Murder Game

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Murder Game

Murder Game

Oh boy, I'm excited for this!

Ok, so on my Musical game thread, I recently mentioned my first Murder Game ( ) AKA Spectrum. We did have another Spectrum, but that one didn't really work out. Well, it's time for Spectrum 3!

Spectrum is a game where each of 6 detectives are assigned a color. There are also 9 items (which I will post when I assign colors). When anybody posts (In RP format, more detail and story will make it more fun!), at the end they must accuse a fellow detective of murder, matched with an item as a murder weapon. See the link for some awesome examples! If the detective gets both the person and item wrong, they lose a life. Each player starts with 2 lives (Representing sanity, I guess?). When both lives are gone, the player is eliminated. If a player is on to something and gets one of them right, I will reply saying so!

Once the murderer is confirmed (After checking the same person with 2 different items, and getting 1 of them right each time), The Murder Phase begins. The newly revealed murderer is then allowed to drop their investigation and murder 1 innocent detective each post, as long as they don't double-post. If all the remaining innocent detectives are eliminated during The Murder Phase, the murderer wins. But if an innocent detective matches the murderer with the correct murder weapon, the murderer is locked up and the detectives win. Again, the link goes to the first game of Spectrum, and this one has the same rules.

All you have to do to join is post saying so, and after we reach 6 people I will post the final 6 detectives and their colors, as well as the items and your scenario. Please join if you can, this will be really fun!  

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(November 28, 2017 - 5:00 pm)

As Purple squints at the lamp, a jolt of thunder rocks the manor. Could this be a sign? Was something right? Either the lamp, or Red... now just to find out which one..

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(December 3, 2017 - 1:42 pm)

I pace around the room, thinking. 

It's one of us. It's one of us.

It's one of them.

I follow Purple's gaze over the lamp. It appears to have blood smeared on it. Then I glance over at the man in Red. He's fidgeting. He's nervous. 

He knows something.

Then lightning flashes.

Was it Red? 

submitted by Leeli
(December 3, 2017 - 3:19 pm)

Anybody? Come on, we have 6 people!!!

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(December 4, 2017 - 6:34 pm)

I suppose I can post again!

* * *

I hear the jolt of thunder rush through my mind. This I make the right choice?

Okay, okay, let's not jump to conclusions. As the room around me races, I try to focus on clues. I look at the lamp, then back at Red. Hm. No, something is wrong with this combination. I've been in this field long enough to know that I will know if I'm right. 

Is this truly blood? What if this fingerprint is from a while ago? I look around the room, then notice the rifle from the case is missing. How curious. I investigate the case above the fireplace. It this was removed a while ago, then the dust beneath the case would still be there. But there isn't any dust.

So perhaps Red killed him with a silenced rifle?


submitted by Danie
(December 4, 2017 - 8:20 pm)

Another larger jolt of thunder rocks the house, sending the rifle case flying down to shatter on the ground. Well, there goes that possibility. But Purple was still close. Wait, did this mean- Red? Could it be that Red was the one to murder the host? Yes, it has to be Red!


You all know what this means! If you don't, just scroll back up to the rules. But hurry, murder waits for nobody! *Evil Laugh*

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(December 5, 2017 - 3:43 pm)

I've been caught. I thought I could get away with it. Looks like I was wrong. But there is still time. I glance over to Purple, the one who noticed my behavior. As realization dawned on her face, I smiled. Still time. Still time. Still time. Hehehe... all I have to do is get my hads a little more dirty. Norbert was in my way. Now the Lady in Purple is in my way. And what happens to people in my way? They stop being there at all.


submitted by General Waffleson, age -456, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(December 5, 2017 - 7:18 pm)

@Pete, I guess it doesn't make a difference anyway, but I guessed Red in my post before Danie did and didn't get a reply. Was it because I didn't pair my suspect with an item? It's fine, I was just curious. 


Lightning shakes the ground.

So it was him. It was Red. Just as I thought. I look over at purple.

Oh no.

The murderer's eyes gleam. He's going for her next.

But I'm still focused on Norbert's murder. How was he killed? I see a barstool lying on it's side. Maybe it just fell over in the excitement, but how can we be sure? And is that blood I see on its leg?

Did Red do it with the barstool?


Also, @Gen. Waffleson, did you kill Danie, or did you just mean that you were going after her? Sorry, but I wasn't sure.  

submitted by Leeli
(December 6, 2017 - 2:01 pm)

@Leeli: Oh, I didn't really know what that post was. I know it might be complicated, but to confirm the murderer, I mentioned in the rules that: "Once the murderer is confirmed (After checking the same person with 2 different items, and getting 1 of them right each time), The Murder Phase begins". SO basically you needed to include a murder weapon with your post. Sorry for the confusion!

As Yellow scans her room for another lead, she notices one of the servants. The maid is stumbling around, knocking over various pieces of furniture. The brandy bottle is still in her hand, she's probably very stressed about the whole situation, Yellow figured. Her path of clumsy carnage lead all the way back to the bar stool. No, it couldn't of been the bar stool! This isn't the time for being wrong, there's a murderer on the loose!

@Waffleson: Yeah, if you didn't kill Purple that's fine, but I just wanted to clarify. And also remember that during this phase, you're free to murder somebody every other post. So have some fun with this! *Ahem* I mean, somebody stop this madman!

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(December 6, 2017 - 3:11 pm)

Danie's dead.

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(December 6, 2017 - 6:32 pm)

Ah, alright, I see. No, it wasn't your fault, just me being dumb. XP 

submitted by Leeli
(December 6, 2017 - 8:34 pm)

I look around. I make eye contact with Red. Suddenly, I know it. We all know it. Red murdered Norbert. But with what? I see a cricket bat in the corner with a splotch of red on it. Could it be- blood? I give Red a glare. Did Red murder Norbert with the cricket bat?

submitted by Allie @Catsclaw, age 12, A Place
(December 6, 2017 - 9:09 pm)

Orange checks the bat more closely, only to find it was not blood at all. What was this-red wine? A sabatoge? Or maybe just an accident. A wave of dread washes over Orange as she watches Red stalk into another room out of the corner of her eye- she had to do something, before she was next... 

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(December 7, 2017 - 2:59 pm)

As i explore the mansion to erase any traces of my murder, I notice someone looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I slowly turned and looked them in the eyes. I smiled. She looks left and right for some sign of help, but she won't receive any. She gulps. I walk slowly towards her. What's another death, really?

Orange is dead!

submitted by General Waffleson, age -456, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(December 8, 2017 - 8:07 pm)

Only a few possible weapons remain inside the manor, but the threat of Red's madness grows larger and larger.. I somebody didn't stop this madman, nobody would live to see the rescue helicopter...

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(December 9, 2017 - 11:54 am)

Are y'all still here?

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(December 8, 2017 - 7:59 pm)