Dystopian future rp

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Dystopian future rp

Dystopian future rp I guess??

So, I've been looking around, and I think I get how these work. This is my first rp! I hope I'm doing it right :)

In this rp, once citizens of the world turn 16, they are required to take a test that will help them 'find their place in the world'. This test determines who your friends will be, who your spouse will be, what your career will be, how many kids you're allowed to have, how well you'll do in high school, etc. Citizens are expected to play the role they are given perfectly, whether they like it or not. Typically, the test is accurate enough about what kind of future people would prefer, so our characters are pretty excited about finding out their futures. But the system malfunctions, giving our characters the exact opposite of what path they want to go down and who they want to assosciate with. Through their trials, our characters form a friendship and secretly plan to overthrow the system.

The tests are monthly, so if your character has a birthday on January 13th, they'll take the test January first when they're still 15. In this case, our characters all have June birthdays. Each person may have two characters. I will post mine later.

Here is the character sheet:






Test results they hope for:

Test results the hope not to get: 

Strengths and weaknesses:

That is all, I think! Have fun! 

submitted by xp
(December 27, 2017 - 8:36 pm)


submitted by Top!
(January 1, 2018 - 4:08 pm)

Yay issa started!!! (And yes that was on purpose.) I'll post as soon as I can! 

submitted by Aspen, age 12.5, Nightfall
(January 1, 2018 - 5:28 pm)


submitted by Guys keep this going
(January 2, 2018 - 3:15 pm)

Can I still join?

submitted by Nighthawk, age -14, the Cave
(January 2, 2018 - 4:17 pm)

Yeah, sure!

submitted by xp@nighthawk
(January 2, 2018 - 7:33 pm)

Tysm! I'll post my character's sheet asap.

submitted by @xp, Nighthawk
(January 2, 2018 - 9:27 pm)

Name: Mason Codwell

Age: 15 [that's everyone's age, right?]

Gender: Male

Appearance: Curly brown hair that falls in his gray eyes, paler skin, freckles cause why not, he's on the taller side, and he's slightly under average weight. He usually wears ripped jeans, beat up converse, and hoodies. oh and he also has glasses and refuses to wear contacts unless absolutely necessary.

Personality: He's very closed off, pushing people away before they can let him down or vice versa. He loves music [alternative or classical, mostly] and almost always has headphones on. He loves animals and playing the guitar. I will devolop him more in the story.

Test results they hope for: He desperately wants to be either a musician or an editor.

Test results they hope not to get: Anything to do with children-he dispises them. 

Strengths and weaknesses: He tends not to open up or trust people. This is both a strength and a weekness. He's very observant.  

Ok, I think that's it. Let me know if I need to change anything.

submitted by Nighthawk, age -14, The Castle of Lions
(January 3, 2018 - 5:55 pm)
submitted by To the top!!!, age TIPPITY, TOPPITY
(January 7, 2018 - 5:04 pm)

Disregard my last starting post


I've been waiting my whole life for this.

Thousands of people are lined up in rows, each one exactly like the rest. Hair neatly brushed and grown out, backs arched in perfect posture, wearing carefully ironed white jumpers.

We will be assigned our haircuts and clothing style in our test results.  

A smile tugs at my lips at the mere notion of the test. In a few hours, I will know every little detail of my life and my purpose. With the test's reputation of astounding accuracy, I am sure I will be satisfied with my results.
The white hallway is suddenly illuminated with a green light, and at the end of the hallway the mechanical grey door slowly opens. A robotic voice sounds over the speakers, emmiting the instructions.

"Welcome everyone, to the test facility. Please remain in single file and orderly walk over to your designated machine. The number on your name tag should match the number of your designated machine. The test is a series of questions to test your personality, interests, and intelligence. The test will take one hour and thirty-five minutes. When you are ready to take your test, press START on your designated machine. Further instructions will show up on the screen. If you have any questions, press HELP on your designated machine. Thank you for cooperating."

I glance down at my name tag, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. Number 35. The line I am in shuffles into the door, each person escaping the line to find their designated machine. I walk up to number 35, staring up at the screen. A green start button shines down on me, the red help button directly under it. 
I take a deep breath, reach up and press start.

Sorry at the end I got kind of sloppy. 

submitted by xp
(January 9, 2018 - 7:03 pm)


submitted by Top!
(January 9, 2018 - 7:06 pm)


submitted by Toppp
(January 9, 2018 - 7:32 pm)


submitted by Top?
(January 9, 2018 - 8:12 pm)


submitted by top
(January 10, 2018 - 3:15 pm)
submitted by Please post!
(January 11, 2018 - 12:20 pm)

I'll post some time today hopefully. Sorry about that.

submitted by NightTop, age -14, Nighthawk
(January 16, 2018 - 12:58 pm)