Chatterbox: Inkwell
Beatrix glared at Lily, eyes blazed with fury. "You took Selen from me!"
Selen stood beside Lily, unsure of what to do, but at the sound of Beatrix saying Lily had stole her from Beatrix she found her voice. "LIly didn't take me from you Beatrix....I left you because I din't like that you were bullying haley and that you kept pushing people out of trees!"
Beatrix let out a high pitched laugh, grinning at the memory of pushing people out of tress. She loved there shocked cries, and the way they fell. She wondered how Seln could think that what she was doing wasn't fun, and that it was cruel. "But pushing people out of trees is fun...and making fun of Haley!"
"What about me?" Haley peeked her head out of the girl's bathroom, curouis eyes looking at Beatrix. Haleys hair was shaggy, and her face was dirty. Beatrix always picked on her about how her family was poor.
Beatrix narrowed her eyes at Haley. "Were you spying?" she said, menacily, waving her finger at haley. This was not Haley's business.
Haley's eyes lit with fear. She was afeARD OF Beatrix because she would show no mercy if she revealed the truth. "No-no! Diffently not!"
Beatrix took a step towards Haley. "This ain't none of your business what me and Selen and Lily are doing! So SHOO!"
Haley let out a small scream of fear, and ran out of the bathroom, far, far away.
"BEATRIX!" yelled LIly, angry.
"WHAT!" yelled Beatrix back, acting confused at why Lily was yelling at her. for
"YOu don't have to scare her!"
Beatrix smiled, innoccently. "I didn't scare her, shes like that around me" Beatrix shrugged. "Back to the point though, now that that nussinace is gone. You took Selen from me LIly!"
Selen stepped foward, frists clenched in irration. What couldn't Beatrix understand? "No, she didn't. I choose to be with her.."
Beatrix shook her head. She wasn't about to give up. "No...Lily stood you....Don't you want to keep being Girlfriend and Girlfriend, Selen?"
Don do don! More later, I swear/
(September 30, 2017 - 12:38 pm)
Chapter 10 I think: Ethan
Ethan walked throught the hall, towards the playground, happily. He couldn't wait to see Lily.
Max, his Bff ran up to him, grinning. "Guess who I just saw?" piped Max, eargerly.
Ethan wondered what had gotten Mas so excited. "What, Max?"
"I saw your girlfriend."
"Hold up! Lily's not my girlfriend!" sighed, Ethan. When Ethan had told Max about Lily he had deemed Lily his "girlfriend." He wished he hadn't told Max about Lily. The constant teasing was annoying.
Max grinned, mishivously. "You want her to be!"
Ethan shook his head, trying to keep the smile from his lips at the idea. "NO!" That's disgusting!" said Ethan, playfulling punched Max when he said "That's disgusting!" Max punched Ethan back, playfully. "I don't even like her!"
Max, laughed, putting his hand on Ethan shoulder. "You do! you told me yourself!"
"But that was then! I don't like her anymore!'' lied Ethan.
Max quirted a eyebrow. "Oh....really?"
"Yes, really!" said Ethan, floustered.
Max pulled him closer. "'s so obvouis."
Ethan sighed. He had lost the battle.
"Anyways... I saw your girlfriend-"
Ethan glared at him.
Max covered his hand wth his mouth and gasped, faking being scared. Ethan laughed. Max laughed. "Anyhow...She wasn't with a teacher and was going to the principle's office with some other girls!"
Ethan gasped, shocked. Lily didn't seem to be the kind of girl who got in trouble, espically not the principle's office. But.....maybe she had beem a witness! Hope flared in Ethan, maybe Lily wasn't in trouble after all!
(December 27, 2017 - 12:43 pm)
Good! This is fun, it's like reading a serial story, with the new parts coming out each week. :) Azkiel says feef. Fief? Is medieval times your new obsession now? Or did you mean Keefe... *Eidr.* But you can't read... *howd YOUW noow?* Sigh...
(December 27, 2017 - 1:48 pm)
Thanks aspen
(December 27, 2017 - 7:26 pm)
I will write soon
(January 2, 2018 - 12:03 pm)
Hey, guys. i'm back.
Chapter 11: Lily; Beatrix; Selene
Lily tapped her foot on the ground, anxouisly.
Tap, tap, tap
"Lily! Knock it off!" snapped Beatrix, angrly.
The teacher shot a warning glance at Beatrix.
Beatrix cursed under her breath, for speaking so harshly with the teacher around. If the teacher wasn't here she wouldn't care.
Selene glanced, nervously over at Beatrix. She should of stood with Beatrix, not against her, but she had panicked. Now, Beatrix was mad at her! Would they ever be friends again!?
She started to get up; then sat down aggain, trying to decied if she should go try to fix her friendship with beatrix. Finally, she got up and sta down next to her.
Beatrix glared at her. "Leave me alone!" she hissed.
Hurt Selene scooted two seat over, glancing dispearingly at her old friend.
A lady came out of room and turned towards Selene. "The principle if ready for you>"
Shakily, Selene got to her feet and followed the lady into the room she had just come out of.
(January 11, 2018 - 8:17 pm)
Selene sat in chair facing the principal, heart beating fast.
'"So tell me what happened?" the principla said, leaning foward.
Selene shook her head, confused. Why had they been fight? Why did they have to fight over her? Why couldn't Lily and beatrix just get along? Sighin,g Selene rubbed her hand on her face. She wished Llly had lsitened to her when she had tried to make things right! Maybe she hadn't tried hard enough!
"There was a fight....andI tried to stop it" said Selene, nervously tapping her fingers on the desk. She couldn't get in trouble.... could she?
"Why was there a fight?"
Selene gulped; hardly believingwhat she was going to do. But she didn't want the princile to get involed. "I don't know" said Selene, a slight quiver in her voice.
The principal raised her eyebrows. "You don't know?"
" I don't know" repeated Selene, confidently.
The teacher stayed silent. Selene shifted; nervously. Did the principle know she was lying? Finally the principle said with a sight. "Your dismissed. Send Beatrix to me please."
Selene nodded and stood up, relieved she wasn't in trouble and the principal hadn't dectected her lie.
(January 15, 2018 - 6:37 pm)
I will write this weekend.
(January 22, 2018 - 9:47 pm)