers and suddenly, we were in the forest. Clo screamed and Thresh gasped, and then sighed in relief. I didn't have to look back to know that he was in his normal clothes now, instead of that horrible red thing.
(September 16, 2010 - 4:35 pm)
I couldn't believe it. Thresh was a King? Would that mean that I was a Duchess?
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Ve are going to ze rebellion headqvarters. 'Urry."
"Oh." I said, not that I hadn't expected it. "But, like Thresh said, we have our agreements."
Well, I hadn't made an official agreement to anyone, but I needed to follow through working for the Baroness if we were going to bring in enough money. And then I remembered Vivian. The child who had been hit for leaving sour cream on the laundry. Who I had heard cry in the evenings. Who reminded me so much of Terra, and who I had helped. She didn't deserve to be a slave. I wished I could help her.
"Ze agreements do not matter."
Spam boy says, POAD.
(September 18, 2010 - 12:05 pm)
To the top top top!!!!! I'm waiting for somebody to post other than me, 'cause I did the last bit of RPing. Okay, everybody who's still part of the RP say aye! Aye!
(September 28, 2010 - 4:39 pm)
Aye! (Sorry about the no post, but Cross Country has me REALLY busy.) I'll post a part of the RP tomorrow because we have this WONDERFUL little thing called NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!
(September 29, 2010 - 6:46 pm)
(Dreg, fyi)
I ran up beside Melayna, Terra in my arms. "Mel, whats wro........." I trailed off, realizing what this place was. Terra pulled on my tattered shirt sleeve. I let her down, and she wandered around, interested in everything, as most five year olds are. I kept one eye on her, and one on Mel, who had sat down on a rock, mezmerized by the knowledge of what had taken place here. She started to cry. Not just a single sob, but wailing like Terra when I took her filthy doll. I looked back in Terra's direction, expecting to see her sucking the doll, but all I saw was a hole in the ground, with Terra sinking into it. I lunged for her, caught only the doll and air, and Terra was gone.
(October 3, 2010 - 1:14 pm)
I'm sooo sory I havn't been posting, but I'll post now.
//Rosalia Èpine//
I swept around and continued walking. Why didn't they realize who they were? Hadn't their parents told them? My heart suddenly sunk into my stomach when I remembered Exodus telling me that Sy and Eztli were on the brink of telling their children who they were when the 'King's Men' had killed them in cold blood. My senses told me we were almost there, tha's where Thresh and Clo's siblings were. Cold-blood Hallow, the magic was thick there. But...
"No!" I screamed, dropping to my knees. My senses must be lying. Terra could not be gone, she'd just disappeared!
"W-what?" stammered Clo.
"Terra..." I managed to get out, then I fainted.
(October 13, 2010 - 7:46 pm)
Ooookay. I'm back. Sorry for the long break... things happen.
Things were getting a little too crazy for me. Girl with a weird accent dragging me out of the baron's manor in the middle of the night--crazy. Her conviction that we were somehow royalty--really crazy. And the magic getting rid of my assassin's uniform? Well, that at least was helpful. I could tell Clo wasn't too comfortable around it. It had made me look just like the Scarlet Sorcerer.
I had opened my mouth to demand some answers when the foreign girl fainted. Just like that--BAM. Down she went. Clo and I looked at each other.
"Did she just say Terra?" Clo asked me. I shrugged.
"What do we do now?" I asked, seriously considering just leaving her there and heading back to the manor. Baron Gareth had been counting on me. Plus, he had already sent my wages for tomorrow to our house, and I was no cheat. I owed him a day of work. Clo bit her lip, looking away from my red eyes.
"I don't know. I guess you'll have to carry--" But then a wail rent the air, causing both of us to spin around. Clo gasped. "Thresh! Look where we are! Oh gods!"
She was right, I thought, feeling a stone drop in my stomach. I was suddenly cold. I hadn't been looking around, too intent on getting information out of this Rosalia, but now I knew. This was where It had happened. And I knew who that was crying. I was sprinting for her before I knew what I was doing. I burst through a hedge and spotted her sitting on the ground.
"Mel!" I ran to her and held her close, letting her sob into my chest. Her arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. I looked around and saw Noreen standing to one side, pale and scared, looking around the hollow with eyes that were seeing something long past. Dreg was on his knees digging furiously at a patch in the ground. Odd. No sign of Terra.
Clo walked in through the hole I'd torn in the hedge, surveying the scene, as she went to go stand beside her twin. "Where's Terra?" she wondered quietly. Dreg looked up a wild, desperate glint to his normal-colored eyes.
"I can't find her!" he whispered shakily. "She sank--I can't reach her!"
(October 14, 2010 - 4:11 pm)