New Role Play
Chatterbox: Inkwell
New Role Play
New Role Play Story!
Anyone who wants to join can! Let's try to keep the archnemeses (plural of nemesis is nemeses, Admin) down to a max of five, persay; same with the heroes. Let's get cracking, shall we?
The young woman sprang through the undergrowth of the forest. Her clothing helped her blend in with the forest, but she did not need the camoflage. Her hunting knife lay across her right hip, and her quiver and bow across her back, both within easy reach. Her brown locks flew out behind her, her brown eyes wide with fear. The men behind her must not discover Rihana! She attempted to increase her speed in vain; the day's events had exausted her. Somewhere behind her, she heard a shout. The men were almost upon her! She spun around and halted to draw her hunting knife from it's sheath. A knife shot out from nowhere, hitting it's target in the side. The maiden collapsed, unconscious , just as the men appeared out of the forest now in front of her. As the men carried her out of the forest, her hair fell back, revealing a single, perfectly pointed ear.
(August 16, 2009 - 1:18 pm)
((My poor, malicious, elf-torturing villain is sobbing in her bedroom, and what does she get? Not so much as a, "Poor Helena!" No. Of course not! No sympathy for the evil assassin! *glares*
Joking. ;D ))
"Lena?" A knock. "May I come in?"
Helena sat up quickly. Valour. She scowled and tried to compose herself. Her, "Come in if you really feel the utmost need to," cracked in the middle.
With no ado Valour opened the door and strode in, talking already. He broke off upon seeing Helena's face. "You alright?"
"Am I ever anything but alright?" Helena said dryly. "Especially around you, you just stimulate such overall alrightness in general."
It took Valour a few moments to see the sarcasm in her statement. "Oh. Ah. Well." He cleared his throat. "Anyhow, pretentious lil' elf came marching into our office today and demanded that we employ her." He spread his hands wide in a gesture that clearly said I mean, an elf ordering the Royal Assassin around. What is this world coming to? "And of course it'll be nice to have a direct connection to the elf world, so we acted nice and cordial and gave her the job. She'll probably betray us within a few months, but before that can happen, I'm putting you in charge of getting as much information as you can out of her. Once you think she's useful no longer to us, shoot her. Right?"
Helena smirked, a bit. "Yes, Valour. I'm so very honoured that you trust me with this oh-so-dangerous job." This time the sarcasm was clear.
Valour tilted his head. "Now why wouldn't I trust you?" he called as he left the room.
(September 29, 2009 - 3:04 pm)
Surinta looked up at her friends. "Why--" she started, but then she remembered. Struggling to sit up, she propped herself up against a tree.
"Surinta! What happened?" Alanna cried.
Surinta tried to laugh. "Well, I collapsed... there's not much more to it." Alanna nodded gratefully. Silena was calming Surina. "Why is she crying?" Surinta asked sympathetically.
"Well," Silena said, "she didn't seem to like it when you fell..."
Surinta gasped, relieved. She had thought the baby was hurt. It was odd, but Surinta felt drawn to the small child. She hadn't been around children much, but she had suddenly felt a strong desire to hold her, to be with her namesake. Hesitantly, she asked Silena, "Can I- hold her?"
Silena looked surprised, but she passed Surina over to Surinta. The baby's lip trembled, but as she looked up into Surinta's face she seemed to know there was nothing to fear. She giggled. Then she started wailing. Surinta was alarmed. The other elves were frozen in fear, and Surinta was about to ask why when she saw it.
A large monster was running right for them.
(September 29, 2009 - 5:56 pm)
((Wait. I stalk off into the trees to cry, and then the next moment I'm comforting Surina? Would you mind if someone else comforted Surina, as I'm still moping? I would apreciate that.
Yes! Our villian count is now up to three! Evil will reign! *notices strange looks she is getting from other people* Um, I mean, er, ah, good will triumph? * fake cough* Anyway, I suppose that we should start defeating that monster. I'm picturing a great big bear, but you can replace that with whatever you want (Just a quick fact to show that I'm not biased against bears. Bears actually dine on leaves and berries, and the occasional fish. They do not, repeat, do not eat other animals unless they are starving. Just thought I'd say that.) Anyway, on with the story...))
Silena heard the quiet crunch of dry leaves. They were louder than those caused by a human, and elves barely weighed anything. The only animal in this forest large enough to create such a noise was a bear! Self-pity forgotten, Silena raced back to the glade where the other elves rested, but the bear beat her. When she arrived, the elves were frozen, staring up at the bear. Silena automatically reached for her knife, but remembered that it had been taken by the humans.
((Hint- Maybe Starfire/Ithale could bring me my weapons? *embarassed grin* I like my weapons; I want them back. By the way, welcome! It's great having enough villians to threaten our beautiful elven saviors.))
She cursed, and the bear turned on her. Silena did not give him the chance. As he lumbered towards where she stood, Silena crouched down, and quickly jumped into the braches of the tree above, where she landed without a whisper. All of this happened within the period of a second. The bear swiveled its head from side to side, searching for its prey. Sighting Silena perched in the tree, he roared. Silena waited paitently in the braches, and was rewarded with the sight of the bear clawing his way up the tree. she waited until he was within clawing distance, then jumped down. She scooped Surina out of Surinta's arms, and began to run.
"Follow me!" she shouted. The others complied, racing as fast as they possibly could from the bear. When Silena stopped, the rest of the group was so startled that they almost fell.
"Are we safe?" asked Surinta, almost panting with exhaustion.
"Yes," said Silena quietly. "No creature, be it animal, human, or elf, can cross the magical barrier I have placed around this glade without my consent."*
The others were confused. It did not take very long to make a shield, but a shield that would repel any living being and required the consent of the user was complicated. It could take hours, if not days to resurect a barrier that complicated. The only way Silena could have had time to create such a shield was...
"Silena," said Surinta carefully. "Where are we?"
Silena took a breath. "This is my home, Rihana's haven. You can stay here as long as you please. You will be safe here, but do not attempt to leave,as the barrier works both ways. Only I can come and go as I please, to hunt and forage for food. I hope that you will be comfortable here. Come to our house; I will fix us supper and introduce you to Rihana."
*This is where Rihana is wrong. There is a loophole that she missed; birds can fly over the barrier and into the glade, and I'm sure that a certain evil elf could cunningly get inside the barrier. *evil cackle* Wow, I think that Mary Liz's malevolent characters are starting to rub off on me.
(September 30, 2009 - 4:28 pm)
I've never done a roll-play story before, so i'm still not sure if i want to join in, but i just wanted to say keep up the good work!! I've really enjoyed reading the story!!
(September 29, 2009 - 4:45 pm)
*is confused* Are you new? I don't think I've seen you before. If so, then welcome! If not, then hi, random person I don't know, it's nice to meet you! Well, either way, somwone's welcome to join! If you want to see the full rules, look at Dmboogie's Roleplay (if it's still up. If not, just post and I'll rattle off the rules as best I can.)
(September 29, 2009 - 5:11 pm)
(joking 'bout this, btw) Awwww! *voice is getting louder every word* You poor little elf-hating dream-destroying monster!!!! *glares* *snarls* *long pause* *clears throat* Oh. *looks at what she just typed* That was the "Alanna" in me... Sorry... (nervously) Heehee. That's all now... *backs away*
(September 29, 2009 - 6:44 pm)
((She just wants the special rush you get from crushing hopes and dreams*! *sniffles* Poor Helena... *sobs* No one understands her. *sobs more*
I love the way you said that, though, "poor little elf-hating dream-destroying monster." Pretty much says it all... The only way I could've phrased it better myself would be adding "ray-gun-wielding" in there somewhere. ;D
* *sings* Yes, yes, random LM-fangirling-obsessing-thingy...))
(September 30, 2009 - 12:34 pm)
((@ Megan: Not evil. Dark. "And now dark shall reign forever over ocean, sea, and shoal..."
Random-LM-fangirling-obsession thing again, sorry. ;)
Glad my character's malevolency is rubbing off on you, though... How does Helena compare to Lucifer?))
It was the next morning at breakfast, and Helena was chatting with Ithale the elf. She was not, of course, eating. Even if the food was worth tasting- which it never was- she never felt hungry.
"So," said Helena lightly. "Why did you join the Royal Assassins, anyhow?"
Ithale rolled her eyes, which might have had an unnerving effect on anyone but Helena. "Why does everyone else join?" she asked with open hostility.
Helena shrugged. "Enh. Most for service to their country, I think, though I can't imagine *why*... me, I joined for the ray guns. And obviously the whole killing aspect... But then I'm special."
"Are you," said Ithale dryly.
"Yes, I am," said Helena. "I'm just as special as everyone else."
All in all, Helena would've been more productive shooting people with her ray gun than trying to have a pleasant discussion with the irksome subhuman.
(September 30, 2009 - 7:22 pm)
Oh, my apologies! Poor little elf-hating, dream-destroying, ray-gun-wielding monster! *laughs* Better with the ray-gun part? Lol. "Special rush that comes from crushing hopes and dreams"! I like this Helena person...
(October 3, 2009 - 8:25 pm)
((Totally better with the ray gun bit in there, Emma. ;D
The special rush etc. line was not of my own invention. ;) It's from I Want the Good Times Back, which is an Ursula song in the Broadway version of Little Mermaid. "I wanna taste their tears / I wanna hear their screams / I want the special rush you get from crushing / Hopes and dreams!"
It's a wonderful song. :D
And I like "this Helena person" lots'n'lots too. ;D I'm using her as my NaNo MC. Of course, she tends to scare off the conversation... I know how you feel sometimes, Koffee. D: ;) ))
(October 4, 2009 - 11:59 am)
Silena led the pitiful group deeper into the glade, paying more attention to her thoughts than her surroundings.
I never should have let them in, she thought. They could hurt Rihana.
But she knew, deep down, that she had not had a choice. She could never abandon another of her kind. No matter how cruel and unfeeling a front she put up, she was still an Aelven deep down. Aelven supported each other, unlike the humans. That was how they had survived all this time. Her musings were interrupted by a rude tree root that insisted on tripping her. She regained her footing before the baby in her arms was injured, but Alanna still took her baby from Silena to prevent another mishap. The group proceeded without any more incidents, but Silena stopped them before coming into view of the cottage.
"You must remain here while I go meet my daughter. She has never met anyone, let alone anyone like you. I must get her used to the idea."
Without waiting for a response, she strode through the last of the trees hiding the cottage from view. Her darling daughter, Rihana, was out front, tending to the garden like the wonderful person she really was. Silena's heart swelled so much, she feared it would burst with love.
"Rihana, my love," she called out. "I'm home."
"Mother," Rihana cried. She rushed up to Silena and embraced her with all of her strength. "I was so afraid when you did not return. I thought that I had lost you."
"Now, wait a minute. Since when have I never returned to you?" Silena teased. "You know that nothing could keep me away from you."
"But you never returned. I waited and waited, but you never came. I was so worried. What happened?"
"Well..." Silena trailed off, unsure of how to explain. "I was captured by a band of humans. They were royal assasins, and they locked me in a cell. I was not the only elf taken, though. There were others, all female, and we all escaped together. None of us could have done so ourselves. We ran into a bear, and I did not think. I led it away, and we ran. I could think of no other place to take them."
Rihana gasped. "They are here?"
"Yes, dearest. They will not hurt you; I have made sure of that. Would you like to meet them, Rihana?"
Rihana deliberated for a moment, but only a moment. "Yes, mother." she replied. "I would like to meet these other elves that you saved."
And so Silena took her daughter's hand and led her the band of elves.
(October 4, 2009 - 2:29 pm)
*looks sadly at her dying Roleplay* Don't let my beautiful Roleplay die!
If someone wants her, they can take Rihana. I really don't want to see my creation die out yet.
(October 6, 2009 - 3:50 pm)
Alanna heard soft footsteps coming towards her. She peered into the murky dark depths of the forest and saw two shadowy shapes begin to apear. Selina walked out of the woods, her daughter trailing behind her. Rhana looked at the strange group of Surinta, Alanna, and Surina. Two dirty, raggy elves and one small baby wraped in strips of a dress. Alanna suddenly doubled over, gasping, and handed Surina to Selina.
"Selina! The poison! We need to find that herb! Quickly! I don't think I have any more poisoned food left!" Alanna gasped in alarm. Rhana looked confused.
"Why would you eat poisoned food?!"
(October 10, 2009 - 10:01 am)
Surinta looked longingly at the tall trees. She wanted so badly to climb one..... but no, she musn't. She had a duty. Surinta wondered what Rihana was like. She imagined a young elf, just discovering the beauty of the earth. Surinta sighed. How long ago was it that she, too, had been young and innocent? Now she was weighed down with duty and hardship. And it had all started early....
Surinta was running from a warrior elf. He drew his bow, but Surinta was too quick for him. She nimbly dodged all the arrows, swinging through the tree branches. Then she slipped and fell, a great mistake. The arrow pierced her sleeve, pinning her to a tree. "Brother!" she called out playfully. "If you harm me so, you will not have a younger sister to chase through the forest!" Nirlan stepped out from behind a tree. "They say you are spying for the humans," he said quietly. Surinta, pulling the arrow out from her sleeve, said, "Brother, these are lies. Do not listen to them." But her brother said, "I don't know what to believe. You have been secretive........"
Surinta was pulled out of her memories by feeling a tug on her hair. Whirling around, she saw that she was caught in a tree branch. She freed herself, but in doing so she noticed the tree that had caught her, a great conifer. Surinta couldn't resist. Weaving her way up the tree, she felt that her worries had gone- but unawares of her, so had her companions.....
(October 10, 2009 - 11:08 am)
Post, people! To the top!
(October 14, 2009 - 4:24 pm)