There's laughter comi

Chatterbox: Inkwell

There's laughter comi

There's laughter coming from the Dining Hall, where plates and glasses, stone floors and wooden benches gleam and twinkle.

You can hear it in the bedrooms, almost hear it in the highest lonely tower. The prisoners there wish they could join, but they cannot.

But we don't need to think about them for now. Let us rejoice, and be happy; we're alive, and that's a good enough reason to celebrate!

The smell of the delicious food drifts outside, making the guards' stomachs rumble and their mouths water. But they will get their share in time. For now, they converse merrily, laughing as the sun sets.

The princess hurries down the hallway, lilac skirts brushing the rich red carpets, wondering what the night holds.

All is safe. All is sound. Nothing could go wrong, as long as you have good food and dear friends around you.

The servants bustle in from the busy, busy, kitchen, setting down more food. The king laughs; the queen is beautiful in the candlelight.

You are delirously happy. 

submitted by Castle Builder
(February 5, 2019 - 6:21 pm)

Oh, um, yeah, I thought I guessed Jithkeeper. I guess I didn't, having just checked and realized that you are completely right and I am wrong and... agh...

We definitely should make more of these! In fact, I might do that myself. But, wait, I shouldn't say that here, seeing as it was going to be under a pseudonym... ah, whatever. 

Are we going to continue this? I think we ought to. Here goes.

-- A guest --

As I return to the dining hall, I feel a sense of tension in the air. Not just because that poor guard died in front of me - though that does play a part - but because of something else. Something I don't know about.

The guards standing at the entrances are nervous, whispering to each other. I wish to know what is going on, but it is not my station to know. It is simply my station to eat and be merry and relax in the luxury of the castle.

Nevertheless, it is difficult to be merry when I know something is wrong. 

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(February 19, 2019 - 9:47 pm)
submitted by Toppers Inc.
(February 24, 2019 - 5:01 pm)
submitted by Toppers Inc.
(February 24, 2019 - 5:02 pm)

How many times shall Toppers Inc. have to top this before it leaves the bottom of the page! Ugh. Toppers Inc. is displeased.

submitted by Toppers Inc.
(February 24, 2019 - 5:04 pm)
submitted by Tarlik Top
(February 25, 2019 - 7:27 pm)

submitted by Tarlik's TOP request, The last living...
(February 26, 2019 - 2:03 pm)

What why did you link that.

I'm confused 

submitted by Jithkeeper, Redstone's House
(February 27, 2019 - 1:32 pm)

Look, look, and you will see
What is left of me
A necklace long gone
A curse still strong

A spark, a flare, there's magic in the air
A blink, a clink, echos everywhere
The beast is not yet lost
It does not wish for the Guard to pay the cost 

Where is she, where is she
A beast of sliver and light fights the dark through the night 
She can fix this,
Do not let her

The price is not one she can pay
For she will lose her way
Help her
Help me


submitted by Tarlik
(February 27, 2019 - 9:26 pm)

Toppity top top!

submitted by Top!
(March 10, 2019 - 3:49 pm)