New RP In
Chatterbox: Inkwell
New RP In
New RP
In the tradition of ZNZ (and probably many others), I'm starting a new RP thread, open to all! Create a character for yourself and put yourself in the story! I'm a fan of magic and medieval times, so that's where this story is set. My only request is that we don't add modern things like cell phones or laser beams... or spaceships. Right! Off we go!
"Dreg, I'm telling you, this is a bad idea!" Thresh hissed at his twin. Dreg of course paid him no mind.
"You remember your line, right?" asked Dreg, his eyes glinting with anticipation. That was the only visible difference between the two--their eyes. Both had long blond hair kept perpetually back in a ponytail, tanned skin, crooked grins that tended to make the opposite sex giggle, and perfectly straight, white teeth to go with. Dreg had blue eyes the color of the summer sky. Thresh, on the other hand, had red. Girls would fawn over Dreg until the cows came home, but one glance at Thresh and they would stare at him as if he were a new species of stinging insect. He'd learned to live with it--by sixteen he really hadn't been given a choice--but he'd be a liar if he said it didn't bother him. Dreg was the only one who looked at him like a normal person.
Which is why he usually went along with whatever his brother said, even if it was clearly a bad idea. Like right now.
"Yeah, but really... you're seriously going to go through with--"
"Thresh, please!" Dreg fixed him with a calm, blue stare. "This is going to work. I promise. And we'll be able to feed the girls for a month!"
Thresh pictured their three little sisters back at their house--hut, really; pictured how skinny they were and how resigned even little Terra had become to their tragic state of poverty. No five year-old deserved to starve to death. That made up Thresh's mind.
"Okay," he said, squaring his shoulders, "let's do this. Please make sure my head stays on my shoulders if something goes wrong."
Dreg grinned his crooked grin. "Nothing will go wrong, brother," he promised. "In three hours we will be feasting on roast pheasant!"
(June 25, 2010 - 11:48 pm)
@ Noreen person: I love the twins idea. But seriously, I don't get what you wrote and how it fits into mine and everything else. I had it where I was seeing my siblings... ah! I see the problem. I meant that my siblings not sibling was there with the messenger. But I probably cannot change that without changing the Noreen bit... oh, right! The Noreen bit must be right before when that messenger comes?? Actually, I'm a bit confused. Could someone explain?
(July 9, 2010 - 9:23 pm)
Yes, it is before, I think. But which siblings are with the messenger? How is this going to work out?
(July 10, 2010 - 11:22 am)
Well, I had the courier leave even before Thresh left. I assumed that "seeing the sibling" part was a bit later after Thresh leaves... and after one of the siblings left the house. Though with what's been written... none of them have left the house. I don't know, maybe make Clo mistakenly think some random person was Melayna or Dreg or something. It would take way too long to go back and change anything, so just try to make it work, I guess.
@Amy: I really enjoyed the twin idea... plus it kind of fits. Families tend to have several sets of twins if they have enough kids! Two boys, two girls! Like it a lot!
(July 10, 2010 - 3:47 pm)
Maybe it could be Melayna. She could leave Terra with Dreg and Noreen. She could have known that it was something about Clo. Whatdya say????
(July 12, 2010 - 6:25 pm)
Um, ello???????? Anybuggy there????? ELLO???????? I'm going to be gone ALL next week so I probably can't post unless Mary lets me. (College-aged sisters. Never know with them.) But I'll type whenever possible. This thread is starting to go down the page, so, TOP!!!!!!!!!
(July 14, 2010 - 5:56 pm)
I'm sorry...this thread is getting a little confusing! So I guess, the Noreen bit is before Sasha's thread, then somehow the other siblings get in the tunnel. How??? I'm busy, so sorry if I'm neglecting this thread! But it's been really great doing this story. Just the story has taken over with impossible twists and turns!
(July 15, 2010 - 5:54 pm)
Yeah, I don't get what's going on with the story either... so to make things easier, I'm just going to fast-forward it to the next morning. That way everyone can put their characters wherever they think is best. In the tunnels, out of the tunnels, at home, whatever. I'm going to write from the Baron's point of view occasionally, since Thresh is going to be with him for a while... I hope. I'll just play both characters off and on.
//Baron Danforth de Gareth//
(Hehehe... had to come up with a ridiculous name. He's a Baron, after all!)
"Your personal attendant? Dan, we have servants for that! What on earth do you need that demon-eyed child for?"
I looked up from my papers. "Celeste," I said with practiced calm, "he is a servant. I'm paying him for his time. Consider him a temporary addition to the household. My household." I noticed my wife's eyes narrow. "He is my servant to command, not yours. I've already told him what I expect of him, and that he will not receive any trouble from you. If I hear a word differently from him..." I let the threat hang.
Celeste harumphed. "I still don't see why you couldn't have gotten a different boy. Doesn't that little wretch have a normal-looking twin? Why couldn't you have picked that one?"
"Because Thresh is smarter than his brother," I answered, "and cleverer by far. And because his eyes are going to be important. Have you ever seen another red-eyed person?"
"No, and I hope to heaven I never do."
I smiled thinly. "Well, I expect that will be the reaction of the Duke's retinue as well."
"The Duke?" Celeste's voice went shrilly. The Duke was the King's right-hand man. "What about the Duke?"
"Oh haven't I told you, my dear? He's due to arrive in an hour." I watched Celeste shriek in horror and sprint out of the dining room, screaming for servants.
"Sir, perhaps you should have warned her last night."
I chuckled and returned to my papers. "No, Harpeth, that was quite worth it. Is Stonegate ready yet?"
"Yes, my lord, he'll be in shortly. The tailor had to make a few last-minute adjustments so that the scabbard would fit properly."
"Very good. You may leave. I'd stay in the kitchens, if I were you, old boy. My darling wife is likely to be in a state for a while."
"Noted, sir."
I continued perusing my sheets of parchment until I heard someone shuffle in. I looked up and smiled. "Gracious, Stonegate, you look positively frightening."
The tailor had done a magnificent job. The tall youth was clad all in blood-red leather and velvet, a gleaming red sword hanging at his side and a wide-brimmed feathered hat in his hands. [Think Musketeer, guys.] Even his boots were red leather. He'd pulled his long blond hair back behind his neck with a red ribbon and looked every inch the assassin I'd hoped for. His eyes looked extra-terrifying with the outfit and I felt my grin get wider.
"You don't think I look foolish with all this red, do you?" Thresh asked me, frowning down at himself. "I mean the saber is great, but maybe a bit of silver wouldn't be out of place."
"No," I said, rising from my seat. "This is perfect. You know what to do when the Duke arrives?"
"Stand behind you and look intimidating," Thresh nodded. "Say nothing."
"Good. Oh, and I sent the Courier to your house early this morning, so that your siblings know you'll be here for the next fortnight."
"Thank you, sir. I would have gone myself, but I really would prefer they didn't see me like this. Half of my family can't look my in the eye as it is. This would probably terrify them."
I chuckled and motioned for him to join me at the table for food. "It terrifies me, Stonegate, it terrifies me."
(July 16, 2010 - 1:04 pm)
Thank you for straightening things up by fast forwarding! That really helped.
(July 19, 2010 - 4:46 pm)
Thanks for the explanation. I meant by the siblings being with the messenger that she comes in right where Thresh's comment left off...
(July 17, 2010 - 6:04 pm)
Although, it does work for it to be Melayna. Okay, I guess we could go with that if nobody minds.
(July 17, 2010 - 6:07 pm)
"Gone for a fortnight?" I screamed as soon as the courier left. As odd as Thresh could be, it was comforting to have a big brother around. And Dreg doesn't count, as he's neither comforting nor bright. Everything was getting, well, strange. I'd lost my job, and Thresh was gone for a fortnight. The only thing I'd gained was my family's trust. What could I do? I glanced down at Terra. She looked so plain despite everything that was going on. Little Terra wore a faded red garment somewhere between a shirt and a dress over grey leggings. She doesn't know how bad the world is. I thought. She doesn't realize everything that's happening around her. Then I watched the rest of my present family, and said, "We need to do something. I'm sure that whoever's taken Thresh means business. Bad business."
(July 20, 2010 - 4:46 pm)
I'm sorry but I think I have to retire from this post. I am going away this week and then very busy the next week and then going away the week after that, so I don't think I'll really have time to contribute to the story much. Again, I'm sorry!!
(July 24, 2010 - 12:03 pm)
Hi I'm back! This makes SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more sense! I'll post later
(July 24, 2010 - 5:30 pm)
@Amy: bummer! Well, thanks for writing! Have a nice vacation!
@Clair: I'll wait for your post and then I'll write something!
(July 26, 2010 - 4:27 pm)
I'll post soon. Sorry about the delay. Had a post but something happened.
(July 29, 2010 - 4:40 pm)