Curse of Renovamen

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Curse of Renovamen

Curse of Renovamen

An old man steps onto a crate in the town square and begins his preach.  
Hear my warning and don't go to the Northern Lands. 
For there lies the Tower of Renovamen
Tower of Renovamen is a very interesting one.
There are legends of great treasures and glory to those who make it to the top
Don't listen to such bribes! 
For there you're soul will be anchored! Those who enter never leave! 
To go through extreme pain and suffering, only to find out that not even death can save you from the misery. 
To die, again and again. To feel every second of it. Only to wake up in the first room. Beasts with fangs and claws. Traps that melt off your flesh. The endless limbo of suffering. 
No glory or treasure is worth such agony! 
The Curse of Renovamen is nothing to mess with.
Only those who make it to the top can be free of the curse. And make off with the treasures that lie within! 
Or so legend says.... 
You listen to the Old Man but you brunsh these off as rambling. A tower that prevents death. Please. You're too old for such fairy tales. But you have notice that those who claim they'll go never come back. And promise of treasure? You decide to not heed the warnings. 
Now rules
RULE NUMBER ONE: DEATH IS NOT FINAL. You'll wake up in the first room, unless you have found an artifact that revives you. 
2, no Opness, it's unlikely that you'll be able to make it to the top unscathed. 
3, be realistic, no one can one punch a beast to oblivion. 
4, shipping is fine but don't overdo it. 
5, jerkness is allowed but if you die, you "friends" will most likely raid your corpse than carry you with hopes of revival. 
6, You don't have to be human, I'll allow all walks of life. You could even be a beast with hopes of seeing the outside world for the first time or plan the demise of those pesky intruders. 
7,  Skills,  you can make them up but they can't be overpowered. There more powerful the move,  the more energy it'll sap from you. You can gain skills by reading Skill Books but if you already have max skills. You need to disown one to gain another. 
8, perks,  these are you natural born abilities. Unlike skills,  once you decide them,  you are stuck with them. You can have up to 3 perks but one of them must be bad.
9. Enemies might be closer than you think
10. Have fun. 
Swordman: This class is good at offense. But needs to be light for their speed so they lack defense. Starts with rusty sword and heath potion. Can have up to 5 skills at a time. 
Mage: a great support class, has offensive and defensive spells but lack physical strength and endurance. Starts with Spell Book (make up what kind of mage you are),  wooden staff and a heath potion. Can have up to 10 skills at a time. 
Axeman: has good defense. Doesn't hit as hard as swordsman nor has as many skills as mage but is able to haddle more pain. Comes with leather tunic, rusty hand axe, and a heath potion.  Can have up to 3 skills.
Archer: good at range attacks, but frail. Comes with worn bow,  20 arrows. (Arrow can be retrieved but the thing it is in needs to be dead if you want them back!)  A dagger, and a heath potion. 
Priest: like mage but focuses on more defensive skills. Comes with Holy Book (like Spell Book) wooden staff,  and heath potion. 
Magic Gunman: expert at guns. But defense is weak. Comes with rusty magic gun,  magic bullet,  and  heath potion.  can have up to 5 skills. 
If you want to come up with your own class,  just ask! 
Character sheet.
Perks: (Up to 3)
Reason for going to the Tower of Renovamen:
Name: Stillo (I shall bring him back) 
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Flavusdens (A yellow reptilian race) 
Class: Magic Gunman
Perks: Ayer Draco Fortuno. The more he fights, the more damage he does. However, the more he fights, he becomes more unstable he becomes. He can calm down if he stops fighting.
Scales, due to being reptilian, his scaled skin provides a bit of extra defense, but not that much. 
Skills: Rapid fire: increased firing speed.
Bio: His past is unknown, but it's clear there was a special someone he lost. He's looking for another chance to gain back what he lost.
Reason for going to the Tower of Renovamen: redemption. 
It's been a while since I made a thread so I might have missed some stuff. 
Anyway,  hope you enjoy! 
submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(February 27, 2018 - 8:28 pm)

We shall start when there are at least three others

submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(February 28, 2018 - 2:28 am)

Top this please

submitted by Top, age Top
(February 28, 2018 - 2:29 am)

Top this please

submitted by Top, age Top
(February 28, 2018 - 2:30 am)

Why isn’t this topping? 

Chaptua says bopp

submitted by Top, age Top
(February 28, 2018 - 2:35 am)

Top already, will ya

submitted by Why won't this top!
(February 28, 2018 - 7:33 am)

Will you top now


submitted by Top, age Top
(February 28, 2018 - 10:48 am)

I reserve a spot!!

submitted by Aspen
(February 28, 2018 - 11:37 am)

I forgot appearance and personality

Could you admins add those to categories to the  character sheet? 

Also add this to mine:

Appearance: Yellow scaled reptilian, green eyes, at the back of the head,  scales etude like some kind of haircut. About 5 ft 6.

Personality:  a quiet kind of person. Will listen to both sides of an debate before making an opinion. Would take a few risk but not reckless. A careful planner. However. When his Fortuno is active. He becomes more inpatient, reckless, and has a short temper. When the Blessing continues. He has an even shorter temper,  restless,  and some would call him insane.


Thank you admins 

It doesn't look like we can edit your original post. But hopefully people will see this comment and take note! I put appearance and personality in bold so they will stand out. 


submitted by WriterafterAspen, age Forgotlook
(February 28, 2018 - 2:26 pm)

Can I reserve a spot?

submitted by Shy Peacock, Tree of Life
(February 28, 2018 - 4:12 pm)

*points to random dude*

"You get a reservation"  *hands card*

*points to another random person*

"You get a reservation" *hands card*

*tosses reservation cards in the air*



*sips tea* 

"This tea taste bitter... "

*In the background, the Artist can be seen. Holding a bottle with an unknown liquid inside.*

submitted by Everyone can join! , age Eons
(February 28, 2018 - 4:35 pm)

Name: Wolf (real name Noelle)

Age: 15

Gender: female

Species: ...human, but she's sorrta werewolf-ish, like part of her is a wolf... not physically, exactly... it's hard to explain. It's easier explained when we get to RPing.

Class: Umm, I am making a new class if that's okay. Wolf is an Outcast, which means that basically she has to fend for herself, and use whatever she can to protect herself or get by. Outcasts each have a sort of bond with a certain animal, and people don't really trust them. (Wolf's animal is a wolf in case you haven't already figured that out.) Outcasts don't really have friends, also, and they keep to themselves. The only people they trust are one another. They carry whatever weapon they can find, have good endurance, and live by their wits. They really don't have much outright strength though, and tend to be very short.

Appearance: Wolf has raven-black hair reaching about three-and-a-half inches past her shoulders, and diagonal bangs that she often flicks out of her eyes. All the edges of her hair are a bit jagged, and she has unusually pale skin, and golden-y yellow eyes with a flamey sort of light to them that is very unsettling when she looks right at you. She never wears any color other than black, and her clothes are always a bit shabby and ragged. About medium height, maybe a bit below, and skinny. 

Personality: Extremely reserved, never says more than she has to, and is very introverted. She's prickly, and pretty moody, and comes across as quite surly. Terrible with social skills, has huge trust issues, and is impossibly stubborn. Very, very hard to socialize with, and is honestly kind of humorless.

Perks: She can shapeshift into a wolf, obviously. However, the wolf in her can sometimes use her anger to make her... "lash out." 

Skills: Wolf is extremely clever, especially when it comes to battle tactics. She's a good shot with a bow and arrow(that's her weapon.) She has good endurance, and is a very bad liar, which works both ways.

Bio: She is extremely, extremely, extremely secretive about her past. She wasn't an Outcast to start with, and there is a reason she never tells anybody her real name, or her background.

Reason for going to the Tower of Renovamen: She is running from... a certain person. (All because of her backstory, which remains secret at present...)


submitted by Aspen, age 152 moons, Where the Red Fern Grows
(March 4, 2018 - 5:35 pm)

Character and New Class Approvied!

although there is a couple of concerns.

1. Class. you never mentioned how many skills an Outcast can have at a time. Due to their wide use of weapons, endurance, and lack of strength. I would believe 7 skills should be ok. however. as the saying goes "Quality over Quanity" Outcast can use a lot of weapons. but they are not their "main weapon." They are proficent yes, but more like a bit above adverage. like a B grade if Main Weapon Proficency was A. so they aren't Adverage Joes at weapons, but they are not shooting stars either. 

2. Skills. "Bad Lair" I would believe would go in perk since it is something that develops. not thaught. you already mentioned Endurance in "Class" so you don't need to add it again. waste of skill room. Strategize and Bow Proficiency are ok though. 

continuing on proficncy. Anyone can use any weapon. but some are more effient at certain weapons than others. for example. Swordmen are good at swords (duh) but due to being more about speed. a heavy weapon (like an Axe or Hammer) they can still use. but they would feel off-balence. so their attacks woulds be slower and would be more open for counter attack.

I love this class. I just need the two errors. which is forgeting skill limit and a Perk/Class Trait in a Skill. the rest are just suggestions 

submitted by Outcast is new cast, age Eons
(March 5, 2018 - 8:41 am)

All that stuff sounds good. I will try and come up with a little more stuff for the Outcast later.

submitted by Aspen
(March 8, 2018 - 3:01 pm)

looks cool, I'll join.


Name: Benvolio

Title: The Clockwork Necromancer

Age: 3 but designed to have the maturity and looks of a 20 year old.

Gender: Male by design

Species: Robot

Appearance: 6’ 6”, black eyes with white pupils, Brass skin (literally), straight black “Hair”, has chiseled features, wears a Black trench coat over a tuxedo.

Personality: A gentleman, avoids conflicts if possible but will fight if need be, has a small sense of humor, slow to anger, kinda dark, listens to reason, outgoing, death doesn’t bother him much.

Class: Mage (Necromancer)

Perks: (Up to 3)

1.) Mana Reserve: due to being a robot, he can't produce his own Mana, instead, he has to harvest it from dead creatures. In turn, he has more pure, but limited Mana

2.) Brass Skin: since Benvolio is a robot, he has skin of metal, giving him a slightly increased defence.

3,) Guestmation, Since he was created by a mathma

Skills: Precognition, Early harvest (steals Mana and Health of dying dying foe or friend), Fire of Death (Fire wraps around enemy, roasting it alive), Wrath of the Dead (Summons a group of skeletons to fight as allies), Poisonous Death (poisonous gases wrap around enemy)

Bio: Benvolio was invented by a famous mathematician that wanted to to make a robot that had a conscience and genuate Mana, but couldn't figure out how. so he made a mechanism that harvests and stores Mana. Shortly after, the Mathematician fell ill to a disease that no one knew the cure of. Feeling in debt to the Mathematician, Benvolio left in search of the cure. this led his travels to the Tower of Renovamen.

Reason for going to the Tower of Renovamen: Main reason is to find a cure for his ill maker, but hopes to increase his Mana Reserve and gain a sense of humor as well.

Other: has a leather tongue to shake bells to make rings sound like words. When angry, his white pupils turn red-orange. Has a secret.

submitted by The Artistic Misfit, age 14
(March 9, 2018 - 1:37 pm)

Character Aprovied!

now we can....

Shy Peacock hasn't made a sheet yet...

Shy Peacock you haven't forgot that you made a reservation right?

can you please post your character sheet so we can begin and so the Thread won't die? 

submitted by Write@TAM&ShyPeacock, age Eons
(March 14, 2018 - 9:43 am)