Rainbow RP!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Rainbow RP!
Rainbow RP!
*Hi! I'm Queen Isabella. I just joined the CB today, and I read through The Ultimate Guide to the CB, so I decided to make a Roleplay. I read through the original post of some RPs so I could see what a charrie sheet is.*
The plot: There are 8 characters, but there can be some side characters as well. Each of the 8 characters has one color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, or violet). And each color of the rainbow has a special ability related to the color. The people who join can decide what their power is.
The "Rainbows" are the guardians of the world and all of the various dimensions. But, a war has started in the dimension "Earth", and the Rainbows don't know how to stop it. Anger and conflict is brewing in the Rainbows, but that can destroy all of the dimensions. What will they do?
Here is the charrie sheet:
Age (50+, they are immortal):
Familiar (like a pet/sidekick, can be mythical):
Name: Dai Rone (pronounced D-iy R-oh-n) (that's not the actual pronunciation; I just like it)
Age (50+, they are immortal): 1,013, appears 17.
Gender: Non-binary (neither boy nor girl, goes by they/them/their)
Color: Blue
Power: Water
Personality: Calm; keeps the peace; sometimes introverted; very organized; "has their life together".
Appearance: Spiky, short, blue hair; deep blue eyes; slightly tanned; freckles; likes wearing pajamas.
Familiar (like a pet/sidekick, can be mythical): Small dragon (blue, breathes water, about the size of a small dog, can fly)
Backstory/Other: Was born a female, but didn't feel that way, so they became non-binary. They hate when people refer to them as a boy or girl!
**I usually write female characters in my stories, so I decided to switch it up for my first RP. I think that if I ever make an AE, Dai will be it! Maybe I'll do that today?**
(December 6, 2017 - 10:53 pm)
Name: Sage Talbot
Age: 999,999 (but maintains the appearance of a 17 or 18 year old!)
Gender: Female
Colour: Indigo
Power: Dang, water’s taken. Um...let’s go with shapeshifting and very minor water powers
Personality: Free spirited, always moving, can never stay still. Creative, huge imagination, curious and adventurous. Smart and courageous, but doesn’t demonstrate characteristics of a leader or a follower. She’s more rogue, or her own person.
Appearance: Blonde hair down to her mid back area in beach waves. Slightly tanned skin and freckles, especially on her face. Big light blue eyes with gold specks, slim, and average height. She always wears an anklet or two with no matter what she wears.
Familiar: A huge but invisible sea dragon that can also fly named Zoralith (invisible to others)
Backstory/other: The oldest known Rainbow who’s lived through several wars. She’s definitely wise because of her experience but still is open to learning new things. Was the first of the Rainbows to appear even though her colour is considered one of the last.
(December 12, 2017 - 5:18 pm)
Sorry, that was actually submitted by me. I know Doctor Who? IRL, and we use the same computer. She posts more, so the auto fill usually uses her info. Again, sorry for the confusion. XD @Admins, would it be possible if you could change that to PinkPanther please? If you can’t, that’s okay. :)
(December 12, 2017 - 9:37 pm)
I forget what was taken but if red was not then here I go!
Name: Seprium Halandez
Age: 1,058
Gender: Male
Color: Red (unless this is taken)
Power: Fire
Personality: Dark, cold, mean
Appearance: Dark hair, grey eyes, hispanic
Familiar: Griffion
Backstory: One day he just woke up, saw a monster, put his hands up in defense, and fire shot out of it. Then he found out he was a part of the rainbow.
(December 14, 2017 - 6:43 pm)
I already took red. Sorry.
(December 16, 2017 - 7:05 am)
Name: Seprium Halandez
Gender: M
Age: 5
Personality: seprium is a child so he has all the bad manners a child would have
Appearence: He looks different to everybody. One person might see a young boy with red hair and to another a young child with geled black hair and to the next, etc., etc., etc.
Pet (does not have a familiar): A parrot named Sir Crackersalot
Backstory: His parents work with the rainbow as a secret job.
(December 17, 2017 - 10:29 am)
Could I change my character to Orange? And also he takes the appearance of being 22! His new power could be shooting out solar rays!
(December 14, 2017 - 6:48 pm)
Or if I could be added as minor that is fine too!
(December 15, 2017 - 7:01 am)
Orange was already reserved.
(December 15, 2017 - 8:07 am)
OOooppsssss! Sorry didn't read that! Could I be minor?
(December 15, 2017 - 3:36 pm)
Some things:
1. If you chose a color that isn’t in the rainbow or chose a color that was already taken/reserved, you can either not participate or be a side character! Side characters could be people in the war, people from other dimensions, magical creatures (like fairies), or whatever you want that would fit in the story (as long as it isn’t a “color”).
2. If your character is a bit OP (I say below), you can keep your power but please don’t make it too powerful and maybe have some flaws.
Red: elementgirl: Audrey Fleming - Fire
Orange: Reserved by Cockleburr (please make your charrie sheet so we can start!)
Yellow: Pete the Trollslayer: Salvador Aurelian - Lightning, electricity, and storms (this might be a bit OP)
Green: Ally: Emma Verden - Plants
Blue: Queen Isabella: Dai Rone - Water
Indigo: Pink Panther: Sage Talbon - Shapeshifting (I already took water!)
Violet: Aspen: Saera Darke - Shadow and Mind Reading (this is probably a bit OP)
Side Characters:
pizzaboy (please redesign your charrie to be a side character, thanks!)
P.S. I took about 30-45 minutes typing this up. XD XD
(December 15, 2017 - 4:33 pm)
Oops, sorry about that! I didn't mean to make Sal sound too OP. I don't mean Thor level stuff, just like minor lightning blasts, and switching the direction of electric currents, that kind of stuff. I can totally see where you're coming from with the control of weather. I meant this as like a last resort kind of thing, leaving Sal totally exhausted. If you want me to clarify further or change anything, let me know!
(December 15, 2017 - 6:28 pm)
Fine. I’m changing it to Dark matter. (So illusions, dark swirly stuff, that jazz)
(December 16, 2017 - 7:52 am)
Thanks PinkPanther and Pete the Trollslayer! I’m sorry if I offended you by that. :)
Once everyone finalizes their charries, we can start! If you want to start please tell me (the first one to ask will get to start).
(December 16, 2017 - 1:28 pm)
He could be a side character. I mean if it is okay?
(December 16, 2017 - 1:33 pm)
That's fine. You will have to take away the color, so are you just a mage?
(December 17, 2017 - 4:07 pm)