Here's a story

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Here's a story

Here's a story I'm working on! I want some honest feedback so tell me if you don't like it. If you want to get in the story just make a sheet and I'll work you in somehow. So without further ado! I give you my story!


5/4/2024, Kool Labs---A week after the explosion

In the dark room, among the broken wires and hanging lights, something was waking up. It's eyes open, shedding red light into the room. Slowly it stood up, shaking dust off its midnight fur. Huge bat wings stretch out from its shoulder blades. It flicks them and hisses into the darkness

"Malum has awoken." 


4/4/2024, The Alley---Moments before the explosion

The little white kitten stretches out in the sunlight, opening her jaws into a huge yawn. Her deep blue eyes open with a snap, and she stands up and shakes herself off. 

"Snowbell! You be careful!" Her mother shouts.

"I'll be careful! I'll be back soon!" Snowbell calls back.

She walks through the alley, nodding hello to the other cats as she hurries through the Alley to a long day of hunting. Rain drizzles down lazily as she slinks through the alleys looking for a good full trash can that she can find some food out of. She looks left and right, then races across the road. She enters a dark alley and starts sniffing around. Looking for an easy meal or a rat. She hops on top of a dumpster and bends down to sniff what's inside.

Hamburger, old bread, grass. She thinks to herself. 

Sniffing in disgust, she moves onto the next dumpster, A window opens and a angry voice yells out. Some white cold stuff lands against Snowbell's side. She ignores the person and bends down to sniff what was thrown at her. 

It's ice!  She thinks.

As she picks up a piece of ice, a terrified voice sounds out. Snowbell looks up to see an explosion appear up in the air. Shocked, all Snowbell can do is watch and hold the ice as the dust and fire zooms towards her. It hits her at full blast, she's thrown against the alley wall where she gets knocked out.

Where she descends into darkness......................................................................................


More later!  

submitted by The Storyteller
(May 15, 2018 - 7:04 pm)
Augest 4th 2024, Near the Ocean---A month after the explosion   
Starfish lays on a bed of seaweed and groans. Slowly she opens her eyes and gasps. She's surrounded my water. She's tucked up underneath some coral and isn't wet and doesn't need to breath at all.

"What in the world?" She asks.

Slowly she gets to her paws and swims out of her underwater den. She looks around, the  fish are swimming next to her, not a care in the world. They don't even know that she could snap them up for lunch! Slowly Starfish swims up to the surface, moving quicker and quicker as she picks up speed. She bursts out of the ocean among a shower of water. She splashes back down and swims to shore.

"That was fun! But how did I..." Starfish trails off.

On the shore she sees a familiar brown-pelted cat.

"COCO!!!" She yowls.

Grinning, she swims ashore.

"Coco! What happened? I remember the explosion... not much else. You wouldn't believe but I woke up underwater!"
Starfish gushes.

"I'm so glad you're all right! It's been a month since the explosion I looked all over for you... I should of known you were in the ocean." Coco says.

"You been I've been asleep for a month!? But I feel fine." Starfish says, "Do you know why I can breath underwater?" 

"No... but you aren't the only one who can do cool things." Coco says, "Look what I can do!"
Coco closes his eyes and suddenly bursts into flames. Slowly they circle Starfish until she's surrounded by fire.

"Uh... Coco... what are you doing?" She says.

"Well little sis, let me tell you a secret. I've never liked you. For the past years I've been hiding it... but recently I had a little chat with someone. She told me to be true to my nature. You want to know why? You were Mother's favorite, she was always gushing about her darling Starfish and how much trouble I was." Coco hisses.

"What! But... Coco!" Starfish gasps.

"Too late. You can't stop me now." He growls.

The flames start closing in, heat spreading across Starfish. Starfish breathes deeply, panicked, is she really going to die!? She looks around, searching for an exit. She yells in fear and an orb of water blasts from her. Dousing the flames. Starfish looks around, shocked.

"Got you." Coco growls.

Grinning, he races away. Starfish starts to feel dizzy, just as she's about to pass out she sees a furrless she-cat with amber eyes grinning from the shadows.
Augest 4th 2024, In the Sewers---A month after the explosion
Sera lays on the cold ground, groaning in pain. She's cold all over and slowly she pushes herself to her feet. Slowly she opens her eyes, to find herself alone in the sewers.

"Hello?" She calls.

Her voice echos back, so Sera starts to pad down the paths. Following the smell of fresh air. Rats and spiders skitter out of her way as she looks around for the exit. After a while she sees some sunlight up ahead. Grinning, she rushes out into the sunlight. Where she's instantly blinded. After blinking for a while, her eyesight returns. And in front of her a pale white cat has appeared. 

"Fang!" Sera exclaims, "What are you doing?" 

"I'm here to talk. Tell me, notice anything thing strange?" Fang hisses. "Once I get what I want out of her I'll kill her." 
"You're going to kill me!?" Sera asks, "And why... what about that silver tabby? What did you do to her?"

"Ah... I see, little Sera can you hear me?"
  Fang asks.

"Yes, loud and clear." Sera snaps.

"Oh! You don't know! Tell me... anything strange? Like how I can talk without using my mouth?"  Fang asks.

"What are you talking about.... wait.... you are talking without your mouth. How is that possible!" Sera gasps.

"It's not me... it's you!"  Fang says. 

Then, Sera starts to feel weak. Slowly she sits down panting, what is going on? Looking around, she realizes what's going on.

"You're... you're... sucking out my life!" She yells.
"Oopss. Malum must know.

Then, Fang leaps on top of Sera, weakly she pushes back. Fang hisses with pleasure and pushes Sera down.

"You're weak. You were always weak. And that's why I will always  win." Fang hisses.

Suddenly, and without warning, Fang is thrown off Sera. Slowly Fang gets up, growls, and races away.

"Hello?" Sera calls.

Against the stone wall, something was slowly appearing. A black shape slowly comes into view and takes on the shape of a cat.

Pain, hurt, anger, and fear. A pale orange cat laying dead on the ground, surrounded by dead kittens, barley old enough to open their eyes. 

Sera blinks at the images flashing through her head. 

"Who are you. And what was that cat talking about?" The black cat hisses. 

"Um... well... you see... I'm sorry about your mate's death." Sera gasps.

"WHAT! WERE YOU IN ON IT?" The black cat growls.

"No I wasn't. I just... well this is going to sound crazy, but I think I read your mind." Sera mumbles.

"No more crazy than a cat that can turn invisible?" he asks.

"Heh... yay. I'm Sera by the way." Sera says.

"I'm Shadow." he says.

"So... what do we do now?" Sera asks.
submitted by The Storyteller, New Part!!
(June 4, 2018 - 9:35 am)