Chatterbox: Inkwell
Welcome to Everything. The planet of 17 continents and 24 moons. A planet of peace and destruction. The place where there are fish who only say the words of direct quotes of Michael Jackson. The place where the deer run freely over lakes of raspberry lemonade. The place where anything is possible. This is Everything. And you are part of it.
This is an RP where everything is possible! The possibilities are almost endless. There are 17 continents and 22 moons, that I want you to make using land sheets, and then you can make a/some charries. Or you can just make planets. Or you can just make charrie. Anything you want! Your charries don't even have to meet (but they can)This RP could have a plot, or maybe it's just little birds playing hockey on a blue table. Your charrie can be good, they can be evil, or (my favourite) just plain CRAAAAAZEE!! You decide!
Even though everything is possible, there are rules.
1. Don't make this boring! Do whatever you want!
2. No blowing up or destroying Everything (the planet).
3. No killing other people's charries without permission.
4. Everything is possible! You could be a donkey who only eats blue porridge!
5. Don't make the charries too OP.
6. Have Fun!
Here's the land sheet!
Age (new land or old):
Special Properties:
Moon or Continent?:
Sentient? (yes or no):
(If sentient) Personality:
Now the charrie sheet!
Powers (optional):
Weapon(s) (optional):
Where do they live?:
(As usual) I will post my charrie and land after the first post!
This is going to be AMAZING!!!
Don't even let your creativity hold you back!
Yes... that's a good question, Kilp, what does Everything orbit around? Mittersy upon Myttersy...
(February 19, 2017 - 8:13 am)
Time for my Kingdoms! (14 continents and 22 moons left)
(cue any piece by Ramin Dijwaldi)
Name: Tabletop
Age (new land or old): Old.
Natives: Humans, but with the powers of food, and food afiliations (eg. Lord Breakfast is the king of the Breakfast Kingdom and has the Breakfast Staff, which allows him to summon waffle creatures)
Environment: The Arctic mint to the northwest, with the Swiss Cheese Alps at the very far north. Dessert Desert to the Southwest, and Nacho Wastelands to the south, connecting the Dessert Desert to the Breakfast Kingdom in the Southeast, and much of the coastline. Northeast is covered by the Veggie Forests. Central capital is Plate, and the central kingdom isof the same name.
Special Properties: Foooooood!
Moon or Continent?: Continent
Sentient? (yes or no):no
Other: Rules decided by the Council of Snak.
Flyynn is coming!
Name: Flyynn Copernicus
Species:Dryad (tree spirit)
Age: 15
Appearance: Brown tousled hair, deep green eyes, cocky smile, leather tunic with a black shirt underneath. Large blad emade out of Jade, and small pouch on his belt containing a SECRET STONE OF SECRETNESS.
Personality: Cocky, optimistic, slightly big-headed, but sneaky when he needs to be. MAkes a lot of jokes, but not all of them are good.People tend to think him untrustworthy, but he is actually quite loyal.
Powers: Can meld into any wooden substance, master with in swordsmanship. can mask his footbeats by melding his feet into the ground while walking.
Weapon: His Jade blade
Where do they live?: Tuxmaxios
Other: Has an occupation as a theif and a bounty hunter, often likes to travel to other contintents and see what mystical treasures he can find. Inseperable from Jonathan.
Another Charrie later! (I will take stock after Mystery, Nebula, and Leeli make theirs)
Waffle Ho!
(February 22, 2017 - 8:26 pm)
ok, here is my Charrie. I am making her a villain. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Name: Xakstone
Age (new land or old): Old, veeery old
Natives: No one other than my charrie.
Environment: it is a smallish colony based on a moon full of canyons and strange rock formations.
Special Properties: at some points of this moon, the gravity is wonky so there are floating islands.
Moon or Continent?: moon
Sentient? (yes or no): no
(If sentient) Personality:
Other: the environment has a toxic atmosphere but my charrie's species evolved to be able to breathe in it.
Name: Is named XAXXERAFILLAXATALIAMAPOOCHAKANASOO, which roughly translates to nightshade.
Gender: Girl
Species: Last of her species, which were shapeshifters
Age: 200 years old.
Appearance: depends on what she feels like, she is a shapeshifter after all.
Personality: Quiet and cunning, very selfish.
Powers (optional): shapeshifting
Weapon(s) (optional): has made tremendous developments in poisoning.
Where do they live?: Xakstone
Other: Has gone a bit insane living alone for 200 years, now she wants to take over the universe.
(February 23, 2017 - 12:28 pm)
save a spot for me!
(February 23, 2017 - 1:14 pm)
(February 23, 2017 - 1:42 pm)
Could you have a specific biome please? Ech and every is a little vague.
(February 23, 2017 - 5:59 pm)
sorry. Forests, mountains to the north, and a small desert to the south.
(February 23, 2017 - 6:33 pm)
Karnapas is a girl, btw. And i think i figured out what sentient means. I still say no, though...
(February 23, 2017 - 6:05 pm)
Name: Zorta X
Age: New
Natives: Anyone and everyone
Environment: A huge city (Cloud City in Star Wars, anyone?) with lots of tall buoldings, flying cars, and different futuristic modes of transportation.
Special Propterties: Technological micro-bio organisms
Moon or continent: Continent
Sentient: No
Name: Rossaland "Rosie or Rose" Juniper
Species: Time lord (lady, if you want to get technical)
Age: 421
Appearance: Fair skin, very blonde white hair that is whispy, kind of wavy, and goes down past her shoulders, average height (maybe a little shorter, I don't know. But if so, only a LITTLE.). She usually wears a dark purple shirt, black coat, big scarf, long darker pants, and brown laced boots. She has big blue/green/hazel/ whatever (depending on her mood) eyes.
Personality: Extremely smart and sometimes can annoy people by correcting them, brave, very curious, and inquisitve.
Powers: Telepathy, regeneration, the usual stuff for time lords (or ladies!)
Weapon: That stick thing (you know, that the 10th doctor carries! I can't remember for some reason)
Where do they live: She has a tardis, but she likes living at the top of a huge library with a lot of technology inside of it.
Other: None
Doctor Who can exsist in pretty much any time, right? @Nondescript Hobbit, maybe Rosie and Will can know each other?
(February 23, 2017 - 5:36 pm)
'Kay I'm putting Rock Salt here just cuz this was the first one I saw.
(February 25, 2017 - 1:20 am)
okyday that sounds good
(February 23, 2017 - 8:02 pm)
(February 24, 2017 - 8:25 pm)
We will start soon! As soon as the last charries come in. Two land sheets only!
That way everyone can make one.
(February 25, 2017 - 6:54 pm)
(February 26, 2017 - 7:14 am)
FYI I changed my name to Esquire of Rohan. Can't wait for this to start!
(February 26, 2017 - 2:04 pm)
When start?
elena says ywyu. what.
(March 4, 2017 - 8:19 pm)