Chatterbox: Inkwell
Welcome to Everything. The planet of 17 continents and 24 moons. A planet of peace and destruction. The place where there are fish who only say the words of direct quotes of Michael Jackson. The place where the deer run freely over lakes of raspberry lemonade. The place where anything is possible. This is Everything. And you are part of it.
This is an RP where everything is possible! The possibilities are almost endless. There are 17 continents and 22 moons, that I want you to make using land sheets, and then you can make a/some charries. Or you can just make planets. Or you can just make charrie. Anything you want! Your charries don't even have to meet (but they can)This RP could have a plot, or maybe it's just little birds playing hockey on a blue table. Your charrie can be good, they can be evil, or (my favourite) just plain CRAAAAAZEE!! You decide!
Even though everything is possible, there are rules.
1. Don't make this boring! Do whatever you want!
2. No blowing up or destroying Everything (the planet).
3. No killing other people's charries without permission.
4. Everything is possible! You could be a donkey who only eats blue porridge!
5. Don't make the charries too OP.
6. Have Fun!
Here's the land sheet!
Age (new land or old):
Special Properties:
Moon or Continent?:
Sentient? (yes or no):
(If sentient) Personality:
Now the charrie sheet!
Powers (optional):
Weapon(s) (optional):
Where do they live?:
(As usual) I will post my charrie and land after the first post!
This is going to be AMAZING!!!
Don't even let your creativity hold you back!
Yes... that's a good question, Kilp, what does Everything orbit around? Mittersy upon Myttersy...
(February 19, 2017 - 8:13 am)
Top! I'll post a charrie sheet later.
(February 19, 2017 - 12:40 pm)
Did I mention your charries can be REAL people? Cause they can!
(February 19, 2017 - 2:00 pm)
Man... I thought people would be more interested... TOPPPPPPP!!!!!
(February 20, 2017 - 7:40 am)
I'll post mine later too! Good idea!
(February 20, 2017 - 8:28 am)
(February 20, 2017 - 1:39 pm)
I reserve a spot!
(February 20, 2017 - 2:20 pm)
THIS SOUNDS TOTALLY AWESOME! So it doesn't need a plot?You can do anything????? I AM SO IN!
Planet name : Tuxmaxios (tux-mah-cos)
Age: New
Natives:Dog Pokémon, pink lemonade sea monsters, Hobbits, elves , humans, and gingerbread men.
Environment: Lots and lots of trees, fields with licorice as the weeds, pink lemonade and milk bodys of waters, and bacon raindrops.
Special properties:...what does that mean?
Moon or continent: continent
Sentient: no
Name: Tux
species: HOBBIT!!!!
Age: hm endless?
Appearance: Sorta curly dirty blond hair in a messy bun. Blue eyes, tall. Yeah.
personality: Fun, funny, sarcastic, kind, caring,
powers: Um none?
weapons: My words..no, nope, never mind. A sword
Where do they live: .In a little cabin near near a pink lemonade river. There are trees sarrounding the cabin.
I can't wait waffleson!
(February 20, 2017 - 5:34 pm)
Special properties, you know, like zodiac energy geysers? Or something. Is your Land a continent or a moon?
(February 20, 2017 - 7:18 pm)
Thanks General! *salutes* My land is a continent.
(February 20, 2017 - 7:29 pm)
Name: Rock Salt
Species: Skeleboneeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
Appearance: The pupils of her eye sockets are translucent (you can kinda see through it, but not 100%) chunks of salt crystal (YAY! Sodium Chloride!), whitish hair that's kinda crinkly, like when you put gel in your hair or if you have been swimming in salt water (I'm used to that stuff. I do yearround swimming in a salty pool.), about 4'8", has a crack in her skull going from the top left side o her lower jaw just shy of an inch from the center to the bottom of her lower jaw, always wears a black baseball cap that says "Thinking Cap" on it in white, always wears a shirt that says "Salty" written in her font (Rock Salt, duh), her bones have a pinkish tinge, as if dipped in strawberry lemoonade.
Personality: Salty (NO DUH), bad attitude, doesn't make friends easily, always mad at someone; or seems like it, a bit of a jerk, hates her bone color, hates on anyone who hates on her, lkes to read and play pranks.
Powers: Can conduct small amounts of elecrtricity (This does result in temporary blindness as the liquid form of salt conducts electricity, but the solid doesn't). When this happens, her pupils are temporarily melted.
Weapons: Normal Skelebone stuff (bones, etc.)
Where do they live?: WHEREVER YOU PUT HER
Other: Do I have to make a landform?
Elena says gyhg. What about Mercury do I need to know?
(February 20, 2017 - 9:12 pm)
Here's a picture of Rock Salt!
(February 26, 2017 - 4:47 pm)
Do you think you could post your charrie on LotR RP? Thanks!
(February 20, 2017 - 10:25 pm)
Name: balaxacophatorious (pronounce it however you want)
Age: new
Natives: sci fi tv series characters
Environment: normal, but lots of cool tech!
Special Properties: blue grass
Moon or Continent?: MOOON!!!
Sentient: nien
Other: N\A
Name: will
Species:time lord
Age: 123
Appearance: small, brown curly hair, modern clothes, looks about twenty five
Personality:cocky and fun loving
Powers: regeneration
Weapon: N/A
Where do they live?: a tardis.
Other: fifth regeneration.
Sorry if it's a little doctor who ish.
(February 21, 2017 - 2:29 am)
Name: Tess Pardittle
Species: Fey (Angel)
Age: 14
Appearance: She has curly black hair and dark brown eyes, angel wings the color of her eyes, dark skin. Wears torn clothing and on her wrist colored pieces of fabric tied to be bracelets.
Personaltiy: Not very trusting, loyal to what few people try to befriend her.
Powers: Healing abilities
Weapons: Her fists and her intelligence
Where do they live?: Kelfwood
Other: One of the many inhabitants Kelfwood. Used to live with one of the tribes in the mountains of Kelfwood, but after they executed her mother for treason she went rogue and left.
Name: Kelfwood
Age: Old
Natives: Races of angels, fey, and other unknown animals species.
Environment: Slightly mountanous, forested, meadows, a lake every here and there.
Special Properties: The trees can speak, and a few of them are carnivorous. Some of the rivers have haling properties.
Moon or Continent?: Continent
Sentient?: Heck yeah
Personaltiy: Intelligent, distrustful to foreigners but happy to help any goodhearted natives.
Other: None
(February 21, 2017 - 4:37 pm)
That's 15 continents and 23 moons left! 22 counting mine!
Remember, you don't have to make a land sheet.
Here's mine!
Name: Spooklandia
Age: New
Natives:Ghosts 'n gouls n' golbins n' spirits n' skelees!
Environment: Covered in graveyards and old mansions, grey sand covers half, plants are in a perpetual state of dying.
Special Properties:Emits etheral wind (it's what powers the ghosties!)
Moon or Continent?:(we are going to steal) DE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!
Other: I guess this is where Rock Salt lives.
Now fo' mah charrie sheets!
Name: Johnathan Splee
Species: Bigbluebird
Appearance: Huge! about the size of a horse, blue feathers, kind if round, looks like a bluebird. Rideable.
Personality: Curious, peppy, bright, optimistic, but shy. Doesn't like using powers.
Powers: He can breath fire, and when he flies, he can break the speed o' sound!
Weapons: His talons, and sharp beack. Fire Breath.
Where do they live?: Tuxmaxios, in the Shamook Forests.
Other: Is inseperable from his rider, Flyynn
I will post my other sheets later! Bye!
*music note* Teenage mutant ninja turtles... *Music note*
(February 21, 2017 - 8:36 pm)