Rainbow RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Rainbow RP!
Rainbow RP!
*Hi! I'm Queen Isabella. I just joined the CB today, and I read through The Ultimate Guide to the CB, so I decided to make a Roleplay. I read through the original post of some RPs so I could see what a charrie sheet is.*
The plot: There are 8 characters, but there can be some side characters as well. Each of the 8 characters has one color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, or violet). And each color of the rainbow has a special ability related to the color. The people who join can decide what their power is.
The "Rainbows" are the guardians of the world and all of the various dimensions. But, a war has started in the dimension "Earth", and the Rainbows don't know how to stop it. Anger and conflict is brewing in the Rainbows, but that can destroy all of the dimensions. What will they do?
Here is the charrie sheet:
Age (50+, they are immortal):
Familiar (like a pet/sidekick, can be mythical):
Name: Dai Rone (pronounced D-iy R-oh-n) (that's not the actual pronunciation; I just like it)
Age (50+, they are immortal): 1,013, appears 17.
Gender: Non-binary (neither boy nor girl, goes by they/them/their)
Color: Blue
Power: Water
Personality: Calm; keeps the peace; sometimes introverted; very organized; "has their life together".
Appearance: Spiky, short, blue hair; deep blue eyes; slightly tanned; freckles; likes wearing pajamas.
Familiar (like a pet/sidekick, can be mythical): Small dragon (blue, breathes water, about the size of a small dog, can fly)
Backstory/Other: Was born a female, but didn't feel that way, so they became non-binary. They hate when people refer to them as a boy or girl!
**I usually write female characters in my stories, so I decided to switch it up for my first RP. I think that if I ever make an AE, Dai will be it! Maybe I'll do that today?**
(December 6, 2017 - 10:53 pm)
@Queen Isabella, I didn't mean the mind reading to be OP, more like on an extremely minor basis. Like I said before, my charrie has her limits for sure, I just didn't specify on them.
(December 19, 2017 - 1:38 pm)
Sorry this took so long! I haven't gotten a chance to use the computer in a bit.
Name: Marisandra Vore
Age (50+, they are immortal): 784 (Appears somewhere around 17. Most mortals have a hard time judging her age.)
Gender: Female
Color: Orange
Power: Photokinesis (can manipulate light and heat)
Personality: Curious, yet reserved. She's observant and knows a lot but is not too forthcoming with people. She enjoys the other rainbows' company and appreciates them as people without being emotionally intimate with them. Has a strong sense of loyalty and honor and expects others to have the same.
Appearance: Curly copper hair frames a pale, sharp chinned face with slanted hazel eyes. She is tall and has prominant joints. Generally wears loose clothing.
Familiar (like a pet/sidekick, can be mythical): A large ocelot named Char
Backstory/Other: Doesn't really care about mortals much. She does her best to guard them because it is her duty, but not because she truly cares what happens to them.
(December 18, 2017 - 9:18 am)
New and Improved List of Characters:
Red: elementgirl: Audrey Fleming - Fire
Orange: Cockleburr: Marisandra Vore - Photokenesis
Yellow: Pete the Trollslayer: Salvador Aurelian - Lightning, electricity, and storms
Green: Ally: Emma Verden - Plants
Blue: Queen Isabella: Dai Rone - Water
Indigo: Pink Panther: Sage Talbon - Shapeshifting
Violet: Aspen: Saera Darke - Dark Matter
Side Characters:
If you want to start, please tell me! The first to say that they want to start can start. :)
(December 18, 2017 - 6:57 pm)
Um, I changed mine to dark matter/illusions.
(December 19, 2017 - 8:37 pm)
I'm so sorry! I got the two people confused.
I'll fix it:
Red: elementgirl: Audrey Fleming - Fire
Orange: Cockleburr: Marisandra Vore - Photokenesis
Yellow: Pete the Trollslayer: Salvador Aurelian - Lightning, electricity, and storms
Green: Ally: Emma Verden - Plants
Blue: Queen Isabella: Dai Rone - Water
Indigo: Pink Panther: Sage Talbon - Dark Matter/Illusions
Violet: Aspen: Saera Darke - Shadow and Mindreading
Side Characters:
(December 21, 2017 - 11:26 am)
Ok, TOP! When do we start?
(December 21, 2017 - 11:31 pm)
I drew Dai (my charrie)!
(December 19, 2017 - 10:16 am)
Can we start, please, Queen Isabella? I'm excited for this RP. Also, TOP!
(December 31, 2017 - 12:48 pm)
(December 31, 2017 - 3:06 pm)
Yes, can we start?
(January 1, 2018 - 5:30 pm)