Chatterbox: Inkwell
Beatrix glared at Lily, eyes blazed with fury. "You took Selen from me!"
Selen stood beside Lily, unsure of what to do, but at the sound of Beatrix saying Lily had stole her from Beatrix she found her voice. "LIly didn't take me from you Beatrix....I left you because I din't like that you were bullying haley and that you kept pushing people out of trees!"
Beatrix let out a high pitched laugh, grinning at the memory of pushing people out of tress. She loved there shocked cries, and the way they fell. She wondered how Seln could think that what she was doing wasn't fun, and that it was cruel. "But pushing people out of trees is fun...and making fun of Haley!"
"What about me?" Haley peeked her head out of the girl's bathroom, curouis eyes looking at Beatrix. Haleys hair was shaggy, and her face was dirty. Beatrix always picked on her about how her family was poor.
Beatrix narrowed her eyes at Haley. "Were you spying?" she said, menacily, waving her finger at haley. This was not Haley's business.
Haley's eyes lit with fear. She was afeARD OF Beatrix because she would show no mercy if she revealed the truth. "No-no! Diffently not!"
Beatrix took a step towards Haley. "This ain't none of your business what me and Selen and Lily are doing! So SHOO!"
Haley let out a small scream of fear, and ran out of the bathroom, far, far away.
"BEATRIX!" yelled LIly, angry.
"WHAT!" yelled Beatrix back, acting confused at why Lily was yelling at her. for
"YOu don't have to scare her!"
Beatrix smiled, innoccently. "I didn't scare her, shes like that around me" Beatrix shrugged. "Back to the point though, now that that nussinace is gone. You took Selen from me LIly!"
Selen stepped foward, frists clenched in irration. What couldn't Beatrix understand? "No, she didn't. I choose to be with her.."
Beatrix shook her head. She wasn't about to give up. "No...Lily stood you....Don't you want to keep being Girlfriend and Girlfriend, Selen?"
Don do don! More later, I swear/
(September 30, 2017 - 12:38 pm)
Critic welcome
(September 30, 2017 - 2:20 pm)
How did you like it?
(September 30, 2017 - 2:21 pm)
(September 30, 2017 - 3:44 pm)
It's good! You're good at writing realistic fiction. My stories always wind up laced with magic and fantasy.
(September 30, 2017 - 6:11 pm)
Thanks lucy b!
(October 1, 2017 - 1:26 pm)
Yeah! It's good. Write more please!
(October 1, 2017 - 6:45 pm)
I will. I have vacation, though so i'll be gone this week. Please keep it up on the first page while i'm gone!
I'm sorry I can't write today. I have writer block, but when I get back from the vaction i'll write.
So please mke it so this dosn't go bak to the backpages while i'm gone. Please! Thank you/.
**waves goodbye****
See you soon.
(October 1, 2017 - 8:49 pm)
I"m back! I'll writ tommorrow.
(October 7, 2017 - 12:28 am)
The third part of chapter one
Selen remembered the days when her and Beatrix would run at the beach, the sand soft beneath there feat. Laughing, and watching scary movies. When they would dance...but Selen shook her head. She was never going to be with Beatrix again, yet a small part of her wanted to be.
"Oh come want to get back don't want to say goodbye to me...." said Beatrix, holding out her hand for Selene to take it.
"What if i don't?" asked Selen, softly.
Beatrix stepped towards Selen, and lily blocked her. She wasn't going to lose Selene, not this quickly, not without a fight.
"What a pity that be...No more running at the beach.....dancing....laughing...or kissing with me" said Beatrix. She could tell she was slowly winning Selen over.
Selen flashed back to when they had been dancing at Beatrix's house at midnight. They had fallen.
(October 8, 2017 - 2:35 pm)
Selen remembered the days when her and Beatrix would run at the beach, the sand soft beneath there feat. Laughing, and watching scary movies. When they would dance...but Selen shook her head. She was never going to be with Beatrix again, yet a small part of her wanted to be.
"Oh come want to get back don't want to say goodbye to me...." said Beatrix, holding out her hand for Selene to take it.
"What if i don't?" asked Selen, softly.
Beatrix stepped towards Selen, and lily blocked her. She wasn't going to lose Selene, not this quickly, not without a fight.
"What a pity that be...No more running at the beach.....dancing....laughing... with me" said Beatrix. She could tell she was slowly winning Selen over.
Selen flashed back to when they had been dancing at Beatrix's house at midnight. They had fallen. .......
more later
(October 8, 2017 - 4:43 pm)
the rest of chapter 1
and rolled around laughing. She remembered playing the waves, and everything else. Her heart sudenly wanted to be with Beatrix, to have those moments again. She took Beatrix's hand, and stepped to the other side were Beatrix was.
Lily stared at her shocked, angry, and sad. Beatrix had just taken Selen from her! In less than a day she had already lost Selen. She could still be friends with Selen, but she wasn't going to hang out with a bully even if Selen was hanging out witha bully.
She turned around and fled, tears dripping down her cheeks.
The end of chapter one
How did you guys like the first chapter? Critic welcome.
(October 8, 2017 - 6:04 pm)
Oops...You know the part right before Selen takes Beatrix hand...welp before that its suppose to say "Will you change?" asked Selen, softly.
Wow... i'm on a writing spree..XD
Chapter 2: Selene
Selene sat across from Beatrix, munching on her bag of chips. She looked at Beatrix, remembring she had promised to change, but that had been a lire. After the fight with Lily, Beatrix had started teasing Hannah about the state of her cloths.
Hannah cloths looked terrible, but it wasn't her fault her family was poor. Yet, although Selene believed looks didn't matter she had joined in, in the teasing. She didn't know why, but she guessed she didn't want to lose Beatrix. She had almost lost Beatrix, almost lost the fun they had together.
She knew Beatrix wouldn't leave her, but they seemed completly oppoiste. Selene didn't like to tease people, but Beatrix did. Beatrix idea of "fun" at recees was pushing people out of trees and teasing people, while Selene would rather play tag, or talk. So maybe there would come a day when Beatrix would leave, but that would never happen if they had almost everything in common.
Gotta go, i'll post the rest on thursday!
(October 8, 2017 - 9:32 pm)
hay guys...pephare for a long post.
Part two or the rest of chapter 2
Grace came over, angry plastered on her face. She was a red-headed girl with a strong built body. Haley........
[the poor kid? what name did i give her . XD]
must of told Grace that beatrix and me had been teasing her though Selene,sighing. She felt guilty about teasing, but she knew Betarix didn't.
Eva, Grace's BBf followed followed behind her. She looked like a minion following her master, not a BFF following her BFF. She had long brown hair, and green eyes.
Grace arrived were Selene and Beatrix were siting. "You Don't t tease people"
Selene snorted. Although she knew that statement was true she felt like Grace was saying it like Grace was her mom.
"Your not my mom" said Beatrix, menacingly.
"I never said I was!' yelled Grace, even anger than before.
"Who told you we teaseed people. It could of been a lie" asked Beatrix.
"Oh come on Beatrix...everyone knows..."
"Knows what?" asked Beatrix, suddenly, very, very, intersted.
Grace shook her head. "Nevermind that."
"Knows-Who told you that we were teasing people? they could of been lying?"
"Haley...I found her crying. She told me what happened!"
Selene looked guilty at Haley. She didn't like making people cry.
"Oh Haley!!, all get that rascal!!" spat Beatrix, glaring at Haley was at the back of the room.
"She's not a rascal! and it's mean to tease people Beatrix!" squeaked Eva.
"Says who? Anyhow, what are you going to do about it?" asked Beatrix, glaring at Grace.
"Tell the teacher" said Grace.
Fear filled Selene. She couldn't get in trouble or worse yet what if she got a referal!? "Please don't! We'll aplogize to haley!" She shouted, frantically.
Betarix looked over at Selene, gaze determined. "NO! Were not going to aplogize!"
Beatrix leaned over to Selene. "I'll get us out of this one" she whisper in her ear.
Part three of chapter 2 coming soon. {Wow that sounds like a add for a tv show that has a new season coming out soon XDDDD}
Time is not on my hands tonight. I could of written more, but time is not on my side tonight.
See ya
(October 9, 2017 - 9:52 pm)
The rest of chapter two.
"I'll get us out of this one," she whispered in her ear.
Selene shook her head. They shouldn't lie. They should apologize, save them a referal, most importantly though it was the right thing to do. If she did apologize would sunny hate her, though? Selene stayed in her seat, but slowly she got up. Apologizing would be the right thing to do.
Beatrix grabbed her hand. "Don't" she growled.
"Why not? Why not aplogize? We did something wrong" she shot back.
"Well....they'll win, defeat us" Beatrix said, glancing over at Grace and Eva.
How dose apologizing have anything to do with winning or beginging defeated? wondered Selene, but obediently she sat, hating herslf. If she apologized would she lose Beatrix? Better safe than sorry.
"Okay's clear you'r not going to apologize, so I guess I have to tell the teacher!" said Grace, starting to walked towards the teacher.
"Tattletail" muttered Beatrix.
Selene didn't think Grace was a tattletail, just doing the right thing. She didn't voice her opinion, though.
In a few moments the teacher came over. She was a plump women with aburn hair, and blue eyes.
Fear shot through Selene. If I stayed with Lily I wouldn't of gotten in trouble thought Selene, glumly.
The end of chapter two
(October 13, 2017 - 7:02 pm)
Chapter 3
suny faced the teacher, trying to hide her scowl. she wasn’t afraid of the teacher. Heck no, but a scowl was not going to help her and Malena get out of this.
she glanced over at Malena. Her legs were shaking. she was afeard.
sory got to go. Family stuff. Sorry for capitalizing errors; typing on
(October 18, 2017 - 7:33 pm)