Ruins in the

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Ruins in the

Ruins in the Mist!!

Hi this is my first story so sorry if you don't like it. I will try to post every day. This is a story that I have already started writing in google docs so I will copy and paste. I can fit 5 more charachters in this story. I am sry for the limit of characters, I have already started this story. Thanks!!!!!!!!

Charrie info: please create one charachter and only one. The age also has to be 8-15. If you want to be an adult,(16-25) please note at the end.  








submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachussetts
(March 12, 2017 - 10:18 am)

Is this a solo write? Or an RP?

submitted by A human
(March 12, 2017 - 12:58 pm)

this is a solo write I will post the prologue today my phone isn't working right now I am doing this from my friends I pad

submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachusetts
(March 13, 2017 - 9:00 am)


submitted by
(March 12, 2017 - 4:55 pm)

Name: Elena Fleming

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Shy toward most humans, but very friendl toward horses.

Appearance: Brown hair and gray eyes like Amy Fleming from Heartland.

Backstory: She grey up on a horse ranch. She participates in hunter-jumper classes and does show-jumping competitively. Her horse is a black bay stallion named Pegasus. 

submitted by Lindsey H., age 11, Massachusetts
(March 12, 2017 - 6:38 pm)
Lauren ran along the path as fast as her legs would carry her. Instead of running around the bend, she decided to cut through the brush so that she A: didn’t have to run around the far bend, and B: she would be able to cross into the boundary zone as soon as she broke through the brush. Lauren decided that when she got home,  she would try to build a big, boulder wall around the borderline so that no one else could break through and be bothered by the spirits.
The spirit was soaring above the treetops as to keep me in its sight. Lauren ran faster, if that was possible, and the took a sharp turn towards the side of the trail where it was less of a jungle. She shot through the forest and did a tuck and roll over a rock and came up running towards the cherry tree gate . Lauren dashed back onto the porch of the foster home that she was staying in.  She ran back inside and bounded up the stairs two at a time. When she got to her room, she jumped onto her bed and pulled the covers over her head and cried. She knew that she would never see Randall Saltzberg ever again. They had met a month ago and Randy had protected her from the spirits of the ruins. They had met everyday at the cherry gate and walked towards the ruins to tease the spirits together.
Just then Lauren realized that the iron heart locket that Randy gave to her was gone. It was the first thing that he gave her. It also had their pictures in it and it turned into a gold sword, a bronze dagger, and a silver bow and quiver that never ran out. It was to risky to go back out and find the locket and Randy. Randy had been hurt badly by the spirit that was chasing her. Lauren didn't know what had happened to Randy, he was laying on the ground and had told her to run home and to leave him there. Hesitantly, Lauren left. That was the last time she would see him.
submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachusetts
(March 13, 2017 - 4:44 pm)

Name: Robert Wasabi

Gender: male


Personality: bright and cheerful

Appearence: Black hair, green eyes, and always wares a bright yellow shirt every day. Also has tatoos and looks like a gangsta'

Backstory : Lived in a foster home before being adopted. His parents went to and got assassinated when he was 6 for nothing. Has a good sense of humor and is always popping up a joke on the internet.

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9 , MA
(March 13, 2017 - 6:17 pm)

Robert Wasabi's parents went to jail and got assassinated there.:(

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, Massachusetts
(March 14, 2017 - 7:07 am)

hi Alex...

submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachussets
(March 14, 2017 - 8:12 am)


is it O.K. if your adopted family is the Flemings? because you could be Elena's little brother.

submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachussets
(March 14, 2017 - 9:11 am)

It is fine if Robert is adopted by the flemings.

submitted by pizzaboy, age 9, Massachusetts
(March 14, 2017 - 3:23 pm)


you coud also be Mac's younger brother and have a little more adventure? your choice! 

submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachussets
(March 14, 2017 - 9:20 am)


Name: Mackenzie Culfrey (Mac)

Gender: F

Age: 13

Personality: Curious, Brave, Daring, and loves nature

Appearance: Blue eyes, flowing blond hair, slightly tanned skin, tall, skinny

Backstory: her mother and father are working in the military and her father got shot and is confined to a hospital in Afghanistan. her mother is a nurse there and she won't leave her husband. So Mac moved to Maine with her auntie Lauren.

submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachussets
(March 14, 2017 - 9:38 am)

Name: Willow Perloff


Gender: Female

Personality: Intelligent, shy, and introverted, but stubborn, daring, and loyal

Appearance: Long, curly, golden brown hair, dark brown eyes, fair skin with lots of freckles. 

Backstory: Her mother and father mysteriously disappeared when she was only nine, leaving her with only her grandmother on a farm in Maine. There, she met Mac, who she had a lot in common with.

submitted by elementgirl18917, age 10 1/2, the Periodic Table
(March 14, 2017 - 12:04 pm)

How many more spaces do you have?

Here's my charrie sheet.

Eleanor "Ellie" Chow



Bubbly, outgoing, fun

long blonde hair that's always in a ponytail, Green eyes

Born in England. Lives with aunt. 

submitted by Claire W., age 12, Virginia
(March 14, 2017 - 12:32 pm)

@Claire W.

there is one spot left AND ONE ONLY (i might possibly add one more spot.)

thank you for creating Charrie! 

submitted by Regan B, age 11, Massachussets
(March 14, 2017 - 2:37 pm)