Okay here goses

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Okay here goses

Okay here goses nothing.

MJ stood at the front of the bank. She was supposed to robb it, but she didn't want to. She was not a robber, but her dad made her steal money from banks and stores. If she didn't give him the money by dawn he would punish her. He would beat until she curled up in a ball, wishing it would stopp. She couldn't call for help either. Her dad wouldn't let her. He was always watching her. Even though her dad owned a huge house and was rich she could never hide or get away.  

Recoulnatly she took her dagger out of her belt and threw it at a camera that was right in front of a door. The dagger struck, and if any was watching the screen became blank. She had been trained since she was a baby in crime and robbery. She rembermed how harsh and mean her dad had been when training. If she lost or failed she would end up my bruises and cuts all over her body from her dad.

She shruddered. Mj opened the door of the bank. Her dad wanted her to steal 20,000 dollars. She could do it, but she didn't want to it. The guilt would last for weeks. She quickly struck all the cameras with her dagger. 

Soon she arrived at a the door of a S.James bank money. He was a rich man everyone knew at her school and around the town. He would surely have 20,000 dollars behind this door.  She took a bomb from her belt and walked 40 feet away from the door.

She threw the bomb hasting a minute before she released it. The bomb exploded, and peices of metal threw everywhere, but none of them touched Mj.

Slowly she collected 20,000 dollars guilt bubbling inside her. Finally she collacted enough. She almost threw it back into the bank room, but then she thought about what her dad would do to her.

She exicted tears dripping down her cheeks. Someone would be mad in the morning.

"Sorry S.James" She said softly as she open the car door of her carr and hopped in. She drove away, guilt filling her up like water filling a room. 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 6, 2017 - 6:21 pm)

Part of my post got cut off, so i'm going to repost the rest of it. 

"Sure" answered the girl, looking at MJ, but trying not to as she sat down at the table. She grinned at MJ. MJ's heart skipped a beat.


"Whats your name?" asked Mkanzie, grinning at the the girl and MJ, who were smiling at each other. 


"What? Oh. My names Evergreen" answered the girl, startled.


"Pretty name" commented MJ, trying not to blush.


Evergreen blushed. "Thanks."  

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 12, 2017 - 3:46 pm)

Want to write. Don't know what to write. sigh

(August 13, 2017 - 6:58 pm)

almost school. YAY

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age talking , tpying
(August 14, 2017 - 7:44 pm)

MJ skipped towards home, humming loudly.  Today had been the best day of her life. She had sat with her crush, and talked to her! The talking had been minimum, but still! She know knew that Evergreen favorite color was blue, and the food she least liked was mushrooms. That was the same answers Mj had given to Evergreen, too!

They had so much in common, yet...Evergreen lived a normal life, one without crime. While MJ was a robber, a highly trained robber.  MJ sighed. Evergreen would never know who she really was, the terrible things she had done! She was partly glad, but whenever she was around Evergreen she felt like she was playing half actor- half real MJ!  She hated it too! She wanted Evergreen to know about robbery's. So maybe, just maybe, she could free her from her father.  On the other hand if she knew she might not understand, and then Mj would be in jail [ she deservered jail, but..] and Evergreen would hate her for the rest of her life!

Suddenly feeling glum, she entered her prison, her fortress. Her dad was at the table reading the newspaper. He was probably reading about her heist last night, when once again she almost was caught.  Anger surged threw her. She wished her dad would stop making her go rob banks, but he was the abuser, the criminal. And abusers never stopped being abuser else they were put in jail.

That would be the day. The day that would probably never come when her dad was put into jail for life! Ohh she wished for that day so much. But she knew it probably would never happen, but maybe it would? She sighed. Hopeless. 

Her dad looked up from his newspaper, face red. Fear surged threw her. What had she done this time?  "Sit down" he said.

Slowly MJ set down her backpack keeping her eyes on her dad. he couldn't be trusted when he was this angry. What would he do to her?

She sat down, tense. Her dad angry eyes bored into her making her shift, uneasily. "What I do" MJ squeaked.

Her dad picked up the paper and shoved it in her hands. "Read it" he growled.

Startled MJ reluctantly started to read the paper. She never liked to read the paper. It showed her what she had done. What she was guilty for. And her dad never made her read it. He didn't care if she read it or not. As she read farther down, she noticed a large picture of a bracelet she had worn last night with words MJ on it. Scared she glanced at her wrist. The bracelet was gone and here was a picture of it on the newspaper. It wasn't one of her good bracelets thank goodness, but the police had evidence of her heist and very soon they would be knocking on her door, to question her, and search the house.

Partly she was glad, but she didn't want to spend her whole life in jail. She would have to if she was found guilty. She didn't want to never see her friends or Evergreen. Tears dripped down her cheeks. "What are we to do?" she asked scared.

"We hide the money and you in the little room we have under the house. The police will never see it its so well camoflauged"

MJ nodded. Her dad was right "Aren't you going to punish me?"

"I wish, but we have no time to spare. We need to get to money and you in the room. The police could come in any minute"

They started loading up the money. MJ's heart beat faster than ever before. The police could catch them red handed. They were exposed and it was all her fault.

Finally they had loaded all the money in the storage room. MJ hopped in and her dad shut the door. Just then the doorbell rang.

The police were here. 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 15, 2017 - 12:31 pm)

As MJ sat in the dark, her breathing coming in short breaths she thought about her near escape. She could've not gotten into the room. She could fought her dad till the police came and locked her up in jail. She desevered jail time.  She wondered why she hadn't done those things. The answer was obvious. She didn't want to spend her whole life in jai, not when she was friends with her crush, and not when she had other friends. Good friends that only knew part of the real MJ, but still they were her friends.

Suddenly she realized something. She might be friendless soon! She was sure all her friends, including her crush had watched the news or read the paper. They would be suspicous of her. They might not trust her when she promised them she hadn't robbed the bank. She couldn't of been the only MJ in town could she? And if they didn't believe her protests, her lies, they would leave her, alone and sad. She would never see Evergreen the kind one, never see Mal the darer, never see Mkanize the gossip girl, never see Ariana the empathic one!

And it was all her fault! If she had been careful, none of this wouldn't of happen. She had to move fast last night when she heard the sirens. When she was running away from the bank to home, money in hand, her bracelet must of caught on a tree branch!

Maybe if she had let the police catch her? But that woud make things worse. She would have no way to lie her way out of her friends leaving her and hating her! 

MJ put her head in her hands. Tears dripped down her cheeks as worry and sadness swelled inside her. She tried to suck them up, but she couldn't. She rarely cried, else her father was beating the snot out of her. This was new. Crying for her future with her friends. Her friendship with her crush.

The police left. Her father opened the trap door, and MJ scooted closer to the wall. She didn't want to be beaten. She was already in enough pain. "Are you going to beat me" she asked, wiping the tears from her cheeks and putting on a  brave face.

Her father looked down at her, thinking. He wasn't mad anymore. "Its evening. I'll do it in the morning. You need your rest for saving your profile tommorrow. We'll need to retrain you, too. You've gotten sloppy for no reason"

The reason was Evergreen, but MJ was happy enough to escape punishment. Her dad probably expected she get her punishment in training and MJ shruddered at the prospect of the punishment to come.

Later MJ crawled into bed. She turned off the light and laid in the darkness, worry swirling inside. What would tommorrow bring. Would her friendships be destroyed?

And school.

What madness would school bring?  She was a suspect after all. Not to the police, but to her friends and the kids at school. 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 16, 2017 - 11:41 am)

School tomorrow in real life [yay], but MJ is sure disaster waits at school for her ....


submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 16, 2017 - 5:42 pm)

People mingled around her, obvouis to her presence. She stood in front of the  school doors in front of her, wishing she could go back to her bed, curl up in a ball, and never leave her bed, but that was a wish and in reality she was standing outside her school. 

Worry and anxiety swirl inside her as she slowly enetr the school building. She was in the hall. People were puting in their locker code. She felt like they had eyes in the back of their head, watching her. Her every move accounted by everyone in the hall. She glanced around for her friends, but didn't see them. Worry doubled inside her. 

MJ made it part way to the her locker, before the trouble began. A boy walked past her, his whole left side of his body banged into her. MJ fell, anger swirling insid her. "Hey!" she yelled at the boy, angry. 

The boy looked back, acting confused. MJ relaized in shock he had propsouly knocked her over. "Hey look it's MJ the robber!"  He yelled at the top of his lungs, pointing at her with his finger.

MJ steeled herself as fear bubbled inside her. She would have to fight to keep her robber life safe. Her dad had been right, as much as she hated to admit it. She would have to fight hard he had said, and indeed she would have too. 

Everyone turned to look at her, their gazes accuasing. Fear churned inside her and worry as she sprang to her feet. ''I did not rob that bank last night!" She yelled back at the boy, and everyone else. She hoped Evergreen and her friends were somewhere were they couldn'thear her yelling at them.  

The boy advanced on her, eyes like daggers. she held her ground. "Yeah right!"

MJ glared at the boy. Her dad would be proud of her reslience, her lying, and acting. She would of been glad to tell the boy that she had robbed the bank, but she needed to protect her friendships. "I did not robb the bank last night" she repeated, clamly. She could feel the stares of evreyone in the hall boring into her. 

The boy stepped closer. "Yeah right"

MJ held her glare and stance. "Fine believe whatever you want, boy, but I did not robb the bank last night" she sadi, pushing him. He fell.

Everyone went back to their lockers, seeing that the fight was over. MJ bent down. "Don't ever accuse me of robber again" She hissed in his ear.

She got up, mad, but proud she had proitected her friendships.

At least she thought she had,but  what would happen when her freinds cofronted her? Would she lose all her friends? Or would they believe her when she lied that she hadn't robbed the bank last night? 

Only disaster could lie ahead.... 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 17, 2017 - 7:31 pm)

I promise I will post later.

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 18, 2017 - 5:46 pm)

I will post tommrrow or later tonight. I promise.

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 18, 2017 - 7:26 pm)

Okay I have a idea.Starting from when Evergreen sat with MJ [that would be called sitting with her crush part 1 and 2] the post would be called Mj mistake, like a chapter name except I woud break up into 4 parts. Hope that makes sense, becaus I'm going to start doing that right now. 

MJ mistake part 3 

It was lunch. MJ had gotten nothing but anger from the teacher's. They didn't believe she han't robb the bank the day before last night, despite the police's invistagat of her house. She was innoccent wasn't she?  Npt truly innoccent, but to the police which should count for something. 

Mj sighed. Everyone at her school seemed to hate her. She could hear them whispering about her behind her back. They thought Mj couldn't hear but she could, and it stung. She would of gladly told them about being a robber, but she had to keeep her friendships safe from the truth. She couldn't lose her friends, espically Evergreen. She couldn't lose her crush.

She hadn't seen her friends all day. Had they stayed home in bed, already making up ther mind that MJ was a  bad person. One they should hate? Or did they hate her to much to talk to her? Mj shruddered, hopefully that didn't hate her too much, at least  not to much to  not want to talk to her.  It made sense if they did hate her though. In their minds she was a crimnal, in everyone's mind, even in MJ mind, and that was the thruth. 

She sighed. Hopefully, they would listen to her lies if they ever showed up.

MJ grabbed a platter. The lunhc lady glared at her. MJ heart craked a little. Usually the luch lady was fond of MJ, and would ask  her about how school was going and all that stuff. She like the Lucnh lady when she wasn't glaring at her, but she doubted that would ever change. "I did not robb the bank" she said in a low voice, innoccent voice.

The luch lady shook her head. "I don't believe you"

"But you saw the news last night. My name was cleared!" said Mj, desprate for someone to believe her.

The lunch lady leaned foward, looking MJ in the eye ''Every villain has a sercert hiding place. Who's to say you don't? Whos to say you didn't hid in there? You were at a deance party according to your dad, but whos to say you weren't hiding?' she spat.

MJ faked anger in her eyes. "I was at a dance party! it was awesoeme!"  she lied, begging inside for the lunhc lady to believe her.

She looked away "Your the only MJ in town."

""whos to say the robber wasn't from out of town" Sh siad, idingantly.

The lunch lady shook her head "What food do you want?"

Sad, Mj told her what she wanted. She had had a bond with thoi lady but it seems it has been destroyed. It was all her fault to!

When she was done she sat at her usuall table. Her firends weren't there. Fear double inside her, but suddenly they came. She smiled up at them. They glared at her. MJ worry doubled.

They sat down, slaming their platters on the table [MJ cringed] and glaring at MJ.

They were mad, so very, very made. They though i'v betrayed them MJ realized, fearfully.

"What do you have to say fro yourself MJ?" asked Mal, menace in her vioce.

MJ shrank a little. It would be hard to convince them she wasn't a robbeer, harder than she had pephared for.

Would she be able to lie her way after this or would she lose her friends altogether?.... 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 19, 2017 - 11:29 am)

It was lunch. MJ had gotten nothing but anger from the teacher's. They didn't believe she han't robb the bank the day before last night, despite the police's invistagat of her house. She was innoccent wasn't she?  Npt truly innoccent, but to the police which should count for something. 


Mj sighed. Everyone at her school seemed to hate her. She could hear them whispering about her behind her back. They thought Mj couldn't hear but she could, and it stung. She would of gladly told them about being a robber, but she had to keeep her friendships safe from the truth. She couldn't lose her friends, espically Evergreen. She couldn't lose her crush.


She hadn't seen her friends all day. Had they stayed home in bed, already making up ther mind that MJ was a  bad person. One they should hate? Or did they hate her to much to talk to her? Mj shruddered, hopefully that didn't hate her too much, at least  not to much to  not want to talk to her.  It made sense if they did hate her though. In their minds she was a crimnal, in everyone's mind, even in MJ mind, and that was the thruth. 


She sighed. Hopefully, they would listen to her lies if they ever showed up.


MJ grabbed a platter. The lunhc lady glared at her. MJ heart craked a little. Usually the luch lady was fond of MJ, and would ask  her about how school was going and all that stuff. She like the Lucnh lady when she wasn't glaring at her, but she doubted that would ever change. "I did not robb the bank" she said in a low voice, innoccent voice.


The luch lady shook her head. "I don't believe you"


"But you saw the news last night. My name was cleared!" said Mj, desprate for someone to believe her.


The lunch lady leaned foward, looking MJ in the eye ''Every villain has a sercert hiding place. Whos to say you dont? Whos to say you didn't hid in there? You were at a deance party according to your dad, but whos to say you weren't hiding?' she spat.


MJ faked anger in her eyes. "I was at a dance party! it was awesoeme!"  she lied, begging inside for the lunhc lady to believe her.


She looked away "Your the only MJ in town."


""whos to say the robber wasn't from out of town" Sh siad, idingantly.


The lunch lady shook her head "What food do you want?"


Sad, Mj told her what she wanted. She had had a bond with thoi lady but it seems it has been destroyed. It was all her fault to!


When she was done she sat at her usuall table. Her firends weren't there. Fear double inside her, but suddenly they came. She smiled up at them. They glared at her. MJ worry doubled.


They sat down, slaming their platters on the table [MJ cringed] and glaring at MJ.


They were mad, so very, very made. They though i'v betrayed them MJ realized, fearfully.


"What do you have to say fro yourself MJ?" asked Mal, menace in her vioce.


MJ shrank a little. It would be hard to convince them she wasn't a robbeer, harder than she had pephared for.


Would she be able to lie her way after this or would she lose her friends altogether?....


submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 19, 2017 - 12:50 pm)

Still thinking about how the its going to go with MJ's friends. I promise i will post tommorrow. there is a slight chance I might post tonight. 

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 19, 2017 - 5:52 pm)

I posted something and it has not come up yet. It will i know that, but i thought i should let anyone whose reading the story know.


Thanks for your patience with our vacation schedules this week, MJ's Friend and all you readers enjoying this suspenseful story!


submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 20, 2017 - 1:25 pm)

What do you have to say for yourself?" repeated al, menace in her voice.

MJ opened her mouth, then closed it.  What did she have to say for herself other than denials? It had suddenly had gotten very hard to lie to her friends.  She wondered why. Mj had always been very good at lying, but she couldn't lie right now when she most neeeded to to save what she loved.

She felt guilty too. For lying about the robbery's she had done in the past, for lying about what she really did on nights they had asked her over for a sleepover.  She wanted to tell them. She needed to get it off her chest. She couldn't keep lying to them. They were her friends after all, and friends tell each other evrything. 

As she opened her mouth to tell the truth, she realized she had chosen Evergreen in the fight in her mind for the Evergreen's attention or to forgot about Evergreen.  She smiled. It would be good not to be arguing with herself. It would be good to not hear the tiny voice inside her telling her to forget about Evergreen. 

"Well?" asked Evergreen, glaring at MJ.

 "I did rob the bank the day before last night, but it's more complicated than-''

Her friends paled. They looked shocked and scared. "MJ!'' they cried together, shocked and angry. MJ had betrayed them.

MJ didn't care about their pale, angry, and scared faces. She felt free. She had told them, and now she was freee of the burden she had been keping her whole entire life. She felt like she was soaring, but then she fell to reality as she realized she may have just lost he friends. She would be free, but alone and sad if she didn't explain why she had to rob banks quick.  "My dad if i don't rob the bank he'll beat me with a whip. It hurts so much, and thats why I have to rob the banks"  

Fear muliptyed in MJ as she looked up at their cold faces. They didn't understand. Had she lost her friends already? before the fight had began? "Listen its a huge risk for me to even tell you this. I have a tacker on my shoe. My dad is hearing everything. He going to beaten me when I get home. Me telling you this should count for something" 

Her former friends or maybe they were still her friends looked at each other, unsure what to do. "How long has the robbery been going on?" 

MJ stucked in a deep breath. What she was about to tell them what not help her case. "Since before I meet you guys" She admitted, looking at her hands, ashamed.  

 Her friends? She wasn't sure what their currrent relationship status was, but it had to be pretty low. They gasped, upset and hurt.

"It might count if you had told us before" spat Mknazie.

"I couldn't tell you before. I was too scared of my dad, but now I'm not. I realized today i couldn't keep lying to you guys"  said MJ, begging them to understand. They didn't. 

Mal stood up, angry. "You could have stood up to your dad!"   

Tears slipped dow MJ cheeks. She was losing her friends. "He would beat me up till I was almost dead. I wasn't ready to face that, but now i am. He will beat me up till i'm almost dead when i get home!" 

Evergreen's experrssion softened. She understood.  MJ was relived when she realized she had turned Evergreen over to her side. 

Evergreen spoke up, just as MJ was about to speak up "Picture yourself in her shoes. If you didn't return every night to your house with the requested money you would be beaten up. And it would hurt, so, so much" 

Mal, Mknaize, and Ariana turned towards her surprised. "So now you're on her side?" spat Mal, angrily.

Rednerss creeped up in Evergreen's face. "I'm not taking sides. I understand what MJ's going through. I have sympathy for her" She shot Mj a smpathic look. 

"We have sympathy" said Arian, angry and upset.

MJ heart broke in two. She knew she had lost them. Evryone of them except Evergreen. At least she hadn't lost Evergreen. "Please understand. If you don't pease don't tell the teachers or the police. " MJ pleaded.

Mal leaned foward. "I hate you MJ. I'm done being friends with you. I won't tell the police. I have honor, and someones going to find out sooner or later and tell the police." Mal left, and the rest of MJ former Friends except Evergreen. 

Tears of sadness dripped down her cheeks, and sadness swirled inside her. She hadn't been able to save most her friendships!  She ran towards the bathroom. When she got there she sat in a corner and cried.

A while later Evergreen came into the bathroom. She was a bit sad she lost her friendships with Mal, mkanize, and Arian. She had know MJ the most, though.  She saw MJ, and sympathy filled her. She walked over, and sat next to her. MJ leaned on her shoulder, comforted by Evergreen's presence. 

"How about we call the police" whispered Evergreen, holding MJ's hand, and giving it a reasuring squeeze. Evergreen let go, but MJ asked her not to let go, an Evergreen kept holding MJ hand. 

Evergreen's hand felt reasuring to MJ. Dread filled her suddenly though when Evergreen mentioned the police. "WE can't tell the police! I can't go to jail! I can't leave you Evergreen. Your my only friend, now." 

Evergreen smiled. It felt nice to hear MJ say she was her friend, but what should they do to get her dad in trouble?

MJ looked at at Evergreen. She like it when Evergreen smiled. She had a pretty smile. What should they do though? She couldn't go back to her dad, and how should they get her dad in trouble.   

Evergreen glanced down at MJ. "I don't know, but will figure it out"

Mj nodded, uncertain inside though.

They sat in the bathroom, thinking about what they should about MJ's dad.   

submitted by MJ'S FRIEND, age 11, Californa
(August 20, 2017 - 2:14 pm)

Hmm. The story's AWESOME! Absolutely fudgyreffic fantasticfully awesome! I'm thinking of joining ...


Okay, so my name'll be Silene (yes, that's how I decided to spell it, it's not a typo), and I guess I'll be a 12 year-old girl, from out west. I'm the eccentric type, and usually happy. That's about all I can think of now.


submitted by Mirror
(August 22, 2017 - 1:13 pm)