File 18

Chatterbox: Inkwell

File 18

File 18

Tonia gasped as the elevator doors glided open. Blinding light filtered through the glass walls of a huge office building that could not possibly exist anywhere near the open feild and woods area where she had last been above ground. Level upon circular level of floors lined with marked doors stacked up as far up and down as she could see. Hummings and beepings and telephone rings resounded around the large space. However, not a soul was in sight. Every single door on all the levels appeared to be closed. Looking around at her companions, Tonia realized that they were as shocked as she was. Kestrel slowly removed a camera from her leather satchel and snapped a picture of the surrounding building. 

"We might need this for evidence later," she explained. Behind Tonia, Daisy took a sharp breath.

"Anyone else get the idea that we are definitely not supposed to be here?" She questioned. 

"Actually, this is exactly where you are supposed to be," said a sudden and mysteriously familiar voice.  

Tonia jumped and spun around to face...

"You!" Bolton exclaimed.

"Ahhh, stop doing that," Sam yelped at the same time, "it freaks me out!" 


This is a continuation of a past ski lodge. I don't care whether or not anyone comments, I just wanted to continue this because I missed it.  

submitted by The Agent
(February 17, 2017 - 8:01 pm)

Sorry about the short post!

File 20

Before the detectives stood The Agent's Secretary (TAS), looking prim and stern and business-like.

"Took you long enough," she commented, "Come with me," she commanded as she pivoted on the high points of her healed shoes and walked down one of the many hallways. 

"Your friends are waiting for you in my office," she explained, "but first, there is someone you should meet." As she said this, she pulled open the nearest door, ushering everyone inside. Tonia stared. She had expected some sort of clean and boring office, but instead she was met with a compfortable room covered in posters and drawings and quotations and much more. Some of the papers were tacked on the wall while others had fallen to the floor, the yellowed pieces of tape on their edges curled and used-up. Tonia couldn't help but walk to the nearest wall and read some of the paper.

" 'The heart is an arrow'," she murmered just loud enough for herself to hear, " 'it demands aim to land true..' 'Are you Luke Starkilling me? 'I am innimitable; I am an original' and...'Check the gates?'" She finished, confused.

"Yes, don't ask; it's a long story. Some of these quotes and ideas are original, and some of them I'm afraid I stole from others. I think that the significance and sometimes hilarity of these phrases should be...remembered, and shared." Tonia turned quickly the tacker of papers and smiled suddenly, surprised.  


If you recognize more than two quotes from above, I will feature you in the next file.  

submitted by The Agent
(March 1, 2017 - 10:04 pm)

Well, I have heard the arrow quote but not the rest... 

submitted by Esquire of Rohan/Tux, New name people
(March 2, 2017 - 9:39 am)

Note to self: do not post at 10:04 PM anymore. The correct quotation is: "Are you trying to Luke Starkiller me?" 

submitted by The Agent
(March 2, 2017 - 12:37 pm)
submitted by TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, age !!!!!!!!!!, RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(March 6, 2017 - 7:54 pm)

File 21

Jarren's heart pounded. He could feel his blue and orange tennis shoe slipping off his sock-covered heel. September's hands slipped over the shoelaces, trying to get a better grip as her legs swung below in the long, black shaft.  

"Try to grab onto my other foot with one hand, and pull up to my ankles, okay?" Jarren suggested, fighting to stay calm. He could feel his sweaty fingers slipping between the grate. For a few milliseconds the pulsing adrenaline rushing through him was replaced by a strange calmness. We're going to fall.

His shoe wiggled itself loose and shot downward. After a few seconds, he heard the clunk of Nike-on-metal. Septemeber's hands closed around both ankles as her feet struggled to brace against the wall.

Jarren couldn't hold on.

He had to let go, or else he would be wrenched free by gravity. His pinky fingers slid down one after the other, blistered slightly from curling so tightly around the metal. 

He screamed through the grate and listened hard for an answer. He thought he heard a distant rushing sound, but otherwise, there was only silence and tantalizing light.

"Hold on!" September yelped.

But he couldn't. Jarren just gave up. At least they wouldn't die. Probably. He felt the terifying plunging feeling you get when you launch yourself between sky and ground. September screamed. Jarren screamed. Wind rushed past their ears.

Then a thought rose in Jarren's mind. It wasn't a fully formed thought, because it would've taken a whole second to fully form, and what Jarren did not have at the moment was a second to think. It was just a flash of idea that his brain didn't bother to put into words.

The flash was really a jolt of determination. Jarren put both his hands out to feel the speeding wall on either side, and pushed outwards. He stopped the fall by sheer determination.

Where did that come from? He wondered, I guess crisis situations really do bring out the bravery in people. 

Arms aching from the strain, Jarren fought against gravity. Below him, he knew September was doing the same.

And then, a true miracle happened.

A whoosh of cool air flooded the sweltering shaft. He knew who was coming right before he turned his head. 

"Cortana!" September cried.

"I can hardly move my wings!" Replied Cortana breathlessly as her wings scraped against the walls. Jarren felt himself grabbed by the arm as they both surged upward, lifted by Cortana's white wings. Preparing to meet the grate, Jarren lifted his hands and forced it upwards. In a struggling tangle, the three leaped out of the shaft, hung in the air for a few seconds to long, and then fell hard to the floor. Jarren laughed, feeling shaky.

"Well, we did it! We did it!" September exclaimed. She held up her hand to high-five Jarren. Without knowing why, Jarren quickly slapped his palm against hers, feeling as if he had known her all his life. As the thought struck him, he put his hand down awkwardly. Stealing a quick glance at Cortana, Jarren stopped, his expression changed as he noticed the scenery behind him. They appeared to be in some sort of large, empty room with a dirty, dusty floor and one blind-less window, which was open. Sitting in the window was a girl. 

A girl with wings.  

submitted by The Agent
(March 10, 2017 - 8:31 pm)


submitted by Booksy Owly
(March 11, 2017 - 9:21 pm)
submitted by Top
(March 11, 2017 - 10:22 am)
submitted by Tip
(March 11, 2017 - 10:22 am)
submitted by TOP!
(March 11, 2017 - 10:23 am)



(March 11, 2017 - 7:14 pm)

File 21

Tonia tried to phrase several stumbling letters into a sentence.

"A-a-aunt M-maggie? You work for The Agent?" Tonia's young aunt swept her redish blonde hair—the color of fresh pumpkin pie—over her shoulder as she smiled and answered:

"Your family has more of a connection with The Agent than you realize." Tonia gasped. 

"I feel like I missed something. No really, I think I missed something like...what the heck is going on here?" Bolton questioned, pushing forward and smiling charmingly at Maggie, "and...who're you?" Maggie laughed. She threw back her head and let her dazzeling blue eyes sparkle and swirl with amusement. 

"You can call me Spice," she said to the watching secret agents, "that's what your mother called me; Little Spice. Condescending, much?" Maggie added to Tonia, giggling again. 

Tonia nodded and smiled.

Her head was swirling.

Her youthful, cheerful, 18-year-old aunt was in league with one of the most dangerous agents in the world. It was a lot to take in. Behind Tonia, Kestrel hunted in her detective's kit for a pencil with enough lead to write with. Finding none, she absent-mindedly reached up to her ear.

Oh, that's where she put the last pencil.

Yanking it loose from her bouyant, golden curls, she scrambled for a notebook and hurried past the gawking Chatterboxer agents to introduce herself to Ma-er, Spice.

"Hi. I' can call me Kestrel," best to keep with the code name, "I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about your employer?" 

"Answers, answers. Never was much good with is that spring," Spice muttered as she spun across the room, her loose skirt trailing behind her. In one sudden movement, she reached up to the bookshelf lining the only wall not covered in quotes and drawings and yanked on a thin, green-covered book.

A section of the shelf swung to the side.

"Ooh, classic," Puck noted.

"Reader?" Spice called into the shadowy passageway beyond, "Reader? You there?" 

"Coming!" Answered another voice, accompanied by running foosteps.

"Little Reader, meet the Chatterboxers, the finest (not to mention youngest) secret agents to ever acheive golden status. Chatterboxers, meet Little Reader, book enthusiast, book-keeper for WorldFinder Technolongy Industries, and the one with all the answers. 

submitted by The Agent
(March 30, 2017 - 7:45 pm)

I know this ended a month ago....

But I love the story!! Agent are you possibly still here? 

submitted by Startop
(May 5, 2017 - 6:47 pm)
submitted by STARTOP
(May 6, 2017 - 4:10 pm)

I'll continue this :) I didn't think anyone was still reading. 

submitted by The Agent
(May 7, 2017 - 1:14 pm)

great job! Can't wait for more!

submitted by unsuspectingstrytllr
(May 7, 2017 - 3:51 pm)