Chatterbox: Inkwell
I was just looking around and heard that people are disapering. I am really confused about this. ( I mean you Koffe have been making them happen? ) And I am kinda mad at you guys! I know I only found this in March, but I don't feel like part of the group. I know this sounds mean, but I might just go, and I mean it! I mean you guys always write notes to each other, and you get really popular on this website. I know I am not popular yet,( even though Autum has only been here since January) but I still need some help about getting around. And when ever I post something hardly any buggy responds to it. So this is my bye if nobody makes a move!
submitted by Choco, age 11 !!!!!!!, HERE DUH!
(July 26, 2009 - 3:01 pm)
(July 26, 2009 - 3:01 pm)
I'm sorry - I know how you feel. But just wait a while - besides, you hardly ever post! How do you expect people to write to you if you hardly ever appear? I didn't even know you existed until a few minutes ago, when I saw your 'I love Poptropica' post (What's Poptropica, anyway?) and then, I thought you were new. The more you post, the more likely it is people will notice you. That probably sounds mean - I'm not popular here either, it's just that I've never even seen you until today.
(July 26, 2009 - 7:02 pm)
Well I have NEVER heard of you before!
(August 2, 2009 - 1:04 pm)
Post about something like your pet or the vacation you and your family took. Or about an upcoming town event. The more you post, the more people will notice you. Don't Leave!!!!!! Ima, I actually think you're popular.
(July 28, 2009 - 7:23 pm)
Now, now, this is not highschool. Let's please not begin talking "social statuses" and using words like "popular." I mean, there are "regulars"- like say, Lena, TNO (umlaut), Reuben, Koffee, Pirocks, Ima, Emily H., etc. etc., a bunch of other people that this Mac will have trouble typing due to the caps malfunction... but it's not like they're more, say, 'well-liked' than others. Post a bit more, and, I dunno... how exactly does one respond to a problem like this...?
(July 29, 2009 - 10:05 am)
Wait, this isn't highschool? But- but- but- *looks at age* *head explodes*
No. I'm kidding.
Anyhoo, I 'gree completely. Choco- and I don't mean this offensively- you're a 'phyte. A relative newcomer. I'm going to hazard a guess that you a) don't post where I'm looking or b) don't post much at all because previous to this thread I haven't ever seen you before. It is, therefore, logical to assume that you're not very "popular" or "well-known" or whatever you want to call it because you haven't posted enough to become a "regular" (to use Mary's term).
Closet narcissism helps. If you haven't already make a "Hello, I'm _____ (Choco, in your case) and i like/do/want to/have/am/whatever" sort of page. Introduction! That's the word. Yes.
Sorry you feel unwelcome. It's not intentional, promise.
(July 29, 2009 - 10:46 am)
I'm a. and so I haven't heard of you either!
(August 2, 2009 - 1:07 pm)
Hi Meadow!! - Wow, you've never heard of TNO?? That's sort of amazing...! :):) Just keep posting, and, I've noticed, that the more unique the topic you're talking about is, the more likely you are to get more replies (well, not about dancing porcupines, though; well, no, that got a lot of replies, just not the best ones...). :):)
(August 3, 2009 - 7:27 pm)
I wrote about my vacation!
(August 3, 2009 - 1:33 pm)
I knew you were here!!! But I don't normally see you post a lot. Maybe you should post more. Maybe you should join something like the bookclub. I don't think that many people know I'm here, 'cause I don't post that much. I have been here since january. My first post ever was one of my poems. i don't think that I'm "popular".
P.S. I didn't even know what popular was until I saw Wicked.
(July 29, 2009 - 12:16 pm)
I know you're here!
But other than that I agree.
P.S. "It's all about popular!/It's not about aptitude/It's the way you're viewed/So it's very shrewd to be/Very very popular like me!"
(July 29, 2009 - 2:41 pm)
Sheesh! I know you're here!!! :)
(July 29, 2009 - 5:25 pm)
I think you're very nice, Meadow. ( Oh and if I don't quit I would love to join the book club, but first you have to tell me what it is!
(August 2, 2009 - 1:10 pm)
Cool; that'd be great if you joined! There's a thread in Chirp at Cricket - Laura? You're scheduled - and you can go there to join. :)
(August 3, 2009 - 5:24 pm)
The book club is a club where people talk about books!!!! Laura picked out the book The Gate In The Wall by Ellen Howard. If you want to be in the book club, just go to this thread and say so: http: //www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/chirpatcricket/node/31623 And they have the discussion thingies on Blab about Books. I hope you don't leave!!!!!!!!!! If you do, then I'm going to be really sad.
(August 3, 2009 - 7:19 pm)
It's okay, Choco. I would just do what
the previous have suggested. Just post
more often. Make interesting threads
that alot of people will have a say in and
show people who you are. Being yourself
is always key. ;D And try to make more
comments in other people's threads too.
Try that before you leave, 'cause we all
want you to stay.
(July 29, 2009 - 4:02 pm)