The City of

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The City of

The City of One Thousand Stars

Once upon a time, perhaps long ago, perhaps in the distant future, perhaps now, perhaps stretching between all of those, perhaps in a time that is beyond anyone's imagining, there was a city.

A city with tall majestic buildings made of glass, and tiny dull ones made of wood, and several imposing ones made of stone. A city built where the waters of the Blue Sea and the Winding River meet, a city just warm enough to have winters where, unless things are more extraordinary than usual, it doesn't snow.

But, despite the location and the timing and the climate and the architecture, the City of One Thousand Stars was most special because of its inhabitants. Each of them, young or old, big or small, farmer or writer, trader or leader, just-moved-in or fifth-generation resident, from the time they set foot in the City with an intent to stay, had a special ability. A power, a knack, a savvy, a gift, their own special sort of magic. What in olden times was to be called a star, which lead to the city's name. For instance, one of the inhabitants had never needed to breathe. Another could be invisible whenever they chose. And yet another had the power to tell when fruit was ready to be picked. 

In this City, everyone was different, but everyone was kind to one another, because the only thing they had in common was being different from each other. Mostly, that is. Sometimes there were cases of people doing things that were untoward, or rude, or even occasionally illegal. 

But most of the time, in the City of One Thousand Stars, everyone helped, everyone listened, and everyone cared. 


This is an RP (my first one, so I'm excited), and there are a couple of things I'd like to clarify, because the introduction doesn't explain too much other than what the city's like:

1.  Your character can be any age. Children and teens ages 5-17, however, will attend the City School unless you'd like them to be homeschooled. The City School is an institution spread out around the City, with different buildings for different subjects in different areas. It is connected by the City's underground train system (students will ride trains between classes).

2. Characters' powers will only be one ability, like telekinesis or flying or baking pies, as opposed to, for instance, telekinesis, healing, and telepathy. 

3. I don't really know what the plot will be like, but it can be relaxed, or mystery-related, or (if  we have a lot of school-aged characters) centered around the City School, or something else. Not all characters have to meet each other (the City is fairly large), but they can.

4. You can have up to 5 characters, although you don't need that many.

5. Here is the form: 






Power/Ability (magical):

Strengths (non-magical, also optional):

Weaknesses (optional):

House, house's location, and/or housemates:




submitted by Seadragon, The City of 1000 Stars
(September 29, 2023 - 5:18 pm)
submitted by top
(January 12, 2024 - 11:41 am)


Science is hard again. Ugh. 
"I've decided that our Friday quiz will now take place on Mondays," says Mr. Grebnesor. Someone raises their hand.
"Yes, Perry?" Mr. Grebnesor calls on them.
"Will the quiz be of the last week's work or the coming one's?" I don't know Perry well, but I hope that it's the last week's, because otherwise it's just plain irrational.
"That's an interesting question," he says. The answer is pretty obvious is what I would say if I were in the mood. "However," he says, "that question shouldn't merit thinking about whatsoever because a quiz of material I haven't taught is irrational. So, you'll be doing two extra questions just to make sure you know how to think. Rems, goes for you too. Instead of eleven every Monday, you'll be doing thirteen." 
Thirteen is my least favorite number. Some people think it's lucky. I can agree with some people on other things.  Perry looks defeated.
"So! Pencils!"


submitted by Seadragon
(January 13, 2024 - 9:28 pm)


"I don't really want to disturb him, though," Violet replies. "I mean, he's our guest. Let's try to figure things out ourselves before we ask."

"If you say so." Ky nods, not looking satisfied, but resigned nonetheless. "Well," he says, getting up. "I better go do some research. I'll be taking my leave now, if that's okay." 

"Go ahead," I reply. "Perhaps we should go to our rooms as well."

"Of course," Violet agrees. "I need to work on my research paper."

"Ah, and I forgot about my math worksheet," I say. "Okay, let's go." 

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(January 15, 2024 - 1:39 am)

I'm really sorry I haven't been posting; I've been working on other projects and now I'm having writer's block and I don't have much time between being home from school and swimming and I'm also really stressed...


The person must be good at telling fake coins from real ones, because it stays in the side of a street for a while. I'm very sad about the loss of the tracker; the day I plan to retrieve it after work, it rains and the coin is swept down the drain. 
So much for that, then.

submitted by Seadragon
(January 18, 2024 - 7:18 pm)


That, however, shows that they know what a fake coin is. Casey Rosenberg, therefore, isn't just a dabbler in crime and related things.  He knows about it.
Therefore, I go to the library and look in the catalog under Rosenberg. There's a memoir of John Rosenberg, who was a thief who was locked up and then became an ornithologist. He had one son, named--guess--Casey. 
Crime is the family business.
Apparently John's star was pilfering. I know stars aren't hereditary, but there was a famous study about a child who was homeschooled and whose tutor had the star of being able to ice cakes really well. Then the child won an icing contest. The conclusion of the study was Magic rubs off.
So maybe that can happen in families, too.

submitted by Seadragon
(January 23, 2024 - 7:13 pm)
submitted by top
(January 20, 2024 - 1:28 pm)


On Tuesday, Mr. Grebnesor is playing with a coin. He flips it up and spins it on his desk. It's big and not too shiny. I wonder why he likes it so much. Suddenly he throws it into a wastebasket and then goes to retrieve it.
"Anyways," he says, "today we're learning about types of metal. Dollar coins are made of silver, which tarnishes. However, most fake coins are made of aluminum, which does not. So, I'm going to ask you which of these coins is fake." 
"What educational value does this have?" asks someone. I turn my head: It's Becca, who's all the teachers' pet but doesn't like the teachers at all. She always does her homework, but if it's boring or doesn't work with her standards of what's right, she writes a note on it. 
"Um, it builds your understanding," says Mr. Grebnesor. "Now, look!" He takes the wastebasket coin and two other dollar coins and puts them on his desk. We crowd around the desk and it takes me only a minute to tell that the waskebasket coin is fake. 

After school, I tell Morrigan about it. 
"That was me," she says. "Unfortunately. I would have sold it for more than a dollar and fairness is fairly speculative. I thought he let it wash down a drain, but I guess he picked it up." 
"Okay," I say. 

submitted by Seadragon
(January 27, 2024 - 9:25 pm)


Cassandra went to school. She really liked science. And some of the other students were acting really strange. She tried to ignore it.

(btw Cass didn't get an invitation) 



It was the weekend and Cassidy was trying to write her book. She kept getting stuck. She couldn't write her original story anymore. Her mind kept going back to something about some... Zeithran Star?? Her shadow did gymnastics around the room. She put her pen to the paper and began to write.

submitted by Celine sorta gtg, age FeiyaEVZYY, Sorry for so long
(February 10, 2024 - 2:33 am)


Ethics, ethics, ethics. Running round my mind at ten o'clock. I go onto the roof and back down again. I even go for a run.
Should I pay Casey Rosenberg?
No, I shouldn't, as he's a criminal, so I return to bed and fall asleep uneasily. 


submitted by Seadragon
(February 10, 2024 - 8:50 pm)
submitted by top
(June 14, 2024 - 8:15 am)