Palace Intrigue RP
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Palace Intrigue RP
Palace Intrigue RP
Hi! Okay, so this is just a casual RP; it doesn't have to have a real storyline or anything, just about life in the palace, secrets and romance and secret rooms and scandals and whatnot.
The setting is the kingdom of Esbeth. Prince Harry was murdered in his sleep, Princess Ruth was captured by a wyvern, and war with the land of Kohr is looming. But life in the palace goes on . . .
You may have as many charries as you like, with any position appropiate for a palace, though I would prefer that royals are NPCs.
Here's the sheet:
Full Name:
Time having worked/stayed at palace:
Shipping Status:
Relations to other palace people:
I'll be posting my charrie later. Have fun!!
(July 2, 2019 - 9:24 pm)
Name: Hogan Teleriath (I finally am going to use him again!)
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Position:Officially, A secretary (of sorts) to the king, unofficially he basically makes sure the whole palace runs well.
Time having worked/stayed at the place: about 10 years, give or take the few months hewas an understudy there.
Personality: Straight forward, intelligent and mechanically efficient at every task he undertakes. Hes a hard worker and can hold conversation very well. He’s not one to pry in others business but when he needs to interfere with household workers, he will. He’s level headed, although a bit gruff and is able to read others well. He may come across as stiff or grumpy considering he usually is telling someone what to do or where to go with accomplished, cool and precise actions. But he has a softer, more relaxed side.
Appearance: Tall, strong and a dark complexion. Dark brown short hair and light brown quite dull eyes. He has a very clean cut look. Brown suit and jacket, with squeaky clean black shoes.
Shipping status: Perhaps open with women. He would be very slow and gradual in his outward gestures or emotions.
Relations: None what so ever, but he was an understudy to the previous secretary.
Name: Roger Franklin
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Position: Simply a guest, invited to stay at the palace by the King and Queen.
Time having worked/ stayed there: about two months already, due to leave at the end of the month.
Personality: A rich, devil-May-care kind of fellow who is accompanied with quick wit and sarcasm, which makes him quite well known round the castle. He tends not to take things seriously, and lives life to the fullest, which is not always the best. Roger enjoys throwing quips and insults about, especially toward stuffy coots like Hogan. He tends to tone his unpredictable personality down, around younger children in the palace, wether their of good rank or not.
Appearance: Normal height, handsome young chap with sparkling blue eyes and light brown wavy short hair and a wide grin. He has a pale complexion, with a pinkish tint in his skin. He often wears expensive clothing, made from finest material.
Open to shipping: Open with girls.
other: He knows the royals, as his parents were well acquainted with the King and Queen. Recently in the last five years, his mother and father moved to India, and Roger doesn’t keep in contact with them. However he is inherently rich and leads a fine life.
(July 9, 2019 - 1:20 pm)
I've started the RP, it's on page 2!
(July 12, 2019 - 6:17 pm)
I.. I broke the ultimate record... I saw that spiffyTOP posted a second ago...
(July 12, 2019 - 6:18 pm)
@Sybill should we RP like Vaughn and Ca'Iel already know each other?
(July 12, 2019 - 7:32 pm)
Roger- (I’m going to write in third person till I get the feel for him)
Down the hallway and to the left, sauntered a young, handsome faced fellow with a slight dance in his step. He seemed to be enjoying what he was doing- which really wasn’t much- walking amiably and whistling. As he was walking, a very young message boy raced down the hallway, presumably taking a reply to the cook or something of the sort.
“Morning, Debenson!” The man said in a general manner.
“Hm? Oh- yes. Good morning, Mr Franklin,” Debenson said in his usual doctoring manner. It seemed to Roger that he had disturbed the physician deep in thought.
The usual polite conversation followed, the weather seems cold lately, might play a round of some game later etc. However Roger felt Debenson was tense. His eyes were shifting about quite often, unusual to his steady gaze. Roger decided to address it.
“Debenson, are you... alright? You seem to be- er- rather distraught this morning?”
Debenson shifted his gaze around once again, but his reply was normal enough.
“Yes, quite alright. I must admit my mind has been elsewhere. Well, I have an appointment in a few minutes.” He gave a slight smile and a nod, and left. Roger shrugged and meandered towards the gardens.
(July 13, 2019 - 10:16 am)
Oof I'm sorry I haven't been very active on this thread. I just got back from camp.
It is six o' clock in the morning, and a lone figure is dashing through the quiet cobblestone streets of Esbeth. The figure has a braid of dirty blonde hair flying behind them, and is holding a basket with an abundance of food in their arms. The figure is Luna Marie Corrinth, and she is a cook at the Palace of Esbeth. As Luna turns the corner, she stops. Next to her is a small blue cottage with white trim. Her old home. Luna sighs and stops, thinking about how she loved to live there when she was younger, with her mother and Lyna, her father and Jack. She remembers her father lifting her little body up into his arms, Lyna sleeping with her when she was scared, Jack tickling her so much until she laughed so hard she cried, her mother singing to her. All that happines left two years ago when herr father was drafted. Jack was still home, but he seemed muted without his father. And then, six months ago, Jack was drafted. He was just eighteen, five years older then herself. Luna sighs and hurries on with the food.
A few hours later, Luna is making breakfast for the staff. She isn't old enough-or experienced enough- to cook for the royal family, so she was stuck cooking oatmeal. Lots and lots of oatmeal. As Luna is mixing the oats and milk, her older sister Lyna bursts in. "Luna! Forget the oatmeal. Come up to Mother's room! Now!" Lyna looked distressed and extremely sad. Luna knew that look. She saw it when Jack left. She dashed to the servents quarters. When she got there, her mother was laying down in a bed. Her eyes were closed, and she looked almost peacfull. Luna tapped her. She woke with a start. "Luna, Lyna, my time has come. Tell your father and Jack. . .tell them I loved them. Her eyes glazed over, and she was gone.
Just to be clear, Luna's mother died of a sickness and was in her early fifties.
(July 13, 2019 - 1:34 pm)
Yes, I would. It would make sense that they would know each other, seeing as Ca'Iel's job is to protect the royal family, and she would likely have to work with the guards fairly often.
(July 14, 2019 - 5:20 pm)
(July 15, 2019 - 1:42 pm)
(July 19, 2019 - 7:30 am)