Chatterbox: Inkwell
I was just looking around and heard that people are disapering. I am really confused about this. ( I mean you Koffe have been making them happen? ) And I am kinda mad at you guys! I know I only found this in March, but I don't feel like part of the group. I know this sounds mean, but I might just go, and I mean it! I mean you guys always write notes to each other, and you get really popular on this website. I know I am not popular yet,( even though Autum has only been here since January) but I still need some help about getting around. And when ever I post something hardly any buggy responds to it. So this is my bye if nobody makes a move!
submitted by Choco, age 11 !!!!!!!, HERE DUH!
(July 26, 2009 - 3:01 pm)
(July 26, 2009 - 3:01 pm)
I have read your posts before, and I like them, (acually I very RARLY post on here so if you don't reconize me then thats why). I never post, though I read almost everything on here...but thats besides the point. Again it's not a question of "popular", There are just some people who post on here alot and therefore are more comfertable posting (wait that didn't really make sense). But anyway yes I agree with TNO and Mary.W, It's just posting a bit more, making new threads and joining in the conversations, the more people will get to know you (however mch that is possible through computers :P)and therfore know what to say and such. So please don't leave! (I hope this is response enough so you will stay :)
P.S. I'm in highschool too !!!
(July 29, 2009 - 4:09 pm)
Thank you!
(August 2, 2009 - 1:12 pm)
Hey Choco! :) :) :) We're here!!! I don't get what you mean by 'us writing notes to each other' and stuff, but I'm sorry if we offended you. Honestly, that's the way I felt like on the MuseBlog for a looonnnggg time after I came on (I love the place and it's great, but I was always making mistakes and getting people annoyed.) And this isn't like a place with 'popularity' and stuff; everyone is welcome! I've had posts that no one's responded to; it's a normal part of being on cyberspace forums!!! So, you're part of the group! Give it time! On the Chatterbox, we don't exclude anyone, this isn't a group of 'popular' and 'unpopular' people! Stay, Choco!!! You're great!
(July 29, 2009 - 5:23 pm)
I knew that you were here! And did I read that wrong, or did you say that I've been making people disappear?? I've been trying to make Kake come back! Agh! Too much pressure! Why do you think I'm making people disappear??? Why???? AHHH! And I knew you were here! You were practically a regular to me! I see your posts all the time!! Why are you blaming me??? *headexplosions* *headdesk*
(July 29, 2009 - 7:15 pm)
Sorry, Koffee! But somewhere I saw you say it was you!
(August 2, 2009 - 1:14 pm)
I was just using the word 'popular' because Choco did. Even though I post a lot, I often still feel new. Well, technically, I am kind of new, because I only found Chatterbox in April. But that's not the point. Just post a lot, and people will know you exist.
PS: What's Poptropica?
(July 29, 2009 - 8:46 pm)
I'm not sure.
Choco, just a tip in the future: If you give an explanation of your post, maybe more people will respond. Ima and I don't know what that is; therefore there was very little we could say. So, in the future (PLEASE stay), include explanations and that may get more comments!!! :)
(July 30, 2009 - 7:48 am)
I came on in March!
(August 2, 2009 - 1:17 pm)
Choco, part of it might be that people just don't see your posts - I for one try to respond to every thread that comes up. Please don't leave the Chatterbox! I'm glad you brought up your complaint instead of just disappearing - it is a good move to make instead of just assuming that we know how you feel. Thank you for that, and I know we'll all make a concerted effort to keep you here.
(July 30, 2009 - 12:50 pm)
I think what she means by "writing notes to each other" is when we use the little "@" sign, like for example: @ Ima: I think Poptropica is some kind of website...?. But please, Choco, don't think that we're excluding other people from the discussions- we're merely responding specifically to something that that particular person said.
(July 30, 2009 - 2:09 pm)
Ahh! Choco! Are you gone already??? AHHH! Can you please explain why in your original post you said ( and I quote ) "I mean you Koffee have been making them happen?" I don't get what you mean!! Please explain! Don't leave! Please!!!! *gets down on hands and knees to do some serious begging* *has rotten fruit thrown at her from the audience* *runs off*
(July 30, 2009 - 8:29 pm)
It's okay, Koffee! *frantically tries to calm* No one is throwing rotten fruit at you! (and if they were, Maggie would immediately make them stop. ;) )
(July 31, 2009 - 10:58 am)
(August 2, 2009 - 1:19 pm)
Which was... ?
(August 3, 2009 - 5:22 pm)
I made this second one before you responded to my first one. :D I've made jokes about being so weird that I scared people off, but I wasn't serious!!! (calm down Koffee. deep breaths...)
(August 3, 2009 - 5:54 pm)