Curse of Renovamen
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Curse of Renovamen
Curse of Renovamen
An old man steps onto a crate in the town square and begins his preach.
Hear my warning and don't go to the Northern Lands.
For there lies the Tower of Renovamen
Tower of Renovamen is a very interesting one.
There are legends of great treasures and glory to those who make it to the top
Don't listen to such bribes!
For there you're soul will be anchored! Those who enter never leave!
To go through extreme pain and suffering, only to find out that not even death can save you from the misery.
To die, again and again. To feel every second of it. Only to wake up in the first room. Beasts with fangs and claws. Traps that melt off your flesh. The endless limbo of suffering.
No glory or treasure is worth such agony!
The Curse of Renovamen is nothing to mess with.
Only those who make it to the top can be free of the curse. And make off with the treasures that lie within!
Or so legend says....
You listen to the Old Man but you brunsh these off as rambling. A tower that prevents death. Please. You're too old for such fairy tales. But you have notice that those who claim they'll go never come back. And promise of treasure? You decide to not heed the warnings.
Now rules
RULE NUMBER ONE: DEATH IS NOT FINAL. You'll wake up in the first room, unless you have found an artifact that revives you.
2, no Opness, it's unlikely that you'll be able to make it to the top unscathed.
3, be realistic, no one can one punch a beast to oblivion.
4, shipping is fine but don't overdo it.
5, jerkness is allowed but if you die, you "friends" will most likely raid your corpse than carry you with hopes of revival.
6, You don't have to be human, I'll allow all walks of life. You could even be a beast with hopes of seeing the outside world for the first time or plan the demise of those pesky intruders.
7, Skills, you can make them up but they can't be overpowered. There more powerful the move, the more energy it'll sap from you. You can gain skills by reading Skill Books but if you already have max skills. You need to disown one to gain another.
8, perks, these are you natural born abilities. Unlike skills, once you decide them, you are stuck with them. You can have up to 3 perks but one of them must be bad.
9. Enemies might be closer than you think
10. Have fun.
Swordman: This class is good at offense. But needs to be light for their speed so they lack defense. Starts with rusty sword and heath potion. Can have up to 5 skills at a time.
Mage: a great support class, has offensive and defensive spells but lack physical strength and endurance. Starts with Spell Book (make up what kind of mage you are), wooden staff and a heath potion. Can have up to 10 skills at a time.
Axeman: has good defense. Doesn't hit as hard as swordsman nor has as many skills as mage but is able to haddle more pain. Comes with leather tunic, rusty hand axe, and a heath potion. Can have up to 3 skills.
Archer: good at range attacks, but frail. Comes with worn bow, 20 arrows. (Arrow can be retrieved but the thing it is in needs to be dead if you want them back!) A dagger, and a heath potion.
Priest: like mage but focuses on more defensive skills. Comes with Holy Book (like Spell Book) wooden staff, and heath potion.
Magic Gunman: expert at guns. But defense is weak. Comes with rusty magic gun, magic bullet, and heath potion. can have up to 5 skills.
If you want to come up with your own class, just ask!
Character sheet.
Perks: (Up to 3)
Reason for going to the Tower of Renovamen:
Name: Stillo (I shall bring him back)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Flavusdens (A yellow reptilian race)
Class: Magic Gunman
Perks: Ayer Draco Fortuno. The more he fights, the more damage he does. However, the more he fights, he becomes more unstable he becomes. He can calm down if he stops fighting.
Scales, due to being reptilian, his scaled skin provides a bit of extra defense, but not that much.
Skills: Rapid fire: increased firing speed.
Bio: His past is unknown, but it's clear there was a special someone he lost. He's looking for another chance to gain back what he lost.
Reason for going to the Tower of Renovamen: redemption.
It's been a while since I made a thread so I might have missed some stuff.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(February 27, 2018 - 8:28 pm)
(February 27, 2018 - 8:28 pm)
Why in the world is the post I made today in between two posts from the 30th of March?
(April 2, 2018 - 5:08 pm)
Admins can you PLEASE stop putting my posts in between ones made in March?
Thank You.
We don't actually control where posts show up, the website does this automatically. If you reply to the thread (the first post at the top of the page) your comment will show up as the most recent post. If you reply to another person's comment, your post will show up under their comment, even if it's a few days (or weeks, or months) old. So, if you want your comment to be at the end of the thread, reply to the thread, or make sure the comment you're replying to is very recent!
(April 4, 2018 - 11:00 am)
Please let me not be the ONLY person somwhat advancing the story. That would suck. A lot.
Accually, the gremlins were wearing clothes that a constable wears. They also had small but thick sticks in thier hands. The resemblance was quite uncanny. This made me laugh even harder. The three people in the camp were definetly awake now. As the come out of the little tents they made, the gremstables were getting braver. They've come as close as they could. Also, whoever made the traps has a warpped sence of humor. I'm currently chained to a stone cross.
Out of time.
(April 5, 2018 - 11:03 am)
Okay-we just need a place for our characters to meet up- what if the tunnel-shoot corridor my charrie is about to crawl trhough leads to the Gremlin cave?
(April 5, 2018 - 4:22 pm)
Quinn can also find a secret tunnel to da gremlin cave.
(April 5, 2018 - 6:01 pm)
And that secret tunnel leads to floor 4 in the room Aster and Stillo are in?
IDK, just trying to help
"Hold on, I have a better idea..."
I pull out North and ssstart ssshooting the tilesss, one, two, three, four, five, sssix, ssseven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. reload.
"Have you lost your mind? what you epect that to do?"
Asss I ssshoot, sssome of the tilesss crack, but not in a pattern. it ssseems random
"So? a couple of tiles crack, the bullet-
"There ISSS no bullet. North fires a beam of energy. Thisss energy isss too much for thin sssurfaces too handle because too much is going through at once!"
He ssstares at me.
"I can't take you seriously with that accent"
"What accccent?"
"See? you did it again, you keep hissing 's' sounds"
I roll my eyesss
"Englisssh is not my firssst language"
"Really wh-"
I hear thumping. but it ssseems to come from the door.
"Check the pipe, I'll check the door"
he nodsss.
I try to open the door but it'sss locked
"The pipe seems to go down."
"What do you mean-"
I ssstepped on one of the cracked tilesss and the door ssswings open.
(April 6, 2018 - 12:54 pm)
Sounds good!
Just a quick post;
I crawl through the tunnel-it's getting very cold and wet. After a few moments, I see flickering light on the other end of the damp tunnel, and I scramble towards it, damp earth clumping on my paws. I scramble upwards through it, wet mud sticking to my head, and I surface. I appear to be in a dark forest, I look like I've surfaced in a camp of sorts. A fire is crackling a few meters away, and-woah. I see some tiny gremlins harassing a... very strange-looking person. That person seems to be chained to a stone cross. Hoo, whoever made this had a sick sense of humor. I scramble upwards, noticing as I do that the gremlins are wearing little police officer uniforms. Hilarious.
The gremlins turn to me, startled by my sudden apearance. I grin at them, being sure to show all my teeth. I few of them scream and faint, but most of them are still left, so I draw my sword. I menacingly step towards them.
Sorry that's all, gotta go!
(April 6, 2018 - 12:54 pm)
At last, someone comes to my rescue! However, this person fights like wolf. Then I realize that he is one. He attacks the gremstables, killing almost all of them. some of the gremlins are smarter and decide very wisely to run. After fighting them off he frees me from the crucifix, laughing while doing so. Then he says, "Hello, my name is Aster!", in a loud gruff voice.~
(April 9, 2018 - 10:41 am)
(April 9, 2018 - 12:07 pm)
I love it! Sorry, can't post now but I'll try to later! Actually-
The strange man stares at me while I unbuckle him from his chains-my ears perk, and I hear faintly hissing -no, sissy hissy yelling from the tunnel. I slap the strange man on the back-creating a strange metallic clang as I do so-and say, "Oh, you're welcome, just gotta go down and help my friend-ah, being a hero is so much trouble, ya know what I mean? So many people need your help, right?" The man stares at me for a moment. I sigh. "That was supposed to be a joke. That friend of mine can handle himself. Also, one question, what's with those gremlin things? I think they're regrouping." So they are. I see tiny worried gremlin faces peering out from the woods, tiny copper trunches in tiny gremlin police hands. It's kind of cute, except for the fact that there are so many of those tiny faces. The man turns around to watch them. "You're right, perhaps that tunnel of yours would be a good escape route." His voice has a metallic edge, echoing slightly. I glance at him nervously. "Are you a golem?" He stares at me. He's getting very good at that, and he doesn't seem to have to blink. "No." "Oh. Okay." "Also, those gremlins are called gremstables. I named them." He says. I smile slightly. "That' a very good name for 'em." I quickly dive for the tunnel, the man following me swiftly, we enter it just in time to see the end of it seal up.
Oh. Well. At least the gremstables won't be able to follow us. I can hear little angry shrieking noises coming from the sealed-up side of them, and tiny thumps indicating they know how to use those trunchions of theirs. I turn to see the man already running to the exit-which just so happens to be sealing up as well-except veeeeeeeeeeeeery sloooowly. This must be a test-I mean, you could just seal up the tunnel at both end at the same time and-boolah! Intant trap. Except it wants us to have a figthing chance.... weird. Yet another reason why I doubt the Tower is a badly-made death-traps. Death traps don't give you a chance. That's kind of the point. Just wham, and you're dead. They don't give you time to evade it. I quickly rush after the guy. He's already through, and the tunnel has only a few feet to go.....
Whoosh! I slide out into the hall-with only seconds to spare, my tail losing a few inches of fur on the way. I get up, the cold tiles feeling very hard on my butt, to see the tunnel has completely sealed. Too bad for you, gremstables. I turn back to see the man-he's very fast, and doesn't seem to smell like anything.... whatever. I see him already through the door which Stillo went through, wrestling with... some giant boar thing. Ew, I can smell the sweat from here. The man is calming subdoing it, with a weird technique, a bit like his body is ending signals saying; We will do this repetitive action forever until you are subdoed. We will never stop until we have accomplished our goal. Die, evil hairy pig. I scramble up and run to him, taking care to not step on the uncracked tiles-Stillo was very smart at that. I enter the other room-Stillo is passed out next to a red wall, his tattoos are... really glowing. They send shiver down my spine. The entire room is badly pained red, not bright red, but the dark crusty kind of red that seems to say it's not come from a ketchup bottle-or any type of bottle in fact. Not even a paint can. There are four doors-that one we just came through, and three more-one on each wall. They're all identical, and I have the sneaking suspicion that if I closed the door I just came from, the room might spin, and thn each door would look the same.....
The boar slams into the wall next to me, and a giant wave of boar-breath and sweat shakes me out of my thoughts. "YOU ARE TOO DISGUSTING TO LIVE, EVIL HAIRY PIG-THING!" I yell, and start stabbing him with my sword. Gee, he really is hairy. It's like he's wearing a giant red furry coat. One evil eye glares at me-just as red as the room. I sigh. For once it would be nice to have a problem that wouldn't be solved by violence-maybe not evil based on-
(April 10, 2018 - 11:26 am)
The wolf man has slain the boar man thing! When he is done I go to the lizard man And see that he is bleeding from his mouth. Oh! I have just the thing for that! I make him take a sip of the strange liquid I found earlier. His wounds start to heal and he regains consciousness, screaming. I turn around to see that the wolf man has made a fire and is currently cooking the boar man.~
more will come soon!
(April 11, 2018 - 6:28 am)
..... Misfit, that was too much control.... I think...
please take this serously.
(April 11, 2018 - 10:41 am)
Aster comes over when he hears the lizard man's screams. "Holy cow, Stillo! What happened to you?!?" "Boar guy crusssshed me, like he ssssaid he would." "What did you do to Stillo, man? He should be dead, but he's ALIVE." I explain what I did, then say, "My name is Benvolio, by the way." "Where did you get that ssstuff, Ben?" "Well, when I entered the Tower, there was a cobalt blue fountain." They stare at me, then say "What do you mean?"~
(April 12, 2018 - 6:29 am)
Strange, its as if they never saw the fountain. How could they not have seen it? It was huge! They stare at me and Stillo says, "What fountain? I never ssssaw it when I came." "Maybe this Tower's magic is supposed to detect living things. You're obviously a golem or something like that. It didn't know that you were a living being until you died somewhere," says Aster. hmm. Maybe its true. Whatever. "Hey, uh, guyssss? The floor isss crumbling!" Stillo is right, the floor is! We run into the next room and see a stairwell leading to the next floor.~
(April 12, 2018 - 10:18 am)
Benvolio'sss an interesting case. He's man, and not man. I get no ssscent from him...
We climb the stairway to the next floor.
"Hey," Aster punchesss me in the ssshoulder playfuly. "You did a number on that boar before he knocked you out. It must have hurt."
"It did."
"You're a tough dude. remind me not to mess with you."
he looks at me.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine... jussst thinking of thingsss."
He ssshrugs.
truthfuly, I never felt the pain the Boar did. one of the greatsss of my "Blessssing"
I had a flassshback while I was knocked out.
"Lyra! Ubi es?! Die obsecro me! Lyra!" (Lyra! Where are you?! Please answer me! Lyra!)
"Ego vestrum adprehendet vos"
"What?" Aster looks at me
We reach the next floor. Musssic fillsss the air.
"What the heck?" Benvolio looks around
there are ssshops everywhere. children run around.
all walksss of life...
(April 12, 2018 - 12:56 pm)