Writing Contest~

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Writing Contest~

Writing Contest~

I'll give a one-word theme, and then you have to write a 100-1,000 word
story based on it. The winner I pick will then give a new one-word
theme, and they'll judge the next round. (So basically like the Poetry Contest thread, but for writing :)) The rules are: 

1. It must be related to the theme in some way.

2. It must be in the 100-1,000 word limit. 

3. It can be any genre. 

4. No fanfiction, please. 

The theme is: Bird

I will be judging on May 22th, so that should give you about two weeks. I
can extend the date if nessesary. I'm excited to see your responses!

submitted by pangolin, age she | they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(May 8, 2023 - 12:25 pm)


I swear, I didn't know that when you disappeared that I'd be haunted. I close my eyes every night, and I feel like I'm possessed. Your face, all the memories come flooding in a flashing storm, ripping me from my dreams in cold sweats and tears. In the middle of the night, I hear your voice. See your scalding amber eyes, staring into my soul. You want me back, you want me to come save you from your wicked destined fate. 

I couldn't save you. I can't save you. You're gone. They want to put you in one of those white walled rooms, sterile and still and devoid of emotion. Maybe it's what you need. That's what the doctors say, what the police say.

But…no matter what I tell myself, you're still there. When I walk down by the twisted stream, late afternoon light bursting through the gaps of the mid-autumn leaves, I hear the rattling of your pill bottles. I smell the sickly sweet vanilla. I can't even eat a cookie anymore, the sugary smell only makes my nose burn. The stained glass windows of the little chapel down the road frightens me to the bone, their artificial orange only reminding of the night you vanished. The lights. The reflectors. The dreaded pill bottles. 

It's been a week since we filed the report, and we haven't heard a word. Somehow, you and your ingenious; haunted, mind- you managed to slip away from the world without a trace.
The doctors say that you're gone. Some of them hope you are, say that it would be better for everyone if you didn't have to suffer the chains, chemicals, clenched around your mind. 

The police say that you'll be declared dead soon. It's been weeks, and nothing has been found of you. Nothing except all those empty medicine cabinets we found the night after you left. 

Mom doesn't say much at all anymore. 

And me? Well. I guess you could say that I'm living with ghosts.

submitted by Neverseen , age Umpteen , Traveling the Triangulum
(September 7, 2023 - 4:06 pm)

I'm sorry this is so late! If you'd rather not count it i get it. i don't even know if i like this anymore but *shrugs*



The house is a dust-ridden tapestry, faded and made of the past. And in that case I must be the warp threads, the one connection through everything else in this tattered existence.

Now, it’s in death that I wander the halls. No two days are the same. Still, the mind-numbing sameness of each moment hums through the air in this place, the distortion toying with my mind.

That's the only explanation for those thoughts. I'd never go back to living.

Currently, all is quiet. A  moon the color of rust gleams off of the polished, scuff-less floors. Just looking at them makes me freeze, urge myself to walk quieter. Don’t let them creak. But these days, I’m weightless; nobody can hear me. Nobody can find me. Nobody’s here.

I would have died for that as a child.

People are fickle beings - there only to hurt me, far away when I was hurt. When I needed them. So I suppose I can only thank the world that I’m alone. What else would I feel? Though the ache of longing in my heart is constant, yearning for someone to listen - they never have. They never will.

I freeze as whispers dance on my ears. They come from distant rooms, every word far too clear. But the closer I get to them the softer they become; by the time I open the door, they’re gone. 

Whenever there are voices, I do my best not to understand them. I focus on anything else - my weaving, the old journals I hid under my mattress, my shaking hands - to not understand them. And yet I do.

Sometimes they civilly discuss matters of the house or local news: a pretense that everything’s fine, as long as nobody disagrees. Sometimes there’s shouting, or sharp criticisms disguised as teasing so they’re easy to deny. This time someone's laughing.

Was something actually funny? Or were they just keeping the peace? 

The whispers dissipate. I allow myself to continue, though what I'm continuing I'm not quite sure.

My bedroom door is closed. It’s always closed, and it always has been. I only realize my hand has clasped the doorknob when the sweat on my hands nearly turns to ice.

A sliver of orange moonlight encroaches the room through the open crack of the door, tinting my grey stuffed cat with a toxic cadmium pigment. I blink. I had forgotten she was there. That cat was my best friend, my most beloved, my life. I couldn’t tell you her name.

I can only remember the parts of life that hurt. The rest is lost to time.

I have, in my day, seen many a tapestry. When I was young, I sought the ones of beauty - it was easier to deal in fakes, in pretenses that all was fine. Later I came to terms with the meaningless of life; haunted forests and cemeteries became my havens. The tapestry I’m stuck in is something beyond the scope of both of them.

There is nothing like residing here. There is nothing like surrendering to the curse that infests your body, eating at your mind’s cloth until only the darkest threads remain. There is no feeling like watching the last slivers of grey shrivel to pieces, knowing full well that there’s nothing you can do to stop them. No wool is black enough, no picture haunting enough to show this in its entirety. 

I may be the ghost, but it’s the house that haunts me.

Will this ever fade? Will everything dissolve like even the best yarn must do? And if it does, what’s to come next? 

Perhaps nothingness; perhaps someplace far worse. It’s sure to be worse. And maybe I’ll learn, when that happens, that everything was fine. That everything is my fault. That my whole life was spent crying over things that never should have mattered.

That I’m just weak.

And yet I still cannot help hoping. What else is there to do? Maybe someday, long after death, for the first time in life I’ll go home. 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(September 9, 2023 - 4:33 pm)

just ignore my entry actually for all intents and purposes it does not exist

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(September 9, 2023 - 4:38 pm)

That. Was. Beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful. So vivid and true and ooh, "I may be the ghost, but it’s the house that haunts me." That is awesome. And that first sentence... this is just so real, your word choice and imagery ("A  moon the color of rust gleams off of the polished, scuff-less floors." (This one also just feels so much meaningful, like the third and fourth quotes here), "whispers dance on my ears", "Was something actually funny? Or were they just keeping the peace?", "When I was young, I sought the ones of beauty - it was easier to deal in fakes, in pretenses that all was fine."...), and this part is just so... well, read it for yourself. "That cat was my best friend, my most beloved, my life. I couldn’t tell you her name." Heartbreaking. Needed. Truth. It works so well here. Everything works so well here. Everything about the tapestry, I so enjoyed reading all those analogies and... just wanted to let you know. This is amazing.

submitted by CelineInEvenMoreAwe, age Wowwowwow, A State of Amazement
(September 10, 2023 - 2:41 am)
submitted by @Hex, judging?
(September 10, 2023 - 11:25 am)

Sorry I'm late, I've been really busy this weekend. Anyway, have my badly-worded judgments /:

Honorable Mention—Hawkstar! The character growth in this was really well done. With a fairly short prompt, you managed to include dialogue that showed a transformation in Esa. Your ending was very funny as well :) good job!

Honorable Mention—Celine! First off, I liked the name in this one. Skyla Ever sounds exactly like your character—ghostly but strangely happy. I also liked the repetition. Some of the sentences were run-on in the best repetitive sort of way. Great job!

Third Place—Moon Wolf! I thought you set the scene really well in this one. It was cool how you added on more details as the story went on. I also think you ended it really well, with something that was satisfying to the reader but left more to be discovered. Cool story!

Second Place—Neverseen! I loved the mood of this entire piece, and I think you conveyed it really well. It’s intriguing and mysterious, which I liked a lot. “The night after you left” and other lines hinted at something dark and catching.

First Place—BB! Well, Celine said it better than I can, but this is amazing! I especially loved the little details—stuff like “tinting my grey stuffed cat with a toxic cadmium pigment” and your whole analogy of a tapestry. Congrats, and you’re the next judge!

submitted by judging! (hex)
(September 10, 2023 - 6:15 pm)

ahhh thank you so much! (sorry this is so late I was kind of putting off looking at it) Good job to everyone. I honestly have no idea for a prompt, but I'll be working on it.

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(September 14, 2023 - 12:56 pm)

ahhh sorry I completely forgot! I'll have the prompt once this tops. I look forward to seeing all of your stories! 

submitted by Blackfooted TOPcat
(September 22, 2023 - 10:20 am)

No worries! Thanks! :)

submitted by CelineTopping Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(September 22, 2023 - 6:05 pm)
submitted by @Blackfooted Bobcat
(September 26, 2023 - 12:21 pm)

okay so I finally chose the prompt but then was trying to write an apology for this being so late and that was stressing me out and making later, so without further ado, the prompt. 


Not inherently the same as color, though it can be of course. there are other properties you could explore. 

Also, please note that for this round and this round only, I am increasing the word limit to 1,500. This is to hopefully expand the amount of things you can write, and the amount of plot you can include :) It also connects to the other thing.

Last thing! (again this is only for this round that I'm judging) if you want, you can also write the opening chapter to a longer story. Please specify whether it's an opening chapter or a short story when posting; if you don't I'll assume it's a short story. I will be judging it with that in mind, obviously. 

I look forward to judging! 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(September 26, 2023 - 3:51 pm)

Ooh cool thank you (an opening chapter...)!! And no need to apologize, things happen and also sometimes I'm free to write but I'm just like, no, I don't want to. It's fine! :)

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The Writing Desk
(September 26, 2023 - 6:00 pm)

Hey, just curious, when are the writing piece due? 

Here is mine! It could be the beginning of a chapter, I'm really not sure. I deliberatly made this piece a little clunky to represent the state of mind of the main character, so the disjointedness of some parts is intentional. 


When I close my eyes, my eyes swim with colors. Crimson red, warm yellow, royal blue, dancing before my eyes like watching an old home video. It's all fuzzy, yet I catch snippets of sharper images here and there. The red…it was part of her dress. The fabric feels soft in my hand, and the glitter comes of on my fingers. I rub my middle finger against my thumb, almost as if the memory would come back to life, so I could touch her again. 

My eyes flicker open, and my body seizes up in alarm at the stark whiteness of my room. Where is that vibrant world that I had dreamt of? 

"Where is the IV?" 

"Are his vitals steady?" 

"Give me the syringe." 

So many voices flood my ears. Why are they so loud? It's as if they are screaming at each other. I try to tilt my right ear towards the starch cream colored sheets, but my neck bites back and I feel a crack. I don't try moving it again after that. 

Do they know I'm here? Where exactly is here? It smells like ammonia and generic fabric softener. The light in the ceiling is awfully bright- is it supposed to be spinning like that? No, I don't think so…

Darkness again, but not for long. As the room fades from my vision, the colors come back. Vivid orange and pink. It's a sunset, and the color of her cheeks against the brilliant light. Maroon. Her lips. They match the dress. There is glitter in my hair. 

This time, I sink even deeper into the kaleidoscope. Now, as the colors spin around my mind, I start to hear as well. First, they are just murmurs against the midnight blue curtains, the pale purples hearts hanging in my periphery. Then, they come into better focus. 

"Come on Bel, don't you want to dance?" She laughs, giddiness exuding from her tone. "I didn't come here to stand in the corner and gossip!" 

Neon green. White-blue. Magenta. So bright, why won't they turn down the lights? Black. Gray. Wailing Sirens. 

Where did the girl go? Her voice was so sweet, and the sirens are chewing at my ears. Blood red. Metallic shine. Traffic cone orange. I don't like the sirens, and I don't like these colors. I like the crimson, the maroon. This red hurts. 

It's all gone again. My eyes are open again, and now I'm staring into the face of a man with a pale blue mask across his mouth and nose. He looks awfully funny. 

"Belamy, can you hear me?" The man asks. 

I laugh. Of course I can hear him, he's shouting so loud. And I can't even see his mouth. Who does he think he is? 

"Are you alright?"  

I think about the rainbows in my mind and I giggle. It's like swimming in a jar of watercolors behind my eyes. This world is boring. I want to go back there. My head shakes. 

"Can you tell us what is wrong?" The masked man asks. 

I attempt to look at my fingers. The glitter is still there. I try to smile, but it's painful. 

"Belamy, you are going to be okay. Hang in there." The man says, and then leaves me alone in the room. He seems afraid. What is there to be afraid of?
I look at my hand. My finger tips aren't just sparkly. They are also stained red. But not the crimson kind I so love. The other kind. Blood red.



submitted by Neverseen , age Umpteen , Traveling the Triangulum
(September 29, 2023 - 4:02 pm)

Ahhhh I'm sorry judging date is October 15??? I keep putting off/forgetting to say this sorry

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(October 6, 2023 - 4:05 pm)

This isn't that good but oh well~

Second Chance

It was a cold, blustery evening. Wind blew across my face as I walked over to the nearby cafe, my coat wrapped tightly against my chest. I breathed out, and my breath made a small cloud in the freezing air. Hurriedly, I entered the cafe.

The fresh and familiar smell of coffee drifted towards me. I ordered a cappuccino, like always, and waited for my order. After they called me up and I got my drink, I went over to the small table and cupped my hands around the mug of coffee, trying to warm my hands.

When I finished my cappuccino, I put back on my coat and wrapped it around myself before plunging back into the outdoors. Suddenly, I heard a loud gunshot noise.

A small, shiny object—was it a bullet?

It flew towards me rapidly, and I had no time to react. 

I was frozen there. 

My limbs wouldn’t budge.

My lips couldn’t move to scream or shout for help.

And it struck me down, hard onto the cement. Pain raged through me, and darkness flashed into my vision. I heard footsteps running towards me, and a voice shouting. Hands rummaged through my coat pockets, and pulled out the dollar bills I had stored in there. After that, the footsteps left me.

Left me in the dust.

Scarlet red pooled out, and no one came to help. There was no one who could nor wanted help. My family had long abandoned me when I became a teen, and I was too far away from any friend.

I could hear the ticking of a clock, even though there were no clocks in sight. It struck one, single hard tick, and then stopped. Suddenly, I was in a meadow, filled with butterflies and flowers. A sweet breeze was in the air. And the choice was offered before me, clear as day. Go into that paradise of a meadow, or stay laying on this cold cement.

The answer was obvious. I chose the meadow. I got up easily, as if I had never been hurt. I leapt around the meadows, smiling. Butterflies danced around me, in all the colors of the rainbow.

But there was a sense of loneliness. There was no one else but me. I looked back at my body, still lying there on the cement. Maybe I should return.

Cautiously, I stepped towards my body, and emerged back into the world. However, something was wrong. I wasn’t in my body, but it seemed that I was in a transparent version of my body. 

Suddenly, it became really clear. I was a ghost.

A ghost! A real-life ghost! But I felt no real joy or glee from the thought of being able to walk through others. Instead, it felt sad. The colors in the world around me seemed a bit too bright, or was it too dull? It just wasn’t right. They weren’t real colors. They weren’t pigments.

I longed to go back to my body, still lying there. It was growing cold, but I already felt a dull coldness deep within me, as if reminding me that I was just a ghost, not a human.

A blurry flash of something caught the side of my vision. I quickly turned over, and saw it again. I began to run towards it.

More flashes appeared, until the flashes began to take a form. A form in the shape of a human boy. I waved at him, but he didn’t wave back. All he did was turn and stare at me.

After a long moment, he said, “You’ve just died, haven’t you?”

I nodded. “Isn’t there any way I can go back from being a ghost, though? I–I–I regretted my decision.” Tears slowly welled up in my eyes.

“We all do,” he said. “You are?”

“Lyn,” I said, wiping away my tears. “Evelyn. Who are you?”

He paused to think about it. Then he said, “I’ve long forgotten it. But you can call me Shadow, I guess.”

“Shadow…isn’t there any way I can return to my body?” Funny how I was so eager to go into the meadows. I never knew how much I would miss life then.

“You haven’t felt fulfilled yet,” Shadow said.

I nodded.

He paused again, for so long that I thought he wouldn’t answer. At last, he said, “There is a way.”

“There is?”

“If you haven’t died that long ago, you have one more chance.”

“When?” I asked, but Shadow shimmered out of appearance.

Then, a light flashed before me. There were two paths…one back into the meadows again, the other to the cement. Clearly two decisions, presented once more. A second chance. Even if I woke up paralyzed forever, I decided that it was worth living. I walked on the path towards the cement.

And the colors flooded my vision. Real colors. Pigments. Life. 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(October 6, 2023 - 8:10 pm)